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Posts posted by Doombad

  1. Taxes, or something, have been needed for a while. There MUST be money sinks and there MUST be some incentive to NOT lock up dozens and hundreds of tiles. I - like everyone else, will have to adjust. I will drop a few tiles to which I have kept because I had no reason otherwise. Ultimately, this will be good for the long-term of DU. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Jake Arver said:


    I can agree with his comment pretty much 100% 


    That said though, it basically explains WHY DU is in trouble. JC had a vision which, on paper, was really cool. He then went ahead and started work on implementing that vision but never did the things you mentioned " implement different ideas, get feedback, adjust, and evolve the game".

    JC pretty much nearly drove DU (and with it NQ) off a cliff by ignoring feedback, by blindly following his vision, never questioning if what he was trying to achieve was actually doable and adjusting for what was possible instead of pushing what was not. It's been mentioned many times, but JC especially would just throw a "you do not understand" at any questions about his choices and decisions. He did so up to and including his last hooray almost a year ago in the "A Look Ahead" video. It was a massively overambitious list of things to come this year which was easily seen as a "wishlist of achievements" more than "this is what we can do". Basically, JC promised NQ would do more in a single year than they did in the 6 years prior with no sign of available funding and a dwindling player base.


    His stubborn mindset cost him is dream and his company. It remains to be seen if it cost us the ability to play a game with massive potential and promise.



    This is a fair perspective. ?

  3. 3 hours ago, Ving said:

    I don't see what game is actually left after Demeter, except an auto-mining-tax-simulator. From what they have been saying in the dev blogs "you should be able to make a profit from auto-mining", it certainly doesn't sound like there will be enough ore to actually build anything one you'e paid your taxes. How are you supposed to gather the 1m ore needed for even a small base worth of voxels? Login every two days and play the auto-mine mini-game...for a few years...until you have enough ore to actually build something?




    This is my concern exactly. I think more will snowball eventually but I am worried there will be a debilitating shortage for a while.

  4. On 11/15/2021 at 6:40 AM, Warlander said:

    Checkmate NQ.


    I think it summed this situation up when Pann said we have two groups asking to delete scans or keep them and we dont want to wipe their hard work and we have a situation where are are caught in the middle and dont want to cut the baby in half. To which I say you might not want to cut the baby in half as you are attempting to strangle it in the crib when in reality its not even born yet and all of it is hypthetical to begin with.


    Demeter exposes fundamental critical flaws in their initial flawed game design under JC's helm that pretty much developed them into a corner that is game ending to the point that it will require a complete rework if not ground up rebuild to make DU feasable going forward.


    Why? (TLDR version)


