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Posts posted by norab7

  1. If we can mine and each planet is all voxels we should be able to move underground caverns to place cities in :)


    And with enough mining, maybe a starkiller base?


    Yes you can, and yes you can.


    Underground is confirmed some where, all you need to do is dig enough to fit the buildings such underground, there was a few posts on it a while ago about what people would do or what they would build. As my time is limited on the forums I cannot link them :(


    And yes to a incredible size construct if constructs are as infinite as predicted then you can build whatever size deathstar/starkiller base you like, you'll just have to get both the man-power to build it and the resources required.


    However, I must note that it has also been confirmed that there will be no super-weapons that are capable of destroying planets. Again can't link because of time :(.. But think of it this way, if there was a weapon like that then how would you balance it when there are countless territories on each planet, and even more territories that could be orbiting said planet?. It would be a cluster-**** to work with an create a acceptable outcome if a guild had that kind of power, not including what would happen if you tried the super-weapon on a arkified site.



  2. We also make a clear distinction between Early Access and Crowdfunding support.


    From our point of view:

    - Early Access should be equal to selling a game, not completely finished but already fun to play and fairly stable. In other words, at least a game who reached Beta. Those who buy a game in Early Access are consumers who buy a product to play a bit in advance prior to the official release.

    - Crowdfunding is meant for people who want to help the project and support, people to have suggestions to make to improve the game, etc. They can access the game right from early stages, in order to provide feedbacks that could be taken into account into the dev roadmap. But there are here more as supporters willing to help improving the game than consumers in the first place (but they deserve, of course, the same respect as other consumers!): they understand they are going to enter a game that isn't a nearly finished product or that the fun is not completely there yet.


    Best regards,



    I'm going to steal this definition for my own use, it is exactly what I think of the differences are.


    Crowdfunding being the basis of generating funds to create the game and assist in testing out all the bugs where game play may be more frustrating than enjoyable (at least in the early stages).

    Early Access being a 'near-completion' access to the game with less bugs and not really requiring testing anymore to play/work.


    I think many people do early access very very wrong on steam, there have been several games I've refunded simply because it's unplayable or contentless. Early Access is "Early" access not "Testing" access, i do understand some bugs but some people just don't care and release things into EA that are just not ready for it and get down voted to hell.


    Glad DU isn't taking the 'ship to Early Access A.S.A.P' route :)...... Would still fund though...



  3. Integration with steam has its uses for coop and normal multiplayer games, but aside from the marketing value of it showing up in the steam library, I'm not sure the benefits are worth going through the extra effort of putting it on steam.


    Steam has the options for steam servers for multiplayer, which DU won't use as it's a single shard MMO, steam also has joining steam friends games, which it won't need.


    As I expect DU to have its own launcher there won't be any steam overlay integration as that would be applied to the launcher not the game.


    Friends list wouldn't be needed either as it's MMO, along with no need for the workshop as there isn't really going to be mods.


    The only reason I would like DU on steam is for greedy personal reasons that it's easier to buy/launch from a single platform but not really that much easier.


    Also, how would steam work with ingame purchases that DU plan in the long run, would steam take a cut or allow it?


    I like steam, but I can't think of a substantial benefit to using it that is big enough to warrant the work integrating DU with Steam now.


    Nice to have, but unneeded for me.



  4. The first playable alpha has been said to be available early 2017 along with crowdfunding.


    Not sure of the exact times for either, but I assume we dont know them yet as it's still a ways away :)


    I hope this info is still accurate, I feel I need to lurk again ><.



  5. I played Ark for a good long while when it was new, it came to the point that i had multiple of each dinosaur and a building so complex you'd get lost in it for days. I'd been to every corner of the map on the back of a 'dactyl and further.


    My impressions of Ark after completing all this was, "Its different". Crafting system wasn't really new, Building system was more of less 'Rust', Combat was poor. It just had dinosaurs that you could tame and ride.


    Looking back at my gameplay of Ark it was the novelty of the dinosaurs that kept me playing, once you had a couple of them, if you didn't play PvP Aggressive, there was nothing left for you to do and it became boring very quick.


    DU on the other hand has a superior building system through voxels and it's potentially infinite planets alongside it being a single shard MMO with Lua coding. It is as far from Ark in potential enjoyability as it can get, ark was all 'novelty' where DU is pure 'gameplay' yes it's similar to other games with voxels but those other games were not Infinite persistent MMO based and in space.


