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Posts posted by Kiklix

  1. I started following Dual around October of 2014 if I remember correctly. I was making some pretty high profile spaceships in another voxel game and someone who kept up with games more than I do mentioned Dual Universe. I looked into it and was instantly sold on the idea (I wanted to see spaceships fly, other game did not offer this)...but not necessarily committed to the company making it.


    J.C. Baillie's background in robotics and programming lured me in pretty hard along with the other members of the team and their past accomplishments. I had also seen some of their art and I was heavily impressed. Their twitter correspondant has always been fun to engage with and has treated everyone as equals. I saw no favoritism coming out of Novaquark.


    Once the website went live I read through the dev blogs and was impressed by Novaquarks transparency and honesty. I was hooked. I signed up on the day the forums went live. Ever since then, Novaquark as a team has impressed me with their continued efforts in craft, their continued  design, transparency, and integrity.


    Bottom line is that Novaquark has shown to be extremely dedicated and very professional while also maintaining a humanistic connection to the fan base. This is what inspires me the most. The Novaquark team, all of them. Artists, designers, programmers, community relations. Top notch group of people!

  2. Dual Universe is a single shard MMO where all the players take place in the same universe. The players construct most of the spaceships and buildings in game and set up their own governments and build their own cities. Exploration will be key, PVP will be key, building will be key and groups of people working together will be key.


    No Mans Sky is a single shard game that has a universe as large as the real one. The likelihood of running into another player is worse than winning the lotto, its essentially a 1 player game. No Many Sky does not allow for building, does not allow for creating a city, world, spaceships or anything. Its an exploration game at heart and little more.


    I am not disparaging No Mans Sky, it looks like fun, but the games are so different it's kinda dumb that the media looks at them in the same way.


    At the end of the day, Dual Universe will allow you to play with your friends and meet many more, No Many Sky....not so much.

  3. I'm in the middle of building my own site where I will post my builds and such.  I am also adding  forum so we can start talking style guides and upload images and such.  I would be more than happy to open it up further so we can talk about a lot of other things too, if you guys want.  Should be done by the end of next weekend.


    Or maybe I can just start a new one just for COPS instead?   If you guys want to do it, I can host it on my server and all I would ask is that someone get us a domain name so I can get started.  Take me about a week or so.


    What do you think Kik?



    Things are moving faster than I anticipated. I think a private place will be good for us, but at the same time I think it is important for the rest of the world to see positive activity on the official Dual forums as this helps to educate new people to Dual especially because Dual is such a unique game. I have absolutely no issues with an offsite forum but I think we should be careful to that and not remove ourselves from this forum.


    I think I would prefer that for now, if we need to talk as a guild that we get people into chat of some form. Give a weeks notice let say,  on x night at x time or something. Probably a Friday night or weekend or a time when most might not be working due to our many EU members. Most "official organization" chat is going to be dealing with internal stuff anyway.


    That being said. As the days count down and we get closer to alpha, then beta, then launch and especially at launch I think a guild only site that is locked down to only members will be a good thing to do exactly what you described with style guides and coordinating some of the larger projects...but due to our nature this will not be forced on anyone and only a suggestion for those who want to work on larger projects.


    I have had a number of offers today for web hosting and team speak hosting and I would like to have a  meeting with everyone at some point to ensure we are all on the same page before I commit to anything, we are in this together.


    I am glad so many of you are taking up responsibilities to help get this ball rolling. As I have said to many, right now I am just waiting to see what happens but these offers and suggestions will be accepted and moved upon soon.


    I'll tell ya what I really want right now, an online editor for people to make their own signatures in our format. I love working on these, but I am going to have to make them a bit more generic as the days go by due to how many I need to crank out. Outside of the fact I would like to see personal builds from inside dual on the signatures in the future. I think its the most honorable thing to do, to showcase the work the individual as done from inside Dual Universe.  I don't know if such an online editior is possible and I am sure it would be a boat load of work, so really its more of a dream than a desire.


    Anyway, I am ranting now. I need to eat. Be back in a bit.

  4. For this kind of game, f2p is just impossible.. or not? What if a closed-multiplayer module was implemented for free? Or buy-to-play?

    Okay, that would frustrating, but pay-to-play is much more frustrating, at least for me.

    I've always preferred buy-to-play, especially with trial times avalaible. Yes, Dual Universe is a MMORPG, just like Eve or WoW, but..

    If DU will be pay-to-play with no other options, I wouldn't pay more than 1$/month.

    But I would pay 10-15$ for an instant buy with no problem - Dual Universe looks too cool to ignore it.


    How would you propose the company who is making the game to make money in the long run on a buy to play plan, especially one as cheap as 10 dollars? That works if they intend on keeping the servers alive for only one month but it does not allow for upkeep, continued development, electricity and data costs...MMO's are not cheap to run.


    The subscription model is the best model. It allows people to budget for their entertainment (15 bucks is the price of a single lunch), it allows for the game company to accurately project forecasts which help with continued development. Continued development helps games to stay fresh and fun.


    I will gladly pay 20 dollars a month for a single shard game with the ability to make pretty much whatever you want and those creations have meaningful impact on the game. No other game has ever done what Dual is offering, none of them.

  5. As long as there is a balance with the cash shop and it does not make you feel like you HAVE to spend money to enjoy some customization aspects. SWTOR does this badly. A lot of their cash shop almost feels necessary in regards to character customization. This is a turn off after spending 15 bucks a month and then money in the cash shop. Short term it might make more for the company, but in long term it heavily reduces profits vs a straight up sub plan when people reevaluate their gaming budgets (often quitting the cash shop heavy games).


    That being said. It might be nice to see something like in game LOGO assets for organizations. Basically create a UI element that allows the organization leaders to submit a logo for in game use and part of the asset pack that accompanies the game files. The logo would have to be specific size, file type etc...but it would have a heavy cost (the cost of the art team cleaning it up, coding team implementing it etc). So lets say for example a guild logo cost 200 dollars. The UI would be set up to accept payment towards that 200 dollar goal for the guild logo. When the guild (or a solo person) pays up to the 200, then Novaquark could implement it the next patch.


    I do like the idea of a sound pack with robot voices though. I love robots and robots love me.

  6. Those planets need to be shrunk. They are waaaay too big and if the devs were honest, 30 km radius worlds will overshoot the entire size of Great Britain. And Great Britain, is not very densely populated you know. Unless we count sheep in the mix. Then the population per square kilometer evens out :P



    They seemed an appropriate size to me, if anything a bit small which is understandable given the nature of what they are. If they are too small, then you could have a single organization take up the whole planet and claim it for their own.































    Which now that I think about it sounds like an amazing idea...mugghhaaaaaaaaaa

  7. Sounds interresting. I think anything that allows us ultimately to master a given mechanic could be fun and immersive.


    ​I would love to ultimately see people be able to perform roles and get good at them. Kind of like "classes" in most MMOs. Not sure if something like that is available for launch, but it could be something to look forward in the future.

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