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5 hours ago, Greviouss said:

This is not your screen or a coding error, this is a DU LOD effect caused by too much screen activity in a relatively close area 

I am working on a version where the DB system is integrated with the touch screen system to reduce the number of monitors needed. You may also use zone detectors or pressure pads to use at or near your screens if they are positioned in such a way that they aren't all visible at the same time. This way you don't get the graphic glitch.

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This is the same LOD effect occurring because we have too many screens located too close to each other in this area...
This is on our custom box monitor scripts and the second shows it occuring on the other side of the wall from these on a management screen

this is not the developers fault, can he compensate for the lod effect, no i dont think so cause afaik theres no lua trigger when it starts occurringunknown.png





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14 hours ago, Foregotten said:

I am working on a version where the DB system is integrated with the touch screen system to reduce the number of monitors needed. You may also use zone detectors or pressure pads to use at or near your screens if they are positioned in such a way that they aren't all visible at the same time. This way you don't get the graphic glitch.

it does not seem to matter if you can directly see them, as the ones i posted being LOD affected are being affected by screens in another nearby room

however the reduction in grouped screens will definately ease the issue

NQ should have screen LOD effects as an option we can opt out of imo

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Seems to be that when I load up Script 1 that my display screen starts flickering and all of the text momentarily goes away upon movement.  If I log out and back into the game, the monitor shows just fine.  However, if I turn the programming board off and on again, I get the same flickering.  Haven't tracked own what's causing the issue, yet.


Edit:  I've now tried it on both clear and normal screens.

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13 hours ago, Seether said:

Seems to be that when I load up Script 1 that my display screen starts flickering and all of the text momentarily goes away upon movement.  If I log out and back into the game, the monitor shows just fine.  However, if I turn the programming board off and on again, I get the same flickering.  Haven't tracked own what's causing the issue, yet.


Edit:  I've now tried it on both clear and normal screens.

This is happening to everyone. Please make a bug report to DU. Thankfully it is not code related and hopefully the devs will fix this soon.

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20 minutes ago, Stryker2185 said:

What is the script for those ones on the bottom 2 monitors there?

I second this, it looks so sexy! can you share it?


Man I knew some extremely talented people would come out of the woodwork with the possibilities on this game but you guys go far beyond what I would imagine possible.

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On 9/27/2020 at 4:48 PM, w1r3dh4ck3r said:

I second this, it looks so sexy! can you share it?


Man I knew some extremely talented people would come out of the woodwork with the possibilities on this game but you guys go far beyond what I would imagine possible.

Here is a quick script that will show a % progress bar for extra small fuel tank. Just right click programming board  select Advanced > Paste LUA configuration from Clipboard.

Then hook up a screen then an extra small fuel tank to see how it works.



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50 minutes ago, Argentine Fury said:

Hey Foregotten Mach PB link is broken...

Thx for your work!

Hehe. I feel silly. I made the script and the text doc to upload, but I forgot to paste the config to the text. Thanks for the info. It's correctly updated now.

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Somehow the script with the ALT + Number gives a CPU overload error from the programmingboard in the game (not my cpu, the cpu of the element in the game), after adding more than 5 boards to the database. The touchscreen works just fine with all 9 boards on the database. Is there a fix for that?

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  • 3 weeks later...

This works great and it's amazing! Only issue I'm having is some screen flickering when it's in use. Everything on the monitor kind of pulses any time I move around or look around. Can still click and change things tho so it's not a huge deal.

Would it be possible to make it so this can change what's being made in a connected machine on command? I'd like to be able to change the size output of different parts I'm making: XS, S, M, etc.

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On 10/29/2020 at 5:59 PM, MisterMichaelK said:

This works great and it's amazing! Only issue I'm having is some screen flickering when it's in use. Everything on the monitor kind of pulses any time I move around or look around. Can still click and change things tho so it's not a huge deal.

Would it be possible to make it so this can change what's being made in a connected machine on command? I'd like to be able to change the size output of different parts I'm making: XS, S, M, etc.

I have a fix for the screen flicker. I'll be uploading it shortly.

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