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Everything posted by Quinn23

  1. This is what I would like to see also. I think it would be cool if there were several arkships on a single planet in completely different regions so that as we explore and as a civilizations and governments start to form and embed themselves, we encounter other players weeks and months down the road that started from a completely different ship, e.g., a ship in Eastern Europe, Alaska, South Africa, South America, and Australia. Expand it further, and not only are there multiple ships on a single planet, but there are starting arkships on different planets. To me, that would be cool.
  2. I like having the choice. When I am building and designing--and many people will be at various times--I don't see how this works well as a multi-player activity. In exploring, hunting, gathering resources, and in warfare and settling a new location, I prefer multi-player and for me that is how it works best. I don't think it is a question of people wanting to pay a subscription to play by themselves. I think it is a simply people recognizing that there are times when they will not need or perhaps even want others participating in their current activity. Of course, this is all completely separate from communications. In some games, I have seen people log on and their avatar never even moves as they chat with people for hours.
  3. I plan on trying to build a transit network with stops at areas that are identified as high value by proximity to resources or a hunting grounds or something like that, if the system allows for that kind of construction
  4. WOW. Definitely better than anything I could do. The first one kind of looks like a star destroyer crossed with the beam ship from TRON. They look good. Thumbs up.
  5. The beauty of an MMO is that you have the choice to do solo or group. Sometimes I get on and I am at an odd hour and the people I normally like to play with aren't around. I might have two or three groups, but they simply aren't available. Or, they might have already started something and be on the far side of the galaxy to where it would take me a half-hour to reach them. They might be running a battle and I'm not in the battle mood so I just decide to continue building the home base. Having the choice is definitely a positive.
  6. I will be one of these. I don't know the first thing about code, but I enjoy designing and building. I'd simply give the coder the option: If the design would embarrass them, don't include their name. If it doesn't embarrass them, include their name. Credit where credit is due, unless they opt otherwise. I always like to have a choice.
  7. I like simply being omniscient.
  8. I've always disliked this. For me, the less information given, the better. If we are going for immersion, you're right, they most likely would not know your name, or how much damage you could take, or your class (just generalized examples), much less everyone elses's
  9. @ CaptainTwerkmotor Each person is different and each have their own preferences. This is mine. My opinion is simple: it would be nice to have both available. I am championing choice. You can have both in the game. It has been done before. It will be in the future. Just because it isn't your preference does not mean it is not a valid option.
  10. I don’t actually know who JQ23 – Winston is, or was. He was dead when I found him, the victim of a mugging in the chaos of what was being left behind. People faced with the impending and yet still acting out of primitive greed, the reptilian emerging for last effort of fulfilling basic needs, but looting and murder are seldom basic. Some people might consider it barbaric, but I noticed the identi-chip his predators overlooked, or left behind. Whichever it was, it was an opportunity. The blood was easy to come by. Winston was bleeding out on the pavement. The eye was a little more difficult. Several minutes went by, maybe half-an-hour before I could bring myself to excise it from the socket. But it was needed. Without the eye as a template, I couldn’t make the contacts, and it had to be before the eye clouded over. Some might call it luck that I found him there, fresh and still warm. There is no such thing as luck. Preparation and opportunity are deliberate. Boarding had just passed the halfway point when I arrived in the throng, a sea of people escaping a sinking ship. I figured this was the best time, when the gate-keepers were most complacent, making cursory security checks but really looking for the end of the shift because everything had become routine. A scan of an embedded chip, a prick of a false thumb-pad, a scan of a well-crafted contact lens, and Winston was just another rat. I couldn’t help but think of him lying there on the pavement, a victim of the mindlessness that accompanies the end of the world. Maybe he was the lucky one. A quick death. It might have been painful. He might have been frightened. But it was quick. At least he wouldn’t have to wait, watching death approach from a million miles away, and then a hundred-thousand. No one would ever see it actually hit the Earth, by then gravity would have probably been distorted and the planet would have started to break up, or not. I’m not a scientist. I don’t know these things. But I do know no one would still be alive, and definitely not Winston.
  11. A mass driver on the other end takes care of the supply retrieval problem. It becomes a method of two-way shipping between two planets that doesn't involve the necessity of a ship. Of course, it does require accurate calculations and knowledge of the current and relative future placement and movement of celestial bodies. IMO, a more complex system. If deliveries get lost, no one will use the service.
  12. Most of what you have presented is opinion based on your experience. YOU might find it not to be immersive. But that is your experience, not mine. I do not find it to be the case. The question is, why do you want to force people who like 3rd POV to use 1st POV? You'll notice that I made statement for me and only me in my original post. Your statements do not seem to be directed that way, but rather as universal statements of facts, which they are not because I disagree with them which eliminates both the universal and the fact part of it. It is all opinion. What I am suggesting is offering the option of using third or first. It allows people to have the choice, not forcing them to use a POV they do not favor. And since the devs have stated they are looking at the possibility, then they too realize that terms like outdated and outmoded do not apply and see that there exists a personal preference with each end-user.
