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Can we get a list of weapons?


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So i wanna submit a partial list of weapons i would like to see:

1: Light cannons: Star wars inspired lazer guns

2: Missles: you know just normal missles that take a little to reload, could use star trek photon torpedoes for an idea with ammo and such

3: beam weapons: beams that shoot for a few seconds then they have to reload

4: pulse weapons: short range anti personel weapons that would be used against people who whould decide to board your ship/station

5: heavy light cannons: artillery 

6: gatling gun: less damage for more spm (shots per min)

7: nuke: has emp effect which will effect weapons, energy systems, and significant damage, would be very bulky and damages everyone including yourself if not at sufficient range, you can detonate if you are about to die and still in range

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So i wanna submit a partial list of weapons i would like to see:

1: Light cannons: Star wars inspired lazer guns

2: Missles: you know just normal missles that take a little to reload, could use star trek photon torpedoes for an idea with ammo and such

3: beam weapons: beams that shoot for a few seconds then they have to reload

4: pulse weapons: short range anti personel weapons that would be used against people who whould decide to board your ship/station

5: heavy light cannons: artillery 

6: gatling gun: less damage for more spm (shots per min)

7: nuke: has emp effect which will effect weapons, energy systems, and significant damage, would be very bulky and damages everyone including yourself if not at sufficient range, you can detonate if you are about to die and still in range


Light weapons and pulse weapons are effectively the same thing. And nukes are a bit OP, but I'm not averse to the idea of blowing up your ship when you're surrounded by enemies.

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I believe we'll be getting 4 types of weapons with their short and long range variants, in all ship sizes. S, M, L, XL.







This covers most, if not all, types of weapons you can come up with that make sense, barring special cases like bombs.

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Hopefully there'll be torpedoes that can be build with voxels.

No there won't be. Collision is confirmed to be minimal, so I can't see player-made ballistic missiles being coded to explode on impact without them colliding with a voxel and going boom. Less collision damage = lower threshold of "pain" tolerance on the scripts. I know, I was aiming for a nuke that would detonate a barred-aside payloard of fuel on contact when I read the collision mechanics on an Ask Us Anything response.


But hey, fracture based, point-blank shotgun slugs in the shape of a rocket are fair-game. Cheers!

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What about grappling hooks to secure a ship for boarding?


This is very much a game mechanic I would like to see.

Uhm, last I've checked there's no spider-man web witchcraft that can hold a 1 metric megaton ship in place. So... mag-boots, sure, that could work. 

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Uhm, last I've checked there's no spider-man web witchcraft that can hold a 1 metric megaton ship in place. So... mag-boots, sure, that could work. 

erm why not a 2 megaton ship built around a 4 megaton engine which rips the engines outta the 1 megaton ship, either that or if the ship tries to break free it will be crushed under the pressure of the docking arms

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erm why not a 2 megaton ship built around a 4 megaton engine which rips the engines outta the 1 megaton ship, either that or if the ship tries to break free it will be crushed under the pressure of the docking arms

Because science :V


And limitations set by mass :P I don't think the devs will let us build a frigging server-hogging spaceship, they'll have mass limitations per engine thrust, that'll make some ships literally unflyable :P

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Because science :V


And limitations set by mass :P I don't think the devs will let us build a frigging server-hogging spaceship, they'll have mass limitations per engine thrust, that'll make some ships literally unflyable :P


"because science" and as of yet unknown limitations are bad reasons not to include things in a game :P


why not include some form of boarding grapple / tractor beam / whatever?


have it have a limit on the force it can transmit and make it so that the ship which wants to stop another one have to overcome the targets engine power with its own.


has uses as a crane, has its uses for hangar management, has its usage for docking.


make it as general as possible and somewhat internally consistent

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"because science" and as of yet unknown limitations are bad reasons not to include things in a game :P


why not include some form of boarding grapple / tractor beam / whatever?


have it have a limit on the force it can transmit and make it so that the ship which wants to stop another one have to overcome the targets engine power with its own.


has uses as a crane, has its uses for hangar management, has its usage for docking.


make it as general as possible and somewhat internally consistent

A tractor beam, sure. A cable... I mean... come on :P



And when I meant limitations on mass I meant game-wise. Ain't nobody gonna let us build a star sized super ship :P



And yeah, a tractor beam should have an equation on its power, linked to the amount of power output the ship has on its core, the velocity of the tractored ship and so on. It would create a gameplay where going for the engines on a pursuit is vital and giving perhaps a specific specialisation to a turret operator like "precision aiming" for that specific job :P

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A tractor beam, sure. A cable... I mean... come on :P


why not? 


use one for a fighter, use hundred for a frigate to dock to a battleship.


theres freaking /gravity absorbing material/ in the lore of DU, materials with high tensile strenght are far less far fetched :P

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why not? 


use one for a fighter, use hundred for a frigate to dock to a battleship.


theres freaking /gravity absorbing material/ in the lore of DU, materials with high tensile strenght are far less far fetched :P

I gotta research the lore then if there're these kind of stuff. Gotta tune some equations if you know what I mean. 

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“The Novark was designed in kyrium, a very high-resistance material, graviton-absorbent; that is, able to handle any type of brutal deceleration for the vessel and its passengers.”



End-game = Kyrium. Make that the currency in the game. CHA-CHING.

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