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Everything posted by BiGEdge

  1. tell me one free to play game that made 50.000 or more players at all times and for over 15years? EVE Online and DU free to play too, but only because of the possibility to trade playtime. The revolutionary servertech is expensive. I mean for 50.000 players its very expensive. An Dual Universe is not just a niche. Not like EVE Online. Dual Universe is the first MMO where your able to build anything with countless people all over the world, all in one instance. Making this thing free to play with this powerful servertech is not possible. Not if you wouldnt have talent boosts or other pay to win stuff. But like you say. EVE is a neiche and the payment model works fine. Dual Universe is anything else but a neiche, and they have the same payment model. Im sure it will work fine too, but even better. And NQ have allways proven, its not about money for them, but to make potentially millions of people being connected together and form digital civilizations. Yes you need Money to make a great game. Yes you need Money to maintain a revolutionizing servertech. Yes you need enough money to make sure the game works for tenthousands of people over decades. EVE has proven that theyr system worked the best way just for a neiche game. Why not using this experience and paymentmodel for a game, so many people waiting for? Every DLC is free, the servers are payed, further development is payed and even the emloyees are payed. Both games could potentially run forever as long as people pay a monthly sub. And the possibility for people by having theyr playtime payed by other players, because they benefit from it is only a win win win payment model. 1. win NQ can constantely run the servers and has everything payed 2. win Players who want to play the game for free are able to do it, just by buying DACs ingame 3. win Other players can sell DACs ingame to get a little bit of ingame money for it, but also pay theyr and other players monthly sub with it. Its the most social payment model i can imagine.
  2. RDR2 and WoW for example has the mechanic, that if you dont want to PVP just set yourself to PVE only. You cannot be attacked until you attack anyone else. Its a Gamemechanic that worked already for a very long time and all players are cool with it. DU will do it another way, that you have sanctuary zones where no PVP will be possible. Thats fine too... For this Amazon "We try to make games, cause we got the money to do it" I really hope this game fails hard. I dont like Amazon and theyr monopol status. They started with an internet bookstore, fine i dont read books anyways. Then they became the biggest internet store and push the prizes down so that even local stores had to close. Half of the retails in my city had to close because of the low internet prizes Amazon worked for. Then they made theyr own Movie streaming platform and became there one of the biggest players. And now they want to take over the media i love over centuries? I dont blame Amazon for throwing away new products just because the storage is too expensive. Sadly were living in a throw away mentalyty here in the western cultures. I dont blame them to only follow the rules of the markets. But Amazon for me is the devil in person, with that might and money they own the world.
  3. Just like in EVE Online theres a true mechanic to not make it pay to win. In EVE you cannot do anything until you got the right talents. Just like in DU. In EVE you can buy the talents sure, but they take time to learn them anyway. This means, anything you buy, without the talents to use it your screwed. In DU its similar. You able to beat others only by investing lot of time to train the talents. Money and espeacially ingame currency means nothing, if you havnt invested time into the Game. Still the best Payment Model you can have in a Game imho. But if NQ decide to not make the DACs tradable, they have to raise the monthly fee. Im not sure if so many people really want to play DU if they have to pay 20$ a month or more. With DACs other players have the oppurtunity to play the game for free, because others payed for them. Its a win win Situation for everyone. And if many people buy DACs and try to sell it ingame, the price gets lower and lower. This means, the more people do this "pay to win" thing as you say, the less they get out of it.
  4. Some of the writers should credit them in one of the Novavrimo storys. Something like "There was a Company named Massively-Operations, was involved in working at one of the first Arkships back on earth, befor humanity had to leave Earth" Sadly im my mothertongue is german, so its too hard for me to compete in the Novavrimo writig contest in english.
  5. As far as we know, NQ just developing the Game. We pay them for maintain the servers, making this groundbreaking technology even better every day, free updates, free DLCs and free addons. Everything what has to be done technically is NQs part. We the players make the rules, the storys, the quests, the organizations. Its our part to have Ideas in this Sandbox. NQ just gives us the sand and bucket and the frame around this Sandbox. Big organizations will establish rules in this sandbox and wage wars to enforce them. But should NQ dev Members be barred from playing DU? I say no, but... NQ must have insights of what happening and of what the players building and how they do it. Not only to improve gamemechanics, but to make DU working well. NQ should not be allowed to get involved competetively. Not even if they dont use theyr admin rights. This happned in EVE Online recently and the guys working there got fired immidiately. NQ can learn a lot from this. And im sure they got internal rules for that.
