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Posts posted by Anaximander

  1. 27 minutes ago, MookMcMook said:

    Excessively aggressive players over time in an evolutionary system would reduce in frequency, simply because of violent death rates and pressures on social groups to out-compete other groups via greater social success.


    Obviously with "immortality" this reduces the reduction of such behaviour in populations in persistent games for comparison.


    I would not be surprised to see building become very important gameplay in DU and the combat pvp gradually developed over a long period of time.


    Why not introduce a/c privileges and restrictions? Players in the game >2yrs can PvP along with other metrics: Community voting, social complexity produced? etc... spit-balling ideas here.


    Btw, I very much will enjoy combat, but I think large war decs along formal diplomatic lines and outcomes might be better in large sections of space with the "outer ringworlds /equivalents" and such like more lawless...

    The issue when adding KDR or Killboards like in EVE, is you encourage PvP in the whole game. That involves attacking miners, for no other reason than "stat padding".

    EVE has an official means of measuring how good a pilot is, and it's in the form of killmarks. A ship gets a "notch" on its hull as a decoration, for every kill it makes, on a base 10 system. That's an actually cool way of keeping track of how many kills a ship has, since those ships have a reputation and are sold for a lot of in-game money. And no, you can't just "grind" the killmarks by farming cheap ships, no enthusiast who will pay the equivalent of 1000 USD of in-game money for a 200 killmark ship, will be dumb enough to not check if the person selling it is an actually known PvPer. If you got a 200 killmark ship and you are a nobody, it screams "scam". And no, Killmarks do not add any stat boost to the ship, it's purely a cosmetic thing you can only earn through PvP.

    The innate problem with "KDR" or any stat based "proof of not sucking" does not take into account Economic Warfare. Tell me how do you gage how good a trader is on his endeavors and how good a smuggler is at ruining a cartel's monopoly? It can't, hence "if you play trader, you play the game wrong" or "if you play miner, you are just farm" as many "High Isk Efficiency" apes in EVE would have you believe.

    The moment KDR is added into the game, the game becomes all about "kill anything on sight, or you suck". Most toxic communities revolve around games with KDR. And if DU adds KDR, kiss the Medic, Engineer and all other support roles goodbye.

    The current day 20-30 years old player, is a person who was raised in League of Cancer. I played Support role in League of Clamydia for 4 years, going Diamond along the way. I have seen the mentality of ADCs who "I play only Carry, cause support is for [Insert Homophobic Slur here] ". And the same goes down in EVE Online with its Killboard. NOBODY wants to play logistics (healer). They are like the most pampered players on a whole coalition, since they are so rare. 

    Do we really want DU to have the same problem with only "top guns" and "super soldiers" and "I only fly Battleships, kthnxbai" people?


    Just saying. There are far better ways to measure people's worth than a Scoreboard.

  2. On 22/12/2017 at 11:04 PM, Natarthos said:

    My greatest fears about joining this game are 1) I will lose myself as I did in the early SWG and 2) that DU will have the same ridiculous problems seemingly embraced as canonical law by Eve Online.


    Once the door is opened for grief loving "players" it usually turns into a flood and inevitable decline.


    Yes, companies have to be able to compete with each other but as happens in the real world the MAJORITY of said competition must be done under national and international law.  Granted that industrial espionage, sabotage and outright theft does happen but there are also agencies working, again with a some nation/state exceptions, to give recourse to the injured parties.


    If DU evolves/devolves into the same type of null sec barbarity found on Eve then in my personal opinion it will end up with the same problem:  old players and new players who find out far too soon that far too much of the game will be denied to them.


    Please don't bother to reply if your only wish is to troll or flame as having survived some rather humid areas far away for a few years, 40+ years of marriage, three children and now grandchildren there are few things that can produce anything more than amusement.

