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Everything posted by Violet

  1. Violet


    Detecting the curvature of space time caused by mass would be my lore friendly way of detecting ships at ftl
  2. People who just want to build in peace and do some mining will be able to do so in the ark areas. I suspect a lot of early game orgs will have there HQs in the ark areas but their operations out in the world until travel times get too excessive to justify going back and forth. I just hope what happens on long lived multiplayer minecraft servers that the spawn area becomes a strip mined wasteland or an abandoned city of derelict houses doesn't happen to DU.
  3. I think introducing smaller core units for "decorative" items might be a nice idea down the road
  4. Balancing mechanics is something that's an on going process in mmo, if one organisation gets too powerful the devs could either tweak the game to give underdogs an advantage or if it was really bad spawn in an asteriod going towards the capital
  5. The interesting dynamic is that unlike real life people can just leave and start a new colony or tribe unless you get some really despotic ruler who physically traps players in game. Actually that would be really cool.
  6. You should be able to specify that a contract is voided if they go offline or after a certain time limit and you should be able to set the maximum number of people who can have the contract at the same time. With a flexible enough system you could do lots of interesting things, like payments at certain times and requirements to deliver certain items. advances, security bonds etc.
  7. You are quite correct, what I should have said is halving the space or doubling the resolution. I made a voxel style "minecraft" clone in unity and I implemented the marching cube algorithm to create a polygon mesh, I was using a 20cm voxel "size" and my world files were huge (2gb) for a 2km square area. I read the paper on Dual Contoring and its very exciting but it does have its limits on fidelity
  8. The way I would like mining to work on planets is that common ores (iron.aluminium etc) are very common in small quantities at the surface and rarer but in much larger quantities deep down. When players are new, they can get all the resources they need to advanced from collecting on the surface and cave diving however larger orgs will need to use team work and deep core scanning to locate large deposits deep down that will be more profitable. Typical once locating it will take many hours to dig to the depth of a deposit but once there you are there you have rich seams that you can mine for weeks. Brings in some interesting dynamics with people breaking into other peoples mines to get a free ride, people might want to prevent non-org people from entering the mine.
  9. If it has implications on gameplay there has to be limit, specifying it has to have a exhaust makes sense. I hope they create some "naked" versions that you can incase in as much or as little armor and make it look cool. I want a cockpit that is just a seat and a joystick so I can build whatever type of canopy I like or be totally open to space.
  10. It's a good principle for game design. I'm not sure how much equipment there is actually going to be in the game but yes the game should be based around mechanics that create multiple strategies. In terms of end game its going to be around PVP and which faction has the best designed ships to counter the ships there enemy is using.
  11. Halving the size of a voxel increases memory by a factor of 8. There has to be a trade off in term of storage and network traffic. That video was very impressive but its only storing surface information on each point, it does not need to stores what the insides of the wall are made from. One day when we all have petabyte hard drives and 10 GB network connections it will be a amazing Thought the guy was being very cocky talking about his tech
  12. Player issued currencies could work once factions get established but i have to imagine that there would be a lot of people who have not learned about hyperinflation and would piss a lot of people off my making them broke overnight. I don't really like the idea of there being any npc's in the game and having a currency brings up a lot of problems with how you bring it into existence when the only people to buy and sell to are other players. I don't really like the idea of the ark ship buying stuff from you that seems kind of lame. Minting gold into coins sounds like a good idea.
  13. Yeah some sort of system by the game to enforce player contracts will make things a lot easier. It should be configurable, you pick a bunch of criteria for success and invalidation and then game takes the reward items into escrow when it is issued. This would stop most of the scamming that would put people off and could be pretty much automated with a builtin board in public locations
  14. 1000 people signed up! Nice! Day 1 and you will have huge groups of people getting out of the ark ready to found your first city.
  15. Heat has been mentioned as a limiting factor and something like 2km of depth on planets
  16. Violet


    Would be pretty cool to have your ships enemy tracking and targeting implemented in lua. Brings up some question how much information would you provide to lua? Would your sensor just provide mass and a direction or do you give full information like its a ship owned by such and such? Would be cool to have a transponder element that you could place on your ship so that you could choose to identify yourself (or not) and perhaps you could build ships with a low heat signature so that it reduces the detection range. You could go "silent running" so that you are less visible if pirates are about (or wait in hiding where you know someone will be ) In fact you have a whole active verses passive scanners thing going on which will be interesting. You could have a narrowly directed active scanner for checking stuff out in the distance that you trigger manually so you don't expose yourself and then a all round passive scanner looking for people who might be approaching
  17. I really like the sound of this, a lot of thought has been put into this. Does seem a bit premature making all kinds of decisions about political structures and everything when the game is pre-alpha. Looking forwards to seeing how this evolves when the game starts.
  18. Sorry for resurrecting an old thread. The 2km depth limit has been bounded around, I don't think people appreciate how deep that is, obviously going across the land it does not seem much but going directly down its a huge distance. The deepest cave in the world is 2,197 meters and expeditions have take up to a month to get down to that depth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krubera_Cave I suspect "spelunking" will be the activity of choice for new players who want to mine, building a city underground will be very cools but unless you are lucky and find a huge cave I suspect it will be incredibly time consuming excavating and disposing of thousands of tons of rock and gravel.
  19. This is pretty much how its been described in the videos, there will be a 20km radius safe area around the ARK where everyone spawns. This eventually will become the first city as people would naturally want to set up factories and shops in a safe area.
  20. Good day to you too I really hope what you are saying is true, ever play Factorio or Buildcraft MC. Would be amazing to have to plan out logistics and have it require skill to be efficient.
  21. Presumably to mine deep into the planet is going to require digging out a lot of rock and dirt, that needs to go somewhere and refining ores should not be a 100% efficient it should produce a waste slag at least at lower tech levels so that after a few days of operation you are going to have to start dumping waste into the world or build warehouses to store all of your junk. Burning coal and running refineries could create pollution as well that works like an expanding area that changes the colour of grass and makes the ground less fertile if there is going to be farming
  22. He means the territory claims. Devs stated there would be a Territory Unit that would have to be protected, so if a territory had been abandoned eventually the shield/energy would run out so it would be vulnerable and someone could break in an destroy the TU. We dont't know how expensive TU are going to be but I suspect that most territories would be controlled by medium to large organisations due to the cost, maintenece and defense required to keep them going. I suspect individuals will either build bases in the wild and try and keep them hidden or rent space in an organisations territory.
  23. If you have realistic g forces that's going to put serious limitations on how fast you can accelerating which will make intrasolar travel boring as hell hope everyone is prepared for multi hour trips to the moon
  24. Also when you build a station you can only place the static core module if you are in a orbit that does not go below the atmosphere and once deployed you cant knock it out of orbit either by accelerating it or crashing into it. As much as it would be cool to see an 8km ship crash into a city I think it would be game breaking
  25. You don't have to realistically simulate gravity to create realistic orbital mechanics. Yes if you wanted ships and stations to exert gravity on each other it would be a huge problem. You could have the planets and moons on a fixed orbital track and rotations and then have ships just be effected by the closest planet they are near to (or the nearest star between planets), other ships and other planets would have no effect. With just one source of gravity simulating and predicting the course of the ship would be easy for the servers. If you have a construct that is not accelerating just in an orbit that is stable you would not have to physically simulate the ship or send updates to clients you can predict for any future time exactly where it will be.
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