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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Lord_Void

  1. Griefing and ugly terrain are not the same things. Griefing involves intentionally harassing other players in a way that is inconsistent with the rules of the game or goes far beyond "standard play". Ugly terrain is just an aesthetic opinion. This has come up in a few other threads, which I will look for and then link here for you to look through. The general consensus has been that if certain players don't like the way things look or other players are doing things, it is up to them to try and do something about it. This is the nature of a sandbox game. Edit: Threads:
  2. Heard some other people translate it. Cool stuff but didn't seem too groundbreaking (EDIT: from the summary I saw. Obviously, I'll wait till there is a full transcript before making any conclusions).
  3. I was not criticising you for it. It's a topic for German speakers so it makes sense to talk in German
  4. If anything, they will probably expand them. Assuming the game is a success they will have a revenue stream and probably a larger staff. I would not be surprised to see them hire 1-2 people who's main focus is creating dev diary-esque content, or in other ways interacting with the community about the ongoing development and expansion of the game. But that is in the future. For now, they need all hands on deck to make the game and get us through Alpha/Beta. That said, communication is important
  5. I don't want to get involved with this, because I don't speak German. But I just want to say that watching the conversation from one side is a bit funny. Like hearing only one side of a phone call.
  6. I would think that the Dev Diaries won't stop at Alpha. Even once the game releases, they are still going to be developing new content.
  7. We are just talking, and are perfectly within our rights to do so
  8. I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't think anyone should be trying to buy anyone out. I think the course of action suggested by NQ above is the best one. So to be clear, I'm not saying that I want anyone to buy anyone out. All I'm saying is if someone was trying to sell the sub, that would be too high of a price. They could look for that much all they want but they'd never get it.
  9. Then if it was you, you'd get nothing. That is much higher than it is worth.
  10. Hopefully there will be less drama around here now.
  11. Death in a game is not about death, it's about resources. If I can destroy you ship and ability to fight, I have won regardless of whether your character has died or not. In this way, bounty hunting is going to be more about destroying resources rather than just killing someone. Or just laying the pain in people because you don't like them and have the money for a bounty
  12. Yeah I bet that would be tough. What I meant by easy was "easy as compared to trying to do some sort of dynamic weather system".
  13. Agreed. Even just visual effects are fun. Surely they could add that pretty easily. Just make it randomly occur planet wide
  14. I have always thought the idea of *some* environmental hazards would be fun, but that's some for after release.
  15. Hopefully they will follow EVE's lead and make an infinite skill queue. I do agree that it would be nice to have some basic APIs in place by the end of Beta so that we can get some basic tools out and provide a more complete launch when the game releases. People essentially expect those sorts of tools nowadays so being able to have them from day one will make people very happy.
  16. I think this would be a great project. I know I would get good use out of it.
  17. I mean, based on what they have said, everything is made out of the same voxel system so theoretically this should be possible, but whether it will actually be possible is anyone's guess. Another question is what happens if terrain becomes detached? Does gravity apply or does it float like Minecraft blocks?
  18. Lord_Void

    DU Memes

    Good luck .....
  19. Rogue One just came out on Netflix so it is the first of the new Star Wars that I've seen. The parsec thing is from the first star wars movie made though.
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