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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Bluestorm

  1. I spoke about a preview/inception system, maybe it wasn't clear enough : You would enter a virtual space where you would be able to interact with the product in anyway you want and nothing of what you would do would be saved back in the real world. The only way to test the product in the real world would be to purchase it of course.
  2. The devs talked about implementing a kind of preview system (inception system?) to test a construct, the same system that they could implement to build one. For moving construct, you could imagine several data being displayed in real time while testing such as the current speed. That is the best way to let customers decide : let them try the product.
  3. I share the opinion that death is penalizing enough right now. Their may be cases where the death system could be exploited but the solution should not be with the death system that will hindered thousands of non abusive player but with limiting the things facilitating the exploitation. For example : - Resurrection nodes, one could exploit the death system to teleport and such, the solution is to limit the resurrection nodes - Bounty system : one could exploit the death system by sharing the reward of the bounty with the contracted by facilitating his death, the solution lie then with limiting the contract so that only trusted entities can be contracted (the player has the possibility to choose these entities). - Etc.. for other abuses
  4. Doesn't it partially exist with the snapshot system? Although you can't sell them.
  5. Bluestorm


    It depends if there is another consequence apart from having to resurrect and losing part of you're equipment and/or resources, see this topic for discussion about that : https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10103-death-and-all-its-consequences-food-for-thought/ Also as a contractor you will be able to select to whom the contract will be available for contracting so you will have to choose carefully for example several renowned organization of hunters or you're own organization revenge department. If you make the contract public then you choose to lose your control over this.
  6. All sort of item/construct will be available on the market, maybe the market owner will be able to set what type of items/constructs you can sell or their market (it would be cool to have specialized markets) but there is no official information about that.
  7. If such technology existed it would be awesome, expensive as hell but awesome.
  8. This is the topic to debate : https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10051-limiting-script-automation-will-hinder-economic-growth/
  9. I am taken by a storm.

  10. Hi, I am working on an organization (not published yet) with some friends with one branch being the Entertainment Division whose role will be to devise a gambling system for multiples games (races, robot fights, casino and whatnot). If you are interested, send me a PM.
  11. Then it won't be a space elevator anymore but an atmospheric elevator since it won't go to space...
  12. That is indeed the dependency at the heart of the problem that is why scriptable mining tool is comprised in the "make mining scriptable" request.
  13. The devblog on the subject : https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/10/10/resurrection-node-mechanics/
  14. Ahlala, c'est très français a toujours demander à avoir des traductions de l'anglais alors que c'est la langue de l'international et que tout le monde devrait en avoir des notions suffisantes! Personnelement, ça me désole, comme le pauvre niveau d'anglais en france. Pour revenir au sujet et y répondre quand même : Je ne pense pas que vous devriez attendre quoique ce soit de NovaQuark, ils ont déjà répondu à un post similaire pour dire qu'ils ne voulaient pas diviser la communauté avec un forum par langue. Donc la solution? Créer vous-même un forum fan-made en français pour échanger des informations et pourquoi pas traduire des infos comme le devblog à ceux qui n'e comprennent pas suffisament l'anglais. Ca ce serait une initiative que j'approuverai! ____________ Oh, It's really french-like to always ask to have french translations from english while english is the international language and everyone should have a sufficient knowledge of it! In my opinion, I find it terrible as does the low level of english in France. To come back to the subject and give an answer anyway : I don't think you should wait for NQ to do anything because they already replied to a thread alike and said they won't divide the community by adding a forum for each languages. So what is the solution? You should create one yourself : a fan-made forum in french to gather and why not translate information like the devblog to those who don't understand English well. That would be quite the initiative and I would second that.
  15. I don't really like the idea of naming a planet from a username : a username is made to designate an avatar not a planet so it would be ridiculous.
  16. I think mining automation should be possible but limited in many ways : - Hard to craft : You would have to invest a lot and return on investment would be long. - Low work frequency : Mining players should be way more efficient and in time of war, numerous non automated miners would be necessary to keep the production going at a high rhythm. - Player interaction : Player would have to guide it regularly so it doesn't go mining the wrong way/ore for example. Or the player would have to change drills to drill to mine different types of ore/minerals and could need to be replaced after X cycles of mining. - Non specialized : Rare ores and minerals should not be mined automatically, I would expect them to be scarce and in limited number already so at least making it that they can't automatically detect veins and that players would have to find them.
  17. There was an Update on the Kickstarter page explaining there would be a way to make transactions remotely with small range Information Unit Element which will effectively relay the main Market Unit and may be interconnected : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1949863330/dual-universe-civilization-building-sci-fi-mmorpg/posts/1692359
  18. @GalloInfligo : You will get a free resurrection nodes from the system when they will be implemented and they will not be tradable yes.
  19. Bluestorm


    Well bounties would also serve to allow "punishing" grievers in an emergent way (through the community) so it has to be a little grieving or it won't be perceived as a punishment for their past griefs. But yeah a well chosen limit (like X death by bounty a day) would protect accurately without lessening the emergent punishment.
  20. I also would like more Info regarding theft and scavenging, we should ask it on the AMA!
  21. Well I used to code a little game with Unreal Engine 4 and the camera element there kind of emulates a player point of view making it light weighted and allow you to play it on whatever compatible surface. I would imagine a similar function possible for DU with Unigine 2 (they may have to code it though since it's lower level). Replaying? Who talked about replay? I'm talking about live stream here. The only replay available would be on streaming platforms if you enable it. Not in game because it would of course be costly to save all the data. While that might be interesting for live streamers or admins wanting to witness a battle without a damageable avatar it indeed won't be interesting for normal players.
  22. Hey, I'm going necro here because I believe the idea of in-game camera is a must in the game and because I mentioned this idea in the AMA thread : https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10000-kickstarter-ama-event-first-part/?p=32577 To sum up : - Cameras would be elements streaming in-game footage - The video stream could be picked up by in-game antennas (elements) and then sent to monitors/screens (elements and/or voxel-created -for big sizes-) - An option to send the stream on twitch or others streaming platforms could be neat as well - An option to save the stream (or last X minutes of stream) to your local computer would allow player to easily make shareable videos It could allow : - Surveillance systems - Entertainment like cinemas or TV shows. - The recording of historical events like great battles, discovering of new planets, opening of buildings, elections... - Journalism with news reporter jobs - New spying mechanism (watch out the cameras drones) -...and more
  23. Like i said you won't be able to get back the elements only the resources.
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