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Everything posted by Allammo

  1. It's not possible to plug keybord into Xbox? Or mouse what so ever? I'm pretty sure I've managed to plug both devices into Xbox. Don't get me wrong, I'm not console fan, in the matter of fact I hate em, but I've got one at my place and I haven't got any purpose for it expects for catching dust. So if it was possible to play DU on Xbox I wouldn't have to buy new computer for my girlfriend so she could play - I know, I'm terrible cheap cheap person :-D.
  2. Really? I always knew Xbox system is similar to Windows ang game conversion isn't so difficult (if game is prepared for easy control like Subnautica), but I didn't suspect MS can afford such reckless move. Maybe black box next to my TV will be something more than rather ugly deco-furniture. Do you know if steam along with steam games are going to be compatible as well?
  3. Empyrion like production chain? It works fine but I miss welding part... Production chain will be limited to nano-assembling cannon placed on players wrist, powered with players body energy (heat, maybe something else). Basically this cannon will be able to dig out raw materials and place anything if costs meet amount materials. Pure and simple... I kind of hate this idea. I'd rather to see complex production chain. I'm not sure if there gonna be any production block for bases/ships and that is also sad.
  4. Allammo


    Is it going to be sci-fi game or prediction, vision of possible future tech game? I'm just curious what wise man would say about main DU tool with micro backpack.
  5. I'm all for any voice chat ideas... And this one is particularly interesting, although I don't like 'indestructible' and 'placed by dev' part. Anyone have to be able to build their own stage, with speakers to cover larger area - of course for everyone who rather to keep their game filled with ambient sound, TS voices or own music there have to be easy 'mute everyone' around button (with countrol+button function of muting person you are currently aiming at). All against voice chat function would be happy along with everyone interested in endlessly emergent interaction with other people.
  6. Allammo


