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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by GraXXoR

  1. And this, folks, right here is still the case after 6 years in development.
  2. Before you leave the safe zone, set your base as “warp destination.” If anything happens just warp back. once you get 1/3 of the way to your destination, set the destination as the the errr. “warp destination.” if anything happens just warp out. however, soon the PvPers will demand warp interdictors, and you Know NQ, so....
  3. I think the point he was attempting to make was that most of the interesting stuff you mentioned happened to you (and other people like us) in our pasts... thus with little going on in your current life, you (we) tend to spend (inordinate amounts of) time interacting with random people you have never met online in a computer game...
  4. Dude. That’s not trolling, that’s strategically impeding your opponents. Find one as near to others’ settlements as possible. That way you prevent your opponents from gathering higher tier stuff. The key is to find a pristine or loosely mined tile (just dig down a bit and then fill in your hole holding the alt key and you’ll poke through and be able to get a decent view of the current tile’s situation)... in most cases, it will be just the T1 stuff that is gone. if it looks like only the surface has been mined mine half of the high tier material. If you mine it all, your opponents will see a lack of high tier materials and pass on the tile. The key is to leave enough to entice your opponents to mine, but leave scraps so that your opponents will waste as much time as possible. Your aim is to create as much frustration as possible to encourage them to purchase ores from the market place at as high a price as possible. Ps. I’m not a miner, I’m just saying what “strategic miners” do.
  5. Can you shoot through your own voxels? this game is still effectively in early alpha, featurewise I suspect voxel occlusion will be introduced eventually. I hope it figures into aerodynamics and also hit chance.
  6. yes. you only need a voxel every two rows to cover anything.
  7. Triangles with cross section that covers 1x2 area count as a single voxel, though.
  8. I hate lens flare and chromatic aberration... I blame JJ Abrams.
  9. No. The fetch tool was not designed to be used that way. If you do that, you will be banned from the game by NQ for exploiting a game mechanic in an unintended fashion ? Please explain how I can destroy someone else's core on my territory in 30 seconds... Sounds handy...
  10. Or just a permission set in the RDMS... Allow to Dock
  11. 100k is chickenfeed. Our org NovaX is accruing wealth at *well* over a million a day per person. but it is really nice pocket money for those in the org who are mining, building or transporting constantly and don’t actually have any liquidity themselves. its effect on the economy is likely one of WD40 rather than Napalm.
  12. C’mon they have market to maker teleportation and even teleportation between Alioth and Sanctuary!!! imo that’s already genre breaking enough... ie why cant *WE* make teleport pads if aphelia has the tech... I do actually want a T5 teleport pad that teleports me between tiles I own on the same planet. Or even just up to 10km. but it should be like the warp drive: be cool in concept but have a scrotum squeezingly high cost to make / use... also, back to the OP: OP: OMG; a 15 minute trip to the market Graxxor: Laughs in Elite Dangerous...
  13. I have to agree with Joni here. Pushing the envelope until it squeals (mixed metaphors etc) is the surest way to expose game breaking bugs and issues people are having with the software. but NQ have released an official statement of intent versus bug exploits... but it’s vague enough to give them leeway to do what they want, basically.
  14. but in all seriousness, duping stuff and using actual in game tools to do exactly what they are defined as (even if not what they were intended for) is a completely different level. you can move things on your tile... that is known to all you can dock small cores on larger cores... that is known to all you can fly from the safe zone to the PvP zone... that is known to all You can destroy ships in the PvP zone.. that is known to all ergo this is not an actual engine/timing/glitch. This is straight up use of the rules as provided. now the dupe bug (apparently) uses actual coding bugs - I’ll be honest I have no idea how anyone found it. Maybe a race condition or -like glitching four XL engines over each other on a construct to save space- is an error in the coding rather than the rules of the tools provided. Still, it’s all semantics and doing this IS against the spirit of safe zone... and to quote from Rick and Marty “in bird language, this is considered a dick move.”
  15. In that case, anyone who F4s to stop their ship should also be banned?
  16. GraXXoR


    True. Not in the “traditional” sense. But I honestly do feel that definitions a have shifted of late. the word beta has become an all encompassing phrase from... janky af and lacking any presence of finality to the original pre release format. similarly alpha is often used in cases where internal betas are first released to the public. things are not as clear cut as they used to be / should be... still, I go with feature-complete but unpolished, unbalanced as the “proper” definition of beta. And as such this game fails in that respect. But one thing is for sure; a product that has already brought hundreds if not thousands of hours of enjoyment to thousands of players is NOT a pre-alpha, which is certainly limited to staff or at most high paying Kickstarter/l or actual ALPHA backers.
  17. While I always admire humans’ ingenuity at circumventing laws, taxes, surcharges, rules and regulations, that is clearly trolling for the sake of trolling. placing a TCU for the sole purpose of carting a construct to the PVP zone is not cheating as such, but it’s clearly bending the rules in a way NQ did not intend or they would have put disclaimers on their safe zone definitions.... As such, it is exploiting a loophole in the ingame logic that should protect against this, pretty much by definition. while I think severe punitive action again the players doing this might be considered draconian, since it’s not -technically- breaking the EULA, I think, if NQ truly did not forsee/desire this method of... capital gain... they should at least provide the “victim” with remuneration or a magic blueprint to reimburse them and create a temporary patch to at least prevent removal of incumbent constructs until they can consider a proper mechanism...
  18. I’m not sure where the OP is, but i think if it’s EU and he has bought the product less than 2 weeks earlier, they ARE obliged to pay him back since they have an office in France, no?
  19. 23 hrs makes perfect sense. If you play every day from 9pm then having th timer set to 24 hrs would mean you’d have to log in later and later each day to get your reward. setting it to 23 hrs means that even if you logged in 15 minutes early at 8:45 one day, say, you would get your reward.
  20. To be honest, my expectations are so low wrt in game tool development that I would be happy with just a voxel nudge function where you select a bunch of voxels and can just move them one pixel at a time like you can with elements.
  21. Try playing VR at 60fps. Barftastic. 70 FPS is considered an absolute minimum. 90 FPS is needed to satisfy most people sensitive to motion. some say that it’s only around the 120fps-150fps mark that things start to feel “truly real”
  22. GraXXoR


    Thank you for your... thoughtful... contribution to the forum.
  23. Voxel Wights: https://the-betweenlands.fandom.com/wiki/Wight
  24. People who are comparing the scale of DU to Elite Dangerous have no concept of the sheer scale of that game. They could be exploring planets 24/7 for the next 10,000 years (TINAM) and still not be close to exploring all the planets.
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