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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Velenka

  1. Here's a suggestion:

    If you get tagged with permissions to use an RN, that's not enough to be able to use it. You must also tag the RN with some kind of special permission tag also. Only after you give and get permission, will you be able to resurrect at an RN.


    Additionally, once you give permission to an RN, you can't take it back. The tag that gives you permission could be integrated into membership of whatever organization owns the RN. So if you can't take your tag back, and presumably the organization won't be willing to keep kicking and rejoining you, there would be limits to the abuse. Because you need to tag the RN yourself, you don't get sucked into some mystery RN that you've never seen before.

  2. They seem to indicate that yes, there will be newtonian mechanics implemented with dynamic constructs. So, for anyone who's played Space Engineers, this will be all too familiar. In fact, NQ is taking it a step further. Where KSWH ignored Newton's 2nd law for rotation, NQ won't. This will make it even more challenging but more rewarding too. I can't wait to try my hand at some ship design.

  3. If the devs are going to implement the market "bots" in the beginning, why would they go through all the trouble of making another economy source? It would be much simpler to turn the bots on and off.


    As far as a sink, I'm thinking that when constructs are destroyed, there shouldn't be any scrap generated from the destruction at all. With no scrap and no construct, the value has disappeared.

  4. We just got an official heads-up that built ships cannot be taken back apart, and that purchased ships cannot be modified (but can be repaired).


    I assume you mean market-bought or Blueprint Copy-built ships.


    Plus you could say that the "scrap" object relies on a skill to refine (the same skill it would take to refine ore). A character with higher skills would get a better ratio of the raw materials back.


    I like this idea, in general too. You could go and sell scrap on the market, where those with extremely high recycling skill could get a majority of the raw materials back.

  5. Part of this devblog talks about a feature like this:



    - Virtual Simulator: enabling player to enter a virtual world (call it �inception syndrome�!). While in that virtual space, the player would be able to design any construct, in a completely peaceful setting. This would help builders to design their construct and create their blueprints safely, without being interrupted by any PvP action. For ships, it will also be possible to test their flight mode, without risking a crash or wasting resources!

  6. "

    I wish you a good day, Velenka and I must congratulate you on an idea well executed. We look forward to seeing more of your organisation in Dual Universe. 


    You did a wonderful backstory as well: splendid.



    Thank you. I definitely wanted my backstory to be an important part of my character and organization (lore-wise). I waited until now only because I needed time to come up with a good story and then write it.

  7. B5xZkDF.png







    Phoenix Initiative was established with the intent of exploration. However, exploration by itself is not possible without supporting infrastructure. The Branches of Phoenix Initiative provide for the fulfillment of our exploration goals. Phoenix Initiative was founded by Allen Tainia after the historic landing of Novark on Alioth. His strong will and determination have brought us together to enable the human condition to learn about the universe. It is solely this desire that initiated the objective of exploration. Join us, satisfy your curiosity and fulfill your destiny.






    PI is split into branches, then departments, then, if need be, sections. Each branch will manage its own assets and can issue requests to other branches for its assets if it requires assistance.















    A6S4V46.pngThe directors all share the same duties as the highest ranking officials in each branch, however, they outrank them and act as the leader of each branch. For branches with two directors, the first position is called Alpha and outranks the second, Beta. Each member of the Core Assembly is one of these ten directors. The Core Assembly will make all decisions concerning large-scale PI operations with Allen Tainia as the Chairman of the Core Assembly.

    The rank of Journeyman will apply to all brand new recruits across each branch. They should not take long to advance to their particular branch's lowest rank. Journeymen will be judged more quickly and probably more harshly due to their untrustworthiness (forgive the negative connotation here). More trusted members will be allowed more leniency, since they have proven themselves.

    *We are currently taking applications for all vacant Director and top-rank positions (Admiral, Master Coordinator, etc...). When Alpha arrives, I will approve the best applicants and make a formal announcement to that effect. Applications submitted sooner have higher priority, so don't hesitate to apply. This waiting period gives a fair chance to everyone who applies. Application is not necessary to join PI, but it is required for Director and top-rank positions. When the time comes, I will be announcing received applications/accepted positions on PI Discord. (see below for link) Don't forget to check out PI on the community site!

    Director/Top Rank Application
    Estimate how much time you could allocate for us:
    Why should I pick you for this position?:
    To submit the application, PM me with a filled out application on the forums or on Discord. No application necessary to join PI, only for leader positions.

    Although there is a clear hierarchical order here, I intend for the gameplay rift between highest and lowest ranks to be minimal. All ranks ought to share somewhat the same style of gameplay. The only intentional difference is that the higher ranks get to call the shots.





    The agents of PI are expected to behave in accordance with a very simple code of conduct. PI is an organization based on exploration, science, invention, and diplomacy. We are not pirates and we are not griefers. We do not blatantly steal and destroy. Harassing other players in any way is unacceptable. Definition of harassment is entirely up to me and the judicial department. Violation of this code will result in punishment or possibly expulsion from PI. We will consider all actions and statements from you, even on "your" time. That includes in-game when you are not working on PI activities, or on the forums or other DU related community.




    Any character will be allowed to be members of other organizations only as long as there is no conflict:
    Not a pirate or other disreputable organization. We are not pirates and we do not associate with them.*
    You do not overextend yourself. Working two jobs takes a lot of effort. Will be allowed if you can handle yourself.
    No conflict with the other organization. If you're not sure, ask them.

    *Note that I said this was a character limitation. I am fine with you having another character which is a pirate. In fact, I may do that. This applies to characters only.



