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Daphne Jones

Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Daphne Jones

  1. I would probably go into a Black Hole, if I knew it actually was going to do something other than destroy my ship and kill me in seconds.


    There's no Black Holes planned yet according to one of the interviews, so if I found one and they didn't say anything about it, I would let a crewmember go into it first in a shuttle. 

    While it might seem like seconds to you, it would actually take an infinite amount of time to reach the Schartzchild radius.

  2. Now that I know what DACs are, I can say the OP is being silly.


    Game subscription tokens are a great idea. If someone has money but lacks time, he can buy and sell DACs to skip over some of the play that's less interesting to him. And someone who has more time than money, can do the work and buy DACs for game access.


    It's a choice of pay to play or work to play - it's not pay to win.

  3. I think it will be interesting to see how stargates work. I also wonder if each stargate can only go to one other stargate or if there is a limit to how many stargates can be put in a system. Say for instance a group builds some stargates to get a bit away from everyone else and creates a "capital" system. Could they then build 20+ stargates connecting that system to as many others as they please? Or would there perhaps be a range limit, so you can only connect to systems in range?


    I read somewhere (AMA thread probably) that a stargate will be able to access any other gate in range. So the limit will be range.

  4. I have so many questions.

    Why did they make this?

    Is this just a joke, a sincere thank you, or sarcasm? 

    Chris Roberts posted a recommendation for his backers to back DU's kickstarter. That's how I got here.


    This certainly sincere thanks. Some of us have put serious money into SC, so we're already good candidates to support another game.


    Here's what Chris posted: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15515-Note-From-The-Chairman

  5. A long time ago, Runescape

    SL, where I do sci fi RP (including Gor until I developed PTSD) and medi/fantasy RP and building spaceships. Oh, and ERP when I get bored, lol.

    WoW, where I'm an orc tank, primarily.

    Entropia Universe, where I run a space taxi service.

    Star Citizen recently - I'll be a cargo hauler/smuggler and general freelancer once the mechanics for those are in place (SC is in alpha atm)


    I'm planning a ship for SL that will fly like a DU ship (instead of using SL's vehicle functions) as proof of concept in preparation for building in DU.

  6. I just went and read the [post=272] RDMS DevBlog[/post] and it's a very complete system - at set of rights is actual an object that we can build. It can be given to other players and it can be revoked... so yes, selling permission to use your stargate for a week or whatever should be possible.


    Edit: Oh well, that link looks horrible but it works, lol.

  7. I guess if there are shield elements, you could build a shield around a star gate and have an attendant lower the shield for ships that had paid the fee. But I was wondering if security was something inherent in the stargate.

  8. I wonder what games the OP's community approves... not WoW (game tokens)... not Star Citizen (cash purchase of game credits with a limit per time)... not Entropia (real cash economy - that one is certainly pay to win by any standard)... I was gonna say Runescape would quality - back when I was playing it they were stalwarts against pay to win... but gold farmers beat them and now they have a game token system (like WoW - a lot of their recent changes seem like WoW-light.). And of course, Second Life with game money on an open market - not that there's a clear way to win there.


    Maybe I just don't travel in the right game circles, but I can't think of anything that would meet the OP's standard.

  9. Some musing on stargates brings up some questions:


    Will the builder of a stargate be able to charge a toll for its use? If not, how would they amortize the cost?


    Will a stargate have a (digital) key, so only authorized users can use it? Will the owner have to have an armada patrolling to stop unauthorized use?


    If I send a probe from Earth to Mars (or other pair of planets in the same system) will I be able to build a stargate between them? This could be very profitable for fast, easy trade if a use fee can be charged. Or is there a one stargate per system limit?

  10. Someone posted a video explaining DU single shard tech on the Star Citizen (SC) forum. (This was posted because SC is moving to a single shard tech as well and the poster thought DU tech might be the same). That's how I became aware DU existed.


    Then a few days ago, Chris Roberts (CEO and producer of SC) posted a call for people to support the DU kickstarter (which I did).. and that led me here.

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