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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Moosegun

  1. 1 hour ago, Saburoto said:

    This game is About Imagination and Vision. For me the road map Looks very promising and the Basic game mechanics like mining, ship design and Physics are very nice implemented and works. In the future with all new Upgrades there will be more possibilities to realize your visions and there is nearly no Limit to live your Imaginations. Thats for me the Definition of gaming!

    I love it when someone gets it, I spent today training someone how to get into our market network, then someone else wanted to know about commodities trading (the biggest earners in this game dont need to exploit or even have bases), we had a wannabee ship building who is working on a new mining barge, another guy we are setting up to do the hauling.  On two occasions recently I have been set b buy order for ore, only for them to be filled whilst I was still there.  Which was followed by me finding them on the market to make contact with them and potential miners. After shutdown I am hoping to get to Sicari to scope out locations for a racetrack. I love this game, but you have got to make up your mind what you want to be, and how to do it, you can be anything (we you will be able to).

  2. 2 hours ago, Eleete said:

    ...Beta, no wipes. 1year from now players will have 30.000.000 SP and starting pilots 0.

    So you do a launch package where people who join the game in get something like 10,000,000 SP and can allocate them to specalise from the start, hell given them some money and the choice of decent bloody ships too.  That would be my solution, raise the starting bar, get rid of the bullshit starting experience, which doesnt resemble the real game and start new players from a better position..... simples

    They will be walking into a world which is premade, where the economy has stabilised, cool ships and building BPs will be affordable.  There will be player safe zones where they can move in.  We will have created the world that NQ have always said they want players to walk into.  it is up to us to do it, and we can if more players and more important big org stopped focusing on themselves and focus more on what they can bring to civlisation.

  3. 4 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    So like if T1 bots where gone today, where would money actually come from? T1 bots (and daily 100K) is the ONLY money source in the entire game. So without T1 bots the total amount of currency in the game would be locked and stationary at current levels. Meaning players would be stuck just trading the same money back and forth (with the expected results of rich getting richer and poor getting poorer etc), and for every new player joining there would be less overall. That is not how economy works, either in games or RL.

    Erm you do realise a loads of money also gets spent at the other end TO BOTS, bots are also a massive quanta sink, only NQ knows which is greater.  and only a certain number of player generating income by cheesing it from selling to bots, I havent sold a single item to bots, nor does anyone else I play with, it is a certain playerstyle choice, and a shit one at that because it completely cuts out the community / civilisation we should be building.  Also the daily 100k, even if you only take 5000 logins, injects - 500,000,000 per day.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sycopata said:

    Then delete your accound and make a new one every time you get bored, other people have no played 3 years and request wipe every 3 days

    Mate that doesnt even make any sense..... seriously

    2 hours ago, Sycopata said:

    This game need grind to get so much stuff, exploiters just teleport stuff from other planets to main base, bipassing all transport issues, this is why some people is in more advance state, no counting experience on the knoledge of the mechanics, if you have to no pay fuel or warp cells to move Ore all become so fast.

    I think you will find I created and posted a video for NQ about this exploit several weeks ago, you dont need exploits to get ahead, knowledge and hard graft is enough.  I am in a better state because i work harder at it.

  5. I would 100% agree that T1 buys bots can be removed from the game now, they are not needed, there are enough players buying from the market, it is removing ore from the game which is really not good and stop supply range as people are just bulk making a single product, rather than having to provide a wider range to the general public (something we do).  This should be done with the UTMOST urgency.

    Anyone thinking of doing it, might make to income short term but it is a very lazy path, which you could find is blocked very soon (hopefully).

  6. 2 hours ago, w1r3dh4ck3r said:

    I would! Just give stuff in magic BPs or give nothing back and start from scratch! Game is in BETA I don't get attached to things in a BETA game and I've progressed quite a bit. Now if they PROMISED there would be no wipes then it's another story, then they should just stick to their guns.

    I do really get your point, and I would 100% take a wipe for a better game, and I agree I would be stupid not to.

    To clarify, they have said that they will do whatever possible to avoid wipes and any wipes that did happen would be compensated.  Tbh I wouldnt even want all of it, infact I would settle for a long headstart. But some sort of recognition of loss is required, I bloody love this game and defend it in a lot of places, if it pisses me off then I think it might upset a few others.

    Finding agreement is becoming a worrying trend today

  7. 1 hour ago, w1r3dh4ck3r said:

    I am going to agree with you here, if they can do it without delay and without sacrificing quality (I know that is not possible, they already dropped some visual improvements on planets just to avoid destroying players buildings and diggings) them by all means don't wipe anything, what I mean is: I want this game to be the best it can be, and players always seem to plant themselves squarely in the way of this objective.