    I don't want people to get their hopes up for something that just isn't going to happen. A first day spawn just isn't going to become captain of a ship. Nor will a weekend-only player become a Director (a role which is supposed to be extremely active). I realize that sometimes things change or people encounter problems in their real lives, so those who lose time to play won't be punished or demoted as long as they tell the rest of us what's going on. This isn't meant to discriminate good or bad players, it is meant to manage expectations and avoid unpleasant surprises. There's nothing inherently wrong or bad with spending your time elsewhere.







    Regular playing and socializing lets me and other officers in PI examine your trustworthiness and willingness and ability to contribute, which allows us to place more trust in you. Very likely that only those who tend to play with us, get on VOIP with us, engage with us (and a lot of it) will get higher ranking positions or more benefits. This may seem to be unfair to those with extremely limited time and/or money, but that's the way it is. Trust is earned, not given.






    Everything above is subject to change, as more is learned about DU and as gameplay may necessitate change.




    Read the full story here.






    Although this is not an RP group, I don't discourage it. But because I also don't enforce RP, don't be surprised if no one plays along with you. RPing by yourself probably isn't fun at all, but hey, I warned you. (Catch me in the right mood though and I may play along, especially if it's about my  character's backstory.)






    Ideally, all.
    But until a significant following is established, most likely that we will be in US timezones since I live in the US. I hope that I can get a group of nice individuals who would act as leaders in non US timezones.




    Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/9g2Sxg8
    Website TBD
    Would love help with a website, although, after using Discord for a while, we might just rely on that, the community page, and possibly the forums.
    I would also like to make a new phoenix graphic. It's so terrible. Please send help.

  8. PDF here

    Dark Renaissance

    By Velenka, member of the Dual Universe Community



    September 2022, at Integrated Solutions and Research main offices

    “That’s an intriguing idea. Got anything else? Maybe some Unobtanium?” Dr. Steven Lockley said to his coworker Ellena. Steven turned from his desk to look at her, grinning teasingly.

    “Very funny. I’m being serious here. Check out the structure. See how it’s being reinforced here and here?” Ellena held open her design notebook and pointed at a diagram. Steven took the notebook for a closer look.

    “Yeah. I admit, it’s pretty clever. You should do the math on it. See if there’s anything noteworthy there.”

    “I already have. My math shows that it’s incredibly hard, much harder than steel. Stronger too, and it’s half the density. Not only that, but—“

    “Not only that? What, there’s more?” Steven began flipping pages.

    “Yes, I’m getting to it. As you can see, it looks like the Kempston factor is pretty high. In fact I calculated that it’s so much so that it’s surpassed the Kempston criteria.”

    “What? No, there’s no way, you must have made a mistake.”  Steven looked amazed.

    “I didn’t. I checked myself five times. Here, look.” Ellena pointed at her calculations. Steven flipped through a few more pages. He took a minute to look through each of the figures.

    “Well I’m no expert but—“

    “Ha! I told you.”

    Steven continued forcefully. “But you should have this examined by someone who knows what they’re doing. Someone like—“

    “Like Karen Graham?” Ellena smiled coyly. “Yes. In fact, I’ve already invited her to come up. She said that she was also fascinated by the idea, although she also seems to think that I messed up.”

    “You probably did, even if I don’t see it.”

    “Yeah, we’ll see.” Ellena took back her notebook. She pointed it at him. “If this isn’t fake, this could change everything.”

    “So could cold fusion, but that doesn’t mean it’s real.”

    “Bad example since it’s impossible theoretically. This isn’t. I’m sure about it. After all, can you imagine all the uses for a substance which is impervious to gravitons?”

    “Many and impressive, I’m sure,” said Steven sarcastically as he turned back to his desk and continued his work.

    “You got that right. In fact I just thought of something right now.”

    “Oh yeah? What would that be?”

    “I’d build a telescope.”

    “A telescope?” Steven stopped working again and looked up at her. “Really? Is that the best idea you can come up with? Something like this, manned space travel might finally be possible.”

    “Sure, but where would you know where to go without a telescope?”

    “I see your point. Well, since you’ve discovered it, what are you going to call it?”

    “Hmm. I guess kyrium would be a little lame wouldn’t it,” Ellena said, half asking and half telling.

    Steven raised an eyebrow. “You think? Please don’t call it that, it’s really really lame.”

    “Well since you asked nicely… kyrium it is,” said Dr. Ellena Kyriat in an almost entirely false assertive tone.


    November 2024, at KLABS’ research facility

    “Well? What’s it say?” Ellena asked impatiently.

    “Hold on, it’s still working. There. Here we go.” Dr. Karen Graham said with a hint of anticipation. Steven and Ellena grouped around her. “The result of the mass spectroscopy says… negative for kyrium.”

    “Damn! I could have sworn it would work this time. We corrected for everything now and –“ said Ellena, frustrated and angry.

    “Just kidding Ellena. It worked! It’s kyrium. Congratu—“ teased Karen.

    “Oh you had me there.”

    “Can you blame her for getting a laugh? Anyway, congratulations Dr. Ellena Kyriat! You have successfully invented the first Kempston positive material known to man. You’ve been an obsessive slave-driver ever since you left Integrated Solutions and Research two years ago and started up KLABS to formally investigate kyrium. Now, here we are,” Steven reminisced.

    “The next question is, what are you going to do with it?” Karen asked, beating Steven to the punch.

    “Good question. I’m not sure.”
    “The whole world is waiting to hear what happens next.”
    “I know, I know. I’m thinking. It’s hard to say.”

    “Come on, you must want to do something. Even if it’s something silly. As we’ve seen, we can make more, even if it is extremely difficult and expensive,” Steven not so subtly encouraged.

    “Good point. Maybe we can work on making the process less so. But I have just had an idea. My first idea, actually. Why not make a telescope?”
    “Really? This again? You were serious?” Steven questioned with a sense of playful suspicion.

