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  1. So in the announcement of the "Panacea" update which its of note to know the meaning of that word as a start to what I am about to say. Panacea means a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases, so to that end and based on what was said and I quote, " We recognized that we fell short in the aftermath of the Demeter release." This is an understatement at best, NQ killed the economy in a matter of hours upon this release for some they were happy or elated as prices of goods and ships fell in the days after Demeter. Also what NQ managed to do was drive a good number of builders, industry makers, ship creators, content creators away from the game just after the release and then slowly over the last few months more and more have left for other titles. Some may have come back here and there but the amount of time they now spend in DU has diminished greatly. One great ship builder and extremely talented voxel mancers Damphousse have left the game for good as of now and closed their ship showroom on Alioth for the foreseeable future and incase your wondering they have also removed their ships from the DU creator site as well. Indeed there were a few good things that came from the Demeter update for some people that still play this game, many were happy that megas and ground mining were removed but then soon found out that things said by NQ about auto mining were not true like being able to recalibrate in VR. Yes you can do it but at what cost your talents no longer work in VR so your wasting time doing it this way as you are not getting the full benefit of the miner. In the year that I have been playing this game although not as long as most but I have watched NQ very close in the correspondence they put out or update announcements released. In doing this I have learned to read between the lines and dig deeper into what they are really intending to do in whatever update they are releasing at the time. More often than not most people only read and believe what they want and argue to the death to defend it which is laughable most of the time and quite hilarious to both watch and read. In looking at the wording of this new looming update its a play on words really, its like that favorite jacket you wear in the winter all warm and cozy that makes you feel all warm toasty but really your sneaky roommate stripped the liner out of it and now your out in the cold. I will admit when I read the announcement I was like hey they are going to listen this time but again reading between the lines it seems once again that NQ is going to dribble a few things here and there like what seems to be case to keep most players interested. Like the ability to requisition ships or dynamic constructs good right or miner API, camera LUA API changes to name a few. However, there is much more bad that is looming if this goes forward and I am afraid it may drive the reaming few 5 same people I see in chat away (being facetious) ok maybe the same10 people in chat. What do I mean by this well for starters the element stacking and NO I am NOT talking about the old crap that was pulled by stupid PVPers and some ship builders. I mean get in your favorite ship and pay attention to the screen a red warning box will appear and tell you that your favorite ship will soon be rendered inoperable due to elements being too close to one another i.e. brakes, engines, etc, etc. If implemented as it reads and NQ once again despite them saying they basically failed at the last update and once again fail to listen to the community this could be the end of this game except for those 10 players mentioned before. I am not trying to be negative here, I always try to see the positive but after the last few quite dismal updates it really is what I have come to expect from NQ and the reading between the lines almost always turns out to be true as they didn't listen to the community that actually plays the game. What is the bottom line that I am trying to convey to NQ, well if you go forward and once again don't listen to the community and just oil that loudest squeaky wheel again, you are just driving the point home that you don't care what the community has to say. Element stacking is bad yes but placing elements close to or even in the case of Atmo brakes on top of or stacked together like crackers is not bad and indeed serves a purpose. Looking at this looming update on face value which all we can do at the moment it seems this is going to break most ships currently in the game, you will not be able to deploy BPs that have these issues i.e. elements too close or voxel complexity too high etc. If Nq doesn't listen I am afraid this is going to drive the few builders we have left away and that will spell the end of the title until NQ truly listens to its payer base.
  2. Its clear NQ is not going to learn or care what the player base says and most players are brainwashed so yeah
  3. So Demeter has been released and so far from what I see aside from a few small bugs here and there has been a smashing success which is a breath of fresh air from previous releases. while there are some whom don't share in my sentiment and pretty much out right dislike the changes made to the mining system over all it was for the betterment of the community all the while cutting cost for NQ. I like the graphical changes that were implemented and the new controls to lighting effects and other in game improvements to industry elements and the force fields around ships is much better. The planets all look really great, especially the water has taken on a more realistic look than the sort of sea of thieves rolling tides all the time look. The new mining mechanics are working great with some minor issues that were quickly addressed and the price of ore in the markets has come down rather quickly much more quickly than I had anticipated. I feel with proper time and explanation the mining update will provide more ore than builders, creators and players will need while having a healthy supply to the market. The increase in asteroids within the safe zone was a tremendous help and will aid in the supply of ore to the markets and players alike. Despite all these great improvements and seemingly new game play loops that can from the mining units and territory management. I am left asking what now? I know the new voxel tool is on the horizon but what about new elements, element upgrades or improvements, we did get the much needed XS space tanks but there is much more that is lacking in the element department. For instance different size warp drives for smaller ships, varying improved engines both space and atmo, new doors for structures, large wings, XL cores for Organizations I am sure there are things I am missing that would be a great addition to the game and I am sure other players will comment and add there items they would like to see in the game. Another area that I feel is lacking is support for player created content like the Friday Night races or some of the very well put together player owned shops these need to be embraced by NQ and those players running them, participating in them get the proper support and recognition. Over all the update is going well and will only improve what I see as a very successful game as we all push forward to the day of a full release. Please comment and leave your list of elements you would like to see in the game and fly safe out there.
  4. I am hearing scuttle about a "Space Tax" if this is true then the question begs WHAT are all these taxes for why its a simple question that most have asked here. Is it to attempt to punish those that are wealthy, I can assure you that will not work it never does? Is it to in your NQ eyes help the economy, again I can assure you it will not. We need answers to our questions, we in fact demand these answers as the future of this game and your very jobs may very well depend on it.