    If Ark was MMO and on a spherical planet not just a single map i would have enjoyed it better but they are not able to do it or it's to late for Ark.


    I have no fear that DU will best Ark 100x over and i have zero fear that it will just become a sci-fi ark.


    Spaceships, players and infinite planets, what can go wrong :)



  6. hello and i was just wondering if in the future you will open up a submission process to submit items to be added once we hit the cap of the  tech lvl. this could also help in delovling new tools, items, parts  , and  skins to be given to players to give a quality of life to player and to extend the life of the game if it ever gets boring .


    EDIT: I missed the word "Skins" the first time that clarifies your post. Importing things is a no for now. Later on in the game and design process it could change, but from what i've seen the community and dev opinion on importing items is that they don't like it.


    I'm not sure what you mean by 'adding items'.


    Do you mean items that you create in-game with the tools available or do you mean 'pre-designed elements' like thrusters and such?


    Voxel Constructs will be tradable as a blueprint so that anything you create in the game is allowed to be traded from player to player regardless of the tech level of the players (I think). 


    However the most we know about the elements are that they are 100% dev created, I don't know if in the long run if we will be able to 'submit' our own designs for elements or not, but i hope that there is no need to do it. If there is a need then i hope that there is a thorough testing process or creation process as it could lead to balance issues, given that they are player created.


    But thinking about it, why would you need to have more elements added to the game later on, this is the time to offer up suggestions for elements now, not when the players are at the max tech level as they are still designing them as we speak :).


    But yeah, Voxel Constructs (made of Voxels, elements and lua script) will be tradable from player to player if made by the player (the pre-designed ones we don't know about yet).

    Elements are currently made by the devs and look to stay that way.


    Hope this helps, I've been out the forums for a few days so i don't know if more information has been posted on the things i've mentioned or not :).



  7. We will discuss in a future blog post how the notion of territory extends to space, introducing the notion of “bubble territories”, but for the moment we will concentrate on the very specific topic of planetary territories. 


    I don't know if any of the following blog posts have any more information about territory control, but that is the quote from the DevBlog stating that there will be ways to claim territory in space, maybe through the use of bubbles, we just don't know anything other than that :)



  8. 5 is far to little, a workeable sub for 1 month lies between 10€ - 15€.


    Why would 5 be to little ?


    You have to remember that this is not the profit hungry Blizzard or others of the top end game developing companies that look only for profit.


    True that NQ will be looking to cover itself and create money from the game, but i don't see why they would be required to stick to the 'norm' of 10-15. I would say that many only follow that suit because that is what WoW started off at and it's been able to grow into what it is now.


    Of course I wouldn't know a thing about running a games development business so i'm only speculating, but if they could reduce the sub cost to below the average for a MMO then they will attract a few more people than if the price was similar to others.


    At least i think so, if they can do it or not is another matter. It's not like i'm going to sub regardless :)



  9. hello every one.


    the thing that is on my mind right now is how big is one cube.


    most games have a variable size to them and i was just wondering how big is one this is so i can start dreaming of ships.

    this also helps people find out how long to make there ships and the units used to give how much room and tolerances that we can have while designing a capital ship  or supersized chassis for maintenance and genera ware and tare repairs of our ships.








    Welcome to the Forums of DU, nice to see a person who's thinking about classic ships not the space ships variety :)


    To answer your question, the size of each place-able voxel block in DU will be 25cm^3 minimum, the maximum place-able block size has not been confirmed, although the maximum size of ship is potentially infinite.


    For elements obviously the size is not restricted to anything as they are pre-designed by the Devs and, as far as we know, uneditable.


    Hope this helps, and i hope you enjoy your stay in the forums :)



  10. Come on, NQ-Nyzaltar pretty much instructed us to ask the involved persons (The dev's) before accusing them. Why isn't everyone else jumping on this? It's like an open call to Q&A. Think of all of the things you have wanted ask but never stopped to put on a tin foil hat and make a troll youtube channel.

    I feel like a open Q&A would be dangerous for me... I still have a plethora of questions I could ask that haven't been seen on the forums yet :)..


