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Aaron Cain

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Aaron Cain

  1. Too soon!!! But i will be there and some of my friends will be there too. the possibility of fun is still there, however limited to a degree by limitations
  2. i sadly need to keep telling this on these forums. the cash cow became a cash drain and somehow the illusion of profit needs to remain. Every patch the game gets worse and going to other games feels as the best choice, its sad.
  3. @blazemonger You will be missed! Nothing else that i can say will make this better. Hope to see you around somewhere, somegame in the near future!
  4. will the volume produced per kilo pure material also be affected and will it be more realistic?
  5. All things named schematics in DU should be deleted, these are game breakers in any proposed form till now
  6. So NQ will move all my stuff into my inventory???? that is Not on a sanctuary moon but on a planet?
  7. so now we need to log once more, remove all stuf from planet, dump it on a sanctuary moon and log out again.... Stuff keeps getting better, meanwhile im already trying for months to get ships from others parked at my spot to go Poof. Didnt know that if they waited long enough my HQ would go poof.... Tip, if you do not intend for a planet to be safe, dont tell people its safe, if you dont intend HQ tiles to be safe, dont tell people they are safe, If you dont intend to build server tech that can hous millions of players, dont tell the whole world that is just what you are going to do. And lastly, dont sell this crap under making a game better if its all for reducing cashflow, just be real and honest about that. Just tell, server tech failed, game is only viable for 25 players, to many grids delete them now, stuff like that. Slightly frustrated, but whats new.
  8. eah, good job introducing a new time and cash sink!!!!! Oh wait this was an industy update to make it better? Muhahahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahah Still a good joke
  9. Wow another nerf (read limitation)? Well i stopped flying in space all together after another nerf just crashed all my ships from one day to another and i just thought "Well F this shit, not gone fly untill they fixed it" that was i think pre-corona, even pre 0.23 so i just invested all my time in planetaRY BUILDS INDUSTRY TILL 0.23. oeps caps but not even bothered to retype, think i have it in me to also become developer. So yes, when i noticed even the training ships were not able to fligh after the nerfs and those were not adjusted i just gave up. well a space sandbox that is not friendly to ships is still a sandbox. For perfect flying ill go SE.
  10. At the moment how this is setup it could really be a semi browser game as the wait for talents and new schematics will be the best progress you can get add checking markets to that and, technically if those things can be done on a browser bar probably far over 50% of current players have no reason to log in. Since the daily stuff is all minigames nobody asked for and the actual still is limited more and more everyday we kinda have not much left then to check inventories, markets, talents and maybe industry. And with the crappy chat system where there are 10 to 20 boxes to shuffle i do not even think about clicking those, for social chat ingame this system kinda sucks. If it was released with everything we had pre 0.23 i would have believed it would work, and even that the progress on to do stuff would get there, the momentum was right. A slight F.Up on 0.23 with the clear message that it would not be turned back what followed by mass exploids and developers who did really fishy stuff Killed momentum. And it has not been back since. How the hell do you manage to loose players during a global closedown where everyone has nothing else to do at home then play. Forgot to make a plan? Server tech is really that bad? We all remember lag-city i guess but that was a perfect moment to learn and grow and evolve. Sorry to say but i think you threw out the kid with the bathwater and throwing JC out did not do any good either as he was the embodiment of the whole vision. Although slightly blurred in the end he did bring the fire we all loved
  11. Simply said, this need time and cash sink is a monstrosity that rivals the introduction of 0.23. If this was intended to get people back, you talked to the wrong people. why not just discard them totally, or was the start of beta pre 0.23 where there was an active lively and fun social vast group of people in DU so hard to bear? The new system is still only a time and cash sink, there is no research in it, its copy and pay. This again is a missed oppertunity and so many good ideas have been given that would have worked out and also would have the same outcome as what you are apparently looking for. research based "schematics" where you start with a simple production that unlocks more powerful stuff was and is a general good approach. first you need to build a xs cargo to unlock a s cargo, and so on, that would be a great progression. Also make the "discovery" of the more advanced product sellable by: schematics. Then if people actually want to sell their progress its a possibility and there is a driver to discover more and more advanced stuff, diferent system but more logical then master schematics provided by the Allgod of limitations, the AI that rules humanity This still pushes players into compartiments with the option to buy schematics from other players.
  12. There are way to many limitations and most not lore bound but server health bound. in the end this will be the nail on the coffin as in general people who look for sandbox games in space are no fan of limitations.
