hdparm Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 OUTDATED. NOT UPDATED SINCE v0.23.0 This is the result of running the globals dumping script in-game on constructs that had various elements attached to them. Some exposed functions were called with pcall. The first value indicates whether the call was successful, the second is the actual function return value. All functions that return a vector return it as a table, not as a vec3 structure. Usually such functions will be called like this: local worldGravity = vec3(core.getWorldGravity()). Boolean values are returned as a number 0 or 1, and not as true or false. Element events are not listed here, as they cannot be detected by the dump.lua script. See the codex in-game (press F1) or outside the game (C:\ProgramData\Dual Universe\Game\documentation\web_codex.html) for event and function descriptions and other information. Anti-Gravity Generator r0.21.0 Spoiler activate() function deactivate() function export table [same functions] getBaseAltitude() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1000.0 getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"antiGPower\":0.0,\"antiGravityField\":0.0,\"baseAltitude\":1000.0,\"helperId\":\"antigravity_generator\",\"name\":\"Anti-gravity generator s [115]\",\"showError\":true,\"type\":\"antigravity_generator\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e26454643" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "AntiGravityGeneratorUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 43117.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 115 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 27134.86 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 43117.0 getSignalIn(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getState() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "antigravity_generator" hide() function load() function setBaseAltitude(altitude) function setSignalIn(plug,state) function show() function toggle() function unit table [reference to self] Control unit r0.23.0 Programming board exposes fewer functions compared to cockpit and seat. The control unit has references to linked elements, which are also available as local variables in each event handler. Event handlers defined in the script editor also get placed inside it. Here the control unit is a hovercraft seat that has 2 linked fuel tanks, a radar and a core. Spoiler activateGroundEngineAltitudeStabilization(targetAltitude)function cancelCurrentControlMasterMode() function computeGroundEngineAltitudeStabilizationCapabilities()function container_1 table [slot skipped] container_1_storageAcquired0() function container_2 table [slot skipped] container_2_storageAcquired1() function core table [slot skipped] deactivateGroundEngineAltitudeStabilization() function exit() function export table [same functions] extendLandingGears() function getAtmosphereDensity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.95623350143433 getAxisCommandValue(axis) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getClosestPlanetInfluence() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.99895399808884 getControlMasterModeId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"acceleration\":0.50619516735319114,\"airDensity\":0.95623338222503662,\"airResistance\":0.0,\"atmoThrust\":0.00014579699209048473,\"controlData\":{\"axisData\":[{\"commandType\":3,\"commandValue\":0.0,\"speed\":-0.00059204552254432088},{\"commandType\":3,\"commandValue\":0.0,\"speed\":-0.00063838141543701458},{\"commandType\":3,\"commandValue\":0.0,\"speed\":0.004704873184698281}],\"currentMasterMode\":0,\"masterModeData\":[{\"name\":\"Travel mode\"},{\"name\":\"Cruise control\"}]},\"controlMasterModeId\":0,\"currentBrake\":0.0,\"elementId\":\"125945574\",\"helperId\":\"cockpit\",\"maxBrake\":103066.64692163467,\"name\":\"Hovercraft seat controller [13]\",\"showHasBrokenFuelTank\":false,\"showOutOfFuel\":false,\"showOverload\":false,\"showScriptError\":false,\"showSlowDown\":false,\"spaceThrust\":0.0,\"speed\":0.0,\"type\":\"cockpit\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e125945574" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "CockpitHovercraftUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 187.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 13 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 110.33 getMasterPlayerId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 19884 getMasterPlayerRelativeOrientation() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -6.9388939039072e-18 2 number: -1.2939841813852e-34 3 number: 1.8648277366751e-17 4 number: 0.99999994039536 getMasterPlayerRelativePosition() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.0 2 number: 1.4551915228367e-11 3 number: -7.2759576141834e-12 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 187.0 getMaxRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getOwnerRelativePosition() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.0 2 number: 0.0 3 number: -7.2759576141834e-12 getRemainingRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getSurfaceEngineAltitudeStabilization() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 2.7814272029656e-309 getThrottle() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.013892558403313 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "cockpit" hide() function isAnyHeadlightSwitchedOn() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 isAnyLandingGearExtended() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 isMouseControlActivated() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 isMouseDirectControlActivated() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 isMouseVirtualJoystickActivated() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 isRemoteControlled() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 