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Posts posted by Emptiness

  1. Quote
    • A ship will not be able to move more than 50m in total between accumulated uses of the tool. The distance between the start and end points is added at each run of the tool. The moved distance is reset after three minutes to ensure that players aren’t stuck forever. It is, of course, a per-construct limitation. 

    You do realize that a large core ship can be up to 128m on a side, yes? How does a flat 50m total make sense, given that info?


    Make it 250m total, instead. 


    Yet another change made by devs who don't play their own game.

  2. 28 minutes ago, GraXXoR said:

    This is the game, after all, where you have to synthesize marble from limestone and coal and convert coal from underground into wood while trees sit intangibly on the surface and dig down through miles of sand to reach quartz from which to make glass. 

    Just gonna quote this gem from Discord from ~1.5 months ago:


    Womble said: "Their materials science and geology is %&$#ed. Eff You Bee Ay Arrr. Quartz as the source for silicon, when there are oceans and oceans of sand. You can get Calcium out of Limestone, but not Carbon. Coal existing as discrete pockets all over the place on every planet. Viciously reactive metals and gases being used as structural materials, and Gold being the toughest armour. Hope they change much of this because it's just %$&#in' ridiculous when they're aiming at "plausibility" with their Newtonian physics and "complex" manufacturing chains, and adds nothing at all to gameplay."



    11 minutes ago, le_souriceau said:

    1) We have rocks (while its minimal amount), its regeneration still on paper.

    True. It's possible to surface mine up to 24k liters of T1 ore per hour, or 14k liters of T2 ore per hour. Tedious and boring, as well.

  3. 27 minutes ago, NQ-Naunet said:

    My pleasure!

    I apologize in advance, but I was forced to remove my 'like' of your second post here so that I could give it to someone else.


    45 minutes ago, NQ-Naunet said:

    The current limit appears to be set to 10 reactions per day, and I suspect it was set this way because reactions have an impact on everyone's forum reputation.

    I assume that this was put in place to prevent people from endlessly posting and liking each other's posts to inflate their reputation rapidly.


    What if there was instead a limit of reactions per unique profile per day, with a larger or uncapped limit for how many different unique profiles one reacted to?

  4. 14 minutes ago, Ninator said:

    And when you try to evaluate, WHY you need to mine that meganode, the only conclusion is, fear.

    Fear, that somebody else might take it away from you.

    You have to be first, or its gone.

    That is the driving force in this game.

    Reading that invoked a response in me of existential terror. Thanks for that.


    Nice way to cut to the heart of the primal question: Why?


    13 minutes ago, Ninator said:

    I have decided, that this game is not good for me. because of that. In eve online I can go on holidays, and rest assured, those belts

    will be fresh and juicy whenever I log back in to continue my gameplay.


    Same in World of Warcraft. I can stop my progression whenever I want, log out, have a good rest and sleep well, and continue my

    gameplay happily some days later.


    Not this game. this game destroys real life.

    Because its main gameplay is driven by this instinct, that one loses stuff when NOT playing.

    Agreed 100%.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Moosegun said:

    My point is that the profit you outline in that thread, could have been four times more, if you had used that ore and sold products to players.

    Not really. Did you watch the industry and container markets in early October? For a while, container Ls were at or slightly below bot buy order prices (so that one could buy from market and flip to a bot order and make a small profit). Some other T1 elements were in the same situation. It's only steel voxels driving ore prices up that have driven other element prices back up, as well, beyond the "sell to bot order, make more profit than selling to players" threshold.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Moosegun said:

    Nothing to do with ore prices.  The bot BUY price is literally designed to be very low, just above basic ore cost price.  So if you sell to bots, you are making only slightly more money than selling the ore.  Instead, if you choose to sell to players, and sell a product with no player competition, you can list it for just under bot SELL price, which is around a 400% markup.  So basically you are making four times the money from the same ore......... 

    Uh, no? Did you forget about this thread I created? You even posted in it. 

    Bot prices have never changed, and by never changing them, NQ is forcing T1 ore prices (and the prices of everything else) to rise to a certain level.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Moosegun said:

    NQ should just remove your easy option

    The better solution is to make bot orders be what I had originally thought they were, a last resort, and make them scale based on a moving average of player orders. If no player orders for a t1 item for a week, the bot prices for that item reset to original prices. Otherwise, they keep dropping until an equilibrium is reached.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Avonthorn said:

    The cost of losing out of an entire month or months of training pales in comparison to what amounts to loose change tou can find in your house/vehicle. 

    Please take that elitist attitude elsewhere. You don't know what their RL situation is like, and it may be a significant amount of money to them.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Nightranger said:

    The game is nothing like it was advertised, or made out to be, Which ultimately after 3 months, still is nothing near it, as such I feel really really played by NQ here. Was promised a blank canvas instead, Hundreds of Industry parts were injected into the game, was promised a player made economy, Instead Bots were put out and 100k quanta daily given out....

    Yep. The nonsense I describe in this post is still going on nearly 2 months later, injecting quanta into the economy without purpose or end. Bot orders should scale to a weekly average of player orders, not be a static price floor/ceiling... Bot buy orders for steel honeycombs are still at ~360q apiece, driving hematite prices to 34q/l and the other t1s to 24q/l+ thanks to the t1 component bot buy orders.


    11 minutes ago, Nightranger said:

    The way NQ have handled some players also was a HUGE turn off for me, Like Ban people for desecrating a marketplace in a sandbox environment, due to their own RDMS mistake, but haven't banned known exploiters/griefers

    They said it was to save face. They only shamed themselves with their reaction.


    11 minutes ago, Nightranger said:

    There is no ai missions to do, to fill the gaps when standing around twiddling your thumbs waiting for parts to refine/produce.

    QFT. I'd try my hand at building ships but the building system is still woefully inadequate. I'm not spending dozens of hours learning 'voxelmancy' when a decent editor or even importing models from Blender would be lightyears better.


    11 minutes ago, Nightranger said:

    Played through the server downs, and the server ups, But all this game is, Is a mining simulator, and for those who stick it out, then yes you can build something for an hour, before you go back to mining.

    The game sorely needs ship based mining solutions. Sitting and staring at a meganode auto mining / clicking every 2s for hours on end is not good gameplay and was starting to cause Repetitive Stress Injuries before I quit.

  10. 34 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    8 weeks ago (in an email sent out 1st October)  NQ said that this extra month (provided your sub started between at the latest 26 September) woud be added "in the next few weeks". I would agree we're well past a few weeks here and NQ needs to speak up on this.

    Made a post in General. Let's see if NQ reply. 


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