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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Lethys

  1. I suppose this rule is to check if the quality of the text comes mostly from the proofreader or the original writer?


    Just to make sure I understood things properly: each version is to be submitted in a different topic? Or is it only one topic with both texts? If it's the first option: should we add a [Pre-proofread] tag or something?


    And thanks for this contest, I absolutely love writing on this kind of subjects!

    That also removes the chance of stealing your text. I can't see why you should open two topics, just stick to one. First post your original text. Send it to a native speaker, get the revised text back and post a second comment with the revised text. No need for people to spreading their story on different threads, only adds confusion
  2. just to quote nomad here:




    Hi guys, 


    Here are more details about the rules for the Character Name reservation: 


    • It must be 3 to 20 characters long. 
    • Only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, hyphen-minus (or dash), single quotation and some accented letters are allowed. 
    • Allowed accented letters are: IÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞĂĄĆČĎĘĚĞİŁŃŇŐŒŘŚŞŠŢŤŮŰŴŶŸŹŻŽȘȚẀẄẞỲiàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþăąćčďęěği̇łńňőœřśşšţťůűŵŷÿźżžșțẁẅßỳ 
    • Space, hyphen-minus and single quotation characters are not allowed as the first or last character. 
    • There cannot be two or more consecutive spaces, hyphen-minuses or single quotation characters.
    For those who asked, it means you can create "First Name + Name" character names or "Nickname only" type if you prefer. 



    plus the SAME were postet with the survey.


    so YES a last name is allowed but not needed.

    It was clearly written, I really don't know why people always jump to conclusions and don't read the texts properly

  3. Hi there,


    I will upload my story next week after me and some friends read it again and made sure that there are no major logical mistakes in it and lore problems.


    Short facts:

    - 9 pages

    - 7.092 words

    - backstory of Lethys

    - year: 2525 - 2535

    - city: unknown, possibly somewhere in europe


    As a roleplayer, all my characters need some kind of backstory. Why they behave like they do, how they see the world and so on. Since I deeply believe that NQ should provide the details of the lore, I tried to be as vague on those parts as possible but nonetheless I described the "side effects" of such an event and what would possibly happen on earth during those last few years.


    The only thing I made up myself is that implant in our heads for skill training. As a teaser for my story, I will further describe what I mean in a short post by the end of the week.


    To keep this thread clean and in order to publish this as I want it to be, I ask you not to answer to this thread. If you want to know something about the story, my writing, some other info, please write a pm. I will answer those alongside the teaser this weekend.


    Looking forward to read other stories

  4. how so?  Doesn't prevent them in any way I can see.


    Don't project what you want onto what is.  We have what they've shown us and nothing more.  People projecting their hopes and dreams onto something and then being presented with the reality that was always there but they refused to see is how we got No Man's Sky.


    then prove him wrong by linking your evidence?

  5. It would be really boring to you.


    This is the only reason I really liked battlegrounds in WoW. I had the option to engage in PvP when I wanted to, on my terms. The rest of the time, I remained un-flagged and delightfully 'safe' in my heavy RP guild on one of the best RP servers there was.


    And Star Trek Online lured me in with the dream of sailing off to undiscovered wonders....but everywhere I went, there was nothing but combat missions. It took less than a day before I shut the program off and never fired it up again.


    For me, it was about options. I could enjoy my simple, peaceful life until I craved a bit of action. Once I'd had my fill, I could go back to my peaceful life. As long as a game can give me the option to engage in the kind of gameplay I'm looking for, I'll play it. As soon as I'm compelled to engage in something I don't find enjoyable, well...I've got better things to do with my time.


    funny, same story here with SE. total boring crap - no fun at all with no pvp.


    You have options though - stay in the safe zone. But you won't find rare minerals there to build a ship (or just buy them later on). NQ forces players to go outside (which is good btw - leaving your comfort zone), band together, form groups, protect each other,... to get those resources. Emergent gameplay and stuff

  6. Hey Aeon o/

    Welcome to DU! And I agree with Lethys: BOO is probably a good place for you. BOO has an active EVE Alliance and do roams on a fairly regular basis.


    There also several other groups that might match what you are looking for, so I recommend looking around, meeting people and asking questions.


    Fly safe o7

    WTF did I write and where? Oo

    You really should check your eyes mate ;)

  7. Yeah, you are right. I already said, it would be more actual for beta (mid/late), to make great advertisement program. It was also actual before kickstarter, but there was no opportunity to do something like that.


    P.S: It was said there are a lot of great works already presented. Could you show at least few constructions (made by author of the post), not just pictures from internet?

    Honestly, I didn't see any examples of great works made by anyone from this community in construction game.




    Well many will only start building in alpha...and I don't see anyone claim saying they made wonderous things already

  8. Thunderdome ftw.


    No, seriously: why reset the world? If you lose everything, you just start over?

    No need for a restart, you know when you commit to such a fight that everything is at stake

  9. In a game as this there is no better way than a oligarchy or monarchy. Someone has to be in charge and has to have the last word. Democracy is good and all on a lower basis of the org but the leader should always be a kind of dictator who has the last word on everything. True democracies won't function in a game

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