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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Hotwingz

  1. Honestly I think NQ is doing it the right way. We wont reach space for quite a while. Beyond that there are far more important features then CvC in my opinion. I understand that it seems strange for a space game not to have space combat. But looking at DU just as a space game is doing it a disservice. DU is a civilization building game. And I think the features they choose for first release are the essentials. DU 1.01 is going to be the foundation for a game that is going to live for quite some time. (Hopefully) If you dont get the foundation right it doesnt matter what else you do after that. As such I see no problem with wich features they choose to launch with.
  2. I would also like to add that an attack is more subtle then shooting at someone. If I cut you of from a valuable resource you might concider that an attack on your influence. Wars are fought on many fronts. An economic war, a propaganda war, an information war and so on. Reducing war into pure military conflict is narrowing the concept of war and attack. This is not meant to tear down your idea but personally I dont think a system like you propose is flexible enough for a game like DU. Wouldnt it make more sense if orgs just decide for themself who they like or not? Dont like them? Break down their castle. You like them? Leave them alone. Just some thoughts.
  3. It would. But does that mean that every time a planet gets renamed the map needs to be updated? Though I'm sure at some point people wont refer to planets. I have the feeling that people will eventually refer to strategic locations. Such as markets etc. Its going to be interesting to see how stuff like this will work out in a dynamic universe.
  4. How would you qauntify and track an unprovoked attack?
  5. Of course it is.But devs are not impervious to failure. Plenty of devs make decisions that in hindsight proof to be stupid. I have very high hopes for NQ but they are human just like everyone else. But for me this thread has run its course. I'll be interested in seeing what they decide.
  6. And as a side note. I dont care at all about playing the market. I am a miner. Always have been. I care about what is good for the game in my personal opinion. When the full decision is made clear I'll leave it be and just move on. Doesnt influence my decision to play the game at all.
  7. Man, why would I make up stuff? Just to make a point? :/ Not my style...
  8. Ah there we go. Thanks Twerk. 'Uncounterable economy' that is a good way to put it.
  9. Ive read it somewhere over the past 2 days. Cant source it atm. Your choice to believe it or not. Could be I'm wrong but I doubt it.
  10. Sure but nobody complains about playing the market. Spacebucks are digital. Wont drop on death if that is what you mean.
  11. Because it is not a good point. Yes when DAC is traded for a construct yes that construct gets destroyed. But holding and transfering DAC is a risk free loop. I suffer no risk holding DAC. Hence risk free.
  12. Its all a little moot anyway. You need to be able to back up your authority. You can huff and puff all you want but if you fail to back it up economically or military nobody will take it seriously. Better to look at it as a personal code of conduct.
  13. Oh yea I used to do a lot with blender before moving to Zbrush. For fun not to make money. Blender can be brutal but it has a very nice community.
  14. So its ok to scam DAC? But...not ok to loot. *shrug* Strange world we live in. (Not intended to start a flamewar, just an observation)
  15. Just a question, how do people feel about someone getting scammed out of his DAC? People seem to be against scams that involve real life money but thats what DAC are.
  16. Good answers and questions. Thank you very much for this! Not a big fan of debuffs after respawing but I realise the game needs balancing.
  17. Maybe. The thing that upsets me is, I look for new DU videos on youtube every day. And yesterday there was a new guy talking about DU. He had so much negativity for the game because of No mans sky. Stuff like that helps nobody. They do no research at all they just open their mouth and give their opinion without actully looking into the game. And because they are a little youtube famous people believe everything. Frustrating.
  18. Its ok man I am happy we cleared that up. On topic: The said truth is I dont think there is ever a good time for server dowtime. There is always someone who will suffer. Even more with 1 single shard. But perhaps with cloud tech server downtime will be less? Not sure I'm not a tech wizard.
  19. Excuse me? It was a harmless joke. Show me 1 post where I troll because good sir I never troll. Seriously go find it and call me out.
  20. Yes people will accuse me of being childish.???? Its not my fault you lack reading comprehension. I clearly explained that what you suggest is unfair. I also explained the problems behind uploading logo's. Even in an org it will be 1 person uploading the logo... Having only big orgs have the right to own a logo is dictatorial. You are not the supreme judge on what is silly and meaningless. And you have refuted none of my points. Just sayin'
  21. On the market I think you are right because I dont think NQ will allow DAC to be used as the price of goods. But in 1 on 1 deals for things that matter? I hope you are right and that I am wrong.
  22. Again who are you to decide what is stupid and means nothing? Just because you are in a big group you have the right to dictate stuff like this? Even if everyone has a logo the logo of big groups will still be recognised. Dont you see how silly it is what you are saying? And how about 2 people uploading the same logo? First come first serve, sure but manually checking all logo's costs time and money. How about a logo that nobody has used in 2 years? The owner looses it? No offence but you are not thinking this through. Its either for everyone or noone. Pixel art editor is the most fair solution but that takes time and money. And so on...
  23. With all of that said and seeing valid points on both sides. What fun is it going to be when people start asking for DAC as payment? Sorry I dont see the fun in that Dual Universe is supposed to be seperate from real life. Paying in DAC is literally breaking the 4th wall. To me, thats not fun. Regardless of my ability to afford DAC.
  24. Doesnt matter. You think your picture isnt stupid because you are in a big group? And it is ALL about the same rights. Dont care if you disagree. Sorry, but not really.
  25. Sorry but it is unfair to restrict it to organizations. It is either for everyone or noone.
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