    You view feudal behavior in null sec as a problem, I don't. It breeds the perfect territory for some really immersive behavior, like being a scout and patrolling the border,  so the carebears PVErs who suck at PvP can dock up safely and avoid an incoming roaming gang. Yes, it's not EVE's problem if you play the game as a singleplayer. It's an MMO, learn to live with other people and depend on your Alliance / Coalitoon / Corp / Intelligence Chats. They are there to make your experience far better/

    You view Mercs doing their thing (griefing on demand) as a problem, I don't. I have been in the receiving end of some mercs in EVE, I don't find it at all a problem. I made a monopoly, their employers wanted me to stop my monopoly in the region (logistics drones, really profitable in war-time), I said no, they sought to push me out the region via force - which eventually they did, but I got my investment a hundredfold by then, so it was okay, I lost nothing - which is how you measure defeat in EVE, in money spent vs gained. It's funny though,  later I found out you can gain immunity to Mercs if you were to join one of their groups, since all of them have a NAP between them. See, even Greifers don't grief each other.

    In fact, you should just ask for absence of "Scoreboards" like EVE's killboards, so to not incentivise random ganking - like in eVE - to maintain a "positive" score, like the Kill/Death ratio of some shooter games. That's a problem in EVE, that people gankg Skiffs for their money's worth - like a mining barge shoiws yo uare good in PvP or something.

    EVE's problem is not on its sandbox really, it's on its - for lack of a better word - professional appearence.  EVE feels like an Excel Feature Pack, as the joke goes, and it's sadly very true. It feels like a second job at times, with deadlines to meet - especially for haulers - retention on a project and a bunch of know-how and the jargon to go along with it on top of the "you need to be Isk-Positive" mentality for PvP, that drives bad ganking behavior. That's EVE's main problem, it throws too much on your face, too soon. "Here's an Ibis, go flak yourself* was EVE when I started. I asked aropu8nd - you know, like you do in MMOs, you talk to people, it's not Skyrim, it's an MMO. I spoke to people and they explaiend to me what to do and what not to do, like fitting autocannons on a railgun ship, or how tracking works, or how to gage distances, or how to warp properly so I don't get intedicted like an idiot.

    Laws an Alliance / Coalition has in EVE, are enforced by appointed LEOs of said coalition / alliance. Those people act as moderators and will kick or send people after a person who started a fight or didn't respect the laws set forth by said coalition - that includes bickering over mining spots. I don't know what part of EVE you palyed in, it clearly didn't involve those LEOs obviously. It's not total anarchy in Nullsec man, in fact, Nullsec is far safer than High Sec in EVE.

    This "barbarity" you speak off, is what's the passion behind EVE's nullsec wars and why the game keeps going - unlike all other MMOs since EVE's launch ,which died. Remember SWG? It died, it had a multibillion dollars franchise, and it died. Why? Cause they made the game more WoW and less Sandbox. 

    If you like games with no consequences or bad guys, you can play WoW. I heard player agency is taken really seriously in WoW, this is why everyone is "the Chosen Zero of Destiny".


    P.S. : God bless even though I didn't ask for you to tell me - or cared for that matter to know of - but regardless, have a nice holidays for you and your whole extended family. Peace. o7

  3. Problem is, CCP took 10 years to add a "loot all" button in EVE Online.

    I bet their developement hell is amplified by how mired in terrible decision making they are as a company. World of Darkness costing them 80 millions before shutting it down. The 70 USD Monocles - that nobody asked for. DUST514 releasing in PS3 - while EVE's main playerbase is on the PC.

    CCP is terrible at decisions. Project Nova has not shown any new footage for over 2 years now. This year they even shut down two of thier studios. This is just showing they are going for an F2P Loot 'Em Up like Destiny.

    I personally lost any respect on them after they renamed Aurum (premium currency) into PLEX and remvoed PLEX altogether, making you buy currebncy that you don't want so they can incentivise you to spend more money on the same item than before.

    In fact, EVE Online is just a fluke, an anomaly on their endless string of terrible decisions. The EVE community makes EVE great, not CPP.

  4. It's not tab-targeting per se, that's just how most people call anything not "pro mlg no scope 360 halo jump".

    It's a dynamic hit chance, based on your speed, the speed of tracking on your enemy's weapons and the distances between the two players  So yeah, you can dodge hits from bigger guns, especially if you fly around the bigger ship, as the guns can't actually keep up with your smaller ship's speed. Why? Cause guns are made of heavy metals, and heavy metals are...uh, heavy. The guns need time to swivvel around. Does that mean you need to stay close to the enemy to avoid being sniped (as their tracking gains more efficiency the further you are fromm them) ? Yes. You can't avoid being sniped if you fly far off an enemy's ship, since their tracking (degrees / second) will be far more than your angular speed. Why Angular? Cause you gonna be flying around an enemy's ship, to avoid being easily predicted on your flightpath and shot down.