  5. I think we have NQ Pann to thank for the suggestion of territory loss as she came from EVE, so it can be concluded, since they NQ will not answer us that any similarities in this game to EVE are the brain child of NQ Pann.
  6. I am hearing scuttle about a "Space Tax" if this is true then the question begs WHAT are all these taxes for why its a simple question that most have asked here. Is it to attempt to punish those that are wealthy, I can assure you that will not work it never does? Is it to in your NQ eyes help the economy, again I can assure you it will not. We need answers to our questions, we in fact demand these answers as the future of this game and your very jobs may very well depend on it.
  7. Yep sure do on two diff planets and its garbage and played the mini game for each miner to get the calibration up as well
  8. If the use of VR was used as intended than rather to find exploits then they NQ would have left it alone but its the actions of a few that ruin it for the rest of us. Also if they leave it where you can access the UI for the auto miner to check its status but however not be able to perform any functions on it that would be acceptable to everyone I think
  9. So if they NQ are so hell bent for leather and decide to keep this update as is an push it out without any or minor changes then the following items mentioned MUST be increased: 1. The amount of ore per tile or as you NQ have it in the update the amount of ore available in the pool and the diversity of that pool in addition to the amount of each type or tier 2. The amount of safe zone asteroids 12 to X number is not going to cut it, there needs to be at least 20 to 50 per week 3. On the subject of asteroids have chance weekly that an advanced will spawn in the SZ, I understand rare and exotic in PVP space but give new players a chance at those higher asteroids with higher tier ore 4. If you all are bent on keeping the taxes that high per week then not only do the above but also increase the payout and number of SZ (safe zone) missions. 5. In addition to these above suggestions and in line with taxes increase the daily payout to 250,000 this will incentivize players to log in and give NQ a chance to give the taxes back to the community and spur the economy. Or You (NQ) could do none of these and ignore the countless other suggestions and comments barreling full steam ahead to the rapid end of this game. You have something great and it can be made better, as I have said you are not going to please everyone all the time its a give and take. The community is very diverse in this game and that is a good thing for everyone I have met people from all over the world in my time in MMOs. I mean think about it this way we are all coming together to achieve a common goal when is the times of this world we live in does that happen in any one persons country. Some of us come here to escape the stresses of life, whether it be our job, family issues or the many other things any given person could be going through we come here for community, fun, creativity and for some a chance to belong to something bigger if you so choose to be in a massive Org. Please listen to the community and give us feedback that you are listening and you are looking at these comments as you have asked us to do so many times.
  10. So if they NQ are so hell bent for leather and decide to keep this update as is an push it out without any or minor changes then the following items mentioned MUST be increased: 1. The amount of ore per tile or as you NQ have it in the update the amount of ore available in the pool and the diversity of that pool in addition to the amount of each type or tier 2. The amount of safe zone asteroids 12 to X number is not going to cut it, there needs to be at least 20 to 50 per week 3. On the subject of asteroids have chance weekly that an advanced will spawn in the SZ, I understand rare and exotic in PVP space but give new players a chance at those higher asteroids with higher tier ore 4. If you all are bent on keeping the taxes that high per week then not only do the above but also increase the payout and number of SZ (safe zone) missions. 5. In addition to these above suggestions and in line with taxes increase the daily payout to 250,000 this will incentivize players to log in and give NQ a chance to give the taxes back to the community and spur the economy. Or You (NQ) could do none of these and ignore the countless other suggestions and comments barreling full steam ahead to the rapid end of this game. You have something great and it can be made better, as I have said you are not going to please everyone all the time its a give and take. The community is very diverse in this game and that is a good thing for everyone I have met people from all over the world in my time in MMOs. I mean think about it this way we are all coming together to achieve a common goal when is the times of this world we live in does that happen in any one persons country. Some of us come here to escape the stresses of life, whether it be our job, family issues or the many other things any given person could be going through we come here for community, fun, creativity and for some a chance to belong to something bigger if you so choose to be in a massive Org. Please listen to the community and give us feedback that you are listening and you are looking at these comments as you have asked us to do so many times.
  11. So true and super funny
  12. So here is a question has NQ answered the many threads for them to respond to our comments about this train wreck of an update? NO you say well then its high time Miners unite lets hit NQ where it hurts they say the reason for this dire need for auto miners is the server cost. Well I say miners unite and dig as many holes as we can as fast as we can every where!! An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth but in this case a scoop for a scoop and a hole for a hole lol lets send a clear message that we are not going to take these taxes and just roll over and say ok but please use lube. So miners and non miners dig dig dig dig dig and then dig some more!!
  13. So as my First Sergeant in the Army use to say I can't even make this stuff up, I started a miner the day the PTS went live and just checked the container it has 1800L in it. You have got to be kidding right there is no way this is going to support anyone in this game currently. Look I know and I have seen the other players trying to sell this with there analysis and showing off how they could make millions of quanta a week but looking at this set up there is no way and no way you are going to convince me other wise the proof is in the pudding on this one.
  14. Had this happen several times all I did was pick it up and put it back down and it fixed it also it didn't seem to change the calibration as the tile is calibrated not the miner from what I have seen from putting several miners in the same tile
  15. This weekend release of the PTS NQ was supposed to be playing with the community and I have yet to see any of that so again lies
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