library table [slot skipped] load() function retractLandingGears() function setAxisCommandValue(axis,commandValue) function setEngineCommand(taglist,acceleration,angularAcceleration,keepForceCollinearity,keepTorqueCollinearity,priority1SubTags,priority2SubTags,priority3SubTags,toleranceRatioToStopCommand)function setEngineThrust(taglist,thrust) function setTimer(timerTagId,period) function setupAxisCommandProperties(axis,commandType,targetSpeedRanges)function setupControlMasterModeProperties(controlMasterModeId,displayName)function show() function stopTimer(timerTagId) function switchOffHeadlights() function switchOnHeadlights() function system table [slot skipped] system_update3() function unit table [reference to self] unit_start2() function Core r0.23.0 Static cores have fewer functions compared to dynamic cores. Spoiler deleteSticker(index) function export table [same functions] g(msg) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 9.8703393936157 getAcceleration() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.092927996997833 2 number: -0.12095261412066 3 number: -0.26272056748706 getAltitude() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 131.81586503958 getAngularAcceleration() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.19598469883495 2 number: 0.13982050177954 3 number: 0.42124429014364 getAngularVelocity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.00060177720116674 2 number: -0.00050638859084623 3 number: 0.0036456087650444 getConstructCrossSection() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 17.758344233496 getConstructIMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 22275.2109375 getConstructId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1689995 getConstructMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 8008.9468954468 getConstructOrientationForward() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -8.7422797889758e-08 2 number: 1.0 3 number: 1.5099581673894e-07 getConstructOrientationRight() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 1.0 2 number: 8.7422783678903e-08 3 number: 8.7422783678903e-08 getConstructOrientationUp() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -8.7422769468049e-08 2 number: -1.5099581673894e-07 3 number: 1.0 getConstructWorldOrientationForward() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.94565159710239 2 number: 0.32505265646375 3 number: -0.0091522976175477 getConstructWorldOrientationRight() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.24943131689739 2 number: -0.70640615230704 3 number: 0.66240048915111 getConstructWorldOrientationUp() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.20868387885866 2 number: 0.6286960371085 3 number: 0.74912774873347 getConstructWorldPos() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -31582.296008487 2 number: 89508.567087636 3 number: -43139.211176399 getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"altitude\":131.81517441188043,\"gravity\":9.8703393936157227,\"helperId\":\"core\",\"name\":\"Dynamic core unit xs [1]\",\"type\":\"core\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e125945573" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "CoreUnitDynamic" getElementHitPoints(uid) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getElementHitPointsById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getElementIdList() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 80 10 number: 81 11 number: 104 12 number: 14 13 number: 95 14 number: 94 15 number: 96 16 number: 85 17 number: 92 18 number: 98 19 number: 91 2 number: 101 20 number: 90 21 number: 106 22 number: 89 23 number: 88 24 number: 99 25 number: 87 26 number: 74 27 number: 73 28 number: 72 29 number: 71 3 number: 93 30 number: 69 31 number: 70 32 number: 75 33 number: 97 34 number: 76 35 number: 77 36 number: 78 37 number: 79 38 number: 82 39 number: 83 4 number: 103 40 number: 84 41 number: 105 42 number: 1 43 number: 13 5 number: 102 6 number: 59 7 number: 58 8 number: 86 9 number: 100 getElementIndustryStatus(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}\n" getElementList() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 80 10 number: 81 11 number: 104 12 number: 14 13 number: 95 14 number: 94 15 number: 96 16 number: 85 17 number: 92 18 number: 98 19 number: 91 2 number: 101 20 number: 90 21 number: 106 22 number: 89 23 number: 88 24 number: 99 25 number: 87 26 number: 74 27 number: 73 28 number: 72 29 number: 71 3 number: 93 30 number: 69 31 number: 70 32 number: 75 33 number: 97 34 number: 76 35 number: 77 36 number: 78 37 number: 79 38 number: 82 39 number: 83 4 number: 103 40 number: 84 41 number: 105 42 number: 1 43 number: 13 5 number: 102 6 number: 59 7 number: 58 8 number: 86 9 number: 100 getElementMass(uid) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getElementMassById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getElementMaxHitPoints(uid) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getElementMaxHitPointsById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getElementName(uid) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementNameById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementPositionById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.0 2 number: 0.0 3 number: 0.0 getElementRotationById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.0 2 number: 0.0 3 number: 0.0 4 number: 0.0 getElementTagsById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "[]\n" getElementType(uid) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementTypeById(localId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 70.89 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getMaxKinematicsParametersAlongAxis(taglist,CRefAxis)function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.0 