    Your actions do have an input in PvP.

    Also, you should understand that momentum in DU is legit. Your thruster scheme would not really work - at all.  IF you fly at a certain speed you'll have a certain level of Force behind your movement. That means you need - at the very least - a 10% of the total force to budge to an other direction. Now, if there are any amount of engines that can shoot you to the "left" or "right" if you fly at max speed, then that would mean acceleration can easily exceeed 1000 G. Plus, fuel, you would run out of it mid-flight. No bueno. That also, makes no difference, it would make a difference in 200 m/s dogfights in WW2, but not in space, where you fly at 3000 m/s (DU's maximum speed is 5555 m/s, as JC Baillie said on Twitter).

    However, the system does take into account player actions. It's soft-lock, you lock on a ship's shape and fire a "damabe buble". That means you can show your reinforced bow to the enemy in a space-joust, while your guns fire backwards to catch the enemy off-guard as they fly in a straight lin and easily picked off, which is where gunner brains come into play, fire to soon and miss, fire too late and you deal little to no damage.

    In "dogfights", you need to understand the above ideas. You got nose guns on a fighter, which means, close range. On top of that, NQ could go two ways with "Nose Guns".

    1) The guns are treated like high-tracking weapons with a figurative Cone of Fire - if you keep the enemy in the Cone of Fire while you fire your shots, they will land and then damage will be calculated.

    2) Nose Guns act as a "Channeled" ability, firing a string of shots every second, until the other person gets out of the Cone of FIre (where you lock-on breaks).

    In both cases, if you know what the enemy is using, like the infamous L3-3T Fighter, which uses laz0r nose guns, you will know "I need to keep moving a lotm, since lasers deal less damage, the more angular the defender has. So you start flying in a spiral (cause you can't really dodge lasers that easily, but you can reduce damage taken from them by minimising exposure). Why spirals? Cause Angular Velocity is always greater than Linear Velocity, thus the algorithm reudces the daamge you take to emulate dodges and exposure to laser "spotlighting".

    If you want to fight the L3-3T, you'd know "that ship needs a certain distance to fight, so, I will keep the guy at a distance his lasers can't really hit me for any damage" (since lasers, like explosions, die out after a point. So, if you were to use long-range railguns, you could trick the guy into a chase, then flip around and take shots at them and remind them the value of Angular Velocity - since they chase AFTER you, they fly in a straight line, aka, sitting duck when it comes to space warfare.

    So, DU is more about "having experience within the game" more than "having the best internet connection". If you know what guns the other guy is using and you know your field, you will always have an advantage over a person who only flies one ship, all the time.


    And you may wonder "but I can make the besterest ship ever and win every time". No you can't, there is no "best ship". You can't be a heavily armored ninja, and you can't be an agile battleship either. Same goes for material composition, fuel consumption and other things. The saying "know yourself and know your enemy, and in a thousand battles you'll stand victorious" applies really well in DU's combat model. If your enemy's flying your fighter's counter, you can always fly off to the other direction.

    Plus, the above model can't be messed with, since the server is the one keeping track of all calculations, unlike most "shooters" like Star Shitizen where Lag-Switch and hacked clients run free.


  5. Let's be honest, CCP is building a Destiny "Loot 'Em Up" game. They tried that with Dust514, it failed cause of the game's laucnh on PS3's end days before PS4.

    Expect lootboxes, grind - nausiating grind at that - and P2W.


    Best case, a Planetside 2 "wannabe" with more P2W (nowadays) than Planetisde 2.

    CCP does not give a flying flak anymore for being innovative. They stopped caring when Valkyrie made them money at a better rate than EVE ever did.

  6. 2 hours ago, 0something0 said:

    Say we have a Binary star system or someone put a giant fusion powered lamp in orbit (yes, I watched too much Issac Arthur) so there still is a light source on the night side of the planet.  I hope the game models that instead of making the atmosphere opaque or something. 


    There are materials with negative refractive indexes and perhaps they will be in game ?

    I think you confused the binary system. A binary system is two stars orbiting in unison around one another. It's not "two stars orbiting a planet". That would literally tear apart planets, or slingshot them to dark space with the power of Zeus.

