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Posts posted by Astralator

  1. Very borderlands esque to me, I like it. Just slight suggestion though, I feel it would look "cleaner" if the bottoms of the "A" merged seamlessly with the circle. 


    Minimalism is becoming the popular with logos/brands these days. I think someone explained it to me like "debranding". Something to do with customers not trusting companies if their logo had a lot of stuff going on with their brand. To be fair though, it does look better. Less is more!



    Thank you for the feedback : ) I guess I could merge the A with the circle... It would just look even more borderlands-esque then. (And I am not sure if I want that.)

  2. This is actually a really interesting question I hadn’t thought off before. The handling of sound within an atmosphere seems more like a technical detail to me (I presume it will fall off with the inverse square of distance, or something like that). But due to DU’s nature the devs might actually need to make some tweaks for massive amounts of players – nobody wants a mess of white noise or broken sounds if they are in a room filled with players.


    What I think is more interesting though is sound in space – this has gameplay and atmosphere ramifications, depending on the level of realism the team at NQ is going for. Personally I would prefer no sounds in space – but there are reasons for why one might opt against that.

    Does anybody have info from NQ about this?

  3. So say I want to have a shipping company organization to make money bringing things to people.



    You can buy goods without having to be next to the pick up location.


    I remember NQ saying that markets will definitely work that way (stating that this will encourage local marketplaces with shorter shipping times). From this point of view your shipping company definitely makes sense.


    I don’t know anything about the whole “quest”/task system, but maybe someone else has information about that.

  4. A D   A S T R A   E N T E R P R I S E

    - Quality. Innovation. Together. -





    Executive Summary (aka tl;dr) :

    Ad Astra (Latin: To the stars) is a construct/spaceship brand that brings designers and retailers together, to allow you to zoom around with a quality set of (rocket) engines. Anybody should be able design or sell Ad Astra Constructs, and you can still be a member of any other organization: Just apply Here. Feel free to flick me a PM as well. 

    Also Feedback is appreciated. Thanks : )




    The Idea:


    Let's say your a spaceship designer, and you have just build an amazing ship. You will probably want to sell it (well, the blueprint), in order to make cash and build even more amazing and bigger things. Also, wouldn't it be great if hundreds of people flew in your creation... So you set up a shop. You sell a couple ships. Time passes by. You start thinking: What if there was a better way? What if I could make a lot more money? What if a lot more people could enjoy my amazing ship?


    This is where Ad Astra comes in: After a quality check we buy your blueprint and distribute it to our retailers across the galaxy. Whenever a ship is sold, you get a percentage of the price. This way you can sell your ship to a lot more people then you could have done before, and make more money.


    Let's say your a salesman, a miner. You have the machinery, you have the resources. All you need to do, is make the max profit out of them. It did not take you long to figure out that constructs are a lot more valuable than raw resources, and so you set up a shop. You sell a couple ships. Time passes by. You start thinking: What if there was a better way? What if I could make a lot more money? How do my customers know that they can rely on my ships?


    This is where Ad Astra comes in: Just become a member (you are still free to be part of any other organization) and you are granted the license to sell Ad Astra brand ships. Now your customers know that they can rely on the quality of your builds, and you are able to sell ships that you could not have build yourself, under a known brand. Do you hear that? That's the sound of profit.


    Let's say your an Explorer, Fighter, or just having fun (You should. Otherwise you would be wasting your time). Personally, you have a certain interest in staying alive. Also in quality ships. Good looking ships.


    So guess what: You go to your local Ad Astra salesperson. You buy an amazing design. You take off and blow stuff up. Now you can say to your friends: “I'm flying a double A.” Or “I'm flying an Astra.” Or whatever you want to say.



    What to do? Join Us.


    So what the fu... fudge is Ad Astra?

    We are a brand. That means that any member can sell our approved ship models. I expect there to be more brands, and I expect every brand to have a unique look and selling point.


    But Astralator, I hear you saying : That's not quite how a brand works in real life.

    Well my fellow Forum member: it actually kind of is. Also this is Dual Universe, and I have just decided that this is a brand in Dual Universe.


    The detailed Stuff:

    So how is this entire thing going to work in detail? Well the game is sort of kind of not quite ready yet, and when I know more I might decide to give specific policies. I do already have several solutions for issues like: Intellectual property, paying everybody and ensuring that no money gets “lost”, quality control, distribution. If you think that there is an issue I have not thought about, feel free to comment, I am happy to discuss.


    I also created a YouTube channel where I will release promotional videos once Ad Astra has created and sells their first ship models.