  6. Your Laptop from 5 years ago is not even got the minimum systemrequirements. You need minimum a GForce 960 - you got a 940M with shared Memory. It uses part of your RAM up to 4Gb and is not even semi optimal for modern games. You need min a quadcore, better is 8-16 cores depending on what you can afford. You got 2 cores and without AVX Dual Universe wouldnt even start. I suggest you to buy a new tower PC. Laptops are great for being away often, but if you like to play the newest games or like DU games that not even released yet, you need a decent gamer rig.
  7. First thing... a fast Travel mechanic is already planned by NQ. It will function as follows. As soon as more than one star system will be part of DU after Release (source Roadmaps) We will get star gates or similar gamemechanic (source press interview) Travel to another Star System will take about weeks in realtime for the first time to build another gate there (source Q&A) Because this is an non NDA post, i can only write here whats publically known nor whats already in the game. The travel times have to be long enough to establish a proper trading mechanic. In EVE or Elite for example are fast travel mechanics a thing. But traveling although takes long times for a reason. The trading mechanics need a certain distance between starbases or resource spots with particially long travel times. In DU as it is an MMO it need min similar travel times to make resource gathering, travelling and tactical PVP worth it. FTL or instant fast travel will disturb or even destroy those other gamemechanics. The longer a travel time, the more valuable it will become for all other Game mechanics. I expect to see extremely long travel times in DU, longer than ever seen in any other game befor.
  8. If you want to use copyrighted Material you can ask the owner of the copyrights. As far as i know Games Workshop, the owners on Warhammer brand is more focussed in promoting creativity. As an oldscool tabletop and GW Fan i can say that beyond doupt. But to make things clear, you should ask Games Workshop directly if you can use theyr concepts in another videogame. ---> Games Workshop Copyright <---
  9. I think we two got different oppinions... Im arguing with the theory from Maslov. Dual Universe is supposed to be a Simulation of Sociaty. Thats what JC always sayd. Maslov told us that a healthy sociaty has to have different needs. The importanth of it is a must have to be happy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs 1. You have something that everyone needs the one or another way. A true Must have! these are physiological needs that everyone has to care about. This is something that should be there in the very first place before savety: Savety is something like savezones and those are already agreed from NQ. Next are the Social needs, nothing to talk about in a MMO Game And after this stands Esteem, its like having a Ship or a house or possibility to explore You see in a Game where you wanna build a virtual sociaty its the importanth thing to have essential needs. And in my oppinion DAC cannot be the only essential need in DU. I hope i made it clear for you, and wait for your counterargument Also its what you sayd, just the other way around. If you eat you walk faster, if you drink you can use a jetpack and so on.
  10. You got me wrong... i meant it the other way around. If you log in you have to eat and drink. It dosnt madder how long you were offline. So if im offline for a Week or just for an hour i always have to eat or/and drink after that login. You dont loose any stats when offline
  11. Hello Noveans and the ones hoo gonna be, in my opinion a game with a living breathing universe where the content is made by players we will need more than just mining ores. Trading is for fulfilling needs. But to have a reason to trade we need essential needs. We all want to make the Dual Universe a second home and we need to have some essential things. here are my suggestions and what probably make it different from any other game. Farming: We need to have Elements that have to be placed on a specific biome. A waterfarming mashine needs to be placed at a water source on any planet and produces drinkable water. to fill it up we need to have a mashine that produces bottles. Producing food will work a similar way. A mashine will produce meat out of stem cells on a planet with breathable air. The packaging will work with another mashine. Crop Farms will need a lot of space and can only be placed in biomes where plants are growing already. With mashines crops can be produced into Food-Packs Eating and Drinking: Every bottle of water or produced food will expire after one reallife week. but a player need to drink and eat once every day or once every login and after using a ressurection node. If a player dont eat after logging in his stomache will make noises and he cannot use his jetpack. if the player dont eat for some days he will die and get portet to a resurrection node. If a player dont drink for one day his char wil make another noise and the player walks slower than usual. Alcohol and Drugs: Every Drug has a positive and a negative. So it should be here. Alcohol could let you move faster the more you drink but with a blurred vision and maybe lets you move waveringly. There could also be drugs. For Example... "Scraprip Pill" this pill will let you carry more things. You feel like you have superpowers. But after duration of action using Drugs you need to drink and eat much more. drugs can make you addicted. if this happens you need a medicine and cannot fly ships for one week. Breathing: The Nanosuit has a stock for oxygen. oxygen can be produced on planets with atmosphere. The oxygen will get nanorized in a mashine into O²-Packs. every Nanosuit has slots for O²-Packs. Every Pack will less for one hour. Water-Bottles, Meat-Packs, Food-Packs and O²-Packs are in my opinion a minimum must have in the game. There could be a lot of other things like mixed drinks, different meals, alcohol and drugs. But all of this stuff will make the universe rich on wares to trade and stuff everyone needs. Without this, its just a mining and shipbuilder MMO Greez BiGEdge
  12. BiGEdge

