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Everything posted by Zarcata

  1. Kannst dir doch generell einfach was ausdenken. Grundpfeiler waren bisher ja immer Erze, ob man die nun zum Markt schleppt oder zu seiner eigenen Org. Der Markt gibt Quanta, die Org denkt sich da nen anderen Namen für aus. Wichtig wäre ja dann nur, dass man für die erfundene eigene Währung dann auch Konten errichtet für die Spieler und diese damit dann auch "intern" Waren oder Dienstleistungen erwerben können. Mehr ist das ja auch mit Quanta nicht. Im prinzip gab es ja nichts, wofür man Quanta wirklich benötigen würde, zumindest bis vor kurzem die Schemtics eingeführt wurden bzw die kommenden Steuern. Das wirft dann eine eigene Währung her vom Wert wieder nach unten.
  2. p2w Methode die es in DualUniverse gibt ist: - kaufe dir von deinem realen Geld ganz viele Accounts. - Logge diese täglich einmal durch und kassiere die Einlogbelohnung. Je mehr Accounts, desto mehr Quanta. - Besorge oder baue dir ein schiff das Missionen fliegen kann, denn diese geben viel quanta. - mit dem schiff kannste dann mit allen weiteren accounts die missionen annehmen, ins schiff packen und wenn der Pilot angekommen ist per VR-Station abgeben. Es gibt Spieler die fliegen schiffe mit >60 paketen auf einmal, je Paket bekommt man 9,5m = 60x9,5m = 570.000.000 Quanta. Davon ziehste halt nen bisle an TReibstoffkosten ab, packst dir ne Reserve zurück, falls du mal abgeschossen wirst...
  3. Das stimmt so nicht, es gibt mehrere GroßOrganisationen mit ihrer eigenen internen Währung, um unabhängig vom Markt und dessen instabilität zu sein. Einziger Negativpunkt, man bekommt so keine Quanta im SPiel, die man zwingend für Schematic benötigt und in Zukunft auch steuern bezahlen muss.
  4. Entschuldigung, aber diese Dinge sind alles nur Dekoartikel. Wenn ViodByte Spiele wie Archeage gespielt hat, kann ich seinen Unmut verstehen. ArcheAge bietet wesentlich mehr Inhalt, wenn es rein ums Housing und PvP oder Charakterentwicklung und Berufe angeht. Ebenso die größe der zusammenhängenden welt mit den Ozeanen und Kontinenten als "Spielplatz" zum spielen. Das eine Bett (1), die 3 Toiletten (offen, geschlossen und Pissuar) die handvoll Stühle/Sessel und 5 Tische (der 6. in der Liste ist ein Teppich!) sind generell ohne Funktionen. Anders als in ArcheAge, wo alles einen sinn ergibt oder Buffs oder Verarbeitungszwecke usw.... viel, viel mehr gibt es nicht, noch ein paar Pflanzen und lichter, Türen usw. allesamt aber an einer Hand abzählbar. Es fehlt da die Auswahl und der Nutzen. Was bringt mir ein schick eingeräumtes Zimmer, wenn alle Zimmer so aussehen? Ich kann ihn gut verstehen, man kommt von einem spiel wie Archeage in eine Beta und die ist nunmal relativ leer und ohne Funktion. Da sind die 20,-€ weggeschmissen, wären dann in archeAge besser aufgehoben gewesen, so viel fairness sollte sein. darüber hinaus sieht man in DU auch keine besonders rosige Zukunft. das letzte Video vor kurzer Zeit hat keine sonnigen Zeiten gezeigt, sondern eher das gleiche wie bisher auch. Es war einfach ernüchternd von den infos her. Ob DualUniverse in 5-10Jahren mal ein grandioses spiel wird - weis ich nicht, es hätte Potenzial gehabt, nutzt diese aber nicht und läuft eher in eine ganz andere Richtung, als VoidByte wohl hier gesucht hatte.
  5. These mining units would certainly have had potential and would remove the need for many players to mine ore. Now, however, the mining compulsion is being replaced by another compulsion. Once, I now have to get these units, then constantly maintain them through a "mini-game" and at the same time pay unjustified taxes. The "mini-game" alone reminds me of WoW back then, with the garrison and the cursed "browser table" there. Hyped by the developers and hated by the players. It will certainly be the same in DualUniverse if you have to play this "mini-game" all the time. I myself have no interest in destroying through PvP. I'm only here because it was advertised to me at the time as a civilisation-building game. I wanted to build great buildings, cities and space stations. I also like building with Lego in my old age and thought it was a great idea to be able to live out creativity in the game. In the meantime, however, more and more restrictions are coming into play that give me loud prohibitio ns or limits on how I have to play. I understand that it's an alpha/beta, it's a bit strange that you still have to pay for it as a subscription. I have also adapted several times, but I am slowly reaching a point where it is no longer fun and I can no longer recognise this game as it was once intended.