  13. I need third. IRL I can see my body when I look around and am aware of it. In a first person, because I don't have that reference, I am prone to motion sickness, and it just bothers me because it isn't normal. I have a 210 degree arc of vision. The game is unable to provide for that in first person, so it causes a major disconnect for me to which my body compensates as motion sickness (true story, your brain translates motion sickness as though you have been poisoned, that's why it creates nausea to make your body purge). I need third person, otherwise, I can't play the game for more than a couple of minutes at a time. It is easy enough to do. You just offer the choice per player.
  14. A mass driver. Ships better stay out of my delivery lane. Who needs a rail gun when I have a shipping container?
  15. I think they said everything will be flight or hover.
  16. I plan on making underground facilities, underwater facilities, and though I am less interested in it, floating facilities, and then there is also the orbital facility. I wonder if it will be possible to make a mass driver.
  17. I'd like a personal teleportation pad to be able to move between my properties on different planets.
  18. @yamamushi Following your model, the skill level might also affect the type of ore you can find in an area. At higher levels with a sensor or similar skill, you can detect ores that are deeper in the ground or have a weaker signature. And then with the mining skill, the efficiency of mining and the quality and quantity of the ore increases. This would decrease the necessity of a forced move due to dwindling resources. If time is spent making a homestead, a town, a city, I don't want to waste all my resources building something that isn't viable to begin with, especially when trying to make an area secure (PvE vs PvP).
  19. I hope so. It was the first MMORPG I played and in many ways, because of the ways they did skills, crafting, magic and so many things when it originally came out, I still feel it was mechanically, procedurally, and simply thought out, the best and I have played a lot since then.
  20. Asheron's Call was like that. There was another, a sci-fi themed one that came out shortly after that. In neither game were maps or mapping or a fog of war provided. The world was so incredible large that a fog of war wasn't necessary. The dungeons and grounds and stuff you just memorized and no two locations (out of literally hundreds), were identical. It also originally had the best magic and the best crafting systems I've ever seen. Unfortunately, they streamlined stuff and it isn't near as good as it once was. But to say how good it was, it is still running and it was introduced in 1999. But, they stopped content updates in 2014.
  21. I didn’t have anyone to program into the computer to greet me when I woke up. It was supposed to be a luxury, something to ease us back into life after our deep freeze, a friendly voice. From the faces I saw, it was anything but. There were more tears and anger than anything else. The few popsicles who were able to freeze with someone they loved, or at least someone they knew, they had it better. For me, the metallic computer voice was a luxury. I didn’t have to think about anything left behind, not that I had anything or anyone to leave behind. It was pure luck I got on the ship. They were calling them arks, I remember there being some kind of uproar about naming the ships after a specific religious foundation. Some thought it insensitive considering how many different religions there were. But they were wrong. Most people didn’t know what an ark was, a temporary river boat. Something to get from here to there and then to throw away. That’s what these were, temporary river boats. Only the river was space and here was our planet, Earth, about to be destroyed. There was God who knows where. And who the hell knew how long it would take us to get there. Would we even know? Would the computer tell us? Did it matter? It’s funny how people find religion when they are faced with extinction. I was never a religious man. Not that I didn’t believe in something. I just didn’t know what I believed in. I heard more than one person thanking Allah, others Yahweh, and a multitude of other gods. I didn’t know who to thank. My freezer was marked JQ23 – Winston. That was someone from the past. It wasn’t the future. It sure as hell wasn’t me. None of the people here would know Winston, nor would they know me. I didn’t want to know either. But I'd take my name from the freezer marker, my one acknowledgement of the events that lead to this fortunate point. A new planet. A new chance. A new life. I’d call myself Q23.
  22. Hiring people to make a delivery run from point A to point B would be a nice option for newbies just starting to expand. It would give them an opportunity to make a fee while they move to the next area. Also, a mass driver could be an option in which only time would be a consideration, and possible logistics depending on how dynamic they make planetary orbits and star locations.
  23. It all depends on how they implement the crafting process. I could build power plant with a grade A (quality) coupler and it would have a particular efficiency rating. However, if I used a grade B coupler (lower quality) the power plant would have a lower efficiency rating. Honda and Yugo are two cars. They both have essentially the same parts. But the Yugo is a poorer quality car and has a lower efficiency. The two, quality and efficiency do not necessarily relate. But both perform the same function: getting from point A to point B. Compare the same Honda to a Delorean . There is a major price difference and some people would say the Delorean is the better vehicle. But the truth is, the Delorean is a lower quality vehicle with a higher speed efficiency but a lower fuel efficiency and a lower design quality for mechanics, replacement, and maintenance, especially for stop and go traffic. Again, they essentially have the same components and perform the same function, but the quality and efficiency of the components make a difference in the whole. The only areas the Delorean has higher efficiency is in acceleration and top speed (maybe handling, I don't know). Cosmetics are a matter of opinion. I personally think they look ridiculous. But that is just my opinion. Quality and efficiency are another matter. They usually put the efficiency on the window. Quality can be judged by the cost and frequency of maintenance and repair.
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