2 number: 0.0 3 number: 0.0 4 number: 0.0 getMaxRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getRemainingRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getSchematicInfo(schematicId) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}\n" getVelocity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.020366662374703 2 number: 0.019454939576275 3 number: -0.0038139173457262 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "core" getWorldAcceleration() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.51780639927775 2 number: -0.62957344666226 3 number: 0.55074194727009 getWorldAirFrictionAcceleration() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -1.8734005347995e-05 2 number: -3.9682142773887e-06 3 number: -9.6714865664988e-06 getWorldAirFrictionAngularAcceleration() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 4.5693968662276e-05 2 number: -4.3281468526014e-05 3 number: -0.00013358411902539 getWorldAngularAcceleration() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.0082879357873834 2 number: -0.0017349966114242 3 number: -0.1033806044495 getWorldAngularVelocity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.0011181465815753 2 number: 0.0016610536258668 3 number: 0.00087607477325946 getWorldGravity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 2.4696573928732 2 number: -7.0012167401986 3 number: -6.5044108473911 getWorldVelocity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.0048744822852314 2 number: 0.0061597777530551 3 number: -0.0016826821956784 getWorldVertical() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.25020996508477 2 number: -0.70931873019298 3 number: -0.65898551757205 hide() function load() function moveSticker(index,x,y,z) function rotateSticker(index,angle_x,angle_y,angle_z) function show() function spawnArrowSticker(x,y,z,orientation) function spawnNumberSticker(nb,x,y,z,orientation) function unit table [reference to self] Databank r0.21.2 Spoiler clear() function export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "DataBankUnit" getFloatValue(key) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 202 getIntValue(key) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getKeys() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "[]" getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 17.09 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getNbKeys() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getStringValue(key) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hasKey(key) function hide() function load() function setFloatValue(key,val) function setIntValue(key,val) function setStringValue(key,val) function show() function unit table [reference to self] Elements with a state r0.21.2 Detection areas, laser detectors and manual buttons expose the same functions. Their state is accessed using getState(). Spoiler export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "ManualButtonUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 196 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 13.27 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getSignalOut(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getState() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hide() function load() function show() function unit table [reference to self] Elements with a toggle-able state r0.21.2 Force fields, ship doors, landing gears and manual switches expose the same functions. The state is accessed using getState() and can be changed by activate(), deactivate() or toggle(). Spoiler activate() function deactivate() function export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "ManualSwitchUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 197 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 13.27 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getSignalIn(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getSignalOut(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getState() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hide() function load() function setSignalIn(plug,state) function show() function toggle() function unit table [reference to self] Emitter r0.23.0 Spoiler export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "EmitterUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 52.53 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 541 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 69.31 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 52.53 getMaxRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getRange() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1000.0 getRemainingRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getSignalIn(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hide() function load() function send(channel,message) function setSignalIn(plug,state) function show() function unit table [reference to self] Engine r0.21.0 Space engines, atmospheric engines, ailerons, air-brakes, retro-engines and adjustors expose the same functions. Usually engines are controlled through unit.setEngineCommand and do not require linking to the control unit. Spoiler activate() function deactivate() function distance() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.36820710083824 export table [same functions] getCurrentFuelRate() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 9e-09 getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"currentMaxThrust\":59893.564930293411,\"currentThrust\":0.0,\"helperId\":\"engine_unit\",\"maxThrustBase\":60000.0,\"name\":\"Hover engine s [17]\",\"type\":\"engine_unit\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e5267951" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "Hovercraft" getFuelConsumption() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getFuelRate() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 9e-12 getFuelRateEfficiency() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1.0 getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 53.