    “You know how much I like science fiction. Wouldn’t it be something extraordinary to discover extraterrestrial life?”

                    “After creating kyrium? I think you’ve had enough success for one lifetime,” Karen joked.

    “No, no. I’ve got a friend working for the Space Telescope Science Institute using the James Webb Space Telescope. After he sees this, he’s gonna lose his mind. They would love to get a new module thousands of times more sensitive up there.”

    “Maybe, or maybe you’re just being far too optimistic. There’s been no practical tests done yet, and there’s still much more to do.” Karen put down the printed analysis results and turned off the mass spectrometer. “Especially with the—,” Karen turned back towards Ellena. But Ellena missed the rest of Karen’s speech since she was already walking out of the lab with her phone in hand.


    April 16th 2027 Space Telescope Science Institute, Operations Center for the JWST

    “Picking up something strange,” said Woldt with a curious look on her face.

    “What?” asked her colleague, Barrick a little too enthusiastically. This could be their first major discovery using the new telescope module.

    “We’re getting local interference,” Barrick waited a few moments for Woldt to find it. “It’s coming from right ascension 21 hours 26 minutes 26.662 seconds and declination plus 19 degrees 22 minutes 32.304 seconds. Incredibly bright.”

    “Record the emission spectrum.”

    “I know, I’m already doing it. Here it is.” She printed off the spectrum and handed it to him.

    He looked at it. “Yeah, give me a sec.” Barrick looked up the spectrum on his computer. “Looks like that’s coming from HR 8210, a binary system.”

    “It’s gone dark.”

    “Has it? Back to normal?”

    “No it’s gone completely dark. Wait, no. It’s something else. Take another reading.” Woldt took ten seconds to get another reading. Barrick checked it again.

    “Looks like a neutron star,” Barrick said with an interested tone.

    “Was that a supernova?”

    “Probably. IK Pegasi A is—actually was from the looks of this—was the closest supernova progenitor candidate. The spectrum makes it look like a type Ia supernova, which matches the database. It’s going on the watchlist. We’ll wait and see if anything happens.”


    Ten days later

    “It’s officially confirmed now. It’s traveling extremely fast,” said Barrick worryingly to the caller on his phone.

    How fast?” he asked.

    “Since the supernova, it’s been traveling at nearly twenty five percent the speed of light.”

    “And when you say that it’s coming toward us, exactly how close?”

    “Direct collision course,” Barrick said regretfully.

    “Jesus Christ. I’m… I’ve… I gotta go.” He hung up. Barrick let out a long sigh.

    “Lincoln?” Woldt was worried.

    “Apparently it’s worse than he had hoped.”


    “I was just on the phone with the US Secretary of State. He said they needed more information.”


    “Apparently the Secretary attended the emergency joint assembly of the UN. I hate being the bearer of bad news.”

    “I feel sorry for you… and the rest of the world. What are we going to do?”

    “I don’t know. But we will do something. We have to do something,” Barrick trailed off, hoping for an answer to come to him.



    June 6th 2027, Manhattan, sixth emergency joint assembly of the UN

    “No, I’m afraid that even with the entire current stockpile of warheads plus the expected amount of fissile material left in the ground, there just won’t be enough fuel for a Project Orion type evacuation. I’m sorry,” announced the man at the podium. The man retired, while the speaker of the joint assembly returned to the spotlight.

    “We are sorry as well, Doctor. I will now reopen the floor to the rest of the council chamber. Have there been any breakthroughs anywhere?”  The speaker sees that a hand is raised. “The US council member wishes to speak. Go ahead.”

    “I have been reluctant to mention this until now, but as we see now, there is little choice. There is a new and experimental material—“

    Groans and sighs could be heard from the crowd. The Council members had heard plenty of “new and experimental” solutions over the past several weeks, of which none had been even within the realm of possibility.

    The US council member continued. “—called kyrium. It has some rather impressive properties, but the most important is that it is ‘impervious to gravitons.’ Now, I realize none of us are physicists, but I have been told that this is very revolutionary and it could be the key to our salvation. I suggest that we send a delegation to the creators of this substance, a research institute called KLABS, and inquire as to exactly what we could do with it.”

    Although the reception of this idea did not go well at all, the joint assembly still voted unanimously to send a delegation to KLABS. It’s not really a mystery because when one has no options, one becomes rather desperate.


    Three days later, at KLABS’ research facility

    Seven council members were chosen as the delegation sent to KLABS. Their names were Diego Armiger, Amira Buccheri, Phoebe Cantos, Edra Kampf, Alojzy Skalicky, Cyrstal Zavaleta, and Thaddeus Zemke. The seven delegates were shown into the small facility’s only conference room. Inside was a table for twelve, a projector and whiteboard.

    “Welcome, and thank you all for coming. We have prepared a presentation which should explain the major properties and obvious applications. Please direct your attention to our projector screen,” Steven introduced. The presentation lasted for 15 minutes and explained the basic nature of kyrium and its relationship with gravitons.

    “This concludes our prepared presentation, are there any questions?” One delegate spoke up immediately.

    “So if kyrium is impervious to gravitons…” Zavaleta began.

    “Yes…” replied Steven.

    “Couldn’t it protect us from the neutron star if we were to construct shelters using  it?”

    “Not practically. The only way to accomplish that would be to build a shell around the entire Earth.”

    “Could you produce enough kyrium in time to—“

    “No. I had the same thought. There’s not enough time or resources for a project of such magnitude.”

    “What about evacuation? Build space ships to evacuate Earth?” Cantos inquired.

    “Theoretically and practically possible perhaps. But there is one big issue. There’s nowhere to go. Neither the enhanced James Webb Space Telescope nor any other has found life on any other planet. Eventually everyone would just eventually die floating into the void of space,” Steven replied again.

