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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Lethys

  1. Target is your friend, easy to use and very powerful
  2. Good news, will check it out once it's live o7
  3. Its got a timer on it to gather defenses (24 to 48h) but can be attacked at any time. Or, if I'm wrong there, then pls link to that statement
  4. why do ppl always want to copy EVE.... sounds like EVE 2.0 right there with -5/-10 .... ? NQ don't want to "add that". That's a player suggestion and NQ clearly doesn't want to have automated turrets in the sense of them being equal to a player operated one. this isn't that hard either: - shoot everyone - shoot noone - shoot only ppl/orgs on my list - shoot everyone EXCEPT ppl on my list - shoot everyone not in my alliance give each a color for the org radar and you're pretty much done. everyone knows who he's dealing with. Grey contact? neutral. red. enemy. blue. org. Green. Alliance. Black. Alliance. And so on. Whatever. EZ. No need for standing -10 and -5 crap. If a player does smth wrong and that org wants him out of their turf: mark him as enemy. If he behaves and you trust him again, make him grey again. Why introduce an easily abuseable system like in EVE - no need for that EDIT: oh and before anyone cries out in pain because "griefers!" - markets are run by players, so they will naturally block griefers to access those. Yes they can still use alts and everything freely to get what they need, but this isn't EVE. Griefers will have a very hard time here because ppl can actually block them from getting stuff the easy way.
  5. So in fact, maybe. But this truly a feature which has to be thought through well. We don't want zombie players in a mmo who don't participate at all
  6. Everything you mentioned has nothing to do with the pledges or why it's not working. The only thing I can tell you is: it's Weekend here in the EU, they will look into this on monday and all you can do is having that support ticket.
  7. it's weekend - they will surely fix this on monday
  8. Uhhhhhhh, the "cancer" of eve nullsec ? Welcome And no, there is a dedicated forum section for feedback and everything NDA related once you pledged.
  9. which they do....RDMS ftw no need for anything else really
  10. If ppl want to fly only certain ships die to immersion they will just do it. No one will join that org anyway if he doesn't agree to that. So there's no need to implement a hard mechanic for that imho. I don't care what I fly as long as it outperforms similar ships
  11. So.....when we tell them to git gud and they still lose then they didn't follow that advice ? On a more serious note: Since there are no levels in DU nor classes, newbros always have a chance. Ingame skill levels work like in eve: you just get a bonus on a certain activity. This may range from 5 to 500% (numbers don't matter here). So a newbro can still help in a fight because he's actually viable, only less effective. If you just compare it to eve (only other game I played with a time based skill system) a newbro can do LOTS of things in a gang. He can forward scout, act as decoy, just keep off the grid for a while and come in late to kill/hold stragglers, bump enemies to hinder them from jumping and so on. Every player can do something and since DU uses a tab Target system, he can learn to use that to his advantage. Which is basically saying git gud xD I don't really see a reason why to apply such things nor HOW you would even do that. And I fail to see how it's "unfair" to newbros if a veteran who played for 5 years has an advantage. Or how that might hold the newkid off from doing pvp in the first place
  12. I mean, the idea itself is not bad, but just one question.....Why the heck would anyone plan and execute a very dangerous maneuver in space which takes hours to plan, hours to execute and is inherently more dangerous than just mining on their land, far away, relatively safe, to get the exact same resources? Why bother with that in the first place and risk millions (or whatever) in assets just to get some hundred k out of it?
  13. https://www.dualthegame.com/en/server-status/ Yes you get access NOW and you can play when the servers are online (see link)
  14. Since it's in alpha right now there is no trial atm - that program will start once DU is released (or maybe a tad before)
  15. For what reason? There is an alpha server rn - and on patchday they want and need that data of hundreds of ppl. Doesn't make much sense to split that up imho
  16. This isn't eve with it's fast paced pvp gameplay where you lose your ship, get back to your base, hop into the next ship (1 of 50) and get back into the fight. Later in the game you can ofc do pvp only (which is also my intent). Make enough money with other activities like production or trading and just buy your ships. But keep in mind that it'll never be as in eve. Simply because you also have long travel times of minutes to even hours, depending on where you are.
  17. no, you get what you pay for and that is (as stated there) x1 Alpha Access (now) plus other goodies. so you don't have lifetime access because DU is a subscription model which comes with a $/month sub
  18. To have 3rd party programs which can calculate fastest skill times for certain activities like manufacturing stargates or flying that huge ass capital ship? Having a program which can Show you what to train best?
  19. I'd love to see actual and ingame R&D in DU. Gather resources/craft certain items and then take them to some kind of R&D bench to research a new weapons BP. This would lure ppl in too and give them smth to do - hunt those next materials to research the next weapon. In time, those BPs will spread in DU so everyone gets access after some time to those weapons. But the top ones may only be available to certain groups who rly dedicate themselves to research and produce those guns
  20. https://www.dualthegame.com/en/server-status/ Servers aren't running atm. You have time to get in touch with support. They deserve their Weekend
  21. the only faucet for generating quanta out of nothing that was talked about up until now is mining and selling that ore to market bots. There's no missions/quests/other faucets we know of as of today. If that single faucet is enough for the economy will be seen
  22. What districts? (Mind you NDA!) At launch there's the arkship, maybe a market there and nothing more. Everything has to be built by players
  23. The only thing which was release was a teaser and nothing more, everything else falls under nda. So still, just assumptions on your part imho because you Base them entirely on one teaser and have no idea what I did with my project in the last months (which I can't tell you either because it would violate the forum rules). Besides all of that: Wrong topic here to discuss all that
  24. How do you know that? Assumptions and nothing more. Yes it's the same category and everyone can decide if he wants to use it or not. Don't rly see the problem here - I won't use any other programs and whatnot and if others don't use my scripts/programs (which is hilarious in itself if you know my coding......"skills"....) for the same reasons, That's fine too.
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