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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Begogian

  1. Sounds good, good luck with that. I know there are threads on player made jails and such you should check out. I guess we shall see what comes of orgs like this when the official game launches because wars are bound to happen and you may need a lot of members in order to make a dent in the category you are persuing. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10475-player-prison/?hl=jail#entry40221
  2. Oh no, sorry, I didn't mean this is how everyone should play. My bad. I was talking more about the majority but for sure there will be many different play styles for each person. I was just saying I hope people don't come into the game and expect to be shown complete mercy because they claim that is their play style and they don't want to be part of wars even if they are in the middle of them
  3. I hope stuff like this is rarely seen. If people see an MMO like this and come on to play solo, then complain when someone kills them because they ventured into new areas and died, then they don't need to be playing DU. DU is going to be about community building, playing with others, and creating something amazing. If you expect to come online for the first time and announce you want to be peaceful and don't want to fight but then get in the way or disrupt a big org, don't expect them to just be cool with it and move on, some may depending on the situation, but it is that mindset of "Oh, if i say I wanna be peaceful then they have to listen to me and never attack me because that's not how I want to play."
  4. Welcome to the community! Isn't one of the best features going to be the large scale wars that ensue? So are you going to be a sort of intergalactic police force or bodies to hire when war comes where you go to the highest bidder?
  5. I think this is the biggest appeal. It is a vast universe to explore with little to no limits and endless possibilities. And with no loading screens (except logging in) it is seemless and free flowing
  6. I think it is still a cool idea and I know a lot of people have been talking about it but I just remembered another problem you may encounter. In order to build something that large you need the man power. The large space station from the trailers and demos wasn't built in-game because JC said it would have taken his team forever to build. The thought of building something as large as a city could take 100 people, 10 hours a day upwards of 2-3 months if not more. You have to collect resources, haul them into space, build, then repeat over and over for weeks on end. I do wish you guys good luck though, I know this has been something a lot of people want to accomplish, guess we shall see who the top builders are.
  7. Perfectly said. This game, even with just wanting a shack and space truck, will involve a lot of working together whether it small or large orgs but enjoy your journey. The game is built for everyone and everyone may enjoy it how they see fit.
  8. Welcome to the Community, always good to see new faces on here! If you need any info about that game you may not know, searching through the forums is really helpful and reading the DU game wiki works well too. Also, if you haven't already, I recommend reading the Dev Blogs and watching the Interviews with the developers, there is a lot of information in those and a lot of forum posts involve some of those topics. Wiki: http://dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/Dual_Universe_Wiki Dev Blogs: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/ Interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-DRi77Q1S7ODGCny1bUIhA
  9. It will be crazy in a few years to look back and realize how much we spend for stupid little items when in 5 years we will be farting 500 Billion Quanta (theoretically, we don't know the costs and prices yet). For the Org that ends up building the first Capital ship, it will probably be in a well developed zone they have control of and will have protection 24/7 if the org is big enough. There are a few small orgs who are dedicating their time to only building themselves Capital ships but we shall see how it plays out in the future. JC did say that building a large ship like in the trailers could take weeks to months.
  10. There is no correlation. It is all based on how the program organizes the players and the orgs. The player's distance from the orgs has no real meaning
  11. What if it was structured like the Ideology Tree in Civ 5 but opposite? You start with 2 slots and can choose from 10 different Tier 1 skills. After unlocking enough you can then move to Tier 2 which gives you more skills and has 5 slots, so on and so forth..... Looks like this: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/civilization/images/4/45/Autocracy_Tenents.gif/revision/latest?cb=20141228172533
  12. I know how long this has taken and I hope everyone likes it. Will be an amazing tool and once the game/alpha/beta launches and before there will be more great additions and utilities added
  13. I started a thread just like this a couple days ago. I proposed machines for growing food as well as different crops for different environments and genetically modifying crops to do different things. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10884-agriculture-machines/
  14. With the Insurance, Funding, Loans, and possibly Investing, I have a feeling no one will go into this because it will be very risky and will be you trusting your hard earned in-game money with internet strangers in a gaming community. In terms of the banking, this has been brought up a lot and I know there will be orgs invested in running banks whether private or public. With hotels and entertainment, I don't really think hotels will be a thing but entertainment for sure. There are tons of threads on racing events, casinos, fight clubs and more. It will be cool to see what people end up scripting and designing
  15. I think the Circular Tech Tree would make the most sense because that means each character can be unique based on their knowledge along with the ability to chose specific topics to focus on learning. It could allow for diversity and would also lead to more detail professions
  16. If anything like this ever does exist in DU, it will probably be very small. Just a cargo ship that sells and trades good as it travels from planet to planet. For anything large enough based on what you are all talking about, the ship would move so slow it wouldn't be worth trying to build and maintain it. Any market HUBs will probably be stationary and won't move around much. That's what makes it a HUB
  17. That actually looks really cool. Is it good?
  18. True. Depending on what the attackers do to your ship, you may have to focus on other parts other than the CU
  19. This could also be the point where groups take over larger ships and claim them as their own
  20. They won't be just cubes because NQ has stated all the time that there will be realistic physics when it comes to flying so a cube will be very inefficient. I am also guessing that when it comes to a very large ship, there will be a CU in the center will protection around it and then all the essentials, remember, you can't just blow up a CU, you have to hack it and disable it. Also, you can replace the CU, as far as I know, if your CU gets disabled and they leave, you can replace it with a new CU or the attackers can hack it and reboot it in their name.
  21. Thanks Nyz for responding to everyone so fast and I am glad you are looking into and taking the measures to fix these problems. Sadly this topic is taking time out of your day (and probably others) to fix but I hope all goes well and it all gets resolved.
  22. Watch out PETA may attack us for going after the space whales
  23. Would this throw off the mechanics of the ship though. Imagine a very large ship flying through space. You decide to piggyback on that large ship and land. Would the weight and location of where your landed effect the overall flight of the ship? If you landed on the right wing would the ship start to turn right or barrel roll clockwise?
  24. It would probably only act as a cosmetic element and to people who will be playing the game to design cities and create economies will probably enjoy it but Twerk does make some sense, in his own special way, because he and a lot of people are playing the game more for the fighting, ship building, marketing, etc. For people who want to go into detail and create intricate cities should probably just go with voxel smoothing and such things, that way they are utilizing some of the added features and maybe we can see more user friendly and intense road designs instead of pre-built ones by the Devs. Also, adding a new element for cosmetic reasons would take away time from the Devs that they can be using to create other things, but maybe down the line they will come out with a Cosmetic Expansion Update. Also, While I neither agree nor disagree with the topic, you can in no way compare guns with roads. Guns will be one of the main research branches of DU next to ships, mining, and markets. I don't want to in any way hate but come on, I mean guns=roads? "It's not because it exists that you have to use it." That is a very silly statement. A special material would bring too much of an unrealistic element into the game. Any road element would be a weird element and adding speedy material to it would only make it weirder. Watching JC in SF and talking to him about movement among hovercrafts, the crafts will be fast enough to travel but it should be a semi-realistic travel speed on the ground not a hovercraft driving from city to city at 300 mph (482 kmp). If they are ever introduced there shouldn't be any upgrade or special bonus to them to use as an incentive. If people need to be coerced into using an element in the game, then the element is useless and should be very minor or not in the game at all.
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