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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by DarkTemplar

  1. Quote


    The [Luminous] are the first group. They consider the main driving force to be knowledge and wisdom. They value science, industry and technology as the main sources of progress, and were heavily involved in the Rebirth Program, which led to the construction of the Arkships. They are, of course, very much respected for this even if some may criticize them for their all too rational take on things.
    The Alphas are the second group. For them, the main driving force is, well, … force. They believe that people will respond mostly to strength and balance of power. They favor military action as a way to control and orient the evolution of the world in an attempt to avoid chaos and prevent instability. Their intentions are good, but they often fall to scandals involved with their expeditious way of handling subtle situations.
    The [Ethereans] constitute the third group. They believe in the power of culture and arts. For them, humanity needs to be driven by dreams, beauty and ideals before anything else. This is what gives us meaning. They are not against more practical endeavors, but like to see these activities as a way to expand and support their vision. They have many supporters, but are also often criticized for their lack of pragmatic action.
    The [Emporium] is the final group. They believe in the power of money and commerce. They think that this has been the life and blood of human societies for millennia and, even if they will gladly regret it in private, they think this is nevertheless what gets the job done and can really set people in motion. Some point to them as a cause of an ever greater inequality, but they know how to silence critics and make people happy.



    We know of various cultures within Dual Universe that arrived within the last centuries of Earth. The Luminous, Alphas, Ethereans and the Emporium. Aside from this little tidbit of knowledge, not much else is known about them. While we await for Alpha to be released, why not have some fun and speculate. What drove these cultures to arise? Who would you side with. Maybe create some history for one of them. Each culture will have their own ups and downs and intricacies. I hope they're given a proper lore/background by NQ, and I'm looking forward to them being picked up by various organisations out there.


    I re-found this while trawling through the lore double checking things for another project. And spent a few minutes creating potential emblems for each culture for fun. Feel free to touch them up as there are definitely better artists than me and I used my laptop+track pad. Or come up with better designs.

    DU Culture.jpg

  2. 2 minutes ago, NQ-Nyzaltar said:

    Hi Raptor Jesus and welcome to the forum.


    While we can understand this organization has been created with fun in mind, this organization is not legit for several reasons:
    - Creating an organization referring to people existing in real life (even in a funny way) is not allowed ("Jay Cee").
    - Creating an organization referring to religion existing in real life (even in a funny way) is not allowed (Name "Jesus" with a clear christian connotation behind).
    - Moreover, making an organization to vow a cult to a living person (even in a funny way) is not allowed ("Church of Jay Cee").

    We can totally understand that these rules may appear pretty harsh, too serious, but these are the rules to avoid any unecessary conflicts or controversies and they should be respected.

    Therefore, this organization will be deleted soon and we ask you to change your display name.

    To make this perfectly clear, we will update both forum rules and community portal rules soon.


    Thank you for your understanding.


    Best Regards,



    Rules are rules I guess, and great to see them continue being enforced with orgs. You will live on in our hearts, @Raptor Jesus o7 

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