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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by GraXXoR

  1. I would like to be able to just export the list of elements and voxels in my blueprints to an excel file, JSON or CSV file. Currently, I have to read the blueprint window and manually input the shopping list to an external file. Not the model or anything fancy, just the actual shopping list. Instead, if I could just click ' Export blueprint' button at the bottom of the inspect blueprint window and it exported the CSV file of each elements name, its hitpoints, its mass in kg, thrust in Newotons, etc... that would be fantastic. even simpler, if I could just right click on a blueprint in my inventory and "copy blueprint netlist to clipboard" also please let us rename blueprints or at least show "date created"
  2. For different reasons but please let us at least export the blueprint parts list as a CVS/JSON file. Heck, even plain text. It’s so infuriating to have to keep referring back to the tiny blueprint window…
  3. I do love Utopia station. Feels like a real hub of civilization not a museum at all.
  4. Not wanting to derail an excellent rant thread and point out a pertinent comment or anything, but has the lapsed account access finally been fixed? I found that particular bug / outright mismanagement rather concerning.
  5. Yeah, no. Please keep IRL superstitions out of game forums for a start. telling people they are toxic literally straight after a profanity and then suggesting they need one specific member from of the pantheon of deities in their life is right up there in the periodic table next to irony. I honestly don’t see why they can’t just compact players’ stuff after a few days if it’s on an aphelia tile, and allow them to redeploy it if they ever come back to the same tile. Unless I’m missing something obvious, that seems like a watertight/non-abusable system. That would help with MP clutter for a start. 90 days does seem the short end of reasonable for assets in private hexes. Netflix Japan gives their customers 10 months before wiping ratings, favorites and comments etc. maybe a nice, round year before cores go brown and rusty and territory markers evaporate… Selecting a suitable time period is a difficult and nuanced problem for sure. But at least market clutter could be handled easily if they were so inclined.
  6. Ah, so now you are also implying that I am going to get caught selling ℏ. And you are going to watch and laugh for some reason. Please, enlighten me, where did I say I would do that? Show me one single line.. quotes preferable to paraphrasing/making shit up. or you know, you could just do again what you did with the “illegal” nonsense and squirrel out of it without admitting you were wrong. it’s almost as if you’re getting defensive about something. Not entirely sure what, tho.
  7. You said illegal, I’m asking about the law. I don’t see any *actual law* forbidding it, just some terms and conditions.
  8. Thank you... I didn't think about autocompactificationalization.... ?
  9. why is selling a game character illegal? I have sold plenty of SC ships and made loads of coin... could you site the law that forbids this, please.
  10. Does anyone know the definitive compactification rules? I looked for compactify in the forums, but didn't get many hits and only one relevant hit, but that was complaining about not knowing what was and what wasn't compactifiable...
  11. you’re right. It’s an org bank so nobody suffered. next time you’re in an org, can you just hand me the contents of the org bank? Not your personal account, just the org. Because nobody suffers if it’s the org. means I will have fun so it’s a net gain for humanity. but in the real world, I’ll remember this next time someone is ripping blu rays and putting them on Pirate Bay for free. Just pixels, check!! No financial gain, check!! victimless shenanigans are the best shenanigans, right? Net gain. now I’m just getting pedantic again I’ll stop now.
  12. You don't get out much, do you... Oh hang on... Also, necro-bumps his own posts. O_O
  13. TLDR at the bottom... People overuse the term salty, to the point where it’s almost meaningless and has become a rallying call of those with little else in their lives to insult people who feel differently about things (PvP vs carebare is top there) . Being “salty” is just a new phrase that was supposed to (ironically, I feel) point to feeling bitter about something personally. I’m neither “salty” nor bitter. Just pointing things out. It’s likely just projection on the part of those using the term since I have little personal at stake to get “salty” about in this discussion. I’m merely stating my opinions on a take it or leave it basis. As I always do. ? When you stole billions @Lethys did you, too, purposefully garner the trust of people around you getting them to rely on you and believe that you were their friend? Did you nurture that relationship with them with the express purpose of taking it all away from them? Did you even go so far as to use out of game chat and social tools to strike up friendships with them, like discord or teamspeak? did you ever discuss things such as music and movies to find out their interests and further the ruse? Did you ever joke and laugh about things while they were maybe having a drink at the same time? Or did you solely and exclusively do it as part of the game, knowing you brought them enjoyment and entertainment within the context of the game and that after you did that to them they laughed and chuckled about it that evening down the pub? Nothing personal... When these games run for years, there’s more at stake for people than just the game. With many MMOs providing an online experience akin to chat rooms and Facebook in lieu of physically interacting with “real” friends in the “real” world, many people make social and personal connections with people in game and create what can amount to true friendships. The fact of the matter is that the difference and inherent distinction between “in game” and “in real life” is starting to become less and less clear cut as we move to an increasingly digital lifestyle. At what point does reality really end and fantasy actually start? It's far more blurred than it has ever been. Now add money to the equation with digital assets having increasingly real value (Bitcoin, Linden Dollars, DACs) and you start to incur “real” monetary damage. So now, you're at the point of causing actual financial hardship to someone on purpose, no matter how you look at it, and the associated ethics start coming into play. tldr. The line between what is “real” and what “isn’t real” is getting blurrier all the time as we become increasingly digitally focused. Damaging digital assets will soon likely lead to “real” harm as games and online presence (avatars etc) become more and more integrated and central to our social lives and we move more of our existence onto the digital plane.
