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We want multi-crew gameplay!


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So with all recent updates multicrew is literally gone from DU. You can totally handle all ship by yourself even in tough pvp scenario, and it benefits you to have multiple ships, than flying a big one ship.

1. Combat engineer role:

With all damage increase and addition of shields and CCS it's now not needed to repair ship while shield is active and almost impossible after that.

2. Multigunner ships:
Again with shields it's now more profitable in total HP amount to have seperate shields rather than having one big ship with many people on board.

Here is my few thoughs how these can be reintroduced to DU without big changes.

1. Make shield absorb only part of damage (e.g. 80-90%).
This way, despite having a shield active you will still need a combat engineer to fix your elements while in active combat, and not being impossible to do so (like with current damage L weapon will oneshot every element)

2. Make a dedicated engineer role.
Indroduce a new seat and interface for a new role that can do some old and possibly some new things.
Here is some ideas what that role could be:
2.1 Analyzing and changing shield resisntaces only from that new seat. (You can still fly by yourself with default resistacnes, but it will benefit you to have dedicated person on board)
2.2 Very basic power managment with three options: Weapons, Shields, Engines. (Make it same like resistences, so you can have a default even layout, but one can be lowerd to increase others). And make it available only through this new seat and interface.
2.3 Long-range radar available only in this new seat. (Like 3 or 4 s.u. detection range).

With adding benefit of other roles on board it will be more valuable to have multiple gunners on same ship, because if you want to separate them on other ships, you would need extra engineers there, and that will make it not really viable.

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42 minutes ago, W1zard said:

So with all recent updates multicrew is literally gone from DU. You can totally handle all ship by yourself even in tough pvp scenario, and it benefits you to have multiple ships, than flying a big one ship.

1. Combat engineer role:

With all damage increase and addition of shields and CCS it's now not needed to repair ship while shield is active and almost impossible after that.

2. Multigunner ships:
Again with shields it's now more profitable in total HP amount to have seperate shields rather than having one big ship with many people on board.

Here is my few thoughs how these can be reintroduced to DU without big changes.

1. Make shield absorb only part of damage (e.g. 80-90%).
This way, despite having a shield active you will still need a combat engineer to fix your elements while in active combat, and not being impossible to do so (like with current damage L weapon will oneshot every element)

2. Make a dedicated engineer role.
Indroduce a new seat and interface for a new role that can do some old and possibly some new things.
Here is some ideas what that role could be:
2.1 Analyzing and changing shield resisntaces only from that new seat. (You can still fly by yourself with default resistacnes, but it will benefit you to have dedicated person on board)
2.2 Very basic power managment with three options: Weapons, Shields, Engines. (Make it same like resistences, so you can have a default even layout, but one can be lowerd to increase others). And make it available only through this new seat and interface.
2.3 Long-range radar available only in this new seat. (Like 3 or 4 s.u. detection range).

With adding benefit of other roles on board it will be more valuable to have multiple gunners on same ship, because if you want to separate them on other ships, you would need extra engineers there, and that will make it not really viable.


I get what you are saying, but with GeForce now ill use my alts in those seats.  

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I really like how this game pushed the crew need. Never really like the solo battleship flying option just too much fantasy. I hope some of this comes back as with the meta as it is there is not much need for big crews on large ships. 

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lets also be real here.  With the always low player base we have had, and even fewer liking pvp.  It was often hard to get crews together.  Like in theory its great, and the times u can organize is fun.  But it could be a huge bitch, and often times was way too punishing for people of small groups of 2-5 that wanted to play.  Not saying i have the answer when it comes to multi crew, but it always sounds better on paper usually. 

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55 minutes ago, W1zard said:

So with all recent updates multicrew is literally gone from DU. You can totally handle all ship by yourself even in tough pvp scenario, and it benefits you to have multiple ships, than flying a big one ship.

1. Combat engineer role:

With all damage increase and addition of shields and CCS it's now not needed to repair ship while shield is active and almost impossible after that.

2. Multigunner ships:
Again with shields it's now more profitable in total HP amount to have seperate shields rather than having one big ship with many people on board.

Here is my few thoughs how these can be reintroduced to DU without big changes.

1. Make shield absorb only part of damage (e.g. 80-90%).
This way, despite having a shield active you will still need a combat engineer to fix your elements while in active combat, and not being impossible to do so (like with current damage L weapon will oneshot every element)

2. Make a dedicated engineer role.
Indroduce a new seat and interface for a new role that can do some old and possibly some new things.
Here is some ideas what that role could be:
2.1 Analyzing and changing shield resisntaces only from that new seat. (You can still fly by yourself with default resistacnes, but it will benefit you to have dedicated person on board)
2.2 Very basic power managment with three options: Weapons, Shields, Engines. (Make it same like resistences, so you can have a default even layout, but one can be lowerd to increase others). And make it available only through this new seat and interface.
2.3 Long-range radar available only in this new seat. (Like 3 or 4 s.u. detection range).

With adding benefit of other roles on board it will be more valuable to have multiple gunners on same ship, because if you want to separate them on other ships, you would need extra engineers there, and that will make it not really viable.


Multi crew gameplay is gone because you cant convince your friends to play with you... 

The game allows for players to be seated in different seats with different weapons. 

One can be a railgun specialist with radar talents, while another can be a cannon specialist. 


The problem of pvp is not what you are saying and you solution will make the game worse. 

Gunners need to do more than 4 clicks for being a gunner to be interesting. 

And single players have all the right of the world to engage and have a chance to win against your team. 

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NQ seems to not understand MMO mechanics let alone what the MMO itself means.


They could have brought out at any time a 10 person group or a raid grouping system tied to the container range in which if you have 10 people you can get 10-25% bonus ore mined, quanta paid, attack or defense bonuses, or a talent bonus for working together with people.


But then again NQ does not have ship formation mechanics to fly together with other people in either a caravan, fighter wing, or pirate squad. They dont have any sort of group finder mechanic to que up content and do something either for the public or orgs. They have no opposing que systems for say a caravan run with lots of people, other groups escorting, and also other missions to intercept caravans similar to WW2 bombing runs but in this case running transport.


There is no law system to generate PvP flags for criminals to either get blown up, pay for their crimes, or to take your stuff back on world even if you know where it is.


There is no space dungeons or goblins to group up so its either we fight ourselves as group based content or little to group up for that you cant do solo since the more people you get together the more lag is causes. NQ thought we would make the group content for them.

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1 hour ago, VandelayIndustries said:

I get what you are saying, but with GeForce now ill use my alts in those seats.  

I don't see this as a critical downside, as alts also need a subscription.
And you can't use an alt to actively do repairs while you are piloting, atleast not as effecient as another real player would do.


1 hour ago, joaocordeiro said:

Multi crew gameplay is gone because you cant convince your friends to play with you...

That is definitely not the case. We have an active PvP organization and we were flying multi-crew before they introduced shields (we had multiple gunners and even combat engineers on board to do the repairs), now we are all flying solo in separate ships because it's more effective in current meta.


1 hour ago, joaocordeiro said:

And single players have all the right of the world to engage and have a chance to win against your team. 

With my proposed ideas your still able to fly a ship solo with default setting of everything. Or even do fast seat-swapping to adjust settings if you are skilled enough pilot.

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