    So you would be ok with them wiping and giving everything back to players?  I am cool with that.  They can do that as much work as they want on the game.  MMO's launches are a big thing for some people, this one was for me. When you have invested three years of your life into an alpha, thinking about your starting strat, you then manage to get a significant amount of time off work to ensure that plan is put in place, because you were told it was the launch, people have the right to be pissed if that changes.  As much as I love them, this is NQ's problem of there own making, not mine. I am not complaining about not receiving beta keys or something petty here.

  8. 1 minute ago, JohnnyTazer said:

    There are probably multiple ways. One thing I would like is a durability stat. So everytime your element goes to 0% it reduces its durability by 1.  certain engines like military could start at 10 durability.  Regular ones like 5.  So it would have to be shot and destroyed 10 times before its "unusable".  so it keeps the current repair meta in there, but also changes value of elements being traded based on their durability stat too.

    Yes mate, that is what I was suggesting, alongside what NQ appear to be planning.  The additional element was to add more destruction to pvp, which I 100% agree is needed.  More destruction in large scale pvp needs to reduce military strength of the forces involved significantly enough to make them think twice but this solution would not effect skilled pirates. 

    @anomoly did you just create a forum thread that resulted in some consensus, gg

  9. 25 minutes ago, Anomaly said:

    @Moosegun     There is no problem at all with organizations having power or controlling vast amount of territory.  But that isn't what I'm talking about. 


    I'm talking about the power imbalance that will grow with every 100% loot victory - gradual wear and tear or not.   To be clear - I was in some large organizations in Eve. I might end up joining one of the winning teams in Dual. It would still suck though.   Fun in games like this comes from fights where both sides have a chance to win. As planned, the fights will quickly become one sided and will stay that way. 

    Cool, what do you think about adding additional condition damage in pvp up to potentially full destruction.  For example if you keep hitting the element after if is destroyed is take condition damage?  Would that work?  Would also be more realistic and make precision kills important for pirates

    Every pvp hit does damage and small amount of condition damage
    When destroy all damage goes on condition

  10. On 10/10/2020 at 2:10 AM, Anomaly said:

    With the current 100% repair rate, PVP will not be the resource sink the game needs. Instead, when territory warfare begins, it will insure that the groups who win in the beginning will gain a materials advantage that will only grow with each new, easier, win.  


    I made the suggestion that elements damaged by weapons have a less than 100% repair chance and submitted it to the voting list. It never got moderator approval in spite of there being no similar suggestions.  I thought my suggestion might have been overlooked or worded incorrectly so I rephrased the suggestion and submitted again. This time it was simply deleted. 


    Now I am very worried. Is the current repair system meant to stay as it is?  If so, the game will not be worth playing shortly after territory warfare and atmospheric PVP are introduced. A few groups will dominate and only grow stronger in relation to everyone else. 

    Regarding large orgs and control - the universe is vast, there will be areas that big orgs will own, and areas where smaller groups will survive.  Also who says all these big orgs are just going to strike out and wage war as soon as pvp starts.  Most big orgs I know do not have that plan.  Also with the plans for territory control potentially creating massive player made safe zones, some parts of planets like Alioth wont even be worth attacking by anyone but the largest orgs.  Pvp / terri wars isnt going to be the carnage a lot of people think it is.  I promise you, the majority of players ARE NOT waiting for pvp to go on some terri claiming rampage.  

    I also dont have an issue with org owning massive parts of the game.  What is wrong with 'nations' owning parts of planets, I WANT that. What do you think countries are???  Civilisation is built of large communities, not solos living in holes.  I want superpowers, I was massive wars but I dont think that means there is no place for the little guy (and girl).

    Regarding repairs, we have no idea what NQ have planned, as I have said before I think they have it setup the way it is to allow player expansion, so we have some sort of foundation before the fighting starts.

    My solution is add some sort of 'condition' to all elements, when they are damaged the condition goes down and isnt repaired, when it goes below a percentage (say 50%) then the element loses performance, when it hits zero it need replacing.  This would solve a lot of issues, both pvp and crash damage mean something, elements will be lost, players can choose whether to be optimal and replace early or risk it, you could also add an high tier end game item - the reconditioner which could repair condition but it would require mats so might not always be possible.

    EDIT - lol just read the above, seems it is there choice as well, I like it because to allows for player to make mistake, crash etc and not be stuck but elements will still disappear.

    You could also add heavier condition damage to pvp, which could even lead to full destruction, also add destruction of a % of cargo etc  For all we know, this is what NQ have planned

    I DO understand you concerns though and they are valid.

  11. 7 minutes ago, DarkAster said:

    It looks like it bothers you when ppl don't do things according to plan.

    Not bothered at all dood, like I said I have 16mil outstanding, just stating that they have said they are not dealing with them yet and if you do pester support you probably will get seen first.  But if everyone did that, then what happens?  Pretty much everyone I know has lost something.  Shall we all bombard support so they cant deal with ingame problems that actually stop people playing.