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 17 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 56.91 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 53.0 getMaxThrust() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 59893.564930293 getMaxThrustBase() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 60000.0 getMaxThrustEfficiency() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1.0 getMinThrust() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getObstructionFactor() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getSignalIn(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getState() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getT50() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getTags() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getThrust() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "engine_unit" hasBrokenFuelTank() function hide() function isObstructed() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 isOutOfFuel() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 load() function setSignalIn(plug,state) function setTags(tags) function setThrust(thrust) function show() function thrustAxis() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.11607212473206 2 number: 0.82471327348847 3 number: 0.55351176897345 toggle() function torqueAxis() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.15486745757987 2 number: 1.147459492394 3 number: -1.677198808322 unit table [reference to self] Fuel container r0.23.0 Spoiler acquireStorage() function export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"helperId\":\"fuel_container_space_fuel\",\"name\":\"Space fuel tank s [72]\",\"percentage\":37,\"timeLeft\":\"n/a\",\"type\":\"fuel_container\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e125945581" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "SpaceFuelContainer" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 187.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 72 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getItemsList() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "[\n\9{\n\9\9\"class\" : \"Kergon1\",\n\9\9\"name\" : \"Kergon-X1 fuel\",\n\9\9\"quantity\" : 272.51468992233276,\n\9\9\"type\" : \"material\",\n\9\9\"unitMass\" : 6.0,\n\9\9\"unitVolume\" : 1.0\n\9}\n]\n" getItemsMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1635.088139534 getItemsVolume() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 272.51468992233 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1817.758139534 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 187.0 getMaxRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 5 getMaxVolume() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 720.0 getRemainingRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 5 getSelfMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 182.67 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "fuel_container" hide() function load() function show() function unit table [reference to self] Gyro r0.21.2 Spoiler activate() function deactivate() function export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"helperId\":\"gyro\",\"name\":\"Gyroscope [203]\",\"pitch\":0.0,\"roll\":0.0,\"type\":\"gyro\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e64181892" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "GyroUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 203 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 104.41 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getPitch() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getRoll() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getState() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "gyro" getYaw() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 hide() function load() function localForward() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 1.7484555314695e-07 2 number: -1.0 3 number: -1.509958309498e-07 localRight() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -1.0 2 number: -1.7484555314695e-07 3 number: 8.7422783678903e-08 localUp() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 8.7422812100613e-08 2 number: -1.5099580252809e-07 3 number: 1.0 setYawWorldReference(direction) function show() function toggle() function unit table [reference to self] worldForward() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: -0.56095521195883 2 number: 0.0038638120439722 3 number: -0.8278371775665 worldRight() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.81512383023118 2 number: -0.17206315957548 3 number: -0.55314341576952 worldUp() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.14457745155019 2 number: 0.98507841003868 3 number: -0.093370395055397 Industry r0.23.0 Spoiler batchStart(numBatches) function export table [same functions] getCurrentSchematic() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1833008839 getCycleCountSinceStartup() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1 getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getEfficiency() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "Industry1" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 5540.