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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Kuritho

  1. Welcome to Dual Universe. You may be wondering "how did I get here"? Well, that's a great question. You should probably contact a doctor about poor memory. Also, here's a bee fact: Bee's have two stomachs, which is half of a cow's stomachs (4). However, a bee is a 6400000th of a cow's weight!
  2. Welcome to Dual Universe. Sorry to say this but... Dual Universe is still (pre)-alpha. That means there is scheduled testing times so it may be best to either (1) refund the game and wait for release, (2) wait for dev-tests, or (3) wait until the game releases. You can join the Dual Universe discord and get updates on the times for when the game is currently being tested. However, it may not fit within your schedule and it'd definitely be best to wait for at least the beta. Again, thanks for buying this game and supporting capitalism!
  3. This thread: how to find the TACTIKOOL DIPLOMATIC MEGA-AWESOME PEEPS. Yeah, sorry to break your wet dreams everyone, but you can't exactly make a Wehrmacht in Dual Universe for multiple reasons.
  4. The only way you could even think of having food in a game like this is when we get full-dive technology where I can taste, smell, etc (aka never). This isn't a survival game- it's a emergent roleplaying MMO. What's the difference between eating literal shit and the best food ever in a game apart from stats?
  5. So there can't be female soldiers? Wow. That's certainly something.
  6. You didn't file your mental-tax. The police will arrive shortly.
  7. Welcome to Dual Universe. Now, you may be wondering "who is this sexy Kuritho dude?" And that's an excellent question! Kuritho is (unarguably) one of the coolest people on the forums. Kuritho is soooo cool that she sometimes speaks in 3rd person. Isn't that amazing? He's so cool that she mixes up their pronouns to be unique. Now that's dope. Also, pay your taxes.
  8. There are mistakes in life. Some may be inclined to think that they are part of the issue. Some of you are. Some are not. I know not if I'm part of the issue. But somehow, this thread makes me physically revolt whenever I see it appear. Ever wonder what it feels like to have this sick feel when you're not sick when you're just trying to post on the forums? I've considered leaving the forums because of the posts here. Yet I don't because I feed off drama. I wonder why I type these out, and it's simply because I love trying to feel the words flow from my head to my fingertips, and it helps increase my words per minute. I plan on becoming a writer someday but I must be creative, and doing so is quite difficult. It's like trying to imagine the future it it's technological totality. You simply can't just learn it. 100 years ago, people would wonder what the future is like and we have all these new technologies. They would never guess that computers would then exist, and people a thousand years wouldn't even begin o fathom what we do on a daily basis with the tools we constructed as a society. Hell, we aren't even crusading any more. They'd probably hate us for that. Not hate, despise us. We are living in remarkable times yet we're trying trying to recede. It makes me wonder for the future, but again, is almost impossible. You can probably guess the next second, minute, hour, day, month, year, or eve decade. But in a century? No. Nobody can know the truths that lie ahead. Wow, I'm starting to sound really poetic. I should probably write poetry. "Once upon of time there was a thread I wanted to rant about. The end." Yeah, I'm probably not the best peotist. But that's why there are 8 billion other people. One of us is bound to be the best poetist. Or the strongest. Or smartest. How do we even gauge smartness? It's almost impossible apart from some rudimentary guidelines. You can still say somebody is smarter than the other sometimes, but what should we judge people upon? Knowledge? Memories? Their ability to critically think? It's all incredibly biased but that's what makes it beautiful. There is never just a best. There are multiple bests. It's amazing really. Think about it: I could be the sexiest person alive. I could be the hottest person alive. Or maybe the worst, shittiest, most cringest fleck of a human being. I'd never know, only you, because it is all subjective. It's magical yet detrimental, y'know? You'll never see yourself from another's perspective. It frightens me, as I wonder what everyone else thinks of me. But does it matter, in the grand scheme of things? Yes, it does quite.You may and begin to think that this is a copypasta, but it sin't. Go ahead and copy and paste this. You can make it into a copypasta if you want. I doubt anyone would care. I'd actually love this to gain meme status. That'd be great, even thought insignificant. Also, did I mention how I love icecream? Hint: I did not. I love icecream. It is one of the best things in existence from my perspective. You have vanilla, chocolate.... other flours. I've always wanted to try chocolate icecream with vanilla syrup. That'd probably be quite good, yeah? I have been typing for some time now. I should probably shut up and just say it. TLDR: STOP GIVING ME CANCER WITH THIS. LET IT END.
  9. How 2 Be Accepted into the Dual Galaxy cOmmunity: 1.) Have an anime profile picture. That's it. --- But for real, welcome to the community. If you ever have a question, ask it. You may (or may not) get accurate answers (probably mostly from me)
  10. *terrorized screaming with the agonizing pain*
  11. I know my shapes, thank you very much. A square has five sides, right? That's what my teacher taught me. Was never good at the maffatiks. Now, prepare to have your mind blown: You're using the O from it. Obligatory /s
  12. I take your logo as an act of war! We all see that League of Legends Odyssey symbol. #SVGMasterrace
  13. I propose having the status bar to manage called "Literal Nothingness" It's always full and never depletes. If it depletes somehow, you die. #ProblemSolved
  14. *coughs in not-being-able-to-use-copyrighted-materials* Also, we can use random words and letters for ranks now? I now pronounce myself Xasdasdlglasa, a rank above the Queen of England.
  15. Welcome to Dual Universe! You're about the... 11th person I've introduced? So I brought a message from the depths of hell: "Hey K-Pop, I need some air conditioning. Please, send it even though you own my soul. Your Bud, Satan" Wrong one. But the point is, welcome!
  16. Shame. Absolute shame for trying to siphon members.
  17. How 2 Take Over DU: Step Wun: Plant sleep-members in high positions in many orgs. Step Too: Use those sleepers to siphon resources and create hidden bunkers. Step Tree: Stockpile a majority of rare resources and components. Step Fore: Wait for the devs to rebalance the market so you lose your monopoly. Step Fyve: Quit.
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