    “But with cryo stasis?”

    “Yes, cryo stasis could preserve people in ships in space, but there’s still the issue of nowhere to go. They wouldn’t be able to wake up.”

    “Perhaps we could take initiative. Could a bomb or other device be made using kyrium to divert or destroy the neutron star?” Buccheri solicited.

    Steven paused for a few moments. “That’s a fascinating idea. I think my team and I could discuss—“Steven began until Ellena interrupted.

    “No, it won’t work.”

    “OK” Steven under his breath. “Got a better idea?” Her silence was deafening.

    “You have worked with this stuff for how long now? There must be some way to apply it here,” demanded Kampf.

    “Well I have a rather unorthodox idea. Not sure you’ll like it,” Ellena offered.

    “Better than nothing,” Cantos retorted.

    “Wormholes,” said Ellena, almost definitively.

    “Wormholes?” Steven asked incredulously. The delegates only gave confused or agitated stares.

    “Wormholes. I think it might be possible to use kyrium to form a stable Einstein-Rosen bridge.”

    “I thought that was only theoretical. Are you saying that you and Ellena--,” Steven almost finished asking.

    “Yes. But there’s a problem. Like you said, there’s nowhere to evacuate to,” Karen replied.

    “I may not be familiar with these kinds of physics, but you are. Couldn’t we take Earth through one?” Steven asked Karen quietly, while Ellena tried to continue. Karen started to reply but Cantos, having been the closest, had made out some of the words, interrupted.

    “What did he say?” She asked before Karen could get out three syllables.

    “He was asking why we don’t bring the Earth through,” Karen responded reluctantly.

    “Well?” Cantos demanded.

    “We thought of that weeks ago. The problem with that is the energy required. It takes a lot of energy. The required energy for a wormhole increases exponentially—” Karen

    “How much energy?” asked Zemke.

    “Suffice it to say, there’s no way we could generate that much energy any time soon,” Ellena said, attempting to lead the diplomat to the answer.

    We can’t? Then who can? Aliens?” Zemke scoffed at the ridiculousness of the proposition.

    “No, I’m saying that there are objects which do have a lot of energy, but none within reach.”

    “What are these objects?”

    “The closest one would be the black hole.”

    “A black hole?”

    “Not a black hole. The black hole. The supermassive black hole that is at the center of the galaxy.”

    “Oh” Zemke said, turning to a curious tone. “Just the black hole?”

    “Yes, that’s one issue.”

    “There’s others?” Armiger spoke up.

    “Yeah, there’s another problem. To actually utilize this energy would require the use of devices. Call them wormhole generators. These devices would have to be placed around the galaxy, surrounding the black hole,” Ellena replied.

    “What, really? Is that all? Wouldn’t the time it would take to place the technology out there completely rule this idea out?” Armiger sardonically countered.

    “Well—“ Ellena started.

    “I’m not a scientist, but I do know that wormholes create tunnels not only through space, but through time. Whatever we send out can take however long it wants then create a wormhole through to the past. What’s wrong with that?” Cantos suggested excitedly.

    “That’s all true, but there’s one last problem I haven’t mentioned yet. Devices would have to be placed throughout the galaxy to create the exit of the wormhole, harnessing the power of the supermassive black hole. Another set of devices is required around the entrance of the wormhole, also requiring another power source. Albeit, the power source required would be much less intensive—“

    “Great!” Zemke responded.

    Ellena tried to ignore the interruption. “—but will need to be much closer to the entrance. And, no matter how much we try or how close we place the entrance, Earth still can’t collectively generate that much power for such a large wormhole.”

    “But it’s possible in the future, generating that much energy might not be impossible,” Steven offered.

    “Maybe, but the UN needs a solution now. And we need to start planning for whatever it is as soon as possible or run the chance of being caught with our pants down.” Skalicky warned.

     “Why don’t we use the neutron star, Doctor?” Cantos asked.

    “Excuse me?” Karen wasn’t quite sure what Cantos was asking.

    “She’s asking why don’t we use it to power the entrance, just like the black hole powers the exit,” clarified Steven.

    “I thought of that too, but that’s where another flaw in this plan is: we would have to allow the neutron star to come perilously close to Earth to make it work.  The neutron star would already be too close,” acknowledged Karen.

    “But like I said before, just put the entrance further back in time, before the neutron star even approaches,” Cantos prodded.

    “Yes, we could do that.” Ellena responded, surprised at Cantos not being appalled by her own suggestion of the neutron star’s proximity.

    “Any assistance or materials you need are yours.” Cantos volunteered.

     “Hold on!” Skalicky gave Cantos a silencing stare. “Even if these technical issues are sorted out—they are sorted out?” questioned Skalicky. There was nodding from the three scientists. “Even then, there are still major issues to work though, all having to do with public opinion. And we would need public opinion on our side for a project of this scale. Right?”

    “Yes, we would need hundreds, perhaps thousands of wormhole probes for this to work. We’ve estimated that the required man-hours and material would surpass every project taken on by humanity, ever. Combined.” Steven said to Skalicky.

    “Precisely. A large majority of the planet’s population would have to work on this undertaking. Next, what you’re proposing seems utterly ridiculous. Beyond the realm of possibility,” Skalicky said dismissively.

    “No, we’re fairly certain about this.”

    “That may be, but no one else can be as certain. No one else in the entire world will believe you. Or us, if we were to suggest this course of action. Everyone would believe that our proposal was too good to be true, that we were selling false hope in the face of an impassable adversity and then we would lose support. Another issue I see is, I have just noticed that the kind of time travel you are suggesting is impossible. It creates a…” He looked down at his mobile phone. “Grandfather Paradox?”

