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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Hi, The reference is blender (https://www.blender.org/), but it may be a bit too much. Paper sketches are also a good start. You can also check this thread: I also remember a thread from someone in the community showing how he/she was creating models for future ships, but I cannot find it back, sorry. Regards, Shadow
  2. With strong authentication, you indeed cannot brut-force the password. Though, even the largest botnet won't find a 22 chars password before a very long time: -> Combinations amount for a 22 long password with numbers, lower and uppercase characters are about (10+26+26)^22 -> Divide by 60*60*24*365 and you obtain something like 9 x 10^30 years (at ten requests per second). -> Even with thousands of machines, it will take ages... and that's not even counting special chars. -> Anyway, you will DDOS the game faster than you will find a correct password. 2FA (two factors authentication) does prevent you from phishing attempts and is a good security practice. However, 2FA or not, you should never give your password to anyone, even if a verified NQ employee requests it. The only exception is if a US customs officer asks you to unlock your account (you may refuse, but it is probably not a good idea). In this case, make sure to change all your passwords whenever possible (yes, I said "ALL"). Regards, Shadow
  3. Hi there, Even though I do support a correct two-factors authentication (ie: using standard applications, not SMS and secure the whole connexion, not like other games ahem...), we first need a game before trying to secure it ;). In other words, think about it, think how to do it right, but it is not a priority, for now. Side note: if you are using a strong and dedicated password (16+ random letters and numbers) and never give it to anyone, two-factors authentication would only prevent the theft of your password if your computer was compromised, maybe. So, if you are worried about the security of your account, use a strong password and never use it on another application, that's the first and main measure to take. Hint: Nobody knows my DU password (not even me). It is a random string of 30 characters stored encrypted in my KeePass database (as all of my other passwords) which I copy/paste when needed. I'm using two-factors authentication for only one think: my main google account which has a "weaker" password which I do remember (still 16 characters long). Regards, Shadow
  4. Hi guys, Don't forget about the potential NDA. We had quite a few troubles with ATV about it. Make sure to limit access and not disclose any information if NQ confirms that NDA will be part of the pre-alpha. Regards, Shadow.
  5. Hi Blog4life, Last public statement from NQ about alpha is in this post : Note that it's a "closed" alpha as only ATV and some backers will join first. More information in this post : Regards, Shadow
  6. html5 and JavaScript are a lot better and easier without the need to install any plugin. Java applets were also used but are likely to disappear like Flash. Regards, Shadow
  7. Probably just because it is so old (~25 years old). Regards, Shadow
  8. I have a few ideas for more, but be patient :). Regards, Shadow
  9. Hello there, I've written a short fan fiction about ATV that I would like to share: https://goo.gl/QaDnT4. I tried to keep things in line with all the lore and with ATV discussions while still pushing a bit of my own imagination in it. I hope you will like it :). Special thanks to Comrademoco, Lethys, Kurock and Halo381 for their inestimable help in proof reading the different versions of the story. Your suggestions were really appreciated. Regards, Shadow
  10. Nice and neat. Thanks Yamamushi. Regards, Shadow
  11. Hi there, Nyzaltar confirmed in private to several ATV members that pre-alpha / ATV-alpha will occur at most 2 weeks before the alpha, maybe less, maybe only a few days, nothing written on stone for now. Not sure if we were supposed to share this information though (remember that anything may change until the alpha date). An NDA is indeed expected and information acquired through ATV private charnels should not be shared without NQ validation. For now, NDA details have not been formalized. Be patient, alpha is still scheduled in several months . Regards, Shadow.
  12. Hello there, Nice and clean website, good job. I'm just going to report a little bug: when you haver the menu, the text goes black and so has no contrast with the background. (tested on Chrome, last version) Regards, Shadow
  13. Hello there, You can get some elements in the Novawrimo contest. Check the harchives : ttps://board.dualthegame.com/index.php/forum/12-novark-archives/. Regards, Shadow
  14. Hi Yamamushi, I just wanted to say that it's a nice video. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Shadow
  15. Hi yamamushi, That is an interesting post I enjoyed reading. Thanks for the info and the quality of redaction. However, I think you're trying to use a bazooka to tackle a mosquito here. It's probably too much for what a game needs and will require a lot of time to understand and implement, isn't it ? Regards, Shadow
  16. +1 Great work so far NQ. You have all our support. Regards, Shadow
  17. Hi Azrael, Just a small clarification: you propose to destroy the surface of planets, right ? Not the planet itself ? Because, in the later case, it would be hard to have protected territories if the planet is destroyed (see Arkification subjects) . Regards, Shadow
  18. Well, if can suggest an update, I would only keep the too triangle (putting them on the foreground) and the central sphere. The rest is a bit crowdy. Regards, Shadow
  19. Hi Saffi, That's a clear and well-written introduction. The project looks promising and challenging. I also like the logo, which seems a bit overloaded with so many lines, but still very nice. It reminds my Firefox one, but more refined. I don't plan on joining, but we may work together in the futur as you prone values I like too: liberty, new players help and mutual assistance. Regards, Shadow
  20. Quick suggestion: why not put this list on the wiki instead of a forum ? It will be editable by more people and won't go down in a forum list. Regards, Shadow
  21. Hello there, I can't find it, but this subject was a bit discussed earlier on the forum. If I remember correctly, Nyzaltar stated that there will be one and only one spawning point (Arkship) at start. For the future, they were still debating : having multiple spawning points can help with surpopulation, but may also split friends on different worlds (that's a very short summary). Regards, Shadow
  22. I didn't said I was for it, I just said that if you want to leverage the advantage of programmers (which was a strong concern so far), that was an idea. Of course, I prefer to sell my programs . Regards, Shadow
  23. Hello there, If you are worried about programmers getting an unfair advantage, there is an elegant and simple solution in theory (it may have a lot of practical concerns to address) : all programs must be open source and everyone can copy the programs if they want to. Regards, Shadow
  24. Hi Nyzaltar, I disagree with your analysis : First point is valid : in wormhole space, where there is no local, you don't have cloaky campers problems because you never know what is in the system and people live with it. But the two other are not a problem for me. Because of cloaking mechanism in EvE, a cloaked ship cannot stop anyone from warping in or out a safe place. He first need to wait a few seconds before being able to target, and then there is the targeting delay itself. Thus, the target can either warp off the station or even dock up again if he gets caught anyway. Same point applies to gate. Nobody is afraid by a cloaky camper when passing gates and farmers usually change system when there is one in their farming land. The only situation where the above is not 100% true is when an interdictor uncloaks and launch an interdiction sphere. But it's rarer because that kind of ship cannot warp cloaked and, for the bubble to works, it must be on the target path and on the same destination grid (~location). How do cloaky campers catch targets then ? When they are fighting or mining in space, usually against NPC, when pilots are less concentrated. Target is not moving, or at least not aligned, the camper uncloaks, bumps the target to make sure it won't align out, and catch him. As you said, Dual Universe won't have sharded systems and, I assume, no local. So cloaky campers should not be a problem. I would make some suggestions about cloaking, but I need a better idea on how gameplay will look like before going into speculations. Regards, Shadow
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