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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by vylqun

  1. Far from it, they will have quite a big significance even if planets remain warp-points: 1. space station hubs for space only haulers (no atmos elements means less warp cells for jumping and a higher possible load) 2. save exit points when warping towards PvP planets 3. hidden space stations relatively close to pvp planets 4. travelhub inbetween several planets to change the location for the warp exit after traveling to those planets 5. temporary deployment as rally point when ppl want to attack space stations or similar and there are probably many more, so don't worry about the value of warp beacons.
  2. They would still be able to do that if planets and moons remain warp points, its their own choice. There is absolutely no reason, not a single one, to remove the planets as warp points.
  3. well, there would be the extremely inefficient way of stacking earth up from the ground, dunno if there is a heigth limit tho.
  4. you can see the details of the item in the topmost part of the market window (expand the details by clicking on the "arrow")
  5. Es gibt in den Distrikten ja "Taxi-Services" nach Sanc, vielleicht sollte NQ auch einen "in zufälligem ungeclaimten hex absetzen"-Service implementieren^^
  6. why wouldn't it be part of the mission system? I can fully see some ppl comissioning simple but time consuming building or terraforming tasks over the mission system.
  7. The combat and crafting related topicsfrom pre-alpha and alpha1 are very unlikely to be realized by now, so the thing which is most important to me currently would probably be this topic: Point 2 in this post will hopefully be realized with the territory warfare update, at least for non-alioth hexes, the other two points are still very much needed right now. Static cubes in the current state of base building serve no purpose besides placing industry and maybe some dispensers (if we ignore the aesthetic needs of the players).
  8. And your solution would be what? Ban ATV from playing the game on the normal server? Forbid all interactions one week before a patch? Or rollback all accounts of ATV members each patch? I know it might sound quite absolute what i'm saying here, but i just want to point out that there is nothing you could do against assymetrical information, and i definitely don't expect NQ to publish all patch notes in advance, even tho it might be a good solution, it wont cover all information that test server players have access to.
  9. Your reply shows ignorance. Ofc, i would be stupid to deny that it could happen. I dont know every member of ATV-Member so i can't say it never happened just because i didn't see anything of it. But you will always have a few ppl who exploit the good will of others, that doesn't make it a common occurance or anything that has significant impact, and it certainly doesn't mean you should just generalize your assumption for all ATV members. i can say for certain that no positions or similar were leaked in the ATV discord, if anything was leaked then in personal contacts which wouldn't require you to be ATV. And as far as i remember it was said beforehand that schematics were coming, just not how expensive they would be, so anyone could figure out it will probably impact the economy and buy stuff before that. Ofc, ppl with access to the test server could be rather sure that it will impact the economy, which is also a reason why i said it barely ever happened and not it never happened. But in the end everyone who follows what NQ says in interviews etc. could make some assumptions about what was happening.
  10. The so often mentioned "ATV-Insider Info exploits" that barely ever happened.
  11. don't get it wrong, i still care about the game and give feedback, but making comprehensive posts for feature overhauls and similar just seems fuitile for me. I do enjoy reading new ideas tho, so i certainly don't want to dissuade you. Its just that, during the pre-alpha and alpha1 stages, i made pretty comprehensive posts about nearly every game mechanic and have said everything i could about it. Some is now implemented in a rudimentary way, many ideas weren't (as to be expected). I feel its not worth it repeating what i already said over and over without getting a reaction, especially when i see that quite a few of my predictions about the negative impact of the current mechanics came true. It feels like DU has to fail really hard before it can make a comeback and the devs start to change their stubbornness.
  12. don't know if i understood you wrong or if your statement is just false. Ofc normal fusion generates more energy than needed to iniate it for pretty much all elements below iron. And cold fusion is called cold fusion because it doesn't require high temperatures to initiate the fusion process, has nothing to do with the produed/consumed energy.
  13. thats why i stopped making fleshed out suggestions for game mechanics after alpha1. It's just being ignored without any feedback because NQ follows their gameplan and basically doesn't care for the suggestions of players if it touches a core mechanic.