  6. That's the interesting thing, they really think you can "play" this game. But it is an empty sandbox in which you first have to bring the sand to play, then you need the game forms to have fun. So apart from missions, there is no content. There is also no PvP per se, if you compare it to WoW for example, just join a BG or battleground and have fun - you can't. you have to do missions beforehand to get quanta or then stay forever on Sanctuary Moon to collect ores there. Of course, the real content can now be seen as building itself, but this is now even more restricted in how and how much you can build. There is no other content that you are used to in other games. The planets themselves are empty, dead. Except for a few copy-paste plantings to look fancy and birdsong without birds, all the celestial bodies are dead. In principle, you can only leave one planet if you are only referring to the building and you could ignore everything else in the game. Or you could just mine the T3-5 asteroids and build a SPacestation.
  7. The quick death is preferable to the slow and more agonising one.
  8. We can't build civilisations in the game, we don't have the tools for that. A better and clearer/customisable chat is missing, more options for the organisation menu are missing, especially ranks and rights, everything for various alliances to other organisations or sub-organisations is also missing. A sensible in-game calendar for events is missing. There is a general lack of an extended structure for large organisations so that it is not determined by just one player. More ranks and choices need to be created there. Also missing is the possibility to build up a "faction" or a real civilisation. There is a lack of rights and possibilities to conquer a moon or planet and shape it peacefully with a peaceful civilisation. There is not even a meaningful friend-foe recognition. DualUniverse wants to offer something grandiose, that's why I'm here. At the moment I'm not even being served the starter, just brought the menu. From the freedom what was marketed, every time with new patch and the changes a piece of freedom breaks away and more and more chains and rule sets are put on us. Taxes are nonsensical in all forms. They turn the game into an obligation. When it comes to taking away from offline players, just tie ownership to an active sub and put a4 week grace period on it. If you don't come online then, everything is put in your inventory as BP or pushed onto Sanctuary, where you have your permanently exempt area. What actually happens to Sanctuary when the moon is full? Is a new one simply placed next to it, should there really be such a rush of players?
  9. At the moment, I would generally wait and see what new information will come from NQ this week. They have now received a lot of feedback from us players, as well as being able to collect two weekends of data from the PTS..... so why continue to stress so much when all we can do is wait and see. Some people will quickly dismantle a few Maganodes, others will watch a series or get some fresh air.
  10. Releasing the game in its current or completed status with Demeter is already grossly negligent. It will not attract masses of new players and will certainly not succeed in keeping them in the game for the long term with the "content". In this respect, Dualuniverse offers too little and is too unstable. Minecraft would probably be better for building, starbase for AvA, PvP doesn't work at all so far and in eve reach...let's leave that alone. Today's players are spoiled and petty. little princesses, the best current example is probably the short hype around NewWorld. It had a gigantic start in terms of player numbers, splendid PR campaigns and now? You won't be able to do that with DualUniverse, i.e. such a "start" and attract such a mass of players. how can you do it.....when the content only consists of a limited construction menu, an upcoming mini-game for mining units, clearing dead asteroids or flying missions, some of which simply mean logging in, flying off and watching a series for 1-6 hours....that's what you call "playing"? Please don't get me wrong, I love the actual experience that Dual Universe wanted to convey - but we are still at least 5 years away from that.
  11. A warm welcome from me too. I very much hope that the "DualUniverse" project will be a success and that they will follow the right paths, secure the future together with the team and the players and that we will have a lot of fun together.
  12. Will this translate correctly for me if your text translates it as shareholder? As far as I know, there are no shares in Novaquark. Otherwise I would like to have the WKN / ISIN numbers. I rather assume that he had invested in the company independently of an IPO, so he will certainly have paid it out accordingly when he leaves or made other arrangements that make sense for him. Irrespective of this, the game is developing in a different direction, whether it is related to the general company policy or simply to the general feasibility, only NQ knows. I would just like more clarity as a player, so that I know whether it will continue to be an Eve copy or go in the direction of minecraft+.
  13. Restricting or prohibiting something is not a good solution. Why choose A or B when you can allow both in one game. Better solution: All elements come in 2 versions. -> normal elements with function -> design elements without function In the case of engines, the design engines would be purely optical, are also much lighter and can be stacked. However, they also offer no benefit. Normal engines cannot be stacked and offer the normal boosts.
  14. Question: With Demeter, they are introducing the first area on Sanktuary as tax-exempt. That's great! However, there is a problem if players now want to build on this area, because the player who builds on his area first can prevent the adjacent areas from being built on. Depending on how close he builds to a neighbour's border, he prevents the neighbour from building. ->So will there be a corresponding adjustment with Demeter that will limit this protective boundary of building to one's own territory, so that the neighbours can build on their territories unhindered?
