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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Hotwingz

  1. Ugh I closed the KS at 344 000 and now I see we are back at 341 000. Thats just frustrating to see. ????
  2. Only letting orgs name it isnt a fair system in my idea. Though I will admit that allowing the 1st to find it to name it will also bring about problems. I can foresee all sorts of inappropriate names. In the end I only have 1 request. I want to see the planets Rubi-Ka, Arakis and Bob.
  3. Ok lets say it is possible. Just go with me for a sec. Would it be fun? You are on a huge space station. Lots of rooms and corridors. Then you need to plug the hole. On a small ish ship you would find it fairly quick. But on a 2 km station? I think you will reach a point where most people would start calling it tedious. I would.
  4. Guys the OP has the right to voice his concerns. We as a community should do well to have an embracing mentality. Having that said; OP if you go on youtube there are plenty of interviews. In one of the interviews the guy is blown away about JC pulling out the game infront of him. Blown away about the game and server running on a laptop. Beyond that JC has repeated several times that they have been working on the tech for 3 years. And that is what they have today. To put it bluntly there is no game perse. I am not here trying to convince you but I think you have it a little backwards. A lot of kickstarters have nothing to show beyond a bit of concept art and maybe a few 3D models. Lofty ideas and a promise. JC and NQ are doing it the right way. They first developed the tech on their own money to see if DU was even possible. When they knew it was they decided to kickstart the project. Community members have played with the game. It is your choice to believe them or not. And to end this message; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Christophe_Baillie you really think this guy is a con man? Your choice, we need all the pledges we can get though.
  5. Remember, hamsters have little legs they need rest too.
  6. They shouldnt but they do and they will. Real life is such a beautiful mess when it comes down to it. There is a big difference between tolerance and agreeing with something. That is a skill that plenty of humans still need to learn. Unfortunately. But like I said in spirit I completly agree. 'Be the change you want to see'
  7. I have no problems signing this. Of course I can see why some of our friends refuse to sign. Having said that, bigotry and the likes have no place in a game. And personally I would prefer not to interact with those people. But it is not an easy situation. Without going to deep into it lets just say the right of free speech also includes situations to hear things you dont agree with. Will I play or trade with those people? Never. If people know CODE then I can use them as as an example of what is on the very edge of what I find tolerable. Even in a sandbox game I find thinly veiled fascisme too much. But thats just me.
  8. No offence but it is a game. Not a real life simulator. I know you can create gameplay around air. But there is a fine line between fun and frustrating. Good luck looking for that leak on your 2 km long spacestation. As a game DU already plans to offer freedom not experienced on a mmo scale. There will be limitations. Hard (technical) and soft (time and money) limitations. Just the way it is.
  9. Thanks man that was a lot of fun to read. Good questions.
  10. Yes, I realise most people here have already pledged. Most, not everyone I'm sure. Though I understand both of your posts. I myself am not on facebook, dont understand twitter that well and dont use steam and such. I most likely qaulify for the title digital caveman. Maybe the results of the AMA will convince some new people to back the game. We must remain hopeful.
  11. Reputation systems get abused. Human nature and all that it brings.
  12. Hello everyone this is just a friendly reminder. As of this writing the kickstarter sits at 342.409 euro and 20 days and 10 hours to go. Thats not bad but we arent there yet. To reach our goal we need to raise around 7500 euro each day. And that is why I am making this thread. Unfortunately we didnt reach that goal the past 2 days. This is something that concerns me. I know kickstarter has its own behaviour, people often say its the 1st and last weeks that count. Though I am asking people to be a bit proactive. Engage on facebook, if you have twitter use it. Post on your favorite game site to promote the game. For many of us DU is a dream come true. And having lived through the birth and decline of mmo gaming my personal stance is that the community and the industry needs a game like DU. Please concider backing if you havent already. Get the word out. NovaQaurk needs YOU! Thank you.
  13. Actually it wont be that big of a deal if its not in at launch. We wont be reaching space that quickly. There wont be any infrastructure to support it. Its very likely that by the time we reach space they will have a first version of construct vs construct ready to go. Its up to you to worry about it or not.
  14. Exactly. It will come at some point I'm sure of it.
  15. Ugh and there we have it. Buy a TU for DAC. Congratz now you created a currency that invalidates the spacebuck... As it is right now its just not good. Even if you cant see it right now.
  16. Like I said in a previous discusion. DAC is a risk free economic commodity. A player just needs to buy a few DAC from day 1 and has instant acces to power and influence. Essentially bypassing the game. If there was some risk to DAC that would counter balance the effect in some way. Although I'm not claiming to hold the ultimate answer. And as Twerk pointed out I have the impression that the idea of market manipulation is lost on some of you. It is naive to think it will be the players with no money that will benefit from this. 'I reserve the right to change my opinion.'
  17. That is a valid point. But I wouldnt call it safe. Gold sellers are known to defraud buyers. Its never a good idea to give your financial details to a criminal.
  18. Yes, Nyzaltar posts now and again. But I can assure you Nyzaltar reads everything. And most of the devs read as much as time allows. So dont worry about it. This is not your typical game forum, NQ really pays attention and they really listen to us.
  19. The way it is worded has been bothering me for days. Perhaps it is a translation issue like some other strange sentences in the FAQ. In fact my AMA question was about that. I basicly asked if we dont reach the stretch goal if we could fund it on the website after the kickstarter. I'm sure NQ understands that a space game with no space combat is silly.
  20. I can imagine its because allowing a player to run a factory without even being there is a bit too much? Not sure myself.
  21. Thats really not necessary. I am most surely not one of these people. And by all definitions most people would call me a carebear because I prefer to avoid combat. Never in my life have I ever griefed a person. Yet I am not against DAC being lootable. Its ok for people to disagree, that does not make the opposing side a horrible monster.
  22. I have to agree. It does not influence my pledge. I am commited to the goals of this game. NQ has demonstrated superb communication with us in the past. That makes this recent announcement all the more peculiar.
  23. You think the DAC decision was influenced by him or people like him? I think I prefer to believe NQ had this decided before the kickstarter. If you understand what I mean...
  24. Unless you were a newby like me who did not know any of that and saw that at some station some jumps away PLEX was selling for a lot more. On topic; I will admit that I liked the idea of DAC being an item that could be stolen. Because to me its exiting. But I can live with the fact that they are not. There will be other valuable items to steal. Maybe not directly from the market containers but most surely during transport. If someone is transporting a territory unit and you steal it I would concider that a big and valuable score.
  25. Yes there will be trends but I wouldnt say it will be stable. Because wealth will increase so will the price of DAC. At day one 200 spacebucks could be a fortune but at day 30, 200 spacebucks wont buy you much because there will be more currency circulating. Inflation will apply. Unless somehow the economy is fixed on a system with a limited supply of currency but that creates a whole other set of problems. 'A pirate buying DAC = stealing from someone else.' Is stretching it I think.
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