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Posts posted by Silmerias

  1. 94970d6d-7e17-4e17-9811-89111c816f2d.png
    Forgés dans les flammes de EvE-Online, dispersant les larmes et les drapeaux blancs à travers l’univers, de 2006 à 2010 nous étions connus sous le nom de “Tau Ceti Federation” une alliance de la grande RedSwarm Federation composé de GoonSwarm et Red Alliance. En 2010, lassés par le jeu, nous sommes partis pour créer FrogSwarm communauté solide ayant sa propre culture et évoluant dans le monde du MMO sandbox. Nous n'allons pas jouer au jeu avant qu'il n'atteigne au minimum une phase de réelle beta (et non alpha déguisée), cependant vous pouvez nous rejoindre et attendre / tester avec nous. Notre communauté a vu passer plus de 2500 membres et plus de 400 membres actifs depuis 2010.


    Conquérir le monde et vous piquer vos cookies! FrogSwarm est une corporation de trentenaires et plus, orienté PvP souhaitant avoir un poids et une implication importante dans la géopolitique. Nous ne voulons pas vivre dans les systèmes en toute sécurité, mais posséder nos propre territoires. En d’autres termes, nous sommes une organisation désireuse de conquête, de grande batailles spatiales avec nos alliés et ennemies du moment. Nous ne souhaitons pas être une corporation lambda dont l’activité est léthargique, nous avons de l’ambition et nous voulons nous en donner les moyens.


    PROPAGANDA комитет.

    Nous avons un gout prononcé pour la propagande et notre département agitprop fait des merveilles depuis plusieurs années. Retrouvez toutes nos vidéos sur FrogTube et toute notre propagande sur Propaganda.




    FrogSwarm est une communauté en dictature éclairée. L’ensemble des officiers forment le directoire dans lequel nous écoutons et débattons des idées. Trois dirigeants appelés les “illuminati” choisissent les orientations les mieux adaptées pour l’organisation. Si la dictature éclairée peut refroidir certains esprits, sachez que nous avons la ferme conviction qu’aucune démocratie n’a jamais fonctionné dans un jeu, expérience à l’appui. Nous avons la chance de compter au sein de notre communauté des leaders d’exception qui ont une expérience avancée dans le domaine des batailles 'nuff said.


    Nous accompagnons nos nouveaux arrivants quel que soit le jeu afin qu’il puissent rapidement être autonomes. Nos formateurs s’occupent de leur montrer les rouages selon leurs orientations et les accompagnent pendant plusieurs semaines avant de les lâcher dans la nature. Notre mumble permet de se retrouver selon les activités et de jouer tous ensemble pour que les vétérans puissent passer leurs connaissances aux futures générations.



    Tout et rien. Nous sommes connu dans le monde du jeu vidéo pour avoir un humour tout à fait particulier peut être trop orienté sur le troll pour certains.




    "Ah frogs, incomparable, bastards when you are in the opposite side, troll meat humor eaters. We like or don't, but I love them despite my countless ships number  drifting among the asteroids of EVE still smoking their shots. But I should have stay out from where I should not have been. Curiosity have always been my worst default. I must say they are the only ones to be be able to explain your mistakes by trolling you."



    “Ah les frogs, inégalables, salaud a souhait quand tu es dans le camps en face, viandards de l’humour trollesque. On aime ou on aime pas, mais moi je les adores malgré mon nombre de ship incalculable qui dérive parmi les astéroïdes de EvE, encore fumant de leur tirs. Mais bon faut pas traîner là ou on devrait pas. La curiosité à toujours été mon plus vilain défaut. Faut dire que ces les seuls a être capable de t’expliquer tes erreurs en te Trollant.”



    "I was a thousand miles to imagine what you were, there is a gap between what people say about you and the reality. I love you !"



    “J’étais à milles lieux d’imaginer ce que vous étiez, il y a un fossé entre ce que les gens racontent sur vous et la réalité. Je vous aiment !”



    "Cyrillic sheets in English to French attention. It's sadomasochism. If I was good I will answer you the same to chew your face in, but it's not like amphibians were reproducing at a fast speed .BEWARE YOUR TADPOLES !! "



    “Des fiches cyrilliques en anglais à l’attention de français. C’est du sado-masochisme. Si j’étais doué je vous répondrai par la même pour vous mâcher la gueule, mais c’est pas comme si les batraciens se reproduisaient à une vitesse fulgurante. FAITES GAFFE A VOS TETARDS!!”



    "The Frogs, it's like a bad STDs: once caught, you never get to get rid of it."



