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Everything posted by ShioriStein

  1. Lootable after first time trade is the best solution for DAC if put it into consider to balance between risk vs reward and morality.
  2. I dont think your idea is good Aaron. First in DU we dont have quest remember ? If give reward for tutorial isnt it will go against NQ vision (and part of player vision ). If i finish the tutorial and get a atmos ship i think there will be some people will use it to troll, griefing other. About blueprint isnt it should be something you create from trial and error ? If it too easy to create a blueprint from just tutorial i think some people will spam delete/create character to get the best blueprint out of it without cost a coin. About crowd, dont you link crowd :). I think if new guy spawn and stay at the spawn to get used with the game is a good choice. Other org who need more man power to increase their strength ( like need more miner, builder, repairer ,... ) so they can easy to open an outpost near spawn to get new guy.
  3. Now is "cat in the box" theory lmao. But i prefer to be rich in the universe i cant experience it :).
  4. It is supporter pack. Your pack is more value than those pack as they are founder pack and the new pack are supporter pack. From what i hear who are founder pack will get some from those supporter pack. here is the link
  5. Just kidding lmao, wanna some Nazi Reference. But who say it cant ? But i think it will be not in game for a very long time or never because it clearly stress the server much more than physic.
  6. ShioriStein


    For commercial and strategy , yeah it require. Why ? If the source from NQ is true, beginning system will have like 20 planet. And give that i base on the first planet, now i need to go to the 20th planet it will be a really long way but cheap. But what about commercial on a big scale ? Every cost they can decrease still contribute a huge profit to their economy. So if i build a gate be tween 10th -> 15th planet i can move pretty fast between each planet from far away from use the one at the first planet. But the question still, is there any profit in long term if build a gate to move like that ? From first planet to the 10 - 15 planet. IF there is, why they shouldnt they do it.
  7. Sad true, my hype have end at that. After they say : "NEW BUILD FOR PRe-ALPHa" and " EVERYTHING NOT BE WIPED WITH THIS BUILD UNTIL ALPHa", And this new build will be add with estimate date is may which maybe will be delay. So Alpha is again nowhere to see. It will not come atleast is July.
  8. SO Alpha is near now, a few weeks. Cant wait to see people STREAM in game.
  9. ShioriStein


    Love to have auto pilot, you can just go the first time to mark the router then the next time you can active the auto pilot and fly to the final destiny you have set. Pirate will love auto pilot ship too
  10. But...but isnt we need some oxygen in space suit to keep breathing ? When it run out, it will be a problem
  11. That say, still in debate. I just consider it good because reason for it is fair enough. But balance ? Well we still have to see how combat work first.
  12. WEll you should read his reply, he got his point there, and i think it maybe good. But balance will be another problem lmao.
  13. Ah i totally agree about some automatic defense turret on static building, what i'm talking there is about CalenLoki idea about "some" auto turret on dynamic or we called it ship. He say that it should be limit not to be used in offensive but not so useless in defense against one or a few of weak pirate when the crew not assemble fast enough. He give me all the proof so i consider that is a good idea, but just wonder how it can be balance enough but his idea is fair and i agree with it. i forgot it is about auto turret on a statica construct all the time.
  14. Nah it okay because that is your POV, everyone have different taste. But RP is fun to some point.
  15. Cop get me in GTA SAMP when i'm driving a truck with illegal item. The reason they check my truck because I go pass when it red light lmao.
  16. People able to and if they want they can do it. If the need for that job is high but litle people want to do it ? The salary, profit for that job also increase so you dont worry about money if you are the only one or the minor doing it. I used to be a paramedic in a SAMP (GTA SA multiplayer) server, it is boring sometime, fun sometime but people usually see it very boring so they join it to get to another department like police, that is how I become its leader after a short time because i'm the only/minor really work for it.
  17. I have said, "Surpass" some point. Mean it prevent people griefing, or they can just make 5 people place max bounty on one people as a point. I think the surpass point should be the point that griefing place for fun cant do it because it not worth to do it. Also the higher the bounty, the chance that you lost something more is more. lost more than 1 skills is enough to make everyone fear.
  18. it here. You can read about it. But it true, it help a lot of interior, feel like a home sweet home. Have encourage to come back home from a long day of mining/journey trip.
  19. Just a member of a small one "Diverse Unified Accord", like i have said, our Org also have same idea about alliance or some deal. Alone and small you hardly to survive lmao, cruel but fact. But we can stay in multi org, for now i just stay in one.
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