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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by CoreVamore

  1. NQ will be releasing an updated development roadmap 'soon', once that is done then I will have some idea of when I join the game, as I am signed up for access to the Alpha 1 release. My guess is that will be some time between June and November. The game is still in pre-alpha, which means many functions/features do not exist yet, however, as you can see by many of the NQ youtube video updates there is already significant progress, i.e. there are planets, you can make buildings, air craft and space craft and travel. There are many building 'elements' in the game already, as well as a cut down version of LUA scripting to give items extra functionality (built by players). Is DU playable in its current form - yes, BUT, its mainly being used for testing, debugging etc. If you arent prepared to help to do that then you may find that the game in its current form isnt enough as its not finished (No where near finished) and the games servers are only started at specific days and times to do the testing. There is not 24/7 access to the game. That probably wont happen till BETA release. Beta release means that the game is in playable mode, has all major functions, most minor functions, and it there for final bug squashing and polishing. Hope this info helps
  2. In addition to what Lethys said, just remember that DU is in development, pre-alpha stage atm, and wont be in any form of 'game playable' mode for probably a year or so (My guess for when Beta is released - until NQ provides an updated road map). So 'playing' DU now is really testing DU now, which means lots of bugs and incomplete/missing features. The upside to this is that you can contribute to the direction that the game takes I signed up for Alpha 1 and am looking forward to playing with my first few voxels sometime in the future
  3. Welcome aboard, lots of fun ahead!
  4. 10? I thought there were only 8? Crap, I am already in trouble!
  5. Unfortunately thats the way it will work in game for the forseeable future as it is possible to dig the entire foundation out from under a mountain and have the mountain just float there. That may change some time in the far future, but for now thats the way it is
  6. There is nothing wrong with having things floating around, assuming you and your corp have the ability to pay for the fuel/energy that powers the anti-grav units, that is really the big logistics issue
  7. Welcome, and may the voxels be forever in your favour
  8. NQ has said on several occasions that there will be no gravity for voxels as it places a huge load on the servers, so dont be expecting gravity based voxels for years in the future, or not at all. Who said the power plant (geothermal or whatever) would be taken out but only a physical/outside attack - it could be done by someone within your org....... spies be everywhere! If you can kill a space suit then you have no need for gas.... catch 22 there. Effectively in the game world of DU you cant gas someone. Heck, there are no atmosphere physics either so you dont even need to make space ships air tight
  9. Geothermal can still be taken out.... its just another way to boil water..... but bottom line is that tunnels dont collapse in DU as there is no gravity for voxels. So all of this becomes a mute point anyway.
  10. Or have the enemy just cut the power to your base burying it, you, and your colleges deep under ground..... I'll stick to old fashioned structural supports thanks (Yea, I know, I'm a bastard lol )
  11. Welcome Anna, I think we all share your optimism for what DU may become See you in-game ( Once I get access to Alpha 1 lol )
  12. There is no gravity, the Earth SUCKS! (Thats the real reason why we left it!)
  13. its also rarely boring, as your avatar may be guarding but you might be private messaging your corp mates, or on voice comms talking shit, or prepping for the next big mission/project etc. (Or maybe even making you think he is outside your base prepping for attack while his alt is inside your base stealing your ships..... ). So never assume.......
  14. CoreVamore


    I personally dont like the idea as its easier to travel that way, even if it is only avatar only. When its easier it reduces the amount of emergent game play, which is what I am in DU to enjoy. Also, i believe a wormhole gate should be BIG! As the power requirements to create wormholes are HUGE! So make it big baby, really BIG!
  15. i cant see anywhere that artificial gravity would be used to stop a tunnel collapsing, even in an asteriod. tunnel reinforcements always stop a tunnel collapsing in. Extra gravity would make things worse. As there is no gravity in game for voxels (u can remove an entire support structure of a mountain and the mountain will float) any form of in tunnel gravity device also beomes redundant. One learned skill i would back however is a depth skill. I.e the higher the skill the deeper one can dig.
  16. Said with so much conviction.... I wouldnt rule out the possibility at all.
  17. A bounty system can be abused. Bad avatar A get 1 million credit bounty placed on its head, he goes to his mate (or players other avatar) who shoot bad avatar A and collects the bounty. This ends up being a win-win for the bad guys, not only did they cause a loss of some sort by the original act to get a bounty on their head, but they then end up fleecing the player again by collecting the very bounty that was meant to punish...... yep, rewarding the bad guys. So bounties aren't as great as they may seem
  18. I think it is a fairly well done video. I have always preferred MMO's/Sandbox, and if the game allows me to build things then thats a definite plus for me (One of the reasons I left Eve Online was that even though I was industrialist what I was building wasn't my design). One thing the video didnt mention, as its only something I've seen in DU and Second Life, is that guided/instant games can be built inside of the MMO so that if people want quick fights, car races, gambling match etc etc etc it can be built within the game and run by players for players, with no extra development burden on the main game developers (NQ and Linden Labs respectively). If NQ can actually pull of the single shard/one universe goal then it will be the first game to be truely 'one', that will allow the players to segment into what they please - combat parks included. So I think the video is pretty spot on, I just see DU as the game that will redefine what it is to be an MMO/Sandbox/Themepark
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