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 114 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 2302.34 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 5540.0 getMaxRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getRemainingRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getStatus() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "PENDING" getUptime() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 4760.765625 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hardStop(allowComponentLoss) function hide() function load() function setCurrentSchematic(id) function show() function softStop() function start() function startAndMaintain(quantity) function unit table [reference to self] Item container r0.23.0 Spoiler acquireStorage() function export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementClass() 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1311853 27 number: 1311983 28 number: 1312061 29 number: 1327062 3 number: 120302 30 number: 1363815 31 number: 1382045 32 number: 1446264 33 number: 1464157 34 number: 1464160 35 number: 1472072 36 number: 1496423 37 number: 1509996 38 number: 1531956 39 number: 1560071 4 number: 120303 40 number: 1560373 41 number: 1561033 42 number: 1571275 43 number: 1575509 44 number: 1580222 45 number: 1597364 46 number: 1598186 47 number: 1627826 48 number: 1633085 49 number: 1633502 5 number: 120304 50 number: 1633540 51 number: 1633886 52 number: 1633896 53 number: 1638799 54 number: 1643274 55 number: 1646177 56 number: 1647597 57 number: 1700801 58 number: 1701553 59 number: 1712462 6 number: 120305 60 number: 1737207 61 number: 1745152 62 number: 1751738 63 number: 1752495 64 number: 1752515 65 number: 1754660 66 number: 1755652 67 number: 1760805 68 number: 1763164 69 number: 1763278 7 number: 120306 70 number: 1770723 71 number: 1770909 72 number: 1771883 73 number: 1783628 74 number: 1783773 75 number: 1806616 76 number: 1808025 77 number: 1808373 78 number: 1822692 79 number: 1823474 8 number: 120307 80 number: 1830092 9 number: 120308 getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 88.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 102 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 486.72 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 88.0 getRange() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 5000.0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "radar" hasMatchingTransponder(id) function hide() function load() function show() function unit table [reference to self] Radar not available to craft or buy; for atmosphere and space radars see PVP radar instead Receiver r0.23.0 Spoiler export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "ReceiverUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 52.53 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 542 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 13.27 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 52.53 getMaxRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getRange() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1000.0 getRemainingRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getSignalOut(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hide() function load() function show() function unit table [reference to self] Screen r0.21.2 Spoiler activate() function addContent(x,y,html) function addText(x,y,fontSize,text) function clear() function deactivate() function deleteContent(id) function export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "ScreenUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 198 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 18.67 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getMouseState() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 getMouseX() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getMouseY() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getSignalIn(plug) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getState() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hide() function load() function moveContent(id,x,y) function resetContent(id,html) function setCenteredText(text) function setContent(x,y,html) function setHTML(html) function setRawHTML(html) function setSVG(svg) function setSignalIn(plug,state) function setText(x,y,fontSize,text) function show() function showContent(id,state) function toggle() function unit table [reference to self] System r0.23.0 Spoiler __NQ_returnFromRunPlayerLUA(result) function addDataToWidget(dataId,widgetId) function addMarker(filter,name) function addMeasure(filter,sectionName,varName,value) function createData(dataJson) function createWidget(panelId,type) function createWidgetPanel(label) function destroyData(dataId) function destroyWidget(widgetId) function destroyWidgetPanel(panelId) function export table [same functions] freeze(bool) function getActionKeyName(actionName) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getActionUpdateDeltaTime() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.017909999936819 getControlDeviceForwardInput() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getControlDeviceLeftRightInput() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getControlDeviceYawInput() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getFov() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 73.0 getMouseDeltaX() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1.0 getMouseDeltaY() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 10.0 getMousePosX() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 975.0 getMousePosY() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 754.0 getMouseWheel() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getPlayerName(id) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "unreachable" getPlayerWorldPos(id) function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 table 1 number: 0.0 2 number: 0.0 3 number: 0.0 getScreenHeight() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1080 getScreenWidth() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 1920 getThrottleInputFromMouseWheel() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0.0 getTime() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100837321.8601 