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Industry Progress HUD


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 Here is a quick video tutorial on how to install and some basic usage for this version.

 ➡️Video Tutorial⬅️



It was brought to my attention that the spoilers were giving errors when pasted to the programming boards. The spoilers were removing bits of the JSON for some reason. So instead, I have added links to the code located between these ➡️⬅️. You can either right click the link and Save As. Or you can click on the link which will open a new page. You copy and paste the entire page into your programming board.


This is a work in progress. The development is completed, but it is constantly being refined and upgraded.  I encourage and welcome feedback and you are more than welcome to submit your own code, in the comments, for consideration. You can also email me using the link in the first comment.




See 1st comment for more info.

Here is the JSON code. Just copy/paste it to the programming board.

There was a problem pasting the JSON into a spoiler, so I am making it available for download. Right click and Save as, or just click the link and copy the entire page and paste to PB.

See video link at top of this post for a tutorial.

***I wasn't able to get rid of the graphics glitch entirely, but I significantly reduced the shift. Now, it's a minor annoyance instead of a massive pain.

➡️ New Industry HUD.⬅️


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*** This version now works without the screen glitch where everything blinks.


 Here is a quick video tutorial on how to install and some basic usage for this version.

 ➡️Video Tutorial⬅️


This is the databank version of this script. It's for monitoring machines only. Eventually I'll add more features to this, but I don't want to overwhelm the simplicity in its intent. It's meant for larger industries, so you can have a central monitor that shows you which machines are running and which need attending.



There was a problem pasting the JSON into the spoiler, so I have made it available to download. Right click and Save as, or click the link and copy the entire page of the new window.


Here is the JSON code. Just copy/paste it to the programming board that will be hooked up to the screen and databank.


 ➡️ Main PB⬅️


Here is the JSON code. Just copy/paste it to the programming board that will be hooked up to the databank and the industry machines.

 ➡️ Mach PB⬅️  *Updated 9-29-2020


**note: If you need to remove machines from the machine PB's, you need to do 1 of 2 things.
1: Edit LUA on the PB you removed the link from. On the left you will see the names of everything connected. db and mach1 - mach9. The mach# must start at 1 and can't skip any numbers. So if you have 3 machines and you remove mach2, you must rename mach3 to mach2.
2: (The easiest method) Repaste the JSON code to the PB. This will rename everything for you.


***You also need to clear the databank. Turn off all the PB's then, edit LUA on the main PB. Click System and the very top start. Change --db.clear() to db.clear and click apply. Turn the PB on then off then change db.clear() back to --db.clear(). Finally, turn all the machine PB's on first, then the main PB.
I'm working on a fix to make this easier.

Edited by Foregotten
Code update
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Install & Usage:

For the first version, connect the screen first, then up to 9 machines. Screen can be any size.

If you wish to give the machines a custom name:

  1. Right click the programming board and click Edit Lua Script.
  2. Click System then the very bottom start, just below update.
  3. On line 16 add the names you wish the machines to be called. (See line 17 for examples)
  4. Then on line 22 change:
name[i] = "Machine " .. i


--name[i] = "Machine " .. i

Finally: Click Apply and restart the programming board.

Using the monitor / databank version:

Connect the screen and databank to the main programming board. (Main PB)

Connect every other programming board to the databank first, then up to 9 machines. (Mach PB)

Turn on all the Mach PB's first, then turn on the Main PB.


Thanks to all the people who contributed to this. If you have any suggestions or feedback, or have a bit of code you would like to contribute to this project, feel free to email me

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8 minutes ago, SenatorStrategy said:

cant get this to work not sure how to fix it i copy it to the PB but just doesnt want to seem to kick in 


I must have pasted an older version. Try copying the spoiler again. I just updated it.
Also, make sure you connect things in the right order. This is a common mistake. See the Install & Usage post for more instructions.

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15 minutes ago, RicketyCricket said:

This looks amazing. Having an issue getting any kind of hud to show up after following the steps?