    As for the negative refraction index, that falls under the same levels of "Hard to create" material.

    Of course, a negative refraction armor also :

    1) makes you visible to tremor sensors when you move or move a lot.
    2) means you wear a spiffy glass armor, firefights will end REALLY quickly and not in your favor.
    3) means that the negative refraction works both ways, your own infrared will cook you alive, so the "Heat-sink" based stealth would still apply (from what I pointed out earlier.

    As for spaceships, a spiffy glass armor that refracts light won't hide :

    1) engines firing, blueshift/redshift is not something you can conceal

    2) gravitometry will still pinpoint you.
    3) magnetometry will still lock onto you.

    In general, negative refraction is not something "miraculous", it has a lot of baggage with it as a stealth means, mainly, the fact heat will accumulate and kill the user for infantry. 

    Either way, it's still a balanced stealth system. You are not "invisible", just transluscent. If you move, people will notice it and you can't really fight 1vs1 with a person who wears actually combat capable armor. You are just wearing a STEALTH suit. And an expensive stealth suit at that, so it works iwth the in-game economy and the specialisation the game goes for.

  7. 18 hours ago, MookMcMook said:

    Isn't darkness easy to cheat by changing your monitor settings for example? I remember enjoying darkness in older games...

    That only really works on single-player games and on ones where the "darkness" is just the giant sky-lamp going to 0.05 of its original ouput :P .Essentially, it's not dark, it's just the lamp being tuned down, hence why increasing brightness exponentially increasing the current light intensity.

    DU has an actual lightsource in the sky, If you notice in their videos, when the sun moves in the sky, the shadows don't "jump" to refresh, they just move gradually along with the star. If it's night, it's night, there is no light source.You can amp the brightness up all you want, 0% luminosity is 0% :P

    And to be fair, they did say they may try to make night-time "more visible", but I hope they reconsider. Everyone is tired of the "blue hue nights" of MMOs.

  8. @Eternal


    Prolly nothing, since E:D barely makes return on investement. It's a good game, but 31 years past its hayday. Most of E:D's playerbase are people who played the 80s game...

    Also - no offense - do not hype up a witch hunt or allude to "fake news". Unless you got solid proof and evidence of material coercion of MasssivelyOP's editorial, you should not make such allegations - that's what goes down in the SC forums, not in these ones. You can argue that E:D does not have a place in that list, sicne it's selling Paid Expansions, sure, but do not accuse the press as being "bought out" cause they put E:D on the list. One of the two has to do with reasoning on the merit of the ganme's entry, the other has to do with Freedom of Speech.


  9. 1 hour ago, Armedwithwings said:

    Just imagine organized squad warfare tactics with night and thermal vision.

    From a PvP perspective,the feeling of pulling off a successful ambush would be priceless!

    As far as cloacking devices go,i totally agree with your sentiments.

    I get the uneasy feeling they'll prove too overpowered and subsequently make things way too easy.

    They are also really silly, a cop-out on stealth.

    Old school games relied on the "cloak", cause of technical limitations on pulling off a convincing day-night cycle (cause dynamic shadows are a bitch some times).


    If NQ was to add meaning to camouflage, or at least actual camouflage tech, that would be awesome.

    in the case of the aforementioned vantablack, the fact it can absorb a lot of EM -sepctrun, makes it heavily susceptible to EM attacks (lasers for example would cook you alive if you wore such an armor made of such material, since heat would not dissipate a lot), so, it's not a "win win", yo uare  really weak if yo uget into a fight, so stealth becomes the main means of combat.


    I just don't want to see the "rouge" class from other games, like WoW, where stealth is not stealth at all. If you wear a stealth armor, your defense is not being detected, you shouldn't be engaging the enemy, you should be scouting / bypassing them.

    There could be armors meant for "ambush", like armors that provide the so called active camoufalge (aka , pseudo invisibility, like being amde out of glass) for when peopel remain stationary, similar to how Fallout 4 handles it for invisibility modules on gear. But That is not stealth, it's more about waiting for the enemy, camouflaged to blend in. once the fight starts, it's no longer a viable means of stealth, while an actual "stealth suit" would be just for that, bypassing defenses without being detected.

