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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Hotwingz

  1. I agree, when everyone is special nobody is. I'm a proponent of easy to pick up, hard to master. It "should" be like playing chess. Anyone can easily pick up the game and learn the rules but it takes insight to be a master at it. Does that make sense? Complexity should emerge out of the interactions between a simple set of rules. At least thats how I feel about it.
  2. I think loosing part of your inventory is punishment enough. Loosing skillpoints just seems too much. Remember when you die you get transported all the way back to the resurrection node. You just lost part of your inventory, mode of transportation and whatever equipment you had deployed in the world. Granted your attacker will most likely have to hack it but still. Seems like a harsh enough punishment to me. Waiting on arbitrary timers after death isnt all that fun in my opinion.
  3. @Dygz I understand you want to keep blueprints though I dont agree with it. But this is not landmark nor is it minecraft or Eve online. This is dual universe. And personally I find it very poor taste of you to use the word vaporware.
  4. No, keeping anything would be unfair to everyone who did not play alpha or beta.
  5. Also remember J.C. said that they want constructs that are big enough to be seen from space to be visible from space. I can imagine that if the athmosphere soup is to thick that wont work? But I'm not a graphics artist so I could be wrong looking at it like that.
  6. Give me a break, f2p. :/ Months ago there was this game releasing that I wanted to play and it just so happened to be f2p. Ok no worries, I am willing to go with the times I said to myself. 4 months after release I had spend 250 euro on the game. Perhaps I lacked some impuls controle there but thats not the point. I could go on and on about explaining why f2p is a very shortsighted businessmodel. But thats beyond what I wanted to share with my post. On a closing note, if any of those f2p or b2p games are so good why are you not overthere playing them? Developers blaming the "failure" of their game on the business model being p2p is just an excuse. If a game is actually worth playing people will gladly pay for the experience.
  7. Hey man, that is some cool stuff you have here. I am not ready yet to join any org but I will keep an eye on yours. Interesting vibe.
  8. Coutchsurfing.com thats a thing? Hahaha. I'll look into it, thanks.
  9. Personally I dont want the ground to fill up or resources to generate. Though grass growing back and eventually trees is something that would make sense to me.
  10. Perhaps but I doubt it. Maybe some of us are underestimating the size of things. Or I am overestimating. Time will tell.
  11. Also keep in mind these planets are by game and mmo standards quite big. If you go about the game with a little bit of smarts you could play for days without encountering anyone. At least in the first few months to a year of the game's launch. At least thats how I understand it from available information.
  12. Hey guys I'm sure most of us saw the latest kickstarter update. I'll come straight to the point. Me and my brother would like to attend because its a once in a lifetime opportunity. Perhaps someone from paris could offer 2 brothers a place for the night or something along these lines. We are more then willing to pay though. Like gazoline, food etc. If nothing comes from this request no harm done. Thank for reading.
  13. Well I backed as soon as I got the mail. To be honest this whole thing is wreaking havoc on my nerves.
  14. Ok I requested to reset the password. Wich I did. Then logged on and tried to change display name. No succes. Its pretty strange but its not the end of the world. If there is an option to do so I will contact support about it. After the kickstarter as things slow down a bit for NQ. Thanks again.
  15. I will try that. Though I am pretty sure I got the right password. Thank you both for the replies.
  16. Hey guys maybe a silly question but I want to change my Display name to my in game name. So i go to profile settings, change display name. I put in new name, enter password then press enter. Everytime I do this it says invalid password. I dont get it I suppose. I only have 1 password on this site no? Any advice?
  17. Yes I do. I know it auto updates but I cant help myself...
  18. If the space suit is anything like the art work I've seen so far then I can't wait to see it.
  19. Wow, that looks very good for an early teaser! Thank you for sharing those screenshots.
  20. Well that article is what brought me here. I had never heard of this game before.
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