Which version are you using? Are you getting any errors? Is the screen on? Check connection order. Screen gets plugged in first, followed by machines.
If DB version, screen then DB for main, DB then machines for mach PB's. You must also turn on the mach PB's before the main PB.

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Have both Versions in use and are running fine.
But with first Version in Maintain Mode it dont calculate ETA (allways showing "Calculate ETA") and the batchnumbers are negativ.
Would be great if ETA and Numbers work in Maintain Mode, but i dont know if it is possible.

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On 9/14/2020 at 1:24 PM, Foregotten said:

Which version are you using? Are you getting any errors? Is the screen on? Check connection order. Screen gets plugged in first, followed by machines.
If DB version, screen then DB for main, DB then machines for mach PB's. You must also turn on the mach PB's before the main PB.

Hey man i did the DB version. 

Did this.

1º - Connected Screen to PB
2º - Connected databank to PB
3º - Connected 9 machines
4º - Pasted the code and runned. 

i got this error. 


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4 hours ago, Maireilla said:

Wondering something about this. It looks like its touch screen but how do you use the touchscreen effect like restarting machines and selecting machines


Use the crosshair and click.

On first Version i get CPU Overload errors and script stops.

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19 hours ago, Stryker2185 said:

Question where it says 0/3 is that referring to what? number of machines or whats being made or the maintain


0/3 = how many are made / how many you want made. So 0 means, no product has been made yet of the 3 you want.

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18 hours ago, TillGerman said:

Have both Versions in use and are running fine.
But with first Version in Maintain Mode it dont calculate ETA (allways showing "Calculate ETA") and the batchnumbers are negativ.
Would be great if ETA and Numbers work in Maintain Mode, but i dont know if it is possible.

Yeah. Maintain is just to start the machine. Since maintain starts and stops it doesn't use the timer feature. Not until DU allows us to keep track of container product, or at least output numbers. Right now we can only see how many batches have bee completed. Some recipes produce 1, 10, 20, 50, 75 etc. and that's stuff we can't see at the present moment

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4 hours ago, LordVelho said:

Hey man i did the DB version. 

Did this.

1º - Connected Screen to PB
2º - Connected databank to PB
3º - Connected 9 machines
4º - Pasted the code and runned. 

i got this error. 


The databank version requires 2 programming boards. The screen PB doesn't have machines hooked up to it. Only the 2nd PB does. You have to turn on the PB hooked up to the machines, before you turn on the PB hooked up to the screen. And both PB's have to be hooked up to the databank. PB 1 (Main PB) gets hooked up to the screen first, databank second. PB 2 (Machine PB) gets hooked up to the databank first, then 9 machines second.

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42 minutes ago, Stryker2185 said:

really feel like an idiot after watching that LOL question tho for the version 2 with database say i have 9 refiners all for hematite can i name that PB on the main PB hematite? instead of "1,2.3.4"

You absolutely can. The default naming is just for beginners who aren't familiar with LUA. The connection is to the machine. Just don't change any of the link names unless it's for the reason at the end of the Version 2 video. If 1 machine is making 1 product, then naming that machine after the product makes perfect sense.
I apologize if the video seemed dumbed down, I made it that way so there would be no confusion so that people could get it set up regardless of their LUA knowledge.

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13 hours ago, Foregotten said:

The databank version requires 2 programming boards. The screen PB doesn't have machines hooked up to it. Only the 2nd PB does. You have to turn on the PB hooked up to the machines, before you turn on the PB hooked up to the screen. And both PB's have to be hooked up to the databank. PB 1 (Main PB) gets hooked up to the screen first, databank second. PB 2 (Machine PB) gets hooked up to the databank first, then 9 machines second.

I think my screen is too small! lol 


Captura de tela 2020-09-16 181405.jpg

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9 minutes ago, LordVelho said:
13 hours ago, Foregotten said:


I think my screen is too small! lol 

LOL. That's a known bug. I'm working on a solution. I use the exact same script. Here it is on 2 different size monitors.
Some people get the bug, and some don't. It doesn't make sense.

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