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Posts posted by Tordan

  1. I agree that the current paint voxel tool is essentially useless. 

    It is better/easier to do the same task with a simple cut and paste.


    Highlight and copy a region of the same size as the thing you want to color, then scroll up or down to choose the material you want, then just paste it back on top of the original.  (not shift paste, just paste.)  Because this game has existing dominance, it will simply recolor those voxels with the new material, and won't change the shape.

  2. Pretty please?

    I would settle for a ground smooth tool that actually smooths rather then create spikes and black triangles. I have gotten pretty good at digging holes, placing a blob back and resmoothing over and over again until I get a reasonable result, but it is painfully cumbersome. and we are now a year into release.

    I'm pretty sure that we are way overdue for a few long awaited quality of life fixes.




  3. 16 hours ago, space_man said:

    Sadly I don't see the forum getting attention anymore, the community has felt abandoned, and unresponsive.


    The real community is on Discord.

    NQs unwillingness to simply ban the 3 schmucks who fill every forum post with a tired rant on how the game isn't being developed anymore, and how no one is playing (both wrong) makes it a dreary drudge to try and read anything here.  I still try though.  

  4. On 3/24/2023 at 11:24 AM, Grizzly45 said:

    We need to create a switch to magnetize the voxel vertices. 

    To facilitate construction by voxels.

    When you need to place two voxels side by side without changing the shape


    Unfortunately that is just not how voxels work.  Despite the way we speak about it, you don't actually place voxels.   The voxel space is simply a cube of cubes.  "Placing a voxel" is actually taking an empty voxel that is already there, and painting it with a texture.  When you move any vertex you, by necessity, move that vertex for all 8 voxels it is attached to.

    If you have a voxel shape in your clipboard and you want it to override the vertices position when you paste it, hold down the shift key when you click it into place. This will paste with paste dominance instead of existing dominance. 

  5. 1 hour ago, CptLoRes said:

    And even if they somehow suddenly got more resources for DU, since they ignored major technical and design issues for years it mean that the game would need a complete overhaul to deliver the pillar functionality of the game, in any way close to what players would expect from a modern MMO.


    In other words. NQ dug a big hole, and now they get to lie in it.

    And thanks to how they treated the community and especially the early adapters, all the help they are going to get from players (mostly ex by now) is to fill in the hole after NQ has lied down in it.. And it will certainly not help NQ when they release whatever they are working on in the already unpopular NFT/WEB3 segment.


    If you truly believe that DU is awful, and and you believe that there is no hope for improvement. Then why are you still here at all?
    And if you are hopeful for continued growth, ask yourself, does a post like the one above help advance that goal, or hinder it? 

  6. 5 hours ago, blundertwink said:

    I'm not obligated to "help or get out of the way"


    Of course you're not. My opinions don't have any authority behind them at all. 

    Contrary to what a prospective player might read here, my experience is that there is an active and enthusiastic player base that would welcome more players willing to delve into a complex but rewarding sandbox.

    That the devs are continuing to work hard on the game, perhaps not with the lightning speed a larger dev house might achieve, but with dedication to a beloved project and a steadfast commitment to treading thoughtfully.

    That the devs do in fact read these forums. They just don't always reply to every post, particularly ones that don't provide any new insights.


  7. On 1/21/2023 at 5:18 AM, J0hnnyB said:

    Guys, i heard they upgrading and improving  and spending houndreds dev hours into the planets again. This great news because i cant wait to have a nicer view when im calibrating my mining units. Also amazing marketing strategy by NQ to release skins but make so noone can buy them except the few nerds that supported kickstarter 10y ago.  i think NQ stratedy is use sub money to support dev of skins instead of have skins support the game.  They might be on to something here if u ask me


    Pretty sure 'you' would feel different if you had been waiting 3 years for those Kickstarter perks. If one didn't eventually get them, one would likely be screaming bloody murder.


    7 hours ago, blundertwink said:

    I don't know


    That is correct. Neither do I. I do think it is safe to assume that some folks in NQ management look at the numbers quite closely and care very much about maintaining their company. I doubt that our speculation will all of a sudden make them go, "Well damn! profit?! why didn't I think of that?"

  8. 1 hour ago, Aviator1280 said:

    So we back in a kind of beta? Using PTU and so on? Is this a released game?


    I have never met an mmo that was not always in a permanent state of development. They grow, they change, they adjust, they rebalance, they add expansions small and enormous. Sometimes they even get it right.

  9. 8 minutes ago, BlindingBright said:

    Side note, jettesoning cargo is something you'd see if a real pirate was on your @SS. Instead of stopping players from doing it, with items being deleted.... drop the items as a lootable container behind the ship to be used as a decoy/dropping weight. Pirates can then double back for the package. Add more gameplay, don't restrict it further... I am so tired of yall restricting gameplay, so much I could / did in Beta can no longer do on the launch game because of that mentality. 


    Hell yes! so on point.

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