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Everything posted by yamamushi

  1. At 50 people I think you are seriously underestimating just how difficult it will actually be to build something as large as the space station in the demo videos. Your sense of scale is skewed because JC doesn't spend a lot of time walking around the surface of the station. The thing is incredibly huge, it's going to take hundreds of players if not thousands to pull off something that large. Think about it, you've got to pull all of the resources out of the ground, refine them, and then ship them up into space for use in construction. The entire time you've also got to worry about not only protecting yourselves, but also refueling all of those cargo ships going back and forth, and probably paying people as well. It's certainly not just a simple task that 50 people are going to be able to take on. Anyone that has had a chance to play the pre-alpha at Gamescom or PAX, and that managed to fly up to the space station there, can attest to that.
  2. Wouldn't be able to place it most likely, as it would cross over all of the territories at once, and they can only occupy one territory at a time. You'd probably end up with a red "ghost" element when you try and place it (similar to how voxels ghost red if they can't be placed how you're trying to place them) and it wouldn't be placeable.
  3. You wouldn't actually be able to fit a TCU into a territory zone at the core. All of the territories stretch all the way down to the core from the surface (this is all probably going to change, I'm just saying what I know about pre-alpha from PAX), eventually meeting at the point in the center. So not only will digging to the core be difficult because of the time and effort involved but also because at some point you are crossing hundreds of territories if not thousands with every dig action you make. At some depth you wouldn't actually be able to place a TCU because I presume, it would cross over many territories at once just because of its size. So while there is something that should theoretically happen when you hit the core, reaching it could be impossible simply because you're bound to run into a territory owned by someone that doesn't want to give you dig permissions. Because of this side effect of the territories stretching to the core, I'm of the personal opinion that there shouldn't be a digging limit at release. It wouldn't really be feasible for anyone to actually go down that far (most especially at release) because of the territorial issues.
  4. There is no limit to how far you can dig in pre-alpha. Once you reach the center, which will take approximately 5 hours if you did nothing but dig straight down nonstop, you will bounce around the absolute core like a spring. That is to say, if you reached the center of Alioth, you would bounce around the "room" you dug out.
  5. Anything above Ruby, and it's more about wanting to support them than anything else. Zero regrets here.
  6. I would never let US Customs onto my computer, nor would I give them my password ever. I would deal with the consequences and miss my connecting flight and every other ordeal that they would put me through (jail even), but there is no way they would ever get me to just give up my password to them willingly. There are just some things I am too principled about to give up over threats of incarceration When I go overseas, I always fly with a heavy dose of encryption and obfuscation so that there are very few people on the planet who are getting access to my data.
  7. Thanks for joining :-) In much the same way that I enjoy just watching people play DU, I rather enjoy just watching the conversations people have about the game.
  8. Yes, only two people have ever pointed that out to me about my name in German. It's only native German speakers that pick it up though, everyone else who just thinks they know how to speak German never picks it up. Although it wasn't intentional, it's still pretty funny to me. You could always try reaching out directly to support here - support@novaquark.com
  9. The other difference is the cost of shipping. I'd message them directly and see what they say.
  10. You guys should know that there are (former, of course) Landmark Community Heads and Devs following Dual Universe (and dare I say, backing the game?). It's definitely gotten their attention, which says a lot to me about the potential for Dual Universe. They totally get it, so I know we're not completely crazy here.
  11. They didn't come to PAX South this year, but perhaps they will next year. I would keep asking them and prodding on Twitter, as there are countless people in this region who would love to meet them and demo the game.
  12. Hi Everyone (and most especially new people coming into Dual Universe), It's been a long time since I made a thread about the Community Discord, so I thought I'd post this to invite anyone who hasn't heard about it into the mix :-) We've got over 700 members in it so far, and I think it's come quite a long way over the past year since it was first made. It's not an official Discord for Dual Universe (there isn't an "official" one), but it's certainly the largest one solely dedicated to Dual Universe. We've got a few well-known streamers that lurk around, and I've heard a rumor that NQ pokes their heads in from time to time to see what the community is excited about (although they certainly don't have the time to dedicate to participating in any Discord). Remember that if you are joining for the first time you will need to read the server rules and the message that the bot sends you in the #landing-zone channel. There is a command you have to type (it's all explained in the message you're sent when you join) before you get access to the rest of the server. If you do have problems with it, you can mention @moderators and someone will help you out asap. Hope to see some new faces around :-) Until then, see you soon in Dual Universe!
  13. IIRC, they've looked into it but it's not something currently in the game. Their voxel devs definitely know about them in Landmark though, so I wouldn't be surprised if they show up one day. If they work now, I imagine it would be completely unexpected and not behave in a consistent manner.
  14. I encountered that ship bug as well, but I'm content with bugs that are easily remedied with a client restart at this point. I'm assuming that since it was encountered by numerous people, that it probably is getting prioritized as something to fix. The version demoing at PAX was not the same build as the version from Gamescom, as they had fixed issues reported there in the version we got to play. So it's probably safe to assume that the pre-alpha that releases to backers will be even more stable.
  15. I'm going to guess not because they told all of the Kickstarter backers that pets would only be available through Kickstarter. Even pledging now won't get you pets.
  16. You should probably give some credit to the people who helped with this
  17. I think so, games like Empyrion/Space Engineers/Kerbal, will probably help for sure. It just definitely won't be as easy as building something in Minecraft. You've got to consider that at PAX, it apparently took 3 days until someone wandered by that was actually able to build a flyable ship in creative mode. It won't be impossible, it's just not going to be so easy that anyone can jump in and do it in their first few minutes in the game.
