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I have a specific, but sort of general, question about sensor granularity when it comes to DPU events and functions.  What level of granularity can we expect from various sensor systems for things like developing an AI-based targetting system?


For example, in the Lua DevBlog, the radar was mentioned with an enemyAt(x, y, z) event and the inclinometer would have our ship's getPitch() / getRoll() functions.  Let's say I am building a targetting AI for a laser-based weapon. I would simply use the current enemyAt(x, y, z) position for the target location as it would be very unlikely to combat at or near light speed.  


But if my ship is using a projectile weapons system with a bit of delay before reaching the target, I would need to program the AI to use the enemy position plus their current direction of movement and velocity, combined my my ship's current direction velocity to compensate and lead the gun appropriately to hit the target if they maintain their current speed and vector.


So, will things like getEnemySpeed(id) and getEnemyVector(id) functions be available from the sensor systems? Or will the gun DPU system have basic targeting and appropriate aim leading code already implemented for AI and human firing?


On another note, would there be a mechanism for rayCast targetting from a gun? ie. Checking in the direction the gun is pointing to find the collision position and ensure it isn't a point on my own ship, or a friendly ship before firing?


Sorry for all the technical questioning, but thanks for listening!


I have a specific, but sort of general, question about sensor granularity when it comes to DPU events and functions.  What level of granularity can we expect from various sensor systems for things like developing an AI-based targetting system?


For example, in the Lua DevBlog, the radar was mentioned with an enemyAt(x, y, z) event and the inclinometer would have our ship's getPitch() / getRoll() functions.  Let's say I am building a targetting AI for a laser-based weapon. I would simply use the current enemyAt(x, y, z) position for the target location as it would be very unlikely to combat at or near light speed.  


But if my ship is using a projectile weapons system with a bit of delay before reaching the target, I would need to program the AI to use the enemy position plus their current direction of movement and velocity, combined my my ship's current direction velocity to compensate and lead the gun appropriately to hit the target if they maintain their current speed and vector.


So, will things like getEnemySpeed(id) and getEnemyVector(id) functions be available from the sensor systems? Or will the gun DPU system have basic targeting and appropriate aim leading code already implemented for AI and human firing?


On another note, would there be a mechanism for rayCast targetting from a gun? ie. Checking in the direction the gun is pointing to find the collision position and ensure it isn't a point on my own ship, or a friendly ship before firing?


Sorry for all the technical questioning, but thanks for listening!


I like your thinking man, I dont see many people thinking in this detail this far ahead. 

I have been wondering similar question myself, primarily on target tracking and predictions. 


In short, we dont know. The one thing we do know is that projectiles will not have physical travel (at least it is not planned to be worked on and implemented in the game for now). Meaning they wont be shot from the gun into space and travel to the target, with the possibility of intercept and friendly fire. This was confirmed in the following thread. 



It would be nice to have the physical travel implemented, but I understand why they arent atm. But, with the dev blog mentioning scanners and targeting, it is assumed you at least need to tell your turret to shoot in the right spot. It will likely just be a hit or miss check instead. As far as will we have to factor in target predictions and tell the turret to fire in the right place, we dont know. It could be you just tell the turret to fire at enemy A and he does, hitting based on a given set of stats. We know LUA is there to interface systems, but still dont know the extent either. 


Regardless, I like your thinking, you would fit in with my group and some of the big ideas we are developing. 


Thanks for the vote of confidence. I hadn't seen that posting yet. It is good info, though to sad about the insta-shoot solution. I think that'll take away from the realism a fair bit, but I am sure they will come up with some acceptable lore piece to describe why the universe only has laser style weapons.


As I mentioned in my getting post earlier, I am really looking forward to trying DU out when it goes alpha, as it is almost a perfect match for a hobbyist game I have been working on, but will probably never finish. As a result of that game, I have a ton of ideas for things to build that fit well with DU, from what I've seen.


Thanks for the vote of confidence. I hadn't seen that posting yet. It is good info, though to sad about the insta-shoot solution. I think that'll take away from the realism a fair bit, but I am sure they will come up with some acceptable lore piece to describe why the universe only has laser style weapons.


As I mentioned in my getting post earlier, I am really looking forward to trying DU out when it goes alpha, as it is almost a perfect match for a hobbyist game I have been working on, but will probably never finish. As a result of that game, I have a ton of ideas for things to build that fit well with DU, from what I've seen.


No problem man, eventually youll spend your days on the forums like Nora and I to suck up any peice of info you can find.  

I agree it sucks, but I understand the reasoning. And maybe in a few years they will have a more realistic system when CPU clock speeds are higher. Until then it will be no different than EVE. 


I am with you there too, I have been dreaming of a game similar to DU for a long time. Even discussed developing it with a game programmer once, but neither of us had the skills to do it then. I am glad DU took on the challenge. 



So, will things like getEnemySpeed(id) and getEnemyVector(id) functions be available from the sensor systems? Or will the gun DPU system have basic targeting and appropriate aim leading code already implemented for AI and human firing?


Could you determine this using two radar positions at different timestamps? 


Theoretically, unless they turn between checks. That would depend on timing resolution on the radars and trickiness of the puppies pilots.


EDIT: Stupid autocorrect


Could you determine this using two radar positions at different timestamps? 

techniqually yes, if they allowed you to do that you could calculate the average change in the 3 directions over the time (which you would need some time keeper) and then calculate the possible new coordinates, but even then the opponent could be speeding up or slowing down which would make it a miss.


You wouldn't need two sensors to get the velocity it the sensors provide you with x,y,z coordinates. You just need to record the x,y,z coordinates at two different times, at a known time interval. The closer the two position updates are together the more accurate the snapshot. If you continuously do that you could output graphs of speed and direction.


A simple script that gets the target position and stores it as a variable, then gets the position a second time storing it as a second variable could work out the speed and direction of travel.


After that a bit of not so simple math could be done on those variables to determine the correct location to fire at.



The devs said LUA scripting so variables and math functions will be usable.


And you need a little background in matrix mathematics :)

If you've done any 3d programming that should be trivial :)

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