    Sadly no Internet and just using phoned limits a person's posting abilities, so till then I'm useless :(


    ....... or am I ? *Evil Laugh*



  11. Hi, nice list of questions you have there, as I'm on my phone I'll just be quick and give a simple answer to the best of my knowledge, others may need to fill the gaps or correct me :)


    1) As big as you like,there has been no mention of a maximum ship/station size and its been mentioned that it is potentially totally infinite, given you can make it ect.


    2) we don't know, would be nice to have, multistage rockets come to mind also detachable warheads and such, I think with the benefits decoupling could bring they'd be crazy to leave it out. But maybe connecting two separate constructs might be to much we don't know, at least I haven't seen any confirmations on this.


    3) Simple answer, yes. It's been said that currently you could make a lua script so complex that you can develop a self replicating robot, so I don't seen any limitations at the moment that would stop you making a out of lua coded robots.


    4) No, only AI we know of it aboard the starter arkship, other than that it's either wait for kickstarter to see if they add it as a stretch goal like mentioned or if they decided to add it in anyway, but im sure Nyz has said there are no current plans to incorporate AI outside the arksite.


    5) We don't know, there are threads dedicated to asking and speculating, but the actual mechanics I don't think we have a confirmation on. Orbits would be good, but then there are a list of extra things required to make it work above stationary planets and such. However with there being a infinite universe, I don't see how they could not do it and still have solar systems and such, it would just be points to go to not planets. I hope for orbits ect.


    6) Liquid water, yes. Physics behind it. We dont know and Nyz has commented saying it's too early to mention anything g about it sadly. So it's a wait and see on this one.


    7) To be honest, I don't know. One of the things don't think I've seen anything g official from at all. Will check and come back to you.


    8) Yes, on point damage, if you shoot at a position the planet will be destroyed/damaged at that location. You could dig with explosives.


    9) ERM, there was a response to this but I cant remember of it was official or not. But we don't think is will be possible, think of the calculations needed if every planet was moveable. I started a post on this topic somewhere you can find it, it has some more information for it. (On phone so can't link)


    10) Depends what you apply the code to, but I'm assuming not human like as voxels are 25cm^2 and they will be the things to hold and lua scripted constructs you make.


    11) Don't think so, see reply 4. Again we only know of the arkship AI.


    I hope I helped you at least a little bit. If not, well I'm sure there will be bothered to come and help you out :)



  12. Hi there ;),

    DU sounds really interesting.

    With it´s procedural Universe will there also be "unreal" planets like in No Man's Sky or Xenoblade Chronicles X?


    (I know it's  kind of a silly question, but I really like exploring such unreal planets where you see for example forests with strange looking trees that glow at night an flying islands an so on)


    We don't know the specifics of the planets that will be in DU, but we do know there there will be different planets and different biomes, as well as all the planets being procedural.


    This gives a good chance for there to be a planet out there that is unreal or hostile, and since gravity doesn't affect planets (when you mine a floating chunk of mountain) i don't see why there can't be floating islands. It has been stated that if you dig out a chunk of planet that no longer has any ties to the planet itself it will float, so since the code to support it is already there DU devs would just need to add it into procedural creation part so that some planets are created like that :)



  13. Just to add onto this a little it could be an allowed moddable part of the game and using steams workshop or something similar so you could have things like pirate Elvin and other languages that normally are not supported by games because of reasons.


    You just got me thinking of a language pack based on the FireFly serious, where a lot of the words are translated into Japanese or something. Was a nice touch to the serious and i wouldn't mind seeing something like that in the game, but i know that it's probably not going to be like that as NPC will be next to none and the only chatting we know about is either the scripted AI when you start or your conversations between players.


    Not really a place for the FireFly package i was thinking about, but translating to pirates and Elvin could be good, slightly confusing too if you don't follow them :)

  14. Allowing the community to help translate the game would avoid localization problems (oh my fucking god paradox for gods sake let your german community do the translation yours is TERRIBLE) and would lift quite some work load of the devs shoulders


    That would be a good idea, but then you would still need to police what the community creates as the translation, otherwise you will get some people out there that translate it incorrectly on purpose just for fun.


    Maybe you could do it as a average return translation over a large group of (allowed) people, where if certain translations come back higher than other ones then they can get chosen as the translation to be used. But again would would still require checking what's been translated.


    Good idea, i think that (depending on how the games put together) there could be modders out there that will end up translating it anyway if the devs don't do it themselves, like i've seen in a few games now. :)



  15. If someone, or a group of players, were to spend enough time mining on a planet, what would they find as they approach the center?