  12. 33 minutes ago, w1r3dh4ck3r said:

    There in lays the problem, I've not insulted anyone that chose to stop playing the game if its no longer fun, I'm calling out bulshit on people that play a beta game and demand that all the progress they made be completely safe... that is by definition stupid.

    Is it stupid when the devs tell you there would be no wipe???  Please explain..... you could use your own definition.  Seems to be different from mine.

  13. 1 hour ago, w1r3dh4ck3r said:

    There is a lot of freaking crybabies in the gaming environment, the game is in BETA it's going to be a worse game at launch if we don't allow them to wipe, DEV time to upgrade and include all the systems and content they want to include while maintaining what people built functioning is going to ruin the game and that is the choice of stupid people who don't understand that joining a game in development means having to sometimes lose progress! I am completely OK with a universe WIPE (maybe they can keep skills but I'll be OK with a FULL WIPE too), the game is in beta let them finish it and then let us all start together in a better and more fleshed out universe.

    It is not about being a 'crybaby' it is about a company selling something and then completely going back on it.  If they had said that there would be a wipe, no problem.  If they had said they couldnt confirm anything, no problem but they didnt, they chose to soft launch the game.  Reading your post I am not even sure you know any of this.

    So you are completely missing the point, if you say to people - there will be 'no complete wipe' unless it is unavoidable and then people make decisions and invest loads of time and effort based on that. Then you turn around and decide that actually no, all of that time and effort would be lost, people will be pissed.

    The 'no wipe' decision was NQ's they made it, as such I committed a huge amount of my time, if they go back on that it is a massive FUCK YOU to me and others who have invested that time.

    I understand why they made it, they had to because they started to charge subs.

    Please note, I dont think they will wipe


    Oh and as you chose to call me both a crybaby and stupid, WTF is that username, are you 12?

  14. 29 minutes ago, DarkAster said:

    If its all the same to you I rather keep on them about the issue. 

    yeah that is cool, although they have said they probably wont be dealing with refunds for loses any time soon.  No doubt pester power will push you to the front of the queue, so go for your life.

  15. 23 minutes ago, blazemonger said:


    I honestly think this is one of the biggest misconceptions about a good number of those who make a case for an eventual wipe. It is _not_ about new players not being able to catch up at all. That is a nonsense argument in itself as in a balanced game, new players would be able to progress to a point where they can participate on equal footing and then specialize.


    Would you risk alienating a large part of your playerbase, those that have been here for years and supported the game, to do that.  What purpose would it serve, apart form put us back to square one, having to build civilization again but this time with pvp in place.  Part of the benefit for this period of no pvp is it give civilisation a change to grow.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Sycopata said:

    No wipe the game, just wipe exploiters assets, legit players are not in endgame. Are not rich, and are not bored of the game.

    So you are calling me an exploiter?  Screw you dood, I have just been playing for three years and knew the shit out of it before it launched.  Do you always call people who understand / perform better than you a cheat?  Quite happy to explain how I got where i did, it is not complex, I just saw the opportunities a lot of player miss.

    I am also not bored, because I havent built my space casino.

  17. 15 minutes ago, Elrood said:

    True - not my style, but yeah, it probably is possible. 

    100% possible, go mine, sell ore, buy product, find location product is selling for more, move product, sell for profit.  Easy but sadly without someone pointing it out, it goes whoosh over most people heads and they come in here and say that there is nothing to do but mine.

    The mental thing is, this sort of thing happens all the time in games like eve etc, no idea why people think it wont work here

  18. 1 minute ago, Elrood said:

    Jesus.... Its simple. You want to play solo? This is not Empyrion solo player game. You dig. And dig. And dig. It is by design and it should be. It is very hard grind and it should be. This is MMO and communities based game. You play solo, you actually signed up for that grind and hardship - you are going against the grind and design of the game. Its a challenge game was not designed to be winnable by players - i bet its just by accident its even possible to a degree we have. Try solo raid in WoW. And be glad its not that level of impossibility. Who the hell think playing MMO solo should be easy?! We are lucky its even kind of do-able. 

    END GAME in this game are Orgs and politics. End of story. Everyone who know the game imho agree on that point. You can argue Early and Mid game too - this is where my fellow hermit (I'm a bit of poor hermit as i actually do trade and I am a part of small community to have people to talk to) may differ from some voices here. But hermit alone will never get everything done. At some point all hermits (me including) will either drop the game or join some well organized orgs out of pure boredom. I'm still amazed how much content there is for solo player to get their hands into. If you can stand the grind ;) 


    You play in big org? Surprise - some people like to or at least tolerate digging. And then you may find a niche where you don't have to dig.