    Heck, it may make people deforrest areas as far as the eye can see around an outpost / city or even put checkpoints when trying to enter a city ,demanding clevelr means for infiltrating said cities / outposts.

    That's what stealth is after all.

    P.S. : Rouge = an intentional mispelling of the word "rogue", to designate the level of intelligence most rogue-players (don't) have, since 99% of the time, Rogue classes are broken AF, with little to no skill required at stomping people.

  10. Yeah, night-time roaming will certainly make things tricky.

    Personally I hope they don't do stealth mechanics like "Harry Potter" cloak, instead making it both a mechnaical stealth (not showing your name when hovered over with a cross-hair) and perhaps camo paint, like vantablack, which is the literal "blackest black" color ever, making you perfectly immune to detection at night 0 but it's very ery costly, due to it being very conductive on electricity, thus making it impossible to factory massp roduce, due to, you know, short-circuiting, at least, not at speeds that are acceptable for mass production, thus scarce and costly. Vantablack would not even reflect light even if shone onto with a flashlight - that's how black it is. but


    Vantablack doesn't totally prevent being heat detected (which can be handled with some sort of "limited" heat sink based invisibility), or makes you invisible to tremor sensors (footsteps detector). So, the whole thing just makes you hard AF to see, not Harry Potter cloak invisible. If you move a lot, you will be detected by a patrol you try to sneak past to infiltrate a compound. I am just tired of crappy stealth mechanics that don't involve patience - or skill.

    So, for stealth purposes, I hope NQ does use the night in the combat system, and subsequently in stealth suits of any kind.

  11. From my EVE experience, usually people live in one place for a long time. PvPers usually live in border staging areas for quick deployment.

    Sure they go around on outposts, doing mining or industry or w/e, but in the end, you live in a secured location - at least, that's where your assets are stored at.


    The real question is, how ready are people on being evicted with force? Cause I see a lot of claims of "I will live in a SPACE STATION" and my EVE Online cynic goes like "yeah... that's gonna be tricky, you'll be handing people free accomodations if they were to attack you".

    Just saying, it's "build small, aim big, succeed " not "dream big, build bigger, fail harder".

  12. 2 hours ago, Falstaf said:

    True but... 


    Maybe I'm "old" but a good portion of people still prefer the age old system of a website and forum for announcements. 


    While I made the jump to looking at Twitter for DU, I can sympathise with not wanting to live on or look at Facebook and Twitter to stay informed. I'm not a fan of either platforms myself. 


    Although I understand that Twitter and Facebook are more flexible for quick and short updates. 


    I don't know, they are called social media for a reason. You don't have to actually make an account, if someine is on any social platform, either Discord, Facebook or Twitter, they will notice the updates put out.

    Plus, many of the updates come from JC Baillie himself, who can't use the forums like his personal blog - for obvious reasons :P .

  13. 3 hours ago, Lethys said:




    global sandstorms? weather in DU? might be misleading too

    Well, they can make just a scripted animation play every X intervals where being exposed above water surface caused you to take damage.

    If they can make it into that the storm is smart and can tell if you are exposed or not, even better.

    Otherwise I'll have to agree, RP is good and all, but such a thing might come out as misleading indeed.

  14. Hey there.

    NovaQuark on other posts, have expressed the multiple ways of dealing with such a thing. One of them, is hacking - think of them Battlefield games where you capture a point, that's what the Territory Claim Unit is a way - and the process can take a while. While you can "restrict" people from building on your claim,  PvP is not really something you can restrict, if you blockade the other guy from getting fuel fto power their shield, you can win by process of attrition. 

    Even with the in-game lore explanation of brain implants that can prohibit you from using a gun within a person's territory claim via the RDMS, the fact that hacking exists means you can hack your implant's software to make it able to ignore those restrictions - essentially, turning you to the equivalent of the "Outlaw" mode from other games, and with a , hopefully, red name to boot 

    But that's just one way of dealing with it, to be honest, NQ is due to make a DevBlog on Shields, Protection Bubbles and the RDMS - soon? - so you might get the answer as well from them directly.


  15. The user-select property could be set to "none" in CSS, the bullet-points' text can be selected.

    It may be their own choice, but I'd say for ease of quoting the landing page (without copying sneaky text) they could just declare all text unselectable by the user and then exlcluding paragraphs with a not(p) {} selector with when the user-select : text.