    Will the physics be realistic enough such that they would be crushed under the immense pressure, or would they be able to continue on to the center?


    Would they encounter a molten core, or are the planets just solid chunks of rock?


    Perhaps there is some variety to the planets, both in what they are composed of on the surface and at their cores?


    The centre of the planets is something that might have or not have limitations or even be allowed to be reached. Nyz has commented that there could be temperature related issues with trying to reach the centre of the planet,


    I would imagine that they will not allow you to go to the centre because it might give weird coding issues and physics once you get there, like a centre point of gravity that you cannot get out of because there is nothing 'below' you. Same reason why SE doesn't have a centre, there is some odd returns from the code involved in making the planet that just doesn't allow it.


    However, link to the thread that has Nyz idea on planets and centres: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/414-underground-possibilites/



  16. I'd love to be able to give you a long post detailing the in's and out's of exploration, but sadly i can't as we just don't know that mechanic.


    It has been sad that they are going to try and make exploration have a purpose so you don't just go from planet to planet scanning over and over again like Elite, because to be honest that's boring as hell. 


    But getting from planet to planet we don't know yet other than point in direction and go. But given that the universe is supposed to be infinite this could be both a pain and a good thing. 


    If you point in direction without any idea where you are going you have a very good chance of finding a place that no-one has been to before, but you also run the risk of not finding a place for a very long while.


    We know that we will have to fly normally for the first part of the game to expand from Alioth before we get FTL devices, and we know we will have to rely on FTL devices before we get StarGates. So getting from planet to planet is more or less detailed in the forums, the thing we do not have any information of is how to locate the other planets.


    I would imagine that there is some form of onscreen scan that can be done, because think about it, how do you get from solar system to solar system?, or even galaxy to galaxy? Its a given that you should be able to 'see' your way around the insides of a solar system as when you leave the first planet you might not have FTL so you need to 'point in direction'. But other than that we don't know.


    There are countless posts on the forums about FTL, Explorations, Types of Space, Empty/Full Space areas. For any information on anything to do with your point (other than locating planets) i would suggest having a look around. Might find something useful.


    However that being said i did a quick search and found some that might interest you :)


    Some Player Ideas here: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/327-theres-gold-in-them-there-hills

    Thoughts on FTL ect: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/431-thoughts-on-stargates-and-ftl/

    Some Stuff About Universe Size: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/469-scale-of-the-universe/




  17. I came up with this idea while replying to a post. I think it would be cool, and I'm hoping it will possible, with being able to code in DU. I think we could benefit from having in-game cameras that could act as an offline security system. Also, being used to record footage from RP situations, space battles, or even tv like programming like news channels and what-not. Those of you on here who have coding experience, or even the devs, this a possible thing to make if not built into the game?




    There will be camera views on the ships you build from camera that you place.


    Since camera are placed on constructs and your ships and bases are both constructs created from the same voxels in the same way I would say that your idea to completely possible. The only thing i don't know about is the recording and viewing side of your idea.


    I don't know if you can record the feed, as that would be storing game data to be viewed later inside the game, maybe there will be a way to do with with lua. The Viewing side we don't know very much about but as it's been stated that lua could play a big part in the piloting of ships i would imagine that the devs have thought about console screens connected to cameras.


    I will link two threads that contain information and player suggestions on either camera's or displays.


    Cameras: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/390-piloting/

    Displays: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/540-billboards-in-du/



  18. Hi,


    I really looking forward in this project, but while I'm waiting, I play Robocraft (and Space Engineers). I started this game 2,5 years ago, cooperated with developers and I'm well known player in top players Robocraft community (Same Nickname - Archonious).


    The game is based on very interesting idea, something like short battles. I know, DU will be as long term game (MMO) and will be absolutelly different in gameplay (closer to Space Engineers). But what you think about PvP battlegrounds?


    Yes, that require special limits and balance, but it open huge field of opportunities for players (extra targets, ranks, competitive play and other).


    How it could looks like:

    -5v5 / 7v7 / 8v8 games

    -Team based on random or faction (+level, rank and other)

    -*Limited amount of guns and movements (energy for usage)

    -*Limited amount of blocks

    -*Special craft must be created


    *Since ships in MMO game could vary too much, that is little trouble for battleground. All players must have same limits, but with different variations. So if players will have special limits (like 1000 blocks max and amount of energy for movements and weapons), that could be fair for everyone.