  13. I think its even more disturbing if you replace her with a random government and still the list is 70 to 90 % accurate....
  14. Good way to kill a game, truly what is NQ thinking about? 0.23 all over so i guess we still have to many people to run the private servers smoothly. @cashback
  15. moar limits, we need Moar limits, and our money back. For a limitless sandbox game with no true boundaries and you can build all you can imagine there are alot of limits..... you should run for office in the netherlands, they need more people with no actual recollections of memories, or vision.
  16. @Jinxed Sadly you are correct and there is no reason to actually write something here. wish they never killed the community page...atleast there was some fun that people actually read
  17. yes apparently the current vision is pvp and nobody thinks about how these ships and bases can even be build in acceptable timelines. That people want something else to do apparently is lost, calling thies an eve minecraft crossover has now totally failed. what is lacking is simple stuff, make everything added also work like showers. Glamour is endgame but broken shit is broken shit and showers that do not shower are broken shits. BTW who wants to shower their space suit? so we need to be able to get them off, also for sleeping. and one more thing, having cubboards and closets but nothing to add or the possibility to put stuff in it: broken shit. And i want to be able to sit on my created couch and drink a beer or eat a home made thingy. small stuff that is viable but apparently its alot more importand to rethink a failing system, throw alot of time and cash into it as we dont want egos to be shattered by telling its bad and we scrap it complete. Please start adding reall contend and stop messing with existing stuff or limiting stuff thats been around forever. Automated mining would never come and we were all fine with that.......mining is deleted and we now have automining THAT SUCKS we asked a drill unit to add to a vehicle, not a static new minigame that costs time and has no real purpose as the output is laughable (2 minutes grabbing rocks equals a day aoutomining)
  18. Yes, add in a sims update and numbers will be reached. There is literally nothing to do after you build something. And all ideas from the past that can still be found on this forum to include stuff to do are just ignored. we have showers and beds but cannot shower or sleep we have toilets, ok lets skip that. there are vegetables but we cannot harvest or eat we cannot cut trees and use them we cannot listen or dance to music or even entertain friends and no a build puzzle is no direct entertainment. add a sims update and they will come
  19. Sorry to say but i have seen space engeneer servers that are closer to the original DU vision as DU is itself, and those i did not invest a few hundred in. At the moment the server tech failed we got the first limitations and that has not stopped since. Simply said, we will never get the vision since it costs money and will not make money at this moment. It feels like any progress on server tech was halted and the fresh wind is called limitations we try to sell as game features to enhance something else!!Yoehoe!!! So yes, i still believe in the vision but to be honest, the current approach of NQ does not walk that path, it follows a demolition derby strategy on route to lowest costs
  20. Sorry, but lifeboats were scrapped for server cash uhm performance reasons as they were not in the lure or a concept in a single shart universe or whatever is used to make a bs-viable reason to limit players
  21. just kill npc missions. why have npc missions but no npc ships..... make your mind up and be a sandbox or not. make content so players can add content, for all sake if you cannot, add the possibility to propose mods. you limit everything a solo player can do but add npc missions? Why!
  22. sounds like a decent development with actual fun during Alpha, and calling a phase by its name is also amendable. DU will be released with all changes currently going and what it already is as Alpha but they call it ready. It is nowhere near ready or competitive towards other games in the genre. It could have been but, well bad choices and delay after delay
  23. Sadly i have to agree, pre 0.23 things were indeed going in the right direction including player driven events and fun stuff to do, mass mining and merchandise and Ore transportation. 0.23 ended all that and more. It also effectively ended designing ships and bases for alot of players and sadly i was doing that under contract, but well stuff was not crafted anymore and the contract party left DU. Imagine where we would be now without 0.23 and visualize that to what we now see, that makes me sad. Our organization was building ships for the PvP zone to mine more dangerous and to haul stuff over but after 0.23 that stopped as the costs did not benefit the risks anymore so in fact 0.23 did not only affect industry but i believe it killed a slow pvp uprizing in its starting days. And the bad thing is, the proposed new system will not bring that back as it is inherently as bad as the old system of schematics, it just has a "we will solve this"flavour over it. But nothing is solved, just another time and quanta sink is introduced With this form of ideas and development we dont need grievers or negative people, this game will kill itself before we will even see release and then poof another few hundred euros down the drain. Maybe they can still change the text on the T-shirt int: "I invested in a game but the developers could not deliver as they never really listed and all i got was this T-shirt"
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