  18. I feel like a broken record going over these things over and over, so instead, I thought I'd just write up some of the more interesting things I learned at PAX this week. Now, I certainly am not at liberty to discuss everything I learned from PAX. It's also worth pointing out that many of these things are likely subject to change: Ships have 3rd person view (at least in pre-alpha). We may see more complex forms of linking elements, aside from Lua/power/fuel (no promises, and not going into details, but fingers crossed regardless) "One Week" means "One Week" The number of TCU's we get in pre-alpha will probably be limited to 3-4, or thereabouts. Much smaller than the several thousand available to players at PAX. Ship combat will not be automated. If you see a ship with 30 cannons on it, it's likely there are 30 people onboard manning those cannons. Avatar combat may have some automation in the form of simple base defenses that fire on people who aren't allowed in your territory. The game will be roughly a 10gb download, and those with pre-alpha will likely get a day or so to pre-download it. Flying in the first-person mode is much easier to get used to rather than 3rd person mode. Celestial bodies like Asteroids cannot be moved, which is to say that attaching several rocket boosters to an asteroid won't just make it start moving. Asteroids will be in pre-alpha The scroll wheel is currently used as a speed throttle in ships, which takes a little bit to get used to. Fingers crossed that this changes, as it's a bit weird. Atmospheric and Space thrusters are two separate items. Just because a ship can fly in the atmosphere doesn't mean it can fly in space. In the same vein, Atmos and Space fuel are two separate things. Star probes will not be physical things flying through space, so no tracking them down to destroy them as they fly through space. A question came up about how far they are along with the skill system, the answer is "almost zero". They're just not at that point in development yet, which is understandable. Digging to the center of a planet should result in players bouncing around like a spring around the absolute core. However, we'll have to test this to see if it actually works. Of course the closer you dig the center, the harder it will be to reach because of the way that territories stretch all the way to the core. Planets were not rotating in the PAX Demo, unclear if this will change in pre-alpha on the 30th or if that's planned for Alpha instead. Coming up with crafting recipes is difficult because of the balancing required for them. Making ships is not going to be easy, people are seriously underestimating just how difficult it's going to be to get into space. Even in creative mode people had a very hard time doing it. Water is extremely difficult to get right. The water in the pre-alpha is just a placeholder texture for now, and their plans for water sound awesome, it's just not an easy task at all. I'm sure I'll have more info to add to this thread as I remember it over the course of the day. As for my thoughts on how the pre-alpha played at PAX.... Many people who didn't know anything about Dual Universe sat down to play it and were kind of left dumbfounded as to what to do. The open world aspect of it without any tutorial was a bit overwhelming, and people were left clicking random buttons and walking away confused. Those that did understand Dual Universe, however, seemed to have a blast playing around in the world. Despite complaints I've seen to the contrary, I didn't find the UI to be overly complex or confusing. Just looking at screenshots is pretty self-explanatory. It takes a few minutes to get the hang of things, and there are certainly some terms you should be aware of, but it certainly wasn't this monstrously complex thing that warranted the complaints I've seen. On the topic of building ships. Many people sat down expecting to just have their hands held building a ship. It's not easy at all, which I think is a good thing. If it was such a simple process that any random person could do it in 5 minutes, it would be a whole lot less impressive to actually build one that works. I am happy with the way this works out. Not everyone is going to be able to build a space ship. The game played rather fluidly. There were some trivial bugs here and there, but nothing that brought down the server (which is the key point here). Again, building a ship is not a process that someone can just explain to you in 5 minutes. If you're expecting to just jump into the pre-alpha right away and be flying off the planet in a few minutes the first time, it's not going to happen. Overall I was very pleased with what I saw at PAX, I think that anyone coming into pre-alpha with leveled expectations (not a complete game) will be very happy with how far they've come. It's going to be a very fun time for all of us. The game has a learning curve, even at this point in creative mode, so if you're expecting something where your hand is held and everything is as simple as WoW or No Man's Sky, you're going to be disappointed. I know others will disagree with me, but I found it just as easy as learning to play Everquest Landmark.
  19. Welcome :-) Feel free to join us all in Discord if you'd like :-)
  20. I think what it means is that trying to debug issues with system specs less than these is not going to get a high priority. You've got to keep in mind that the game is probably poorly optimized at this point, which makes sense at the pre-alpha state, and that by the time the game comes out, system specs similar to these should be fairly the norm.
  21. yamamushi


    The pre-alpha demo at PAX has 3rd person mode for ships (press the insert key to activate it). I could have sworn they said that would be there when we get our hands on it later this month, but I may have misheard. Suffice to say, it is useful to have, but I found it a little tricky to get used to. For smaller ships, I'll definitely be sticking to first person mode.
  22. Unless something drastically changes between now and 28 days from now, yes there will be an NDA. There is a very good reason for it too, and it's not entirely because of the fact that the game may be buggy. I'm sure they will elaborate on this in the coming weeks to the people who will have pre-alpha access. Source - I asked NQ at PAX about it.
  23. I know you're probably joking, but this is Dana Tower in Qatar -> http://seg-int.com/portal/en-US/Qatar/18/c/Dana-Tower/54/ That site also has a ton of other architecture that contracting company has built around the world too.
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