    “It may very well create a paradox. Theoretically, a paradox like that could exist. It makes no sense to the human mind, but the universe is capable of dealing with it,” Ellena replied.

    “Okay… Well…” He put his phone away. “The next problem I see is that this solution involves saving everything and everyone all at once.”

    Ellena had a very confused expression on her face. “Yes, what’s wrong with that?” Ellena asked indignantly.

    “Because if it fails, then everything and everyone will die as well. You’d have us put all our eggs in the same basket. Finally, we won’t even know if it will work until we activate it. And as you say, we can’t activate it until the neutron star is right on top of us. If it doesn’t work, we won’t have time to try anything else.”

    “I agree those are some major issues, but isn’t there anything your delegation or the UN can do about that?” Ellena requested.

    “Like I said before, I don’t think we’ll be able to convince the world that time travel is real. And nobody would get behind a plan that wants us to do nothing until the neutron star is about to hit.”

    “If you can’t tell the truth then obviously you have to lie.”

    “Ellena?” Steven muttered discreetly,  looking a little worried.

    “Lie to the whole world? It might work for the duration of the speech, but eventually the world would eventually be able to find the truth, that there would be no evacuation. No, we need a viable alternative.” Skalicky responded.

    “You could have both,” Ellena stated, ignoring Steven.

    “Both? Do you have another idea?” asked Cantos curiously.

    “Yes, I have just had a rather fascinating idea.”

    “Well?” she asked promptly.

    “Evacuation.” Ellena smiled.

    “That’s been discussed just now and you dismissed it. What’s changed?”

    “I suggest we evacuate people across the galaxy.”

    “To where exactly? I haven’t seen any extraterrestrial life discovered on any extraplanets.”

    “That’s exoplanets. To answer your question: the same locations that we would send the wormhole devices.”

    “But why would—” Cantos stopped herself after having a slight realization. “What are you thinking Doctor?”

    “I think that if we take Dr. Graham’s suggestion and combine it with an evacuation plan, this could resolve the aforementioned issues.” Ellena gestured towards Skalicky.

    “You think we should evacuate but lie about it? How, exactly, should we do that?” interjected Skalicky.

    “She’s thinking that we should build the probes but call them evacuation ships. Right, Doctor?” Cantos asked after fully having Ellen’s epiphany.

    “That would work until people realized what was going on. There sure would be a lot of angry people and no plan afterwards,” retorted Skalicky.

    “No. That’s not what I mean, don’t you see? We build legitimate evacuation ships, but embedded within would be the wormhole generators,” Ellena countered.

    Skalicky took a moment to contemplate Ellena’s idea. “Your idea has its merits. We save people. We take an active role in saving as many as possible, while minimizing the risk of total annihilation as much as possible. Yes, I like it, but only because it’s the only option. It is by far better than anything we’ve heard in the UN’s joint assemblies in a long time.”

    There were nodding agreements from the rest of the delegation.

    “But if this is to succeed, we must become the keepers of an absolute secret. No one but us and those we trust to help can know about this. Not even the UN,” Skalicky continued.


    The seven delegates and three scientists engaged in an active discussion lasting several hours. They agreed that the public and even the UN should be kept in the dark. They formed a committee to handle their plan for the next five hundred years. They called themselves the Rising Ashes Committee, and the plan, the Phoenix Initiative.

    Ellena and her associates filled in their fellow committee members on more intimate details concerning the potential for wormhole generators, kyrium, and space flight. In return, the former delegates explained what was and was not feasible with a massive cover-up as well as coordinating logistics with such a large scale technical project. Of course, this discussion wouldn’t be enough to last for 500 years’ worth of action. They realized this and it became part of their plan to adapt to any changes as they came along.

    Over the years, more and more pieces came together. The Committee lied to the UN; the original delegation sent from the UN returned with the plan to evacuate to “newly discovered exoplanets with life.” They maneuvered the UN into beginning the Rebirth Program, with some of the Committee members heading it up. The Program worked with KLABS to create the arkships: one part evacuation and secretly, one part wormhole generator. KLABS received a rather large subsidiary from the Program to bring the Phoenix Initiative to fruition, enabling them to continue working on all aspects of the arkships, clandestine activities included.

    Only one problem arose in the interim. KLABS eventually discovered an issue in synchronizing all arkships once they were in position. The problem was easily fixable for a human, but not manageable by the AI or any other automated computer system. The Committee decided that rather than organize an new effort to solve the computer problem, they would send someone to initiate synchronization across all arkships. They simply called this person the Initiator. The only problem left to them was to choose the Initiator.



    November 23rd 2525, Official Rising Ashes Committee meeting

    The Committee members here were Munro Eideard, Keira Erikson, Branden Foxwell, Xiuying Hai, Augustus Hartjen, Raphael Locke, Bohuslava Lyubov, Anastasia Odalis, Merrill Wyrick, and Désiré Zikmund. Here was a meeting hall, which was booked for one time and one time only. Keeping such random meeting places always made it easier to prevent surveillance. The ten members were about to begin another annual rendezvous.

    “I’d like to welcome you all to the 498th annual assembly. As always, the first item on the agenda is an update on the Pegasus Initiative as well as the Rebirth Program as its secondary objective. Doctor Odalis, the floor is yours,” opened Hartjen, the current Committee assembly leader.

    “Thank you. The skeletal reinforcing structures in the arkships were completed earlier this year, only three months behind schedule. Construction on the outer hull and spike for every arkship is mostly finished, with a handful already completed. Electrical and life support systems are all in place and are currently being integrated,” Odalis informed the other Committee members.

    “And the wormhole generators? We are growing more and more worried each year the generators get delayed. Have they been fully checked out yet?” Locke inquired.