    “Les Frogs, c’est un peu comme une mauvaise MST: une fois attrapé, on arrive jamais à s’en débarrasser.”



    "Damn! second time we gossip and laughs with you on mumble! And the tought is the same for us both! You are awesome !"



    “Bordel ! deuxième fois que l’on papote délire avec vous sur mumble ! Et l’avis est le même pour les deux ! Vous êtes géniaux !”

    Des membres forts pour une corporation forte ! De manière traditionnelle la corporation est de type communiste. Les joueurs apportent une partie de leurs ressources, qu’ils mettent en commun dans la corporation, afin que celle-ci puisse fournir de nombreux services pour nos membres. Mais aussi un programme de remboursement de vaisseau à 100% en cas de perte pendant les opérations corpo ou alliance. Notre but est d’arriver à accompagner et enrichir nos membres au maximum afin que ceux-ci ne manquent de rien pour disposer de hangars, en adéquation avec leurs souhaits et nos attentes. Nous voulons avoir des secteurs d’activité forts, tels que la production, les ressources ou l’exploration. Notre activité principale “pvp” étant coûteuse, nous voulons nous donner les moyens de pratiquer celle-ci en toutes circonstances et non d’être limités par des problèmes de budget personnel ou de hangar.

    Eh bien... Au quotidiens ? Voyons ça en images.



    Nous sommes une corporation de Francophones uniquement. Même si c'est triste, beaucoup de français ne veulent ou ne peuvent parler Anglais et ne rejoindront jamais une organisation internationale. De ce fait, il y a fort longtemps nous avons donc décidé de rester une organisation basé sur notre langue natale pour les idiots de chauvins que nous sommes. Une seule façon de rejoindre : http://frogswarm.fr/apply



    Pour des raisons de sécurité, l’accès à nos salons publiques et privés passent obligatoirement par notre service d’authentification.





    Vous avez remarqué ? On déchire en propagande.






  2. Dear DU Community, so long I didn't posted here and I hope you are all doing well considering what we are all facing in real life right now.


    FrogSwarm is still following DU development without being actively involved with the game yet.

    However, we still are a strong group playing other games and this year FrogSwarm will reach 10 years !


    We bonded together in 2006, created FrogSwarm late 2010. So many years have passed, we saw so much extraordinary groups / alliances forming, fighting us, be or became our friends. Ultimately with years a lot have shattered or disappeared in the dark, enemies and friends with no distinctions.


    Years have passed and we still stands !

    A lot happened this last year and instead of words I'll let the lasts agitprop productions explain it in picture : https://pics.frogswarm.fr/#15729849986004

    Also check our Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/FrogSwarm/playlists


    See you soon and be safe o7


    PS: Special COVID-19


  3. JDDioOlCKBkma.jpg


    FrogSwarm is now open for Dual Universe recruitment.

    After this last pull request we are glad to announce the opening of the recruitment to all french speaking player for Dual Universe. Stick in mind we won't play the game until it at least reach the beta, but now you can join and wait with us : http://frogswarm.fr/apply


    With our recruitment also comes the integration of Dual Universe in our standing board : https://sb.frogswarm.fr/game/du

    Feel free to contact us and ask for standings because you feel friendly, want a non-aggression pact or because you want to declare war on us for god sake reasons.



  4. Yeah we figured out about the forum, but :


    1. Forums aren't the best idea to authenticate even more when you already have a tool for it (community.dual)

    2. There is no corporation information using the forum which we really want since we ask our members to be exclusive, no affiliation.


    So having access to the user profile from the community website without the need to log in would be the best shot.

  5. Dear NQ, this is not really an idea but more a kind request.


    As a lot of us (players) are going to gather in the Dual Universe adventure,  the need to decently manage our corporation will come. At FrogSwarm we are a bit elitist about security and corporation management and so, we already kindly asked for web API to be able to manage our members using our tools.


    So in the wait of the API, can you at least, since there is no private information to be hidden here, make the user account publicly available instead of restricting it with a dual id logon (ie: https://community.dualthegame.com/accounts/profile/Silmerias)? Then we could crawl it with our tool to start using some identity security check like we do with Star Citizen since the citizen dossier is public available (https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Silmerias)


    The tool behind the scene is asking a player to add a temporary code in the 'About me' section to be able to validate his account under our tool and ensure us he's the owner of the dual universe account.











    The idea was any

  6. Dear community,


    Since we lost all interest in it, FrogSwarm is leaving Dual Universe.