  14. There are quite a lot of players unhappy with the current Implementation of the repair system, mostly due to the total loss of elements and the inability to restore cores. I want to adress the first point here. A total destruction after x repairs is not the way to go, as it can leave people helplessly stranded. What i would rather suggest is keeping the limited lives of elements for a full repair, but afterward, instead of destroying them, their stats (warm up time, thrust, fuel use, fuel capacity, hp, weapon dmg etc.) should be reduced with every successive repair. This way the elements would be suboptimal, but still useable andbable to get the ship towards a planet or a market and it wouldnt become completely useless. This mechanic however, and the same foes for the current swapping of damaged elements, is tedious if done by handm And games should reduce tedious actions as much as possible. Thus the need for a new mechanic or type of element emerges, the repair element. The idea behind that is to have a type of element, that gives players an active skill when they are linked to it. The repair element would be linked to a container hub, containong new elements, and to the player, giving him the ability "right-click on construct and replace all elements above x number of repairs with new elements". The tier of this element would decide which core aize can be repaired/element-swapped and can be placed on dynamic and static cores, with the exception of T4 which can repair large cores, those should only be placeable on static cores. To use the element ability on a construct, that construct must be either not moving, or parented. Additionally to that, an industry that can turn industry into scraps and parts relative to the number of total repairs (0 repairs -> parts only, 5 repairs -> 50% scrap, 50% parts) is necessary. While i wouldn't limit the use of those elements, the repair-ability element should have a size, weight and, later, power use, that makes it pretty unusable for any kind of pvp ship and incentivises specialized repair ships/ports. I would be glad to get some feedback and constructive criticism on this
  15. I disagree on the reverse engineering mechanic, it doesn't make much sense to improve the part when you reverse engineer it, more often than not it would be worse. I'd much rather have a talent tree dedicated to achematics and research and additional elements that feed on schematics and their finished elements to improve one schematic by a small amount.
  16. doesn't make that much sense as the important things about industry related to the raw materials is the hardware, not the software. Take refiners for example, you probably would have something in there that reduces ore to dust before getting the pure. This process would need components specific to the ore and it does make sense, that its more expensive for one type of ore than for the other. Thats nothing that could be solved with a new motherboard or similar.
  17. to be honest, you still can do that. Its perfectly possible to craft a good xs ship with T1 elements completely with your nanocrafter. Without any schematics involved.
  18. Changing the schematic prices is defintiely needed, even tho schematics themselves are fine. What i miss in this update is how to make PvP worthwhile again. While its good that ships destroyed in PvP will be full stopped i doubt that the components salvaged will really be enough to cover the cost, but we will see about that. And just so you don't forget, once again: we need more content and we need a complete revamp of the repair system! There are many good suggestions about this in the forum, keeping it as it is would be a great waste of potential.
  19. TBH, all the industry stuff isn't such an issue if you're not just started. When all went down i had 5mio Quanta in my wallet and no assets i would sell, thus i bought 30 warp cells, hopped in my small warper courier and went to teomas for 2 days where i mined sodium for about 20 hours, earning 30mio in the process. With that i bought the schematics for an advanced s-engines industry, and while the sales aren't anything to write about i got a bulk order thats worth a few millions so far. With the dwindling playerbase being industrialist might not be profitable for the next one or two months, but you can still start building something up. The bigger issue for me is the lack of other content, which is whyplayers leave, and the stupid repair mechanics which completely killed pvp. And JC had the gall to say they know it killed pvp but it will be fine in the future with no intention to fix it for the time being.
  20. depends on how its actually realized. If you have a limited virtual whitespace where you can access elements that you previously "scanned" to build xs, s and m sized ships, but are unable to do anything else, it might be fine. There could always be a mechanic implemented that required a "reallife - test" for virtual BPs to be turned into real BPs, which would cost more elements and voxels than deploying it with the final BP (afterall, as everyone loves to talk about reality here, even if you simulate and cad-design items you still have to test it in reality before giving it into production). This way it could even help the economy, because if i build ships in DU i don't really waste any elements or voxels, i might buy a few more elements than i need, but those wlll be used in another build. Thus having an increased cost to turn a virtual BP to a core BP would probably lead to higher sales instead of lower ones.
  21. thats why i only included items in the storage, deployed constructs should remain untouched. Ofc you would have the same problem as in the alpha, when there were L-cores of pures standing around, but it would still severly reduce the amount of high tier stuff on the server
  22. with limited repairs that wont happen again i'd guess.
  23. let's be honest here, DU is extremely boring to watch on twitch, even if i love playing the game, i would never watch someone else do it, way to slow and no action.
  24. A general wipe definitely isn't the solution, i could imagine them doing a soft-wipe at some point, that means only removing T2+ elements in storages and quanta, while leaving the rest untouched. But even that would be a stretch.
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