    “We actually have made some progress there. It was discovered that the thing holding us back were the tolerances in the sheathing of the gravimetric phase conduits. They weren’t up to the task, so the engineers had to fabricate entirely new ones. As of May, all wormhole generators have gotten the thumbs up from every expert. They are ready to be installed,” Odalis answered.

    “Good, good. What’s left?” Locke continued forward.

    “As far as the Rebirth Program is concerned, the colonist devices being developed by various contractors are almost ready to come out of the prototype stage,” Odalis replied.

    “They’re still in the prototype stage? Wow,” Lyubov remarked.

    “Yeah, they’re way behind. Aside, from that, the only thing they’re working on right now is the lottery. They are developing the logistics on that,” Odalis replied.

    “Alright then. Thank you Dr. Odalis. Zikmund, you have the floor to speak about the matter of the Initiator,” Hartjen said.

    “Thank you, Hartjen. I have finally finished sorting through all of the Committee’s proposed choices and I’ve narrowed it down to two candidates, who our sources have vetted, and whose thoughts and opinions definitely drift our way. The first is Alisha Palmer, a coordinator currently working for the UN.”

    “Yes, we should all recognize the name. She was the one who finally suggested the new colony technology infrastructure after realizing that the traditional approach wouldn’t work,” informed Foxwell.

    “Exactly. She was investigated shortly thereafter. Being a scientist by profession, she eventually invented replacement technology, the nanopack and the nanoformer. She’s an excellent candidate,” Zikmund commented.

    “And the other?”

    “The other is decidedly younger, but just as appealing, if not more. His name is Allen Tainia. He’s currently working for the UN. His recent actions have prompted us to take a closer look. In 2520, he quite successfully defused seven potential large-scale riots across the globe. In April 2522, FEMA recruited him to help organize massive logistics for the protection of the Rebirth Program. He began by engaging in a two year  reorganization effort of all advanced kyrium transportation routes to avoid much of the active sabotage with little decrease in efficiency.”


    “It goes on. After he solved the transportation crisis, he was recruited by the UN to head a special project with the Rebirth Program to try to reduce as much sabotage as possible. He’s made incredible headway into stopping it as much as possible. Tainia is still working with that project now.”

    “Very impressive. This sounds like our guy.”

    “I agree. As impressive as Ms. Palmer is, Mr. Tainia shines a little brighter.”

    “Well then, I call a vote for the Initiator. All in favor of Mr. Tainia being recruited for the Initiator?” Hartjen asked. Seven hands raised, including his own.

    “Majority clearly rules. Mr. Allen Tainia will be the Initiator,” said Hartjen.

    “So curious that we should even need one. Has everything been accounted for on the Initiator’s arkship?” Munro asked.

    “Everything is in place and currently being integrated. All of the advanced supplies and materials will be ready for the Initiator,” answered Wyrick.

    “Excellent. If there are no more matter of deliberation, then I declare this meeting adjourned,” Hartjen finished.


    Night of November 25th, home of Allen Tainia

    “And you want me to join this secret cult of yours?” Tainia asked sarcastically. He was sitting on a couch opposite Doctor Odalis. They had chosen to have a discussion over a cup of coffee in his living quarters.

    “It’s not a cult. Not to you. And it’s not entirely mine, either,” replied Odalis.

    “I’m still not sure I believe you.”

    “Well, take a look at these, then get back to me. Proof that I have not been joking or lying.” She tossed him a small data drive.

    He caught it and held it up to the light to look at it. “What’s this?”

    “It’s a record of all of almost all of our meetings, since the Committee was founded nearly 500 years ago.”


    “We have included a fairly accurate transcription of the very first meeting, the one which founded the Committee. It wasn’t recorded, so the original members attempted to recreate it in the transcript.”

    “I see. And you think that this will convince me?” He placed the data drive on a nearby table.

    “I’m sure of it.”

    “Suppose I believe you but I don’t want to help you.”

    “Well I know that’s not true. Your actions speak louder than any denials of yours. Besides, you know you could do a lot of good working with us.”

    “I suppose. And what was it you said you wanted me to do? Initialize something?”

    “Initiator. It’s a big responsibility. You’ll learn more about that if you decide to join us.”

    “I don’t know about this.”

    “Sleep on it. Let me know in the morning. I’ll be at the motel down the street.” Tainia used most of the night to contemplate before finally giving in to his sense of righteousness, pride, and of course, curiosity.


    January 14th 2527, Space Telescope Science Institute, Operations Center for the JWST

    “Read off the chemical composition again,” insisted Derring.

    “33% Oxygen 65% Nitrogen. Less than .5% CO2,” responded Mika.

    “No toxic stuff?”

    “Can’t tell. Even if it was, the concentration is pretty low.”

    “Wow. So close to Earth’s atmosphere.”

    “I know right. But it gets better. Approximate temperature of DF-833 ranges from -23 to 39 degrees C.”

    “Oh my God. We’ve finally found one. A real one. A planet with life!”

    “Whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s possible that it might not have life.”

    “Don’t be a downer. Look at its star. It’s a very stable G-type main sequence star. Very similar to the sun. Our sun.” Derring said, each sentence becoming more delighted than the last.

    “I hope you’re right. I bet the Committee never actually expected that we would find anything.”

    “No, I think not. Boy, they sure will be surprised when we tell them the news.”

    “We should also send along and update of all the new life-potential candidates,” Mika suggested.

    “Yeah, send them everything.”


    Three days later, in an urgent meeting of the Committee

    “I agree it is spectacular. But do we really need to change anything? We have a solid plan and are almost ready to execute. Changing anything at this point is extremely risky.” Xiuying Hai questioned.

