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Everything posted by Ardour

  1. Hello MasteredRed. I can understand your point of view on the forums and your attitude towards The Void Republic. However, pointing out "false" info to stir up trouble among the forums will be at your fault. You state you aren't accusing a organization of having alts, but you're clearly stating a invalid fact about The Void Republic. Here's some advice... Just because you dislike The Void Republic doesn't mean you try your best to find False negative information. Now, please understand that many organizations are infested with alts. It's not a New problem. The Void Republic however, doesn't have any where close to 66 alts and I am sure we all know that. I also understand when you say Suspected alts they aren't proven in your book. Still, this system or program you're working on is currently not working too well from my opinion. If you have any questions about Alternate Accounts and which organizations have them, The Community managers already know all of this. They haven't taken any actions, but they're aware. The Void Republic has a very low amount of alts as far as I know. I can't nor anyone else can't control people creating alts. Examples: Spies, Member Boosters, etc. Thank you for trying to solve the problem, but please keep working on your program.
  2. Same, iPhone 7 is really good. The water resistance is pretty cool, I like it.
  3. I was thinking of a cheap price for organizations. Current organizations could renew the organization by paying a small price to eliminate useless and "spam" organizations.
  4. It's a interesting post. I am not sure if anyone has that supporter package.
  5. Alzer is attending E3. @Alzer have fun!
  6. Of course, never said people shouldn't. I am stating some informative facts to Kuritho... Look back a page.
  7. Indeed that's the right thing to do. Plus, plenty of these countries militaries are built up of USA miitary. Also, where would the world economy go without The United States? ????
  8. America finishes all of the wars for you.. WWII America marches in and gets it over. Be thankful for the world police ????
  9. United States rules lol... Seriosuly we need more Americans here.
  10. Glad you made a apology, but what you did was extremely dishonest, and is not okay.
  11. Lol, and Tacos are good but Burritos and Tomalies are better. With green chilie. And spicy hobanero salsa, hobaneros taste so good.
  12. The problem is the verification system. People can create alternate accounts easy. And even my organization is being affected by people making alternate accounts and joining.
  13. I think this is not needed in this forum section and is more appropriate as a simple announcement inside TU. Anyways, I do like the message, keep up the good work in TU!
  14. I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but Turrets that automatically shoot enemies without you online is what I believe is important.
  15. (Quote isn't editing in) From Astrophil: " Definitely a mix of biomes. A really nice and warm tropical island chain but where the mainland also has some gorgeous, beautiful mountains and expansive countryside. A good place to build those enchanting French chateaus and Greek villas " Good ideas here, and when you say a Mix Of Biomes: This poll aims to ask what biome in "the mix" of biomes do you prefer. But sure that works.
  16. Welcome to the forums, and I think large cities will not be built fast. It will take a lot of time if people want everything to look good. So it will take years to have a planet with a giant city on it, unless many upon many people decide to work on this at once. However, these planets are not that small, and many different organizations will be building different cities.
  17. Which do you prefer? If you chose other, feel free to state what other biome you thought of in the comments.
  18. Sorry? I am new to this spray thing?
  19. I think there should be 1 safezone on every planet. And no organization can build in the safezone because it would be really small but is for respawning.
  20. Interesting, sounds a lot like Dual Secure Mercenaries. The Void Republic is always open to deals, let me know if you have something in mind.
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