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Vyz Ejstu

Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Vyz Ejstu

  1. " OP kills everything, every time. Let's start again, shall we? This time however, kindly let common sense and good sportsmanship rule. If the post before yours is OP, please disregard it and refer to the next one that's reasonable. It's a game, let's enjoy it without burdening ourselves with rules or inequality. There is a Hill. This Hill is unlike any other hill - for indeed, it is the only hill we have ever known. This Hill holds neither treasure on its crown, nor fruitful fields at its base. But in a land surrounded by red desert sand and small grey rocks scattered here and there like black stars in a red sky, this Hill is completely covered in ever green healthy grass. It sits like a landmark in the midst of a flat red land, full of sands and little black rocks. But, yet in the midst of this scorching, wind blasted, inhospitable and barren land, the Hill seems to shy away from even itself. It is neither tall nor wide, but it sits there alone and lost in time. Through the scalding hot days when the two suns irradiate the land with unbearable heat and through the cold and windy nights when the stars twinkle with light, this Hill waits - for what, I cannot tell. But, there is a note pinned to the Hill -- as odd and out of place as the Hill itself. The Note says that this Hill is a special hill - as if that wasn't obvious enough. The Note says that this Hill is the key to our escape from this barren planet full of dusty haze and covered by a red atmosphere. The Note also let's us know how we can escape. The Hill, it says, came from the sky. It came with such terrifying speed that it buried itself into the earth. Now, all that the Hill needs is to have a King. Yes, a King. The Note says that a King must sit still at the top of the Hill for a whole day. If the King manages the feat, the King and only the King, the Note says, will disappear along with the Hill. However, if the King should be deposed by another or fail to sit at the top of the Hill for a full 24 hours, the timer will be reset and all has to be done again from the start. The Note could be lying. It's as strange as the Hill itself. For all I know, it could have been left behind by a mischievous imp. But, there is nothing to lose except our sanity, for if we, the survivors of an unfortunate ship crash that placed us on this forsaken and windy planet should die, we resurrect at the foot of the Hill - unable to climb the Hill for 24 hours.Our ship is naught but pieces of metal and burnt wire: there is no hope of bringing it back to life. But, I will not stay here forever. Some may seek to study the Hill. Others may seek to worship the Hill. Some will try to destroy the Hill and yet, others will seek to run away from the Hill. As I look upon the green Hill surrounded by naught but red, dead desert, I make my decision. Do what you wish, but I seek to own the Hill. The Note may be lying, or it may be telling the truth -- we will know by the time I sit on the Hill for 24 hours. I walk up the top of the Hill and take my seat. Who knows where the Hill and I will disappear to - if we do indeed disappear? Time will tell. Right now, I am the King of the Hill. A blue timer appears in the sky, as out of place as the Hill and the Note. The Timer starts at 24 hours and reduces to 23:59:59. Time will tell. I am the King of the Hill. "
  2. " Indeed. However, if the Community Award is decided before the announcements take place, won't that cause some confusion? NQ-Nyzaltar did say in a previous post that the Community Award stands separate from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize that will be decided by the Novaquark team. In other words, you can't win a prize and the Community Award. What happens if a contest submission is voted for the Community Award, just for the same submission to be announced the winner for the 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize? Should that happen, would that mean the Novaquark team would eliminate the Community Award Fan Fiction from their list of candidates for the prizes? "
  3. " Splendid! Thank you very much, NQ-Nyzaltar. "
  4. " One-Punch Man comes to mind when I hear over exaggerated screams. http://giphy.com/gifs/mBJm02DZxeksE/html5 "
  5. " I can't but laugh at the possibility of cutting a projectile with a sword. It will be laser rays that will be sailing through the air, though. Not BB bullets like the one below. "
  6. " Yes, yes, piracy and griefing are two different things in some worlds, but in a sandbox, the line is more often than not, merged. Quote from the Iron Man 2 movie: "I'd very much like to leave my house unlocked when I go out, but this isn't Canada..." The point is, whether or not you like griefing (or "piracy"), it will happen and it will happen to a lot of people. You have stuff you value? Take the extra trouble and stow it in the Arkzone or get some "influential and powerful" people to secure it for you. Just remember, jewellery is best appreciated when it's worn, not when it's locked up in a container. You could even play the game in "high-sec" (very secure areas) for as long as you want - just don't get frustrated if the game becomes monotonous and lacklustre. There are people who have made themselves rich in Eve by staying in the high-sec alone, but believe me, greater risk = greater reward. Nobody will stop you from playing the game in a fireproof suit with tons of extinguishers by your side, but as always, new discoveries are made by trying new things out. You certainly won't find a pot of gold by staring at the rainbow. Let's say someone destroys your base, you have every right to team up with some people or place a bounty on the head of the aggressor. In more cases than not, for the right price, you could ruin his fun. There -- are you now a griefer, because you ruined his fun? No. Just the same way, anyone can decide to ruin your fun. The best way to stop that from happening is to let them know that you'll ruin theirs' if they piss you off one too many times. Griefers grief anyone they want to grief and when griefers grief griefers, grab some popcorn, soda and laugh your heart out. It's a sandbox game, dear friend. The rules are made, enforced and ignored by the players. Where there is no law, there is no sin. "
  7. Vyz Ejstu


