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Posts posted by Anopheles

  1. 3 hours ago, Moosegun said:

    Probably replying on Google Chrome........ irony

    1/ Because they are trying to keep everyone happy, because some people only use the forum, others only twitter, others want Facebook, others want it by email.  For me they need to do either all of them or pick a single channel
    2/ People shouldnt have to do things outside of game - but checking the forum is ok???  Infact if the game is down, how is anyone supposed to get any information.  Why is Discord any different?
    3/ Whilst I agree that discord is not the best way to show information - I love the threaded conversations of a forum, the announcement channel is just a series of chronological posts which you could argue are EASIER to read than forum posts which you have to open individually

    Anyway, i hate all the methods they use, I want patch notes sent to me by FAX and server announcement by carrier pigeon.   I have spoken to loads of other people and they demands it too.

    Sarcasm only works with intelligence.


    We have to use a web browser, but that's the same for all the games that have help and support in the game forum, in one place which is kinda an industry standard...   Nobody, but nobody wants announcements on fb or twitter, that's an asspull.


    They want help in mod help game channels and on the game fora and announcements on the fora.  At the very least, something on the forum telling them to go to discord.



  2. It us valid when the forum becomes clogged by players asking for help, expecting the game to be like the majority of others and have support portals on the forum and mod support in game.


    There isn't even a notification on these forums that you have to go to discord so new players, flailing around for help,  have to hope someone mentions discord to them before they give up.

  3. Communication by and through third party programs is bad communication.  99% of games communicate or have help channels on the main forums and in game support channels.


    I shudder at the refunds NQ will have had to shell out because support and announcements are hard to find.


    It's also cluttering up these forums with errors and requests for help, even on the recruiting channel.


    Nowhere on the forums and in this main forum does ot say "Go to Discord for help", for example.




  4. NQ probably think... who knows what they think, they never tell us, but they probably think that they are saving congestion on the game chat and forums by porting anything intensive to a 3rd party program.


    It's a horrible idea.   People new to DU, but not MMos think that it will be like an ordinary, normal website that will have a dedicated support forum and in game chat channels.


    When they don't find it they, understandably, litter up the support channel and all forum channels looking for help.


    I've seen requests for help in the middle of unrelated topics, in the Recruitment channel and probably other places.


    When the forum responds with "go to a support area not found in the game or forums or go to Discord", well that's a proportion right there of already frustrated players asking for a refund.


    It's not like the help on the Discord channel is exactly zippy either, so the plan isn't even doing anything but porting a badly communicated delays to Discord and STILL having a clogged up forum.


    Mini rant over.  Tl;dr  NQ needs Support to go to normal channels even if it means hiring another sub server and is just further evidence  of NQ's woeful communication strategy.

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