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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by yamamushi

  1. And some more for today: And that's all for today
  2. - Security Crews for dealing with boarding parties (or being the boarding party) - Biologists/Botanists, if we need food at any point in DU - Programmers, for fixing issues as they come up while in space, unless that's an engineering role - Passengers, there will be people who just don't do anything and are just there for a ride to the next planet or station.
  3. Sólo sé sobre https://www.facebook.com/groups/954905347955150/
  4. Nope, nobody will have pictures of those because they won't be sent out until December of 2018 along with the other physical rewards.
  5. and now I'm bored so I guess I'll stop for the night. Like I said in my first post, these are somewhat of a bookmark for myself more than anything, so I'll keep updating with more art as I collect it
  6. Now for something a little different. Since there's not really any other place to post this, I thought I'd share a small collection of architecture from the real world (and some sci fi art) that might be a bit inspirational to people wanting to really "Wow" others with their work. If anything this is just a bookmark for myself. To start off here's what I fully expect looking up in the Novark area will look like to people spawning in for the first time several months after release. (From the Matrix) (Some Stalenhag art) (More to follow in next post)
  7. Did I say you weren't a real fan, or not a real part of the community? Or did you just infer that from my comment about you not being as big of a fan as I thought? It's clear to me that you overreacted to what I said in jest and interpreted what I said as "because you're not taking off work you're not a fan", my point was that your comment "If I wanted to I would" was not something that I would expect a huge fan of DU to say. What, am I supposed to put emoji's in all of my posts so you get when I'm being facetious from now on? But sure, flip out at me because I have high standards.
  8. I'm not saying you're not a big fan for not taking off work, I'm saying your attitude about the whole thing reflects that sentiment more than anything. If you're completely nonchalant about the pre-alpha releasing to all of the gold and higher backers, then you're missing the point entirely. This is one of the single most pivotal moments for the game, here Novaquark is finally going to be able to prove whether or not their server technology works, and whether or not the game can actually scale up to handle even the relatively small group of players coming in who have founders packs. If this works, then Novaquark will have proven something that is a huge deal to the MMO world, even in a pre-alpha state. What I see here is people, whom I would have expected should understand what it means, basically shrugging it off like it's not a big deal. I mean aren't you supposed to ATV members, people who were picked as community representatives for the game in this early stage? I look over at the Star Citizen community and they're crawling over each other to take time off to play their game, they have people making insane art, and people cosplaying vending machines from the game even. Their fans are hardcore. I look over here, and I see people basically going "meh". It makes it seem like they just picked random people who post a lot on the forums as ATV members instead of their biggest fans. ATV members should be encouraging people and getting people excited for this, not just reacting like this is a non-event. You were chosen to help test the game in an Alpha state, or you pledged high enough for Alpha, either way shrugging this off because it's not the full release or because the world is getting wiped doesn't make sense, you knew exactly what this was going to entail. This is why we're here.
  9. Sounds like someone wasn't as big of a fan as I thought then
  10. Personally, I had taken off the last two weeks of September from work, but I moved my time off to the first two weeks of October. I fully aware the servers won't be up 24/7, but it's going to be a busy exciting time regardless and after all the waiting I'm more than happy to have time off to focus on DU for two weeks So is anyone else out there planning on taking time off for Pre-Alpha on September 30th (I'm aware it's a Saturday) or the first week of October?
  11. So people shouldn't have bonuses when they put a large amount of time into any particular skill? Is waiting for a long skill timer, not extra work?
  12. @Rafiki if you're really interested in pursuing a cryptocurrency project in DU, let me know. I know that I've discussed some of my ideas with @Caesares recently, but a project like this will take quite a long time to put together.
  13. I suggested something very similar in my first post on the forums way back when I think the idea went over everyone's heads though.
  14. First, there's this new article on MMORPG.com http://www.mmorpg.com/dual-universe/interviews/checking-in-with-novaquarks-ambitious-space-sandbox-1000011963 And this one by pcgamesinsider.biz http://www.pcgamesinsider.biz/success-story/66074/another-mans-sky-novaquarks-vision-for-ambitious-mmo-dual-universe/ It's likely more articles are forthcoming this week too, as Gamescom has just begun
  15. I for one look forward to the day when I get blasted out into space because of an explosion in the hallway I'm running down during a battle. Especially if it happens during in the middle of a warp... If we have pressurization in ships, what positive purposes would they serve? I only see negatives being listed here If they provide a breathable atmosphere, I could see them being useful if being in space requires the use of oxygen in air tanks. If we have to eat food in Dual Universe at some point, then I can see having pressurized environments important for any ship big enough to have a garden onboard. Or for transporting livestock. I could also see pressurized environments being important for transporting certain types of minerals, perhaps some materials will combust when exposed to an atmosphere so they need to be transferred explicitly in a vacuum pressurized cargo hold. It just seems to me that it would be easier to push for being able to pressurize ships if there are other things in place that necessitate it.
  16. Camera Drones have been discussed as something that could of use to pilots in the past, but I can't seem to find which interview it was part of that JC brought them up. Perhaps it was part of the discussions we had at the dinner in San Francisco and I'm just mixing it up with an interview. Either way, drones were something that JC brought up as a possible way for people to have a 3rd person perspective of their ships. That doesn't mean they're guaranteed or will be there in Alpha/Beta/Release/Whatever, but he did bring them up.
  17. Similar, but "Channel Commander" allows for assigning a commander permission to players so that they can all communicate on a secondary channel (the commander's channel) rather than having the ability to speak to all channels at once. In any sufficiently large Eve TeamSpeak, Channel Commander is how fleet commanders are able to coordinate amongst others leaders. That's why you'll often hear them telling everyone to STFU, because they're trying to listen on the commander's channel (effectively being in two channels at once).
  18. It may be worth promoting this Discord suggestion as well because it accomplishes the same thing you're looking for (and has more votes): https://feedback.discordapp.com/forums/326712-discord-dream-land/suggestions/10590876-chan-commander-to-speak-to-another-commander-on
  19. This is all we know about Character Customization so far
  20. This is referred to as "Channel Commander" in Teamspeak, it may help to add that to the description voted for it
  21. I asked about shield mechanics in the DU Explorers interview last year: https://youtu.be/H9Y0YmqGYDM?t=4379
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