  15. Fortunately, the majority of players voted for a larger safe zone and NQ has implemented this for the players. From a purely lore point of view, we are settlers who -together- want to build a new beginning. There is no reference to PvP as such, except that in a PvP zone (which is not a PvP zone, but simply a zone without rules) there could be warlike actions. So the overall concept is everything but comparable to Eve. If you want to play Eve, you should play Eve and not DualUniverse to be happy, because they are two different games. (Apples and pears)
  16. Question: With Demeter becoming the first area on Sanctuary to be tax exempt for all players, there could be significant performance issues on this moon. -> Is it therefore possible to divide this first exempted area across the entire safe zone so that players can spread out and not be forced to gather on Sanktuary? -> If this were to be introduced, would it be possible -once- to get back the special territorial unit already set there?
  17. I don't know any good city builder who would build a city in a PvP zone only to lose it or have it destroyed.
  18. The idea of building large cities in the game already fails because it makes no sense to build a large city. What do you want with it? Some dream of building big office complexes (for what?) others really think they can rent out housing to other players. (Why? When each player has their own land anyway and can build there themselves?) I see several cities under construction, but they are all empty and without function. Somewhat reminiscent of the Chinese metropolises without inhabitants that were built to compensate for population growth. Here again the thinking error, DualUniverse is not real life: in the game every player has property and can build without problems. There are then still some attempts in the game to build free markets, mostly by single players like Gottchar or even smaller groups. Many of them are now simply inactive. What is the point of flying for hours through the worlds if the regular markets also offer everything? (Well, in the meantime, many products are no longer offered thanks to declining player numbers and a correspondingly declining supply...) Back to the topic: a city has no use. Moreover, it is hardly possible to divide up a city sensibly with the rights system. On the one hand, the land ownership of the areas is a problem, on the other hand, the constructs there and distances to other constructs, as well as offline players who prevent further building by blocking. I think there are at least two problems: firstly, that the system could not handle a metropolis (whether with or without players in it) in terms of performance, and secondly, that such a city has no use and could not be built at all due to a lack of rights.
  19. There are two possibilities that I can think of at once: - Factions from the start of the game in the character selection - Faction selection in the game through quests that you have to unlock. For me, it would be important that each faction has a safe zone of planets and moons as a place of retreat. This would make the basic and starting conditions the same for everyone.
  20. Another possibility: they concentrate on the ore from one planet and trade the surplus to finance the ores that are not found there.
  21. I am interested in creating content for this game. But at the moment I don't have the tools to do that. As for my idea/thoughts above, I would like to see that over time you could join an organisation/faction in the game that is not controlled and taxed by aphelia, but could create new organisations. Why can't I join a "pirate faction Blackpearl" in the game that can create their own system. If a player dies there, he is not revived in the safezone at Aphelia, but generally in his faction base on planet XY. (This main base also has a safezone, from there these pirates Blackpearl can also spread out in all directions. Besides this faction, there could be many factions, but all of them have their own protected planets. From a purely lore-technical point of view, this would make more sense. If we always allow criminals to upload to aphelia, it is simply unbelievable.
  22. I am shocked that we as settlers want to ensure survival and make the same mistakes here in the new solar system as we did in the old solar system. We are plundering the planets, arbitrarily stamping heavy industry everywhere, which is mainly intended for the machinery of war. We wage war on ourselves as usual. HELLO!? We all came out of the same colony ship in a suit and start a war right away? Why are looters and war criminals still allowed into the safe zone and to accept missions at Aphelia? These traitors to our society should be hunted down everywhere! No opportunities to buy or sell anything on the market, no safe zones to enter, etc. THAT would be credible content.
  23. Maybe you should post the real ships from DualUniverse there. What does a metaship for PvP really look like at the moment? What do space freighters really look like? It's a big block of elements to be efficient. Style? NO! Because that would increase weight and dimensions and thus fuel consumption, as well as the chance of being hit, of course.
  24. You need a subscription at any time, if you don't have one, you lose your territory/constructs after 4 weeks. Done. No taxes necessary.
  25. It would be so simple, all areas have the same number of ores in litres that can be mined. For example, all areas always have all T1 ores, as well as an equal amount of T2 / T3 ores. Add PvP areas = T4+T5 ores The litres remain the same on all planets in the safezone, the PvP planets get +10% litres more/hour (as soon as the safezones on the planets have been removed). There will be no mega areas, but all areas will have T1 500L/hour (plus 10% for PvP planets) T2 350L/hr (plus 10% for PvP planets) T3 300L/hr (plus 10% for PvP planets) T4 150L/hour T5 130L/hour No one has to scan, no one is disadvantaged, new players have the same chance to promote the same with the basic values....
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