    P.S: Yes, that could be very complicated, that could be game in game. But if we take many MMO games, that is part of PvP which keep many players in game. Since you will be on "Pay to Play" model, you will be interested in every single player, so every single way to keep players is important.





    The beauty of what DU is trying to become is that you can already do this. Not in the sense that there is a ingame mechanic to manage and organize this, but more that the game will allow you to do it if you want.


    You can create a whole league inside DU that you can govern and operate. If you want to run a PvP Area or deathmatch system, create some location on planets and then market your area as a PvP ground that is organised and run like ingame E-Sport kind of thing.


    You could charge people to watch, participate and basically do anything you want. You just have to create it.


    This is the basis of what they are trying to do with Emergent Game Play, allow the player to do whatever they feel like doing.


    If you did make this in game i would probably give it a good a few times :)



  19. How my Character looks will be very important for players like me, especially in a game like this - vast, social with thousands of players interacting. For RP gameplay even more so. I've often played or not played MMO's based on the strength of their character customisation...it means that much to me.


    When I look at the screenshots, everyone is walking around in helmets, which isn't going to be realistic or immersive unless you're on a planet with no oxygen. Most Players want to be able to look unique, not just be a faceless drone you can't tell apart from everyone else. I would hope that, it being a new game, DU will have at least something like Eve online's Caracter Customisation - manipulating Hair, eyes, face and body shapes, etc.


    I know the game is pre alpha and cc might not be a priority right now. But I just hope the Devs know how important it is to many players.


    In my opinion I'm not really bothered a huge deal by this. I would like a gender and face/hair customization along with maybe changing the color of your suit (like SE), but beyond that i don't see any value being gained from it as the game is going to be almost 100% in first person.


    Yeah you can see other people to interact with and they might all look alike, but the majority of the game i think is going to be either in space or inside vehicles, so you'll have a helmet on or just not be able to see them.


    It would be nice to have I will admit, but once i'm in the game actually doing things I very quickly stop noticing all the differences between people, especially when there is some notification on my screen of 'who' they are, like WoW/GW2 ect having a player name above them.


    Nice to have, but for me it wouldn't need to be very complex to make me happy. Grant some is needed so everyone's not a clone :)



    Could we take it a step farther and import models, that we ourselves or someone else made as our character? Maybe have a template that is downloadable and editable? Maybe even just the heads? I think it would be amazing to have this option. Even if I have to pay extra for it.


    I think this will end up being a no, i know we can't import models ourselves, as detailed in a few other threads, but there is nothing said about using a template to 'customize' our character I just think that there will be other priorities and limitations do doing something like this.


    Think of the extra effort to make a extra section of the game that you use to download/import/customize a character like a stand alone character creator, i would prefer any extra effort that would be spent on this to be put back into the game in my opinion.


    However, if it was easy or the devs had a way to do it without affecting the main part of the game i wouldn't be against it, i would probably spend a couple hours playing about with it to make my character, but like i said above, if it's not there I don't think i'd care either way.


    If these things are put in i will use them, but for me personally i would not need them to enjoy the game or the character i make :)



  20. On phone so apologies for the double post.


    -47th Legion

    -Alliance of Free Worlds

    -Cerberus Expeditionary Fleet

    -Diverse Unified Alliance

    -Galactic Republic of Planets

    -Imperial Cinderfall Syndicate

    -Pax Imperius

    -Redstone Masons

    You should hyperlink them names slaxx, so that people can find them for the time being and also edit your post to include the announcement of the stand alone organisation part of DU that was announced, gives people the chance to find everything without looking and they know that this isn't the primary place to recruit/join organisations :)



  21. I like this idea of having a list of known alliances or organizations. But, these aren't the ones to watch out for. The ones that stay silent, and have their hand in others pockets are the ones to watch out for. In such a vast universe, it will be hard too keep track of people if they don't want to be found. :P lol, that sounds dark, but I like coming up with RP elements.

    I feel like youve been watching me. This is quite close to how I'm going to be when the game is out.


    Till then I'm just seeing how things go.


    However that being said, there is going to be a guild/organisation standalone part of the DU website/forums for posting recruiting and basically managing organisation. It was one of the announcements during E3, even though many have forgotten and posted their organisation in the forums anyway.