    Ad Astra

    Dual Universe

    YouTube (not much to see yet)

    Become a member


    All feedback and suggestions appreciated : )



    Powerd_Vulture.png          Aether_P.png

  5. Interesting. Your organization has quite a different feel ('vibe') from the other ones on this forum, Aetherios.

    I'm interested to see what kind of members you will attract.

    Hope I will one day see and interact with all the organizations that already appeared for DU in the game.

  6. I suggested something like this in the devthread that outlined the virtual reality thing they have planned so you can design and build stuff in safety. I suggested just making it so you could play that offline if something like your internet goes out (yes that does happen for people) you can still play but it won't really affect other people except that you put time into making a design same as you would have if you had done it on the server.


    From the Dev Blog:


    "Virtual Simulator: enabling player to enter a virtual world (call it “inception syndrome”!). While in that virtual space, the player would be able to design any construct, in a completely peaceful setting. This would help builders to design their construct and create their blueprints safely, without being interrupted by any PvP action. For ships, it will also be possible to test their flight mode, without risking a crash or wasting resources!"


    Although, in several other places the devs talked about how building/designing a construct should be a difficult task. A 'virtual reality' would make actual design way easier. I personally think that building will be done in safe spots, like suggested in the dev blog. 

  7. As I said to another fella in another thread.



    " Whatever MMO compared to Dual is like comparing sugar and cocaine. Sure, both are made the same way, but only one of them is on crack ."


    This game is gonna devour my life, I know it. ^_^


    By the time I should be able to play DU I should be in/finishing uni or trying to get a job...






    I'm screwed.

  8. Exactly. Emergent and organic. You scam someone? That someone might want revenge. Might send people after you. Might even have your account ID to tell when you are online on alt characters. Boom, faction wide K.O.S. on bounties and banned from being traded. Perhps a faction could "paint" an individual to be seen by its members with a red name to signify a hostile target towards them. Who knows.


    Certainly. With all the freedom the devs are planning to give to us, and all the aspects of the world that are supposed to arise organically, Dual Universe is effectively one giant social experiment. A MMOSE you could say. I am really interested to see how people behave, and how much the subscription (A PLEX system actually) changes the peoples normal online behavior.

  9. This is actually an interesting question. Space Engineers recently stopped setting the oxygen system as a default, as it caused heavy performance losses (Like anything in SE, it feels like). Oxygen in a mesh (like a cockpit) seems straight forward - but pressurizing an entire voxel spaceship brings a number of issues. The cheap way out here would be to integrate some sort of 're-breather' in the player characters suit, and call it a day...


    Has anyone posted this as an ask us everything question?

  10. The devs of dual universe seem to take emergent gameplay and mirroring certain real world social structures very serious – It would only be principled to allow “harmless” in – game scamming, instead of starting some anti – scam campaign that ends up restricting the game. Solid gamedesign should suffice, as said before. Besides, with lua, complex social structures, and the overall complexity this is no game for the lighthearted or some kid.


    Also, one reason more to form reliable alliances. Who is with me? :D

  11. This would be a logical starting point:




    I expect the Lua in Dual Universe to be akin to what is possible in From the Depths:




    Honestly, knowledge of programming (certain concepts and ideas) would already be a good starter. I'm more of a Java person with some Python ages ago, and I am well aware that Lua is something different. So we might all learn new skills while playing DU! : D


    Hope I could help.

  12. Welcome Astralator! Dual is shaping up to be a very exciting game.


    If you have not already done so, make sure you visit the dev blog and visit the media section to see more images and eye candy to help you understand the game even better!


    Take care!


    Thanks. I already read a good chunk of the dev blog, but had not looked at the media section yet.



    Welcome to one of the friendliest forums on the net and one of the soon-to-be greatest games ever!


    Let's hope it lives up to even three quarters of what is promised - can't wait for the next Videos from Novaquark



  13. Damn. I take my hat off (If I was to own one). An amazing and professional looking effort for a game that is not even in beta. Do you have any spots left? : D


    The Idea of representing a corporation/guild/group organization with music as well as logos seems like something for a real world business (not meaning to be devaluing here) – don't see it often in this context.

    Although – I don't quite see how the feel of the theme fits with the impression the visual (logo) and description gives here... might just be me though. : )

  14. Hey there


    I just learned about DU a couple days ago – and I have to admit what is promised looks pretty sweet. A dream game of sorts.

    So I spend some time reading around the internet and inevitably stumbled across this forum.


    For a pre-alpha game you guys make an impressively active community. And so I decided to make an account, to keep an eye on this game, because oh boy I do love ambitious projects.


    Looking forwards to hearing from everybody.




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