    TBH you can set up as a trader in this game after one session of digging (and never dig again), just that most people dont see opportunities, they need to wait for the game to put a big neon sign up

  19. 19 minutes ago, blazemonger said:


    I get what you are saying but I think you are missing the point of my argument. We'll see what happens in the next 12-18 months were we will hopefully be at a point where the game is actually fairly balanced and pretty much ready for "release".


    I think NQ has already allowed (visual) game improvements to be scrapped as well as let imbalance and exploits create a massive advantage for some (more will come trough balance and fixes) to appease the loud/close few and put revenue before game progress/development. I believe they will not be able to get around a wipe, you and others think differently and/or expect NQ to stick with their commitment of no wipes unless absolutely required (which I think this will fall under, hence it is not excluded anyway).

    If they wipe, and the orgs (who have huge amounts invested in this game) say screw you and leave, you will be left with Rust in Space.  A load of noobs, in small groups, surviving and fighting each other.  That is not what I signed up for.  I signed up for civilisation, with nation states, and huge orgs.

    I still think a major change I would like to see if stop calling all groups organisations (which implied corporate structure) and instead have GROUPS, with sub categories (NATIONS, ORGS, POLITICAL PARTIES etc) so it is much clearer for new player what they are signing up for.  Most player dont even know you can be in multiple org, or that some org are purely just things like nation states which only provide a set of society rules and mutual defence.  That way players would be more inclined to join as they would feel like they are signing there life away.  Org dont HAVE to be clans / guilds in the old fashioned way other MMOs have them, they can be much broader.  My org for example work with new players to create there own independent businesses which then plug into our network.  We encourage personal ownership and NEVER ask our player to do anything they are not getting a return from, yet a lot of player see all orgs and some sort of slave driving exercise to push a small group of players, this is not the case.

    I have no issue with huge major powers in the game, because that is what civilisation IS.  Infact you could argue that solo players are the real problem here, that they are NOT civilised.  Infact the idea that people would travel thousands of miles to another system, with thousands of other people and then fuck off and live in a whole 100km from anyone else is completely laughable.

  20. I suppose that is the big difference the gameplay mechanics which are in game really suit me and I really enjoy them (even mining if I get the chance), I love manufacturing and trading, i always wanted to start an industry org, so the majority of gameplay mechanics are already in game for me.  I am also pretty good in a sandbox environments, so am used to making my own gameplay without AI pointing me in the right direction.  I find myself being the completely the opposite I dont have enough time in the day to get everything done, mainly because I see other gameplay opportunities that most players dont (not bragging this is going from feedback from my org).  A lot of people struggle when they have to come up with things themselves.

    A good example of this is trading, it is perfectly possible to play the role of the trader within this game and make huge profits but the majority of players dont even recognise it is there.

    I do agree the game wont suit some people, I have a long list of player I wont recommend DU because i know it is not ready for them, they need excitement to be entertained, I dont.

  21. There is a lot of comments on the forum at the moment about wiping the game, and how it would help bring in new players who wouldnt want to be 'behind' everyone else.  My own personal opinion is that I would 100% stop playing now, completely for Beta and probably wouldnt come back for launch.  As there is no incentive to play and it would wipe out the month of dedicated work I put into the game because I thought it was live.

    Just wondered how other people felt, as i personally think wiping would do far more damage to the current / vets player base and it would have positive effect on new players joining.

  22. 9 hours ago, blazemonger said:


    As I see it, players and orgs who put in the work, prepared well and created blueprints for their constructs would have no problem getting back up on a full wipe in a relatively short time, especially if NQ were to move accrued talent points back into the pool. The ones that stand to lose the most are those who took advantage of circumstances in game which would by then have been rectified and/or balanced and so those are the ones likely to complain and cry the loudest.


    Sorry mate, that is not the point, I was told by NQ that beta launch was a soft launch, and that there would be no wipes and if there were, we would be reinbursed.  I made a personal choice to change my lifestyle to fit into that, as a result I have managed to achieve an excellent start, with no such exploiting that you are implying (despite knowing and reporting several).  Wiping now would be a massive kick in the teeth for me and a lot of other players who have dedicated a huge amount of time to a game they we under the impression was LIVE.


    To delete all that progress to make it 'fair' for new players who could have backed before would be a massive kick in the teeth for me and would possibly cause me to walk away and take the majority of the org with me.

    It wouldnt take me a 'short time' to get back to where i am, it would take a month of hardcore playing, that I rearranged my life to enable me to have.  You want to wipe that so some noobs arent put off joining the game?

    NQ have ALWAYS said they want new players to walk into a play made universe, to buy ship and services off players.  That will ONLY happen if there is some sort of headstart and players are given the opportunity and tools to offer those products and services.  That is what we should be doing now.  The fact that the major orgs seem to have become completely insular and are not engaging with the community, is another story and something i am very disappointed about.  They should be the ones using their wealth to create the game world for these new players.

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