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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by FD3242

  1. FD3242

    FR ?

    Ouais, c'est un peu idiot. En utilisant Google traduit espérons que ce n'est pas un tas de gibberish.
  2. Very similar to MinerMax555 idea but you explained how it would work so I like it now.
  3. I think losing your skills is a bad idea simply because it would not be fun. But maybe some other less extreme penalty. Like a time period where all your skills are lower this would stop people from just respawning and hoping right back into the battle. Also it could be explained by cross dimensional travel makes you a little out of it. I really do not think this will work well in a fun sense though.
  4. Wow from scratch. I can not even make a straight line, as you can see from my profile pic.
  5. I just noticed that I can not change my email on my Community portal Account when I use to be able to. Just wondering if anybody knows why.
  6. 25:00 in he will explain this. :edit My mistake I thought he explained it there.
  7. FD3242

    Gas Planets

    What if there small ?
  8. I had understood that you built warp probes like any other ship. Edit: But that was just a assumption.
  9. No that's not what I mean, I mean more like the paint bucket from Microsoft paint.
  10. I was just thinking of this scenario. A faction has just made a warp bridge connecting to another system. This system happens to be very rich in some rare ore which gives them a major economic advantage over there enemy's. One of these enemy's Manages to destroy there warp bridge. What happens to the players on the other side? They separated from the rest of the Known universe in till one side is able to setup a new warp bridge and from what I understand that could take a long time. I just wont yo hear your options on this. how do you think this would play out?
  11. Paint Bucket. Yea exactly I forgot what it was called.
  12. A tool that changes the color of all connecting voxels of the same color and material to a new color. Hopefully that was clear.
  13. I was wondering if you have to place territorial units above ground or if it can be anywhere. Because I can imagine it would be really annoying to find them if they where underground.
  14. i think they should make it have the passive skill training but you can speed it up by doing that activity
  15. That's not why i think it be a good idea for them to do it. I think it would bring in a lot of new players and help keep people active while we wait for that beta. Again if its a good idea depends on how long it would take to make. Also a lot of people do not know voxel building is not a new thing in fact i have seen more people worried that the voxel building will not work then the server technology
  16. This would be very difficult to implement and taxing on the servers. So i do not think so
  17. FD3242


    From what i understand blueprints are stored in your charter but resources probably.
  18. I am not asking for a full game demo I am asking for a part of it a part that from the looks of it is complete enough to show the public. Just the building part nun of the components need to work they do not need to have the planets not even working ships or anything else really just a empty void where you can mess around with the voxel theology something to keep the player base active while the actual game develops. I do not see why this would not be possible. Sorry if i sound a little mad its just that when ever i post a idea it is immediately thrown away.
  19. Well that is understandable. But i still think it would be more beneficial then not. We really do not know how hard it would be to make it. It might only take them a few hours but it might also take weeks in witch case probably better to just work on the full game.
  20. I do no think your getting my point. They need something to keep there community active because at some point people are going to get bored of game play trailers and interviews so they will start to forget the game. It would be worth it because of the amount of players they would save/bring in. It could also re-insure a lot of people that the game technology works. Charging 10 or so dollars for it is fine with me.
  21. I know about that i was hoping they would be able to release that before the actual game to keep people interested. At the least a dumbed-down version.
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