    But yeah, the forums will not be the place to post soon for organisations, and I ant wait to see how they do it. Might even join one, who know :)



  22. Why!?!?! Why must you create ANOTHER organization that people can join. THERE ARE SO MANY!


    But aside from that, it looks.... well, really, really well done. I can't say that I'll join, but even if I don't, I would purpose an alliance when the chance happens. 


    Really though, did people just start to create these when E3 happened? What is with all this?


    ha, I'd like to be the one to point out that Cinderfall was here before even I was on the forums, like Saffi says, everyone seems to have just passed by cinderfall somehow.


    Sad i think as it is a well thought out organisation, and one of the ones i would join if i was planning to join one. So far i'm just lerking about waiting for the right organisation to offer itself upto me :)

  23. I think that wheels and rails could be very useful in a non rp way.


    In today's world everyone has the ability to fly. I could go to an airport right now and fly anywhere in the world. For long distance travel flight is ideal but it is horribly inefficient for short distance travel.


    For instance do you take an airplane to work everyday? You don't because the cost of an airplane, fuel costs, and maintenance are all horribly expensive. Not to mention the large amount of area and labor you need to operate an airport to land that plane.


    That said the hovercraft in this game doesn't appear to have many of the problems an airplane might encounter (Mostly due to VTOL ability). But I think they should still be at a disadvantage for local travel when compared to wheels. Not to mention a three dimensional plane of travel (the sky) could be much more dangerous than a two dimension plane of travel (the surface). This would become especially true depending on how populated the sky would become with hovercraft travelling at high speeds.


    I also think that a lot of people on here are underestimating the abilities of railroads.  Freight trains using today's technology are more than capable of carrying thousands of tons of cargo over vast distances and are very energy efficient. I couldn't imagine what trains in this game at this level of technology would be capable of. Imagine if each car was a giant kadpak able to compress matter and the train was running on an engine powered by a fusion reactor.


    I wouldn't consider wheels and rails to be 'lesser technology' or 'primitive technology' just because hovercraft exist.


    I understand what your saying. True there could be some advantages to it. But i'm thinking of the bigger picture, there game is going to be set in a practically infinite universe, i would rather focus on methods of moving materials from planet to planet over moving materials from city to city on the same planet.


    I do think that is i lesser technology though, although maglev i could agree with i think, you set down markers to dictate your course and 'apply' a ship to it, basically just a normal ship that is predesigned to follow a track that is laid out with these maglev markers. But again that's hover tech, wheels i still don't see a proper purpose for.


    Also, if i could go to work in a hovercraft (proper anti-grav ship) everyday i would, without a shadow of a doubt. Hell i'd even get up early to get to work in it. That is if it was commercially available and didn't cost an arm and a leg to pilot everyday, which i'm assuming DU is going to be like with the hovercrafts.


    But again, i'm not trying to be negative towards it, i'm just curious and discussing it. :)



  24. Question regarding construction. They say you can build anything you want. A space ship station or buildings etc. Would there be limitations as to the size unless there is a structural reinforcement implemented to allow for bigger better creations? In other words could i build a single tower of blocks from a planet to a moon, or would i have to design layers of reinforcement for stability etc... Would i also need to have bulk heads for ships and stations to maintain there integrity? Similar to rust when building a base the integrity is reduced if a supporting structure isn't used to increase strength.


    I'm going to say no to the supports, thought don't quote me as i don't know.


    I'm judging my answer off the actions of planets when you dig out a block that is not connected to the planet anymore, it doesn't just fall the to ground it stays where it is, if it's part of the planet it is always part of the planet. Also it has been confirmed that if you dig a tunnel without any supports in the planet the roof will not cave in on you.


    So both these points lead me to believe that you can build whatever you like and you will not need to support it, however i don't know how gravity will interact with player constructs that are build on the planet then cut in the middle. Like you single block to the moon idea, i don't think you will need supports, but i don't know what will happen if you decide to take out a chunk of blocks in the middle of it as it is player made and not a planet.


    As the game relies on voxels too, i don't think there will be any structural integrity, think about all the different voxels and computations that would be needed to be done on dynamic shapes in or to figure out its strengths. I worked as a engineer doing stress analysis on purpose build software and that took ages to do, given that it was real life stresses i was calculating, but i would imagine the same idea is placed around calculating structural integrity on voxels.



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