    DU Memes

    When Engineering needs professionals
  13. Jop, - Spacegames - Simulationen - Rollenspiel Das sind so meine Schwerpunkte. Seit fast 20 Jahren bin ich im RP Aktiv, PnP, LARP und auch MMOs und interressiere mich immer für die Hintergrundgeschichten. Ich kenne so ziemlich jede Weltraumdokumentation und merke mir sehr viel was mich interressiert. Da liegt es nahe die Lore von DU mal zu zerpflücken oder sinnvoll zu ergänzen. Deshalb bin ich für jede konstruktive Kritik offen. Danke dafür.
  14. https://dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/Lore Du hast recht, Pegasus ist keine Galaxie sondern ein Sternensystem. Jedoch gibt es in der aktuellen Lore einige Fehler, wie es nicht passieren kann. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/IK_Pegasi Das System ist ein... Ein Doppelsternsystem in unserer Galaxie 150 Lichtjahre entfernt, sprich nach 150 Jahren würde das Licht der Explosion an der Erde ankommen. Trotz allem ist es sinnvoller die Strahlung für die Katastrophe verantwortlich zu machen. Im Endeffekt geht die Welt unter durch einen Neutronenstern. Dazu sei gesagt... (NOTE: all fictions contained in this section are not necessarily a representation of the final lore of the game nor of Novaquark's designs for the game; these have been produced by members of the community, but may be useful for situating yourself in the universe) Denke den Kern der Sache habe ich getroffen und wichtig ist auch zu sagen, dass daten der Arkship KI ebenfalls verfälscht worden sein können über die Jahrhunderte.
  15. Die Red Dragons, sind eine alteingesessene Truppe aus Spielern von Spacegames. Seit 2013 Diese Organisation symbolisiert die deutsche Community der Red Dragons in Dual Universe und stellt eine Fangemeinde dar. Hier sammeln sich die Fans und Freunde, die die Red Dragons aus verschiedenen Spacegames und anderen Plattformen verfolgen und damit supporten. Gleichzeitig seid Ihr hier herzlich Willkommen und eingeladen, um Dual Universe näher kennen zu lernen und einen Beitrag in das Spiel zu leisten, wenn Ihr die Lust dazu verspürt. Informiert Euch über das Spiel und seht, wie es wächst und gedeiht. Diese Organisation basiert auf der der Hyperion Corporation, dem deutschen Flügel der Terran Union, der größten Organisation in Dual Universe. Hier findet ihr unsere Communitypräsenz: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/red-dragons#tab-description Vorraussetzung ist, dass ihr der Hyperion beigetreten seid. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/hyperion-corporation-german-deutsch
  16. Grüße DU Communiy, Ihr habt euch schon immer gefragt, Wann, wie und wo nochmal Dual Universe spielt? Hier einmal ein Hörspiel...Aber mit Bildern und Videos untermalt
  17. No way, your here too?

    Another one i know from Interstellar Rift and other Spacegames ^^


    Nice to see you here o/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ReplicCheegon


      Awesome, which one do you have? if you have the biggest one then we can play pre-alpha together?

    3. BiGEdge


      Okay lets play together, because "Patron" is the biggest one xD

      Contributor 60€, Sponsor 120€, Patron 180€

    4. ReplicCheegon


      All in huh? :P it's worth it though, but I'm still having trouble getting even from the ground the right way xD

      Also still waiting for my clan to pick up this game, but for now they find it to expensive and already used the money on Star Citizen (which I also heavily invested in)

  18. Okayyy... im impressed so far When will the first Expo start? where and how long will it go Hey and you guys are missing my homecorp Hyperion Corporation
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