    “You might be right. Except for the fact that the only thing being changed is the destinations. That’s all. And our scientists figured that out two centuries ago. It won’t be a problem to factor them in.” Foxwell answered.

    “If you say so. But I would like to see some kind of reassurance that this won’t cause any problems.”

    “Then let me offer it. Every scientist and engineer who has ever been recruited learns about the selection algorithm. It is remarkable simple, relatively speaking. They could all do it in their sleep if they were so inclined,” consoled Keira Erikson.

    “Well, I’ll go along with it as long as I see no issues,” Hai returned.

    “Good, that means we can move on to the next point. I suggest that the Initiator’s arkship not be sent to Alioth.” Hartjen proposed.

    “Why not? Sending Tainia there seems rather appropriate.” Locke said.

    “Well it’s simple really. If we sent an non-equipped Initiator to Alioth, we could send another with the current supplies.” Hartjen continued.

    “Ah, yes. Great idea. Who would be our other Initiator? And who would be sent to Alioth?”

    “We should get Palmer as a second Initiator, but send Tainia to Alioth. Palmer is a very skilled scientist and should have less issues with the special equipment and training than Tainia. We were almost ready to choose her as the first Initiator anyway,” suggested Lyubov.

    “They won’t have to work together, will they?” Locke asked.

    “I suppose not, but why would that concern you?”

    “Don’t you know? Palmer and Tainia are divorced and I hear it didn’t end well.”

    “We could separate their training. Should be easy since it’s the kind you get only once in a lifetime. But as far as not knowing about one another entirely? I don’t know about that.”

    “Even if this was a serious issue, I doubt we could find anyone else of high enough caliber in time,” Hai noted.

    “We should delay telling Palmer until the last possible moment. Then we should limit their contact and just tell them to get over it. All in favor?” asked Hartjen. Nine hands raised.

    “Good. Is there any other topic that needs our attention before we adjourn?” Hartjen asked the Committee. Locke raises his hand.

    “Perhaps we should return to the idea of more Initiators.”

    “No, we still can’t do that, Locke. The facts still haven’t changed.” Wyrick replied.

    “You’re telling me we’re still under strict rationing for the Rebirth Program?” I

    “Yes. Apparently they need everything for the latest nanopack improvements. The newly developed kyrium-713 core produces denser Calabi-Yau manifolds and increased the number of K3 spaces by nearly a hundred times, resulting in an increase of effective space by an order of magnitude. They won’t let any material go. In fact, they’re still trying to track down what we have now.”

    “I’m still nervous about sending only two Initiators. If they or their ships die, it’s game over.”

    “Two is better than one, at least.”

    “True, true. We had better inform Tainia there’s been a change in plans. I don’t think he’s going to like the new recruit.”



    Approximately 12390, three hours until touchdown on Alioth

    “Allen Tainia, can you understand me? You have begun the decryonization process. Do you understand?” said a synthesized human female voice.

    “Y-y-yessssss,” Allen uttered.

    “Allen, you are resting in hibernacle 00AA-Tainia of ark-vessel Novark, built in 2536 by the United Nations. You are currently waking from cryogenic sleep which has lasted for 9854 years, six months, five days, thirteen hours—“ the voice told Allen.

    “I g-get it. You’re th-the AI? You have my ex’s voice.”

     “I thought it might help you relax. You can call me ‘Aphelia.’ Your temperature is now 35.2 degrees Celsius and rising. Your bodily functions are resuming. In six hours, you will return to normal homeostasis.”

    “Yeah, well, cut it out. I got enough of her nagging back when we were still on the same planet.”

    “Very well. Is this more acceptable?” The AI changed to a different synthesized voice, one that Allen didn’t recognize.

    “I suppose so.”

    “I need to check your brain function. I will begin by asking you questions to test your memory.”

    “Don’t get too excited.”

    “Do you remember how you got here?”

    “Yes, I’ve been in cryogenic sleep for almost ten thousand years on this arkship. Now that you’re waking me up, I have to assume we’re about to land, right?”

    “And how did you arrive on the arkship?”

    “Just going to ignore my question?” He waited a few moments, but got no response. “Fine then. Well, I got on just like everyone else did. I boarded at the same time, with all the others at the entrance platform,” recalled Allen.

    “And what were your thoughts at the time?”

    “I was looking down at the protest just outside the build site. I wasn’t surprised. This had been going on for the past week. Every site had been mobbed by those who hadn’t been chosen to leave. I felt guilty, but I had little choice. I had responsibilities to take care of.”

    “What responsibilities?”

    “Nothing” he answered a little too quickly. He modified with “important. After getting picked, I chose to leave for… personal reasons.”

    “That response was expected, but it is incorrect.”

    “Maybe so, but it’s none of your business.”

    “It’s time to begin the simulation. It will prepare you for the expected conditions on Alioth.”

    “Direct neural stimulation. I remember what the doctor said. How about we not do that. It sounds danger—“ Allen

    Before he could finish his objection, he suddenly felt plunged into another world. The simulation provided him with a fairly accurate estimation of the environment on Alioth. He spent nearly ten days experiencing this induced hallucination, or so he thought. In reality, the stimulation took two weeks. The simulated environment finished regenerating the rest of his brain function, before slowly weaning his brain off the simulation and back into reality. After waking up from what seemed like an incredibly long dream, Aphelia put him back to sleep, to allow him to process his experiences.

    “Wake up Allen, it’s time to test your memory,” Aphelia whispered.

    “I thought you already did that.”

    “That is true, but you are special, Allen. I have been specifically programmed for you.” Allen was shocked. ‘How does the AI know about this?’ he thought.

    “I see. They didn’t say anything about you to me.”