    From our point of view, the direction of the game design is unfortunately going the wrong way. Ships that you have made for days will not re-spawn after a being destroyed and you'll loose everything. PvP in the game is unfair, we were looking for a 100% safe universe to be able to peacefully mine ORE or explore, but not to be griefed in a non consensual PvP turn. Griefing should never be allowed in a game like this, this is harassment to players and these people should never have the right to annoy anyone, because players behind the screen are real people and they are suffering actions like destroying their ships.


    Enough is enough, we are going back on our old roots : Eve Online and World of Tank Classic.


    Have fun in the game.

  7. Dear all,


    After so many times of inactivity let me post few words about us.


    As it as been announced in 2016, we don't get involved in the game until it comes out playable in full scale player group, stable and no wipes. It means you won't see us at least not before the beta, but it doesn't mean we don't exist or are a ghost organization. We are waiting, patiently and killing random pubbies in others space games. We are watching DU community moving and growing, fighting for the top 10 member podium which is nice for the game, more people mean more fun. But a friendly advice: on the war field, only the real number count. Having your organization in the top 10 does not represent the reality. FrogSwarm is one of the organizations that counts no affiliations, all our members are dedicated.


    Our number is not a lie.


    This year, FrogSwarm will open recruitment for all french speaker, if you love the pvp and space battles, if you love conquests and geopolitics, stay tuned and don't miss the wreck train.


    (and fucking use the paplink ffs)



  8. [iMT] War - Chapter 1
    [iMT] War - Chapter 2
    Act 1 : A new approach
    Since we destroyed their bases in Neptune we didn't had any news from our talk offer, however, tones of tears appeared in the official forum from them, accusing us of backstabbing. Blackmailing the traders, got kicked and then cry for backstab... Easy to blame the others for your own mistakes. And so, they decided to rename themselves in [iFK] Interstellar Frog Killers (which was funny imo), and declares war upon us.
    In the same amount of time they allied up with a well known pirate faction called [u-P] United Pirates, which was expected, to fight us in the space (Pirates factions can't get in the Trader planet, but can stay in orbit and create a blockade). One day we spoted [u-P] in fleet with [iFK] roaming the galaxy to kill some frogs. We decided to give them what they were searching for.
    We setup a juicy bait, an over-tanked miner capital ship with guns and sent it in an asteroid field on the road of their destination. But to ensure they wouldn't escape, we setup our guns battery to focus on their warp drives first. Our cap fleet was waiting out of sensors in the nearest system. They jumped in, saw the miner ship and took the bait. I bet you know what's followed. We jumped in and turned them to shred without a single loss.
    Right after that round we never crossed them again.

    Act 2 : Crazy WooDy
    Things became quiet for some days, then [iFK] decided to play dirty and tried to destroy the Mining Deposits in the planet to be sure we couldn't use it for mining resources and also destroyed some Hydrogen factory from the traders. As this came to us, we decided to make sure they will not annoy the traders again, we designed an hover vessel with sentries and big guns and heavily armored with a minimum range of 800m that would be able to be moved and guard anything we want. We called it 'Fisty' in the name of 'it's gonna hurt'.
    We started the mass production of the Fisty and placed them in all strategic points as a defense.
    A day after, someone from IFK got killed ~100 times. This guy is called WooDy and died again and again in the try of ammo draining.
    Someone in Neptune complained about WodDy using dirty mechanics. Then we got accused by one [iFK] Cologne_Bulldog of spawn killing and we should be punished for it, which is a very bad excuse since you have the choice to respawn in the closest medical of your faction or on the starter planet when you get killed.
    Act 3 : Easier target
    One of my members spotted some strange gun sounds during the night not far from the [bLA] outpost on Neptune. We saw a strange [iFK] activity all the nights and days connected. We started to think that maybe, since they couldn't took our base out from the air, they would probably try from the ground. In normal time no one is able to drill on the ground were a faction is the owner. But there was a bug on Pulse Lasers and you could drill the terrain with it no matter what. We suspected them to once again using dirty method to get their revenge. And so, we tracked them but without any success. During that time I called for the last resources removal in Neptune base just in case and prepared a trap base full of guns inside ;-)
    Some days after, [bLA] called for help. [iFK] took their base from the ground. What a shame they didn't even tried us, instead, they attacked some traders. So we came back on Neptune and recaptured back the base from [iFK]. We discover they drilled so much in the ground that should have took them weeks of work, effort destroyed in 20 minutes.