  14. True. But he’s still a complete piece of shit for doing it. If he can do that to people who thought he was a friend in the digital realm, he’d likely not baulk at doing the same in the analogue world. Digital games often just bring nascent desires to the surface in a (slightly more) consequence free environment. The massive EVE example was intense and shows that “but it’s not real” doesn’t cut it, because it is.. 1T ISK is work about 10k USD. I’d be pissed off if I lost 14 years of effort and 10k (but mainly the 14 years) like that guy did in EVE. Nothing fake about that except he probably deserved it.
  15. Watching grown, presumably men, fighting over assets in a computer game and taking it more seriously than real life is often more visceral than the game itself. that’s why I don’t join big orgs.
  16. Too late, mate, I already bagsied his stuff on page 1. ?
  17. The vast majority of fiction, the spies and backstabbers get their comeuppance, though. They are not celebrated for their excellent spying. The aggressor is the one vilified eventually not put on a pedestal, except by wannabes who love despots and hang their regimes’ flags on their bedroom walls. Next to framed black-and-white photos. The Usual Suspects being a notable exception. I guess I’m kind of boring, if I want this sort of shit I just play Eve.
  18. someone shat in his cornflakes this morning. TLDR at the bottom. YOU may think that pvp is the GOLDEN ticket but there are far more things that they could do (and IMO, should do) first before introducing PVP considering this engine is really not up to the task. removal of ALL BOTS: ore purchasers and schematics. Replace schematics with org research. research the schematics and horde or sell them. PROPER Tech tree with proper tiers that need to be studied AND USED to unlock. (Cyberpunk's xp system is great). Automated defensive structures, domes, forcefields, fortifications ala every single shooting since the 80. Energy generation and consumption and recycling, reclaiming. WATER as a resource needed for industry importing water to arid planets like Madis/moons. OIL wells for energy and plastics production. realistic resource distribution and extraction rates, Proper resources and farming Farming wood and other biological materials from trees and animals, not coal. Or grow them in reactors/vats. Tier Zero materials for land buildings like concrete, masonry etc. Proper terrain forming tools with undo like in core building. Requiring energy/time cool downs for local res nodes to function forcing players who repeatedly die back to earlier res nodes, further away. NOW we have valuable resources that need to be gathered and pooled, we have real reason for conflict and PVP. Once this is in place, remove the safe zones and allow air / air-ground PVP. Before any of this is in place, PVP is just grandstanding/ganking/willie waving and roleplaying. It has zero strategic value as currently implemented. TL;DR: PVP isn't the golden ticket, it is the icing on the cake, IMO
  19. Then there’s always those who retrospectively come out from under their rocks, proclaiming, “Me? Yeah, I knew what he was doing from day one...” Yeah, Sure they did.
  20. Well. No need to cry about others’ “strongly worded posts” any more since they have been silently deleted. seems the janitors are still sweeping the corridors after all.
  21. I honestly don’t understand their reasoning. There have been chances to garner goodwill which have been squandered repeatedly and even times when they have needlessly created ill will when they could have earned brownie points.
  22. celebrating this kind of backstabbery is kinda sad. Like women who send letters to serial killers. Lol.
  23. No exit rant thread would be complete without a “can I haz your stuff?” Request. so, erm… Can I haz your stuff? especially any Madis hexes. And an AGG if you have one. cheers. — oh, and, Cheerio!
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