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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by norab7

  1. How about moveable boxes constructions? All the games so far (that i know of, and can think of) have static voxel constructions, in DU you can build them to move, build them to fly... and build them as big as you like
  2. I think Nyz explained something about this, but don't quote me on it, i think his response was something like. Mac/Linux would be after crowd funding if certain stretch goals are met and consoles are just not even being thought about yet. But don't all linux folks Virtual boot windows or something? since linux is very low on compatibility to most games anyway?
  3. How do you guys keep bringing me threads i've not see before... Thank you saffi
  4. Well i understood the majority of that.. +1 for laymen terms. Sounds simple enough, i'll have to give my website give a shout and see what he can do if DU does publish them as RSS..
  5. I have a problem with the whole 'nano' bit, its nice an technological sounding and all that, it feels too technological sounding.. I don't know if i'm describing this correctly.. Like A Drill.. is called a Drill. A Car.. is called a Car. A Shovel is a shovel. Maybe just have it called a 'Pack' and a 'Former'... or a variation of a single word for each, i just feel prefixing it with something gives it a sound that's too nice, and doesn't fit with me.. Maybe that's just my mind though... Some which i just thought of while writing this.. Manipulator, Carry All, Bag, Extractor, Excavator, Reducer, Compressor, Void-bag/Sack/Hold/Store... I like Excavator... Probably because I was a R&D Design Engineer helping make them and and the attachments that went with them EDIT:.. Just noticed the date on the last post... My apologies for the very late bump, Little sleepy here and wasn't watching correctly ><
  6. Oh Bargain... and here i thought i'd have to wait to change my name.. Glad it's not a very long cool down
  7. Welcome to DU.. i hope you enjoy your stay... I apologies in advance if I pirate you and steal all your things... Bounty all looks the same to me...
  8. As someone who is in the same boat in thinking pirate, bounty hunter ect.. I think i'll have to keep my eye on you... from afar... with a very large gun....
  9. You should put links or descriptions to them too, or at least the ones that are not obvious... Looking at you 'Core Unit'... I understand what they are as i've read the forums and alot of the DevBlogs, but newer other people might not... My list would comprise almost all of Mechanical and Hydraulic things because i'd be interested in being able to create moveable voxel constructs, for doors and bridges or transformers ect. So: -Rotators -Pistons -Wheels -Tethers -Struts (Like metal pole, think Kerbal Struts) -Detach points, so you can make a satellite on the planet surface, fly it into space and detach it from your main vessel to orbit the planet. -A Button I have a few more but i'll not steal all the ones people might ask for or want.
  10. I've just read the whole of this thread and I have lots of questions but only one that i want to ask for the time being. Will there be a restoration element?.. You've mentioned a restoration tool that can undo manipulation but will this extend to outside the building process. So if you have a ship that's been damaged in a fight or you've crashed or something you can go out with your nano'former' ? (not sure what it's called now) and fix 'on point' the damage that's been caused if you have the materials, outside of the standard building process in 'cages' ?.. Then if that's what is possible would this extend to a element you can attach to constructs?. This way you could have a repair ship, or repair bay.. somewhere you have restoration elements attached that automatically fix your ships when you fly close to them.. Kind of like how the welder works on space engineers, but for voxels ? That would be a good thing to have, you could even set up a repair station and charge people for a repair after battles or journeys from planet to planet through hostile areas...
  11. I haven't read anything official and the only thing i know is more 'my take' on what's been said. But it sounds like you will have a 'building state' (or something like that) where you construct and build everything you like under 'your name' and it's yours, you can build/ add/ copy/ paste what you like. If you give it to another person as a blueprint or copy they will not be able to enter this 'build state' which would restrict unauthorised copying unless you give them permissions, and the only way they can do anything is through player damage.. I think the permissions system is referred to as 'tags' not 100% on that though... But if my take on what they're doing is correct then it would explain a log of the background protection system too, such as building and player bases... and i would be 100% ok with a system something like this. it would mean i could build till my hearts content and not have to worry about someone coming and stealing all my nice designs.
  12. I've been having a look around the unigine 2 website and the stuff it can do, if you can pull of the things they boast... Damn... this will be a very interesting game. I'm basing much of my ideas from what games i've already played, but using unigine 2 to it's fullest.... This could be a completely ground breaking experience... And i found it early!.. woo i get to see DU grow into the monster it's going to be... It's going to be like poking Bruce Banner with a stick, I'm going to have a front row seat to watching it grow big and green.... or blue.. or orange, not sure what colour your making everything yet..
  13. That sounds quite awesome actually... then you can have things like scavengers.. going in at the end of a battle to pick the bones of the fallen ships... But I fear for the effects all the 'lost' ships will have if everyone remains even if uninhabited...
  14. What music would you like?... Because I know my music would not be best to have as the backgr.... wait.. the ingame sound track!... Slaxx you genius!
  15. I'm going to say I'm against this idea... at the moment with few people active on the forums I think k it would split the conversations and communication locations to much... All for it later when it's more relevant and the games almost out and we need a place for it... but I think it would create a little rift in the forums... Maybe thats just my opinion though
  16. Do or do not, there is no try.... wait... wrong quote, damn
  17. Hi.. I had to double take there, one of my irl friends uses the alias MichealC for all his stuff.. but he's 30.. so obviously not yourself.. unless your in disguise ... I've only been here a short while but I am active so I don't know when I stop being a new person... But yeah HI..
  18. HMaybe I'm missing something.. I'm interpreting this as the clients decided where the attack is from and going to, and the only thing that comes from the server is weapon stats... It just sounds to me very open to manipulating...
  19. Your forgetting talking to strangers though, how would you negotiate a trade if you can't 'talk' to them, bartering would become more difficult.
  20. What if they chose to have their location as 'everywhere' or chose to hit the enemy 'everywhere'?... From my little knowledge of games programming I'm imagining everything that is not going through the server is vunerable to hacking... this approach makes me worried.
  21. I don't know what RSS is but this sounds like something I should know and be telling my website about. Don't have a big website, just something me and a few friends maintain, but RSS might be something we should look into.
  22. Doesn't this open up a whole world of hacking the game?.. Client to Client sounds like a bad idea to me, what's stopping a person manipulating their output data since it doesn't go through the server?.... Maybe I'm just being devil advocate i dunno...
  23. Sounds like an interesting idea.. I haven't read anything about it yet, but when i get home i'm going to have to look up what they've already released about this because what about the larger ships? If you have a 1km long ship, the 'Targeting' system is going to have to distinguish between different parts of the ship otherwise your just shooting always at the center and large ships become single entities. There has to be something to do with this released from the Dev's and i'm going to make this the point of my day on the forums to find out about it.... Thank you for this post.. +1 EDIT: Apparently I can't +1 you because i've spent to much time posting and used up all my points... hmmm... Can someone else +1 them for me?
  24. Welcome to DU, nice to know that this type of game has competition. Always nice when there is competition as it means the teams worker harder to win giving us more stuff But... please don't break DU....
  25. Me too, the more people the merrier, we can all meet up at someone so i can take all yo... say hello .. No evil intentions here..... not at all......... 'evil lau....*cough cough*....
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