getWaypointFromPlayerPos() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "::pos{0,0,-31580.3776,89509.4920,-43138.9398}" isFrozen() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 isViewLocked() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 0 load() function lockView(state) function logError(msg) function logInfo(msg) function logWarning(msg) function print(msg) function removeDataFromWidget(dataId,widgetId) function setScreen(content) function setWaypoint(waypointStr) function showScreen(bool) function unit table [reference to self] updateData(dataId,dataJson) function Telemeter r0.21.2 Spoiler export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{}" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" getDistance() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: -1.0 getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "TelemeterUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 199 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 40.79 getMaxDistance() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 50.0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "" hide() function load() function show() function unit table [reference to self] Warp Drive r0.23.0 Spoiler export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"buttonMsg\":\"Activate Warp\",\"cellCount\":\"0 / 0\",\"destination\":\"Unknown\",\"distance\":0,\"elementId\":\"475249343\",\"errorMsg\":\"\",\"helperId\":\"warpdrive\",\"name\":\"Warp Drive l [529]\",\"type\":\"warpdrive\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e475249343" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "WarpDriveUnit" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 43117.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 529 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 31360.0 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 43117.0 getMaxRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getRemainingRestorations() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 3 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "warpdrive" hide() function load() function show() function unit table [reference to self] Weapon r0.21.0 Spoiler export table [same functions] getData() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "{\"elementId\":\"5341891\",\"helperId\":\"weapon\",\"name\":\"Extra small cannon xs [40]\",\"properties\":{\"ammoCount\":0,\"ammoMax\":0,\"ammoName\":\"\",\"ammoTypeId\":\"0\",\"cycleAnimationRemainingTime\":0.0,\"fireBlocked\":false,\"fireCounter\":0,\"fireReady\":false,\"hitProbability\":0.0,\"hitResult\":2,\"isBroken\":false,\"outOfZone\":true,\"repeatedFire\":false,\"weaponStatus\":0},\"staticProperties\":{\"baseDamage\":2000.0,\"cycleTime\":2.0,\"magazineVolume\":30.0,\"optimalAimingCone\":10.0,\"optimalDistance\":5000.0,\"optimalTracking\":20.0,\"reloadTime\":5.0,\"size\":\"xs\",\"unloadTime\":2.0},\"targetConstruct\":{\"constructId\":\"0\"},\"type\":\"weapon\"}\n" getDataId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "e5341891" getElementClass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "WeaponCannonExtraSmall" getHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 299.0 getId() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 40 getIntegrity() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 100.0 getMass() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 190.1 getMaxHitPoints() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 number: 299.0 getWidgetType() function [pcall] table 1 boolean: true 2 string: "weapon" hide() function load() function show() function unit table [reference to self] simplexity, x0backslash0x, Megaddd and 4 others 7
hdparm Posted September 2, 2020 Author Posted September 2, 2020 (edited) Unofficial Lua changelog r0.23.0 Changes since r0.22.4: All elements New functions: getMaxRestorations(), getRemainingRestorations(). Anti-Gravity Generator setBaseAltitude(altitude) no longer works inside the system flush() event. Container (Fuel and Item) New event: storageAcquired(). New functions: acquireStorage(), getItemsList(), getItemsVolume(), getMaxVolume(). Control unit New function: getMasterPlayerRelativeOrientation(). Restored function: setupControlMasterModeProperties(controlMasterModeId,displayName). Core New functions: getElementIndustryStatus(localId), getSchematicInfo(schematicId). Emitter and Receiver Range increased to 1000 m. Industry New functions: getCurrentSchematic(), setCurrentSchematic(id). Light New functions: getRGBColor(), setRGBColor(r,g,b). System New event: inputText(text). New functions: getFov(), getScreenHeight(), getScreenWidth(), getWaypointFromPlayerPos(), setWaypoint(waypointStr). Warp drive Removed function: activateWarp(). r0.22.4 Changes since r0.22.0: Core New functions: getElementPositionById(localId), getElementRotationById(localId), getElementTagsById(localId). Other global.lua is now inside game.ung and cannot be edited by players. Editing existing files in Game/data/lua should no longer trigger the EQU8 anti-cheat. r0.22.0 Changes since r0.21.3: PVP radar New functions: getConstructName(id), getConstructPos(id), getConstructSize(id), getConstructType(id), getEntries(), getRange(), hasMatchingTransponder(id). The getConstruct* functions return "unreachable" or { 0, 0, 0 }, even for construct information that's available in getData(). New events: enter(id), leave(id). r0.21.3 Changes since r0.21.2: Other package.loadlib has been disabled. r0.21.2 Changes since r0.20.0: Anti-Gravity Generator New function: getBaseAltitude(). PVP radar getData() no longer returns construct positions. Other pcall and xpcall can no longer be used to avoid the CPU instruction limit. Edited December 10, 2020 by hdparm Updated for v0.23.0 JayleBreak and Setzar 2
aliensalmon Posted September 2, 2020 Posted September 2, 2020 Thank you for this! This was very helpful!