    " Diseases, fellow Dual? If it's to spice up the game, let me assure you that there will be plenty of other activities to do -- so many that adding diseases will most likely be an unnecessary burden to both the developers and the player base. There has been talk of in-game narcotics with both buffs and penalties that are tied to their use. (advantages and disadvantages that influence the increase or decrease in the user's stats is what I mean by buffs and penalties) If any illnesses or diseases were to be added, they certainly won't make their entrance till the expansions that will gracefully follow the game release. I am of the opinion that penalties for in-game drugs/narcotics will be more than adequate, at least till the second expansion. "
  8. " I'll use this opportunity to say a big thank you to the editor who agreed to work with me on this story. Two pair of eyes are always better than one, Daring! Thank you very much! "
  9. " Thank you, Devious_T! From your comment, it seems I did the job on the characters well. If I ever should do some spin offs about Kaz's brother, I'll be sure to level the playing field between good and bad. More stories should be written about "grey area" characters, I suppose. "
  10. " *I tip my hat* Thank you, Captain. I'm glad you enjoyed it that much! On a side note, you and Chul will probably get along, just fine! "
  11. " Thank you, Lethys. While reading through it early this morning, I spotted quite a few typos that needed to be dealt with. That's done and all we can do now is to wait with fingers crossed. "
  12. "Well, I seem to have made it in the nick of time. Without further ado, here is my Contest Submission. I can only hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you. " Novawrimo-ThatBrightDawn.pdf
  13. " Thank you, Devious_T. I really appreciate any feedback that you will give. Feel free to peruse any and all other pieces of fan fiction I've written. I know a lot are full of flaws and I would be glad if you could point out mistakes and give me advice where necessary. Thank you for your kind offer. I will take you up on it. Cheers. "
  14. " Excellent work, Peregrin. I was and remain totally sold on your work. This contest is going to be a very close call. Once again, well done. You have exceeded my expectations again! "
  15. " Well, hello, SkippyG. Welcome to the Forums. This thread here pretty much covers most of the questions starters may have. In case you have questions on the mechanics of the game, I suggest you check this Forum here: The Gameplay Mechanics Assembly. I won't ask what you want to do in Dual Universe or what your interest is, but regardless of your choices, we Duals discuss general ideas and construct proposals and hypotheses in the Idea Box and The Builder's Corner. If you are on Discord, I suggest you join Dual Universe Explorers here: https://discord.gg/zzNKKSj . Many new members make a stop by there and it's a great place to chat with the rest of like minded Duals or to make enquiries about the game from the growing player base. I also suggest you make good use of the Forum's search system. It's quite efficient and you'll more often than not find that someone else has already asked or answered your question. Don't let that stop you from interacting with us, though: we love the new blood. We look forward to seeing more of you. Cheers. "
  16. " Thanks, ATMLVE! Hopefully we can organise some Christmas events or surprises, too. Merry Christmas in advance! "
  17. " What's Christmas without a little love to show for it? I'll put up this Aether Christmas logo for as long I want. The next time, I make this, I should add some embers, guns and cinnamon sticks, no? The Aether wishes everyone of you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance! "
  18. " That's very right. In the lore, the night and day cycle on Alioth is five hours. Find it here. Whether the five hours mentioned in the lore will be real time or not, remains to be seen. "
  19. " Well, thank you, Lights. The Aether appreciates your good will and she wishes you the best as well. However, the Aether has neither part nor hand with the issues surrounding other organisations. With all due respect, please do keep the grievances and complaints about other organisations away from the Aether topic. We won't hinder or encourage sides from voicing their opinions; as long as it's done away from the Aether's threads and topics. Once again, thank you for the kind words. We wish you the best. Cheers. "
  20. " In a massive blunder on my part, the recent members to the Aether have not been welcomed on the Forums. Without further ado, the Aether formally welcomes Sylvius, Prestii, DoubledMoss442, Roninmizu, yamamushi, Sw1mf1sh, Torusect, Xenocyde and Terawa. Welcome to the Family and Team, friends. The Aether hopes she can do the best to make you exhilarated with your decision. Welcome home. "
  21. " The pleasure's the Aether's! We're glad to have you with us and earnestly look forward to more interaction. "
  22. " I trust that you would have the answer by now, but for the sake of allaying my fears, here you go: Deimos Corp (here) Swiss Starships (here), the French Space Industry (here), and FrogSwarm (here) are at the forefront. Be at liberty to peruse the list at your leisure. "
  23. " Without a doubt, you sir, are a wonder. Your story is by far one of the most interesting I have read and I can't but applaud at this wonderful piece of work. It had a sensible start and a well pieced body to keep the pages turning. The ending was fabulous; all I can say is: well done! Once again, and with renewed insight, I wish you nothing but the best. "
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