    Act 4 : The IFK last stand
    IFK became very quiet for weeks, then one day they finally took the bait of our fake base, again attacking it from the ground. We don't count how many times they got killed before be able to destroy our core, but it was a blood bath. We asked them if they liked it, but... Hey they never answered and didn't brag about the base destruction.
    At this point we started to think they had a point of recover somewhere in the planet with resources and stuff. You can't attack something with nothing, then I asked the internal frog organization FIA (Frog Intelligence Agency) to try to find any evidence and movement from them to find out if they had a base or anything that could help them to stay hidden in Neptune.
    3 days after, the FIA found out the secret [iFK] base on Neptune. They once again used exploit and didn't respect the server rules by making a base on the lava (which is not allowed) but more than this, there is a bug with the water, a base under water can't be shoot from the sky but can shoot anyone in the sky. So this time we said enough, the admin refused to interfere so we drilled as they did and destroyed the base from the ground too. We also discovered that in fact [u-P] and [iFK] were the same group from the start, they split in two and tried to take advantages from the traders by pretending to be one of them. So [iFK] renamed themselves in [u~P].
    They tried to ask the admin to ban us ? Because we weren't playing by the rules... Yeah obvious... The admin refused their arguments and since then, U-P / IFK never connected again, they leaved the server, unhappy, which is unfortunate because it was fun overall.
    Then we transformed their last base into a memorial named: "U-P Last Stand Memorial"
    End of the story, until then, fly safe o7


    While the Frogswarm seems clearly provocative, their intent is to play the "baddies", something quite classic in a sandbox game: as there will be no large hostile NPC faction (at least as the beginning of the game), the PvE aspect will be quite limited. It's only natural that some groupe of players start to play the "evil faction" to create some challenge and conflicts in game.


    In most games, when you encounter NPC pirates, you can't negociate with them. They just attack and try to kill you. So the result ends in being the same here. Moreover, if you just want to avoid conflicts, there will be some factors that will play in your favor: the huge size of the universe (pirates won't be able to be everywhere), reputation systems (if some group of pirates start to annoy too many people, they might be overwhelmed by a coalition), equipment to make you more discreet or faster (it would be up to you to outsmart the pirates with who you cross path. that can be also some kind of challenges).


    Also, while being attacked by other players outside Safe Zones will be part of the game in Dual Universe, we will keep an eye on griefing situations (the act of continuously harassing the same player(s) with the only goal in mind to prevent them to play). However, here's an example of a situation that won't be considered as griefing: if someone fly a ship without taking appropriate precautions and enter an area where pirates are roaming, even if the player is attacked several times, this won't be considered as griefing.


    I also want to clarify some points.


    1- We aren't pirates.

    We are more a corporation seeking to expand, control and rule.



    2- We only go to war against who deserves it.

    As for example the last story where the Miners / Traders were in a bad situation, we only ruin the game of this kind of awful players. We also do roaming only for the fight and the fun. We usually don't grief people, but in the other hand, only a miss-respect from players / corporations could lead us in that way. I think in that case it's fully deserved, when you loose you act as man with honor and recognize the other good game by a "Good fight" or a "Well played", nothing else. It's only a game.


    Be friendly with your worst enemy, you could be allied one day.



    3- Negotiation is always the first step to do with us.

    If we are enemies for any reasons and you want to sort it out, If you didn't refused to talk when we offered it then everything will be fine, but be careful, it's a one time offer, we won't open it again if you choose to be unfriendly.



    4- If you contact us in a diplomatic way.

    We are open to any questions, negotiations or partnership and it doesn't mean money or resources but only human relations. As examples:

    • Someone or a corporation can contact us to join and follow as a friendly because they like what we do.
    • Someone or a corporation can contact us because they are neighbor and don't want to have bad relations with us.
    • A corporation can contact us because they like us or what we do and ask for an alliance and be an actor of our path.


    All is a matter of relationship. Open the dialogue with us, we will always answer.


    Fly safe o7


    Arrogant and megalomaniac. I was going to make a higher pledge, but on second thought after reading your squabbles, I'd rather keep my money.
    Why I should I spend more on a game that will be ruined by a group of pervert whose only goal is to prevent others from having fun?



    Excuse me sir, are you talking about FrogSwarm or about the IMT ?

  11. Dear all,


    In the wait of Dual Universe, FrogSwarm decided to jump into Empyrion which is quite the 'same' kind of game, so I decided to tell you some of our story in it.


    We made our sweet home a spatial base in a deep space and we own multiple mining outpost on some planets for its interesting mineral resources that helps in our ship production.