    IT's just making quoting the site for news outlets much easier, without causing people to accidentally copy things like "press here" or "read more". 

    But that's me just being picky :P

    Good design all around, background is looking good.

  16. 27 minutes ago, Forodrim said:

    again not answer but more ramblings from you. when challenged you got nothing of substance. :D

    You were supposed to ignore me. You really can't, can you? Like a rabid dog you keep barking, thinking you will bait someone into thinking you have power. You act like you've been goaded like that, "do this, what are you, a pushy? A sissy?" is not an arguement educated people make, it's an arguement meatheads make - meatheads with a certain lower point on education.


    You clearly thought I derailed the thread, when Takao was the one who did and I did try many times to get it back into discussion on mechanics, not math, but he kept derailing it. 

     You didn't know what the Sigma meant until I linked it to you. And you still don't understand what it means, cause you would have known what a Sigma can procure for F=m*a. 


    You couldn't see the "missing steps", cause you have zero knowledge of advanced math. You just copy what you find on Google. You just copy paste links - and one link you didn't even read, just thought it was legit, since it had Harvard on it and it came up first on Google, you probably are the kind of person that shares crap on Facebook and spreads misinformation cause it feeds into your bias - usually, those people, are Alt-Right.


    You act like a conditioned-into bullying person. you know a lot of warheads and have the air of mil-sim enthusiast, you act like an Alt-Right and you got triggered after the Bismarck comment that it's a "SHE", not a "HE". 


    Hmm, I bet there's no correlation between those things. Totally not even a single one. There's no correlation that only Alt-Right Enthusiasts are the ones referring to the Bismarck as a HE.



    Now, you can keep up your "tough talk", you can keep trying to goad me into giving you a hint on how to make the script in question, after all, you are the smaller dog here, can't blame a chihuahua for barking at a husky.


    I won't hit "Ignore" on you, I want you to know I will be reading your threads and actively ignoring your attempts - as I said, anyone has something to teach everyone after all, even a broken clock is right twice a day as they say - unlike your conditioned Alt-Right biased mind, I got the luxury of being educated and have the capability of entertaining ideas that are opposite mine. This is why I can accept that I was wrong on the vacuum's leading cause of death upon exposure of the human physiology to it and why you can't accept you don't accept that your math knowledge is not that great to not be able to understand what Sigma meant until I pointed it out to you.

    It's called Critical Thinking what I have. Drones don't have that luxury.

    God bless you man, from the sound of it, you might be needing it - badly.

  17. 12 minutes ago, Forodrim said:

    I would argue that the incentive to keep it in one piece should:

    - building a (large) new ship is difficult, as in it takes time and resources

    - it works as it is


    modern ship are also not kept in one piece because they get better over time and I think DU should aim for realism. 

    Exactly. DU ships probably will end up with "motherboard" and "slots" sort of design for modular ships.

    Buy X-type ship, and it can support Y variety of modules on it. Simply spawn via 3D printing the modules and then link the appropriate elemens to other elements.

    This will also produce a very nice economy and architectures on ship layouts. Who knows.

    The only thing we need from NQ are "expansion cores", cause so far they have only showed Core Units on the DevDiaries.

    As of your previous post, you don't understand F in F= m * a is a NET FORCE, so there is no point on explaining you anything else. Yoy didn't knew what a Sigma is, you didn't see the "missing part" EVEN IF I KEPT SAYING IT ON EVERY POST and you don't understand how mathematical analysis works, since you didn't understand you use Force to get acceleration when in the context of a ship, not the other way around, there is no "10 G engine", there is "10 KN engine". But, again, you didn't knew this part of mathemtical analysis on how to prioritise solutions and functions or how to structure them.

    So, you either have zero context or clue to google your answers with keywords, or you expect me to show you the whole Sigma here, now. I don't know about you - well I do, you got goaded easily after claiming you would ignore me, which I did try to help you get back to, but you had to double-down on your e-peen, didn't you  - but I don't give into challenges that put me at a loss.

    You'll have to burn some brain cells figuring out the Sigma for what I described earlier.

    But fear not, BOO ships will be able to pin you down easily by T-Boning your ship.

    It's gonna be great. 

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