    • JC had a failed vision and hired a bunch of yes men/women who followed him and continue to keep following his misunderstanding of what is was they were trying to emulate and not make it their own.
    • Going with a voxel game not bothing to do the research that it sounds good but is still not technically feasable in terms of data costs, internet bills, and performance and not knowing it would limit a space game to a single solar system since any additional solar system basically compounds the problem rather than using a hybrid of static mesh worlds you can build voxels onto in order to have enough performance to justify expansions.
    • Then inviting the building communities of the failed games the tried Voxelization with the promise of Space Landmakr combined with Space engineers.
    • The builder community killed any chance of PvP and the PvP community killed off the builders along with new players.
    • Setting unrealistic expectations for mega orgs by feeding them and not establishing factions instead and doubling down by constantly feeding then misunderstanding that not limiting them and being forced to put out feeble attempts to slow them down while crushing everyone else with misguided updates that take out more then is added to the game.
    • Because of all of that now needoing to pivot and remove and limit mining in order to cut costs to up performance, add a vertex tool that takes from that performance, and then fill it back up with hundreds of thousands more TU's, miners, containers, transfer units, machines to produce them, and making the world more desolate.
    • At the same time not understanding that Taxes didnt work in the first place with the Finite Resource pool then turning it Infinite when the game was not designed for it which forced the Ore to be made more "Rare and less Propigated" which further compounds the issues since anyone 6 months from now that comes back will likely never play anything higher than a T1-2 version of the game since that is the only ore they will ever get and the progression they will experience.
    • Taxes yet again meant to slow down mega orgs that further creates unbalance since NQ wont get rid of scans and they will instantly take all the tiles worth anything and make more than they are taxed while everyone else experiences the full weight of the tax and forced to pay for it with T1 mats which wont be worth anything since everyone will be doing the same thing with dwindling returns and a limited production of ore since there are more sinks than influx to the system.
    • NQ now making the game based on Ore Per Month to align with their sub model which makes it as such as you now have to mine asteroids once per week or run missions to cover tax, and log in to use charges and beyond that there is no reason to actually play the game.
    • Because of that it makes it so that production of consumables like space gas, warp cells, and even scrap will be in short supply since people will need to sell ore for tax and they will be the only thing worth anything since this update completely negates the need for atomospheric parts since spacestations are not taxed and all content is space based now. 
    • Ore transfers will take a year of subs to get a full container of ore so PvP will suffer even if people are forced to slow boat between planets except for this with ore monopolies which will use warp cells with their ship scanning scripts on XS ships to hunt for anyone to kill until nobody goes between planets except for VR.
    • When people start to default on their taxes and the month after demeter goes live and those people have nothing to come back to there is no need to play at all and they will tell their friends to write this game off.
    • Which will force NQ to knee jerk forced updates like Territory wars since nobody is playing, building, moving ore, traveling, fighting, and those with ore monopolies roll over everything that still remains its game over since there is litterally nothing left and you let them win the game long ago.


    There are no moves left NQ is willing to do that can take them out of checkmate, they simply just dont have a budget to rebuild the game from the ground up. They have developed themselves into a corner starting with the conception and direction JC took this game down.


    And with the comment of we dont want to cut the baby in half it shows that NQ will never reign in mega orgs that have and will continue to kill the game since NQ knows where their bread is buttered and keeps feeding them. Funny since most of them are likely alpha backers who will never pay them a cent through their packages and armed with 3 beta keys that wont pay them until launch.


    The taxes are aimed at them since they have been spoon fed this whole time by the devs who dont know how to punish them properly to slow them down and arbitrarily do things like say "hahaha boohoo you dont want to pay taxes" and at the same time hand them all the resources and prevent everyone else from getting them going forward or progressing beyond a T2 version of this game since the ore is rare and even sparse then before and all the metadata they are using is based on them with a flat tax when misunderstanding they are handing them all the T3+ ore which makes all their tiles profitable since everyone else will be sitting on T1 tiles and lucky if you can even find a T2 ore tile and stuck with all the taxes aming it not worth putting down a TU.


    The real issue nobody is even considering is that because the planets and moons are all voxel based and not a static mesh the Voxel construct of the planetary bodies no longer matters at all and it was the sole reason we are stuck in a cramped solar system in the first place since it is not feasable to have anything beyond it and so we are just grasping at straws and trying to punish ourselves even more for no reason. If there were multiple solar systems, deep space, or a universe to spread out in none of this would matter. But the plan was always to ransack this solar system and then open up jump gates you can spawn camp so that mega orgs could have their own solar system to themselves and wield infinite ore against the server anyhow which always sounded dumb to begin with when everyone is stuck with a picked over carcass to fight back with.


    The only thing that will save this game is a full rebuild from the ground up but seeing the mediocre dev team they have and the things they are deadset on actually making seem to me they are incapable of doing that unless they clean house and bring in actually MMO developers.

    The fundamental point you’re missing  is that games like DU are based around a concept. They will implement different ideas, get feedback, adjust, and evolve the game. Assuming some all knowing designer has the vision mapped out from A to Z is naive at best.