    It wouldn't be nice if there ware weapons of mass destruction, but we've got 'em in RL so I guess it should be in game as well. Nukes, death beams, any weapon of total destruction have to be super extreemly expensive, have to require ultra rare resources, build time have to be long. Whenever someone start to build goddess tool of destruction Ark ship should detect it and inform everyone that someone want to play God. Along with warning Ark should track place where 'Manhattan Project' is located so the good guys could kill mad creator and destroy started project before completion. Also anyone who use such weapon against property or human beings should forever be branded with shame mark plus there should be constant bounty on that person or group of persons. If not we will see how fast our world would vanish if childish, small people would have access to that kind of weapon.
  7. I'm not a programmer and I'll never be one. However since I've started to play SE, creative mode mostly I've learned in a short time thing or two. LUA seems to be much easier so I think everyone eager to build something amazing (all by himself) can learn it ;-). Fancy GUI is more than welcome but I hope I'll learn quick and stick to the code.
  8. Interesting idea. It wouldn't solve problem with close proximity conversation... Or maybe it could? General chat in area muting/tuning volume depending on distance from each other? This could actually be best solution, it wouldn't require any resources, after all server knows distances between players. Yea, great idea, everybody would be happy :-D.
  9. I want Groot branch like extending fingers, Cyclops death beam sight, Mystic figure taking skin and Pattinson environment resistant hairs!
  10. Or you can find yourself in real coffin 6 feets underground ;-).
  11. They will use such softwares cause they are reliable and familiar. However if DU will offer in-game reliable, easy tu use communication system people will turn their backs to external software. So if NQ will do it like other dev teams it will be pointless, but I believe they are smart and will do something as fresh as everything else. Interstellar communicator for all Ark passengers! It's no longer request it's demand :-D! I'll add something else. I like to play 7 days to die. Of course it has close proximity communication, push to talk system but for long distances you have to write or use TS, mumble, Skype, cell phone whatever works for you. Personally I use TS while playing in group... There is always problem with choosing server, one player rather to talk on this server, other on that. It's hard to find compromise in large group. Chanel usually has to be opened so anyone can come, friends, friend of other friend and so on and it's great but... Often people can play other games, sometimes they just want to talk, they are joining chanel and talking about something else, you can hear dinosaurs while shooting at zombies. It's not big problem but it's really annoying, it's hard to get into game so there is solution. Tell those other guys to get a hell outta here or leave by yourself. First option is OK, you don't have to do anything but other might be real pain in the ass. You press alt tab, you play alpha game, game crush... You know what I mean. Communication have to be in game for those who want to play it, if you want to use TS, fine, but certainly lot of players will not.
  12. .... Or you could die cause of age :-D.
  13. And that is why it should be implemented. Some of player adventures will be caused by misunderstanding due fatal conversations. There are lot of other advantages, not only for game it self but also for community. DU would encourage players to learn common language, they could have place to practice it for a tiny little price :-D. What else? Cities on planets like New London, Novaya Moskva, Nowa Warszawa and others inspired onto our well known cities. Nations, corporations bringing together mates from same country, culture. It would be great, really great to hear all languages on international market, hearing all this fancy accents. Maybe this game instead building walls would bring us all together, closer than ever. I can't see any cons against in-game voip, except for massive transfer and processor usage, but hey - communication can be handled by other server.
  14. Funny I can hardly understand English accent when it comes to English :-P. Of course when it comes to other accents I can understand almost perfectly. Lack of ability to understand other accents or languages shouldn't be obstruction for voice chat implementation.
  15. We will see what kind of solution developer team will implement. I'm surprised most people place voice system so low in priority. I understand some people might be intimidated by vocal communication, but no one suggesting forced opened microphone. Voice system, especially close range is required for having fun with interactions between players or group of players that are stranger to each other. I can't imagine such wonderful universe totally muted, vocally enclosed to sterile group of closest friends connected to some TS server, alt tabbing (or control tabbing) whenever they would like to speak with someone else, or even writing like hell trying to chase up text lines prompting really quickly. So my question to all 'low priority' fallowers is, how do you imagine communication in such game without decent voice chat system? How do you imagine conducting business with strangers? How do you imagine political discussions without it? If NQ want to succeed with all of their amazing ideas and plans it can't be done without immersive communication. That is my opinion, I've played a lot different titles and communication was always issue, just another limitation to feel endless fun of immersive gameplay.
  16. I'd like to see or rather hear voice through game system. Usually I'm using TS cause I haven't found good voice communication system in game. I believe competitive to TS chat system can be done in DU, even more, should be done as one of main feature! DU is going to be placed in distanced future so it's gonna be sci-fi game allowing players to move forward in time just to feel wonders of coming future. In this days you can talk to friend next to you and one in other country, continent even, and you don't need TS to start long distance conversation. So I suggest add cell-phone... Well not the one we know now, highly advanced sci-fi future, interstellar version of device people currently carry in pocket or purse. This way you could talk to strangers in a cities, on a markets, and call friends, or group of friends. Maybe even text to them, send picture or short video, possibilities are limitless. There might be redlines for warfare communication in guild/company/corporations bounds and other features TS doesn't have. Immersion is something that makes DU very special so this should be priority. Loose thought: I wouldn't mind to see such device with trend mark of one our current cell phone producer. In other words I haven't got anything against product localization to boost up game development, and I believe many companies would like to be seen in really successful game.
  17. Good to know Captain. I haven't tried Planetside 2 yet. But still I'm concerned about minimum requirements. Dragoon what do you mean 'farm money', as far as I know there is no magic wealth giving tree with dollars instead leafs :-D.
  18. Great. So my average laptop will not handle DU.. I'm not really interested into console version, but if any current console could handle this title my computer would handle it even better.
  19. That's not good. I was hoping NQ will implement lot of languages for alpha release. More languages, more players, more players, more money, more money... Well you know how it works. I'm concerned bout my girlfriend, she can't speak English and she don't want to learn - we've argued bout it couple times, believe me, it's pointless to try to convince her. Anyway, if game will be to complex she won't play, she won't play probably I'll have to stop thinking about this game, and couple of our friends cause we all play together. So please consider it or at least make it easy to translate so community could do that.
  20. That's not good. I was hoping NQ will implement lot of languages for alpha release. More languages, more players, more players, more money, more money... Well you know how it works. I'm concerned bout my girlfriend, she can't speak English and she don't want to learn - we've argued bout it couple times, believe me, it's pointless to try to convince her. Anyway, if game will be to complex she won't play, she won't play probably I'll have to stop thinking about this game, and couple of our friends cause we all play together. So please consider it or at least make it easy to translate so community could do that.
  21. I really really hope they will add wheel suspension. Flying is great but I like to keep myself on the ground whenever I can. That's true, wheels could affect server performance if you look into KSH game, however nobody expects physics MMO simulator, right? Physics needs to be at high level, that's true, but it don't have to be super advanced performance consuming feature. Impression in that case is more important than mirroring reality. For and advantage of wheel set there should be extremely low energy consumption. Energy is everything, saving it could be really fun part of the game. We will see what NQ will bring to us, I believe they have been testing other let say 'competetive' titles, they are aware of fun coming from one of the oldest human invention :-D.
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