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Posts posted by guttertrash

  1. Sorry if this is a bit off of the original topic... But one thing I was wondering about rail systems on planets, is how you compensate for the curvature of the planet.

    Even if they're just straight,. the curvature of the planet will be less work than the uneven terrain for making rails conform too. 


    Chances are we'll just have some fixed slopes and bends available, i'm sure the dev's will make it have enough options to navigate the planets effectively 

  2. So we've seen a few threads about things like melee weapons, wheels and racing, and space elevators. Which got me thinking about fun things we can do with the tools provided. So I was wondering what types of mini games you might have in mind, perhaps ones you made or seen made in other voxel games that could be fun in a more social environment like DU. 



    So here's what i saw in other threads already:

    Gladiators (was mentioned in the melee thread iirc) 

    Auto Racing. 


    I was thinking it would be fun to make a little carnival with over the top rides, perhaps some shooting galleries or other common carnival games. ( got this idea from the space elevator thread because it would be the ultimate carnival ride imho) 


    I thought this would be a fun Lighthearted discussion to get some creative juices flowing. 





    (edit i probably should have put this in the idea box sub forum so if an admin can move it super, otherwise lets pretend i put this in the right place : ) 



    What I understand is: You will be able to construct at any altitude, but, above 1km, it wont be in a zone you can "own" (with a ground based TCU)

    I haven't found any news about space based TCU yet.


    It would be neat if there was a gap between where a space TCU started and ground one ended, so that you would have to make part of the elevators trip ballistic.  (i know this is wrong for how a space elevator should work, but if there is a gap i'd rather have it work this way than be constantly repairing it : ) 

  4. I wonder if i will ever get over my SE based fear of rotors and pistons :P I'm sure they wont be made of explodium in this game. 


    I would really like to see tethers(i know its on the list)  and something that can be used to lock onto another object (willing or not) for like a salvage or tow line 

  5. So idk if this helps but reading all the posts i had an idea that i think would be an interesting way to address the starting planet issue..


    might not but it works in my mind. 


    instead of a starting planet, have starting moons, the distance to travel between them would be much easier than crossing a solar system, the dev's could possibly add moons as needed...


    and make the planet the moons orbit a giant safe zone for trade and experimentation. 

  6. as long as its not easier to use those tools than weapons or explosives i have no issues with it, i mean if it takes someone 15 minutes to cut open my ship and 30 seconds to blow it open, let them cut.


    but it all depends on how the mechanics balance stuff like this out. 

  7. Huh for some reason i accidentally unsubscribed from my own thread and missed all this,  Old people and computers amirite 



    guttertrash, I wish you the best with Blackguard! 



    Thanks :) 




    Question: How can you be a pirate coalition and be tagged as neutral lol?

    Well here's how i see it.


    The universe is chaotic, beautiful, random, balanced,  the only true neutral that can exist unbiased.  perfect. 

    Man will seek to replace beauty with structure. Man is driven by vanity and ego. Man will destroy perfection and replace it with corruption. 


    I will not fight for men, I will fight for the balance




    Blackguard really isn't pirates, or smugglers, we may occasionally pirate or smuggle. These are  activities we may engage in on our path but they don't define us.

  8. So as I read through the forums I find the state of it all depressing. Toxic fumes are starting to engulf the whole of the forums and no one seems to care.



    Some of us do.. I haven't been on the forum for a little bit and now that I've come back and got caught up i'm horribly disappointed in what this has become. When i first joined the rude responses were sparse, now they seem to be the default tone.

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