  5. 2 hours ago, NQ-Nyzaltar said:

    Hi everyone,

    The Novaquark team is regularly in contact with the Nvidia team to fix this issue.
    The Nvidia team is currently investigating on their side what could be the source of the problem, while we are doing the same on our side (we are also investigating if it might be caused by some EQU8 changes). So far we didn't find any cause on the Novaquark side and as long as we don't have any more news from Nvidia's side either, we can't give any ETA about when this technical issue will be fixed. Our dev team has also deployed a dedicated server at the disposal of the Nvidia team to make their investigation and their technical tests easier without impacting the live server.

    Assuming that this issue happening only with Dual Universe is proof enough that the issue is on Novaquark side is a very simplistic reasoning from people who have no insight on how the game works internally. Dual Universe uses a lot of unusual tech that many games don't usually use. So it's also very possible that this is something wrong on the Nvidia side that hasn't been uncovered before. The simple fact that they (the Nvidia team) are continuing to investigate is evidence that what is causing the issue isn't something obvious. If it was a clear case where the issue is on the game side and not on the GFN side, they would have stopped investigating the matter.

    We will keep you informed as soon as we will have news either from our own dev team or from the Nvidia team.

    Best Regards,

    Thanks for the update. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Joxico said:

    Hi NQ, 

    For me the value of the Mining in L/h is sooo ridiculus ! in ONE HOUR 1/2 scoop of traditional mining ? how to build something or create something ? 
    the atmo break stacking is the onlty way to have enought break without kill the ship design !! please leave it !

    thanks for your feedback !

    Well…. With so little ore being mined in the future will mean we won’t be hauling as much so smaller ships needing fewer atmo brakes. NQ rocketstrategery. ?

  7. 7 hours ago, Fembot68 said:

    To be honest the only way I see the game taking off is going back to pre .23. Buffing engines or making them smaller.  finally  Stop the punish the player behavior!   It just makes people leave. 

    This was the absolute best game since SWG  by a wide margin pre .23  The only thing it needed was more content. 

    Whining over schematics is so overblown. Get over it FFS.

  8. Another thing that needs to be carefully considered is the intended outcome of these changes?


    1) Reduce operations costs - check

    2) Increase or Decrease supply of ore?


    #2 is what we care about from a gameplay perspective. Ore is the foundation of the game since everything we make requires ore. Restrict ore supply and we have nothing to do or everything simply costs too much. Bad.


    I hope NQ works to find balance with ore yield so the changes don’t strangle the game any more.

  9. 4 minutes ago, DecoyGoatBomb said:

    I do not get the complaints over the brake change. They are airbrakes... Almost every ship of mine works just as well as it did before. A few brakes need to move but it is not that hard to rework your stuff. Did you think airbrakes where always going to be allowed to be buried in voxels? 

    Large ships stack them because so many atmo brakes are required.


    Maybe you could point us to your ships so we can compare. Large ships may have 60+ atmo brakes. I am curious how you do that without stacking them.


    Let’s also skip the “don’t make large ships argument.” This is a simpler problem for smaller ships.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Hagbard said:

    i just opened another thread just before this Q/A was created...

    Ok, usually i am not negative but the balance of Demeter on the PTS server has some severe problems.


    1. Territory costs of 1m per week:
    this will lead to almost nobody claiming any tiles any more outside of the sanc moon unless the territory can produce some serious income. so all "player made content" will disappear after some time


    2. Scanning results do not get deleted and show l/h for mining units
    this will lead to ALL really valuable tiles being claimed within the first 24h after demeter goes live, as it is really easy to identify  the most powerful tiles for mining units if you have containers full with scanner results.
    so after day 1, the fun is over and the "mega tiles" will be claimed by those players/orgs that have all the existing scans.


    NQ, as demeter is balanced on the PTS, it would kill the game if it goes to the live server


    - New players some days later would not have a chance to find income opportunities despite missions.

    - earning quanta will be a lot harder, so people would stop spending.. this would kill industrialists workflow.

    - the imbalance between experienced players/orgs and new players would get worse and even more players would demand a wipe or simply not enjoy the game

    please reconsider your decisions.


    I want to voice a strong agreement with this post and add the atmo brake change will be disastrous to nearly every ship. Something like this needs more time and socialization.

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