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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Hades

  1. If I remember correctly it is literally not possible to have a single player adaptation without ton of work. Even so it's just not part of the vision for the game.
  2. I hope you're supermega excited for the game. Welcome
  3. Personally wouldn't affect me, but I could see why it would be a useful tool for larger organizations. However, there would probably have to be some severe restrictions. At least on bringing external traffic and sources in. Face of Mankind had a similar feature, and it was abused heavily until it was removed. And that was simply linking a website to a terminal so you could access it in game. Imagine the abuse that could occur when you add in unrestricted scripting. I'd say most of us are at a point where it isn't a problem, but when you get thousands... millions... of players, it can't be ignored.
  4. Not sure how EVE works, but the fact that currency is safe makes it a relatively tame game imho. Also from my understanding the reward is the potential gain from PvE in those zones. Maybe not idk, not a big EVE fan. Played face of Mankind over EVE, liked the action of it
  5. For real though, how I feel about my gaming setup has no relation to another's. If you're happy with it, I am too
  6. Ugg, I hate RGBs. Not a single one (except the power button) on my rig. Including mouse and keyboard.
  7. Easier to show it off when it's in the dining room anyhow.
  8. If NQ releases content about the tests, that is their prerogative. Just because there is a NDA does not mean NQ cannot share info with the public. We can't release anything, they can
  9. I'd much rather they continued to follow the email update as per the usual. A lot of people don't check the forums regularly
  10. That's kind of neglecting the followers who don't have access imho. Dev blogs should continue, but we also must realize they are overburdened at the moment and "delays" are inevitable.
  11. Should be (but doesn't have to be) in the ideas section then, how you believe (in detail) the mechanics should play out. In detail. Not just "gimp on small groups and solo players". I don't think NQ can gather what you want based on similar statements. Just my 2c,. So yeah, everything I've read in this thread has been speculations and broad statements. /shrug
  12. Thinking that the only thing required is more space ? You have to sustain those players as well. Once again, arguing speculatives is pointless. Not sure why this discussion is ongoing. edit: I should note, I'm all for the mechanic you describe as is outlined in the post on food mechanics. However, it is clear there is going to be survival mechanics in game as well. To what extent, is just speculation. As such, I believe it will be just as difficult to sustain an organization as a small group/solo player. Rightly so, an organization should have power over the small groups by being able to form civilizations and by being able to drive out smaller groups by force. This is enough of an advantage. "We get one ship in space, we get the whole org in space" is naive imho.
  13. Personally think getting an org to space will be just as difficult as getting a solo player to space. Now if an org worked collectively to get a solo player to space, that would obviously be worlds faster. At least, that's how I think it should be. This whole discussion is moot until we get there though, balancing will come... at a later time. And trust me, if people find it to laborious they will lash out. As is the case in every game ever ? We don't know anything at the moment, so arguing over speculatives is pretty useless imho
  14. Mind you, that entire post above this one is speculation. We know it will be easier in a group, but how much easier? None of us know. I personally don't think NQ will alienate an entire crowd of solo-players. I don't think it will take months to make a ship after things get rolling, maybe a day or two of hard work. A week of leisurely dedication. Now making a ship that traverses very large distances and can hold a good amount of stuff/players and sustain them for long periods of time? That will be a project. A simple ship to get someone in the air/to a moon or something... should not be painful to produce. The thing is, organizations inherently have larger projects than those smaller groups and single players. Just my 2 quanta Speculation on on my part as well of course. People seem to have different expectations and speculate accordingly, which is fine. But saying I'm right, or your right is simply false. Edit: One thing to note. Although it might take a good amount of time... I believe it will be fun and rewarding. No matter if you're in a group or solo
  15. DACs won't work that way, and I don't think it should. If I understand correctly you want to literally inject currency into the universe through the use of DACs. I personally think that's a bad idea. DACs should solely be traded between players (after purchase). Or consumed of course.
  16. When a ship is powered down it stands to reason radar isn't as effective in finding it.
  17. Well the logout system works as such: Very basics; Player is in construct, he logs off. When he logs in, it's wherever that construct currently is. So the implication is that the constructs stay in world. Should you be able to easily scan for offline ships? No way. Maybe to an extent, but my personal opinion is that you shouldn't be able to find someone's construct/ship unless you stumble upon it
  18. We really don't know at this point. I imagine you will be able to get to space as long as you can create thrusters/ a ship. In order to do so you might have to create units/factories that can output an engine/thrusters etc. So it might take some time to get into space... but not too long. The real difficulty comes into play when you think about "what next?". There's no infrastructure right when we start... After the game moves forward in time, it will get easier and easier for a player to get on their feet (engines ). All speculation and assumptions on my part
  19. No skin off my nose either way, but I remember people coming up with some pretty good arguments for and against the idea. I think this is the thread if you'd like to read through it;
  20. I think there was a discussion on this and NQ didn't seem too enthused with the idea. DACs are going to be DACs. Nothing more nothing less. You can sell them to other players for in-game currency... or you can use them. Anyway, that's besides the point imho. We most definitely don't want the main currency to be DACs... at least I don't
  21. Prices would actually sink dramatically as the value goes up on the currency. I don't think it's much of an issue though. Much like a pizza now costs .0001 bit coins or whatever... quanta can follow a similar path. Bitcoins are continually produced though, so not the best analogy. The main issue I see is players hording quanta and taking advantage of the increased value. And if it is an issue, I'm sure it will be addressed somewhere in the beta stage. In the end I imagine those npcs will be activated every now and then.
  22. Interesting about the screens, confirms my beliefs I suppose. I imagine that's why the Samsung is at a bit of a premium. My dreams will only come true when the headsets start becoming modular. Ie.) replace screens, headphones, microphones, etc easily.
  23. True, they're still higher resolution than the current vive/oculus. However, I'm skeptical of their tracking cability as there is no external cameras/sensors. If done well, this is a huge advancement. Hmm, in my experience AMOLED screens have a better refresh rate than other screens. Even if they're rated the same, they just seem to be of higher quality. Samsung for sure uses amoled, the others don't specify. So I'd err on the side of caution Both oculus and vive use amoled, it's possible all the headsets do and they just don't specify in the articles I've read
  24. Have to agree here. I can handle trackpad movement just fine, but many cannot. If they can nail down VR, it will have to be without teleportation... that would just make things all wonky between those who use VR and those who do not. There cannot be major movement differences between VR and regular players, all movement differences must be aesthetic. I.e.) hand movement and whatnot
  25. The only headset worth looking at is the odyssey from Samsung. That thing has a higher resolution than any other headset on the market. If the tracking is good... that is THE headset to have at this time. The rest unfortunately use screens that have a bad/low refresh rate afaik. But of course, reviews could say otherwise ^^ Best to wait, but the odyssey seems like a solid headset. It even comes with premium akg headphones
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