JayleBreak Posted September 15, 2020 Posted September 15, 2020 There is a new element I've never seen before (on a ship with a small space engine but its NOT the small engine): Element class: SpaceEngineSmallGroup getFuelRate : function: 000001AEB273EEA0 getSignalIn : function: 000001AEB273EC00 toggle : function: 000001AFD57776A0 isOutOfFuel : function: 000001AEB273EBD0 getObstructionFactor : function: 000001AEB273F2C0 getDataId : function: 000001AFD576FF00 getMass : function: 000001AFD57716D0 activate : function: 000001AFD5771E20 unit : table: 000001AEF8256710 distance : function: 000001AEB273EDE0 setThrust : function: 000001AFD5777580 getMaxThrust : function: 000001AFD57777F0 getMinThrust : function: 000001AFD57794A0 getIntegrity : function: 000001AFD5770260 show : function: 000001AFD576FC30 hide : function: 000001AFD576FE70 torqueAxis : function: 000001AEB273F200 getThrust : function: 000001AEB273F110 getData : function: 000001AFD5770110 load : function: 000001AEB273F230 getMaxHitPoints : function: 000001AFD57702F0 setSignalIn : function: 000001AEB273F1D0 getFuelConsumption : function: 000001AEB273F1A0 setTags : function: 000001AEB273ED50 hasBrokenFuelTank : function: 000001AEB273F3E0 getElementClass : function: 000001AFD57718B0 getT50 : function: 000001AEB273EE40 export : table: 000001AEF82561D0 getTags : function: 000001AEB273F170 getState : function: 000001AFD5777430 isObstructed : function: 000001AEB273F140 getFuelRateEfficiency : function: 000001AEB273F380 thrustAxis : function: 000001AEB273F320 getHitPoints : function: 000001AFD5770290 getId : function: 000001AFD5771640 getWidgetType : function: 000001AFD5770590 getCurrentFuelRate : function: 000001AEB273ED20 getMaxThrustEfficiency : function: 000001AFD5779D40 getMaxThrustBase : function: 000001AFD57777C0 deactivate : function: 000001AFD5777E50 I'm guessing this is an aggregate of all space engines (my setup had only one). Sadly, it disappears if there is no link to the engine. hdparm and ilodev 2
simplexity Posted September 25, 2020 Posted September 25, 2020 Just downloaded DU and unfortunately it looks like they removed the 'C:\ProgramData\Dual Universe\Game\documentation' directory. Can't find the codex in the game files to read any of the Lua API so glad that I was able to find this post detailing that. Would be annoying to have to rely on the game being up and running to look at the Lua documentation.
hdparm Posted December 10, 2020 Author Posted December 10, 2020 The function dump and the unofficial changelog have been updated for r0.23. Let me know if I missed any changes. meigrafd 1
KuntChopsMcFrontButt Posted December 23, 2020 Posted December 23, 2020 I'm new to lua and struggling with the syntax a bit. How does one go about reading the response table from a vec3 in DU? for example, I'd like to know the r value of a lights color... I used this post to set the value of rgbColor and lua documentation said the vec3 is returned as vec3(x,y,z) I am fairly familiar with C# and VB.net and automate CAD software for a living, my limited experience outside my hyper focused skillset is really showing, so I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question. example of code I've tried: local rgbColor = vec3(light.getRGBColor()) local r = rgbColor[x] system.print(r)
hdparm Posted December 24, 2020 Author Posted December 24, 2020 @KuntChopsMcFrontButt Try this: local rgbColor = vec3(light.getRGBColor()) local r = rgbColor.x -- rgbColor["x"] would also work system.print(r) But, you don't really need vec3 here. When the codex says "vec3", it means an array-like table with 3 elements, not a cpml.vec3 instance. This should also work: local rgbColor = light.getRGBColor() local r = rgbColor[1] system.print(r) KuntChopsMcFrontButt and admsve 2
KuntChopsMcFrontButt Posted December 24, 2020 Posted December 24, 2020 16 hours ago, hdparm said: @KuntChopsMcFrontButt Try this: local rgbColor = vec3(light.getRGBColor()) local r = rgbColor.x -- rgbColor["x"] would also work system.print(r) But, you don't really need vec3 here. When the codex says "vec3", it means an array-like table with 3 elements, not a cpml.vec3 instance. This should also work: local rgbColor = light.getRGBColor() local r = rgbColor[1] system.print(r) local rgbColor = vec3(light.getRGBColor()) local r = math.floor(rgbColor.x) system.print(r) I wound up stumbling on a bit of code for coordinates in an autopilot script that I adapted last night after digging in some autopilot scripts, turns out the math.floor() is needed when getting an RGB value as well. I struggled with making rainbow disco lights more than I should have lol, but it was a good exercise in learning the lua syntax. cheers!
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