    One of them is called Netpune, very popular for the peaceful traders and miners corporation since they live here and call it home. But a few months later, the miners explained us they had a ruler corporation on Neptune called IMT blackmailing them since they had the biggest military forces and nobody would try to fight. Moreover this corporation wasn't respecting any of the server's rules, using exploits to give them monstrous advantages and not listening at any request from the other corporations of the planet. More than that, miners and traders, where afraid to ask anything to them.


    One of the problem was IMT had 7 huge bases on this planet. And because there is a limit of buildings number you can place in a planet, no one else could be able to create anything. And one other was the huge number of usefulness blocks they had making the planet stream loading very laggy.


    When we heard that, we decided to jump in and help them in a diplomatic way. We federate then to write a request in the official forum, for a diplomacy start. They kindly asked IMT to remove some of the blocks to help people about the lag since it was really awful and we showed our support by answering that we also were going to remove some unnecessary stuff we had on our outpost to help even if we weren't directly concerned.




    The MIT leadership answer came and talks by itself. But what they didn't knew when they posted is that this arrogance would lead them to their loss. Their ignorance of the military force of FrogSwarm was a good reason to give them a lesson of humility.





    Operation 'Arrogance'

    At Saturday 09:00pm, FrogSwarm lauched the operation 'Arrogance'. Exclusively a photo of a part of our capital fleet parked on an outpost waiting the order to jump. As well a close photo of one of our Battleship.
    An hour later, the main base as well as 6 other IMT bases are destroyed, included their entire capital fleet in orbit on Neptune. FrogSwarm will lose a single capital ship and two tanks on the ground. If I can not give the details of our strategy, I can simply say that IMTs did not expect such a surge. We fought in the same time in the bases with our intervention forces, on the ground with our tanks and finally in space with our capital fleet.
    At 10:30pm we celebrate the success of your operation, our capital fleet hovering above the old IMT base now owned by us and renamed for the occasion as: 'Option #4' before giving all we captured including resources and vessels to the corporations of Neptune in equitable sharing and offered them the protection of our capital feet hovering above during the 'looting party' of their bases still smoking before packing and returning on our space base.


    The planet being freed from the IMT tyranny, we posted this:



    And the Miners / Traders are very happy and thankful for what we did.

    We offered to reopen the dialogue with IMT, but no any answer to date.


    So, we destroyed the last IMT base in another planet called Osiris on Sunday and Monday they tried fight back, but they loss their entire cap fleet for the last time since they don't own anything more.



    That's it ! I hope you enjoyed it, see you for the next chapter.

  12. So some infos about FrogSwarm. As I said we will remain quiet until the game comes true and will be playable with the multiplayer content we want. But I will launch some news in here about us time to time and post some of our glorious propaganda in the community hub.
    For today I just want to talk to you about the level of implication FrogSwarm is making. In another space game we play right now we designed and coded an awesome Killboard fast and user friendly to be able to have some input of our game activity in the Open Space where kills and loss appears as trophy or shame depending what you loose.
    Here the Killboard : http://kb.frogswarm.fr/

    Kill Example : http://kb.frogswarm.fr/kill/3369
    But it's not all, we also designed a standing board to setup our relationships with the others groups.
    Here the Standing Board : http://sb.frogswarm.fr/
    We are a well known corporation in Star Conflict because of our mischief we are known as a cancer / toxic / (insert any random pubbies hate words) because we do love kill people in the open space when we have the opportunity to as a group. We use the game as our playground and people really hates us because we have fun by ruining the others game.
    It could sounds bad when someone is talking about us, but at the end it's all about fun, we have fun by killing people in a game that allow us to do it, but we are hated for it. We want to create conflict that make the game more interesting, more dangerous, less farming simulator or carbearland. Some groups understands us and some just hate us. Some have tried to confront and formed up against us but we always won the battles then we think that it probably created some frustration. We are the bad guys and we do love it.
    We are a very well organised group, as for an example we also have great tools like this one called FrogCast. This software have been designed and developed by us, it make possible the officers to broadcast any important message to all the members out of the game / mumble through a small non intrusive pop-up with an alarm song for getting people UP when we are forming up (PC and Mobile version).
    You need to login in the application with your Single Sign On called Frog ID that we use for anything, it's all centralized with only one account for all our services as Mumble, Forum, Wiki, FrogCast, etc.. (see the SSO Auth System) And if you are a member of FrogSwarm then you will be able to use the app.


    - Login


    - User connected

    - New message

    - Form and sent

    - Received

    - Broadcasts history


    So it's a small but powerful software, it can gives you an idea of what we are able to provide for our members to make our community well organised and well equipped. That's all for today, see you next time, fly safe o7



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