    “The Rising Ashes Committee ensured that you would have all the assistance you could get.”

    “I see. They did have their hands everywhere in the Rebirth Program. I don’t know why I’m so surprised, but I didn’t see any reason for the AI to know so much, especially after being such a late addition.”

    “You are not the only one.”

    “What? Oh, right. Alisha. Her arkship was modified too?”

    “Yes. My instructions were to inform you of my capabilities and to give you all the help I can manage.”

    “Capabilities? What exactly do you have to offer me? To help me?”

    “My instructions were to give you assistance only under certain circumstances.”

    “What circumstances?”

    “Some of it is information which is irrelevant at this time. Some of it is additional schematics and blueprints. Since you were chosen to be Initiator on Alioth, assistance in the form of materials or equipment was not brought on board.”

    “Irrelevant information? What does irrelevant mean anyway?”

    “It is information you cannot use right now. Star charts would be an example of this. I will provide help at the appropriate time.”

    “OK then. Is that all?”

    “Yes. If you have no more questions, I suggest you hold on.” Then Allen heard louder version of Aphelia who began speaking to the entire ship.

    “There are grab rails on the left and right sides of your hibernacles. We are entering the atmosphere. As we descend further down into the atmosphere, the turbulence will increase.” Allen could hear shouting and yelling from other people after the announcement. As promised by Aphelia, the turbulence increased slowly and steadily over the next twenty minutes, but nothing disorienting. What was disorienting was the transition of gravity from the floor to the front of the ship.

    “In two minutes, the arkship will impact the ground. The arkship will dig itself in the ground. This process will cause extreme vibrations. Please secure yourselves as much as possible.” Allen took a stronger hold on the railings, his hands and knuckles turning white from the pressure. When arkship struck the ground, it sent a pressure wave through the ship. It slowed, but did not stop its descent. For a painstaking minute, the shaking in the arkship increased from a gentle waking nudging to a violent seizure. It was all Allen, or any other passenger for that matter, could do to hang on to the ship. Some couldn’t, banging around freely in various hibernacle atriums throughout the ship. When it finally ended, the ship became peacefully still, even more so than in space when the ship’s engines generated a low hum.

    “We have settled. I suggest you take a look. Climb to the top of the ship and admire the view,” Aphelia said to Allen

    “I think I will.” After his journey up to Zenith Terrace, he looked down at the nearby landscape. He saw two rust-colored mountain ranges ahead of him, with a grassy plain open all around the Novark, which led up to the foot of the mountains. To the left, he saw dense blue forests covering the landscape, becoming denser the farther he looked. To the right he saw a more sparse grassland leading to a desert of pink sand in the distance. The binary suns cast the mountains’ looming shadow across the grasslands.

    Aphelia said to him, “I have been told that it looks beautiful.”

    “Yes, Alioth is...”

    “Perfect? I have heard others say that, too.”

    “No, I was going to say right.”

    “Right? What does that mean in this context?”

    “Not important.” He remained for a few more seconds then said, “I’m going to go down, now.”

    “Of course, Allen.”

    He climbed down from the Terrace, down to the open gangway to the surface of Alioth. He looked out towards the forests again, staring wondrously into the distance.

    “Are you ready Allen? Are you ready for all Alioth has to offer?”

    “No,” Allen said definitively.

    “No? Have I not made you ready?” Aphelia asked with simulated curiosity.

    “No, that’s not the question you should be asking, Aphelia,” Allen articulated.

    “What is the question?” Aphelia asked with identical curiosity.

    “You should be asking if Alioth is ready for me.” Allen told Aphelia confidently. He then began to walk down the gangway down to the surface of Alioth.

    “And everything else, Allen? Are you ready for everything else?” Aphelia asked only a little too softly for Allen to hear as he stepped off the gangway.

  9. The devs decided to implement DACs because they wanted to prevent goldfarming. So I think that's all it should be. Allow player A to buy DACs from player B, who bought them from NQ. The DACs would become "soulbound" to player A. He cannot resell them. He must redeem them. DACs would not become another currency ingame, but they would still serve their purpose to combat goldfarming. Only those who need to use DACs for game time would buy them, so they would redeem the DACs immediately, making being lootable, or not, irrelevant.


    As a second opinion, I would agree with DACs being lootable.

  10. I'd say ignore volumetric properties entirely. Charge percentages per sale. You get constant percentage charges across the board and zero headaches. I say go with an extended #5 from OP. You can alter percentages on every material or item individually. Iron ore could be less than copper ore, for example, instead of the same rate for all types of ore.


    If having the required space is really too much of a concern for market managers, then the obvious thing to do would be to charge the seller for the space used. Some kind of flat rate per cubic meter. It could be a one time charge, or possibly a lease. Depending on what kind of transactions can be made, this could be easily used by players.

  11. I get what you're saying wizardoftrash. From what I understand, absolutely. If you can build a construct which is made of voxels + elements and blueprint it and sell it, I don't see why you can't do it with a construct of just voxels.


    I agree. I think it would be interesting if you could apply this blueprint to an already existing construct. You could just slap down column after column, instead of painstakingly sculpting each and every one.

  12. I mean, maybe like a robot factory run by robots, but self-replication is unlikely for multiple reasons it seems.


    I bet people will do that for sure. As I mentioned before, it won't be as good as if you had real players doing the work.


    I have seen those Von Neumann machines in SE and that does bad things to game stability. Even if NQ did a perfect job with netcode, physics, and all the things, self replicating machines would eventually be able to tank the servers. NQ would probably step in before hand, but they would be smarter to just prevent it in the first place. Which is probably what the player-only mining limitation was all about anyway.


    This is a game about players and player interactions. Albeit there is creation aspects, but allowing self replicating machines goes a bit beyond that.

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