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Ares Splinter

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To expand on what Lethys said, the result of having goods that need to be moved is that there will be players that can be payed to haul the goods for you ( if you don't want to pick it up yourself). It's not entirely known how it will work exactly but it is most likely giving the hauler the rights to pick up the goods and then pay the hauler when the goods are delivered.


Of course this requires trust from both sides to actually work, though I expect some organizations to build the required trust.

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From what I have gathered so far, when you purchase something you need to physically either pickup or deliver the product to the desired location. JC did mention in "From Barter to Economy" Dev blog about something like this. I also think the job board system will help in this regard as due to this we players can make our contracts and thus we can simply make a hauling contract.

This brings the question of security, we know that using RDMS system we can apply tags on the container so that only the owner may open it.

When you’ll buy a good on a market 1.000km away from where you stand, it will show up in a local inventory physically attached to that particular market container. So, you have to factor in the cost (in time) to get there and collect your good. This is extremely important as it will give birth to local markets in remote areas, which only purpose will be to save you the efforts of organizing the logistics of acquiring goods from afar. This service will translate into higher prices, as those who take the risk of convoying these goods for you have to maintain a sound logistic chain, protect the area, etc.

From Barter to Economy Dev Blog: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/12/04/from-barter-to-market-economy/
Rights & Duties Management System Dev Blog: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/05/21/rights-duties-management-system/

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I wonder if there will be some sort of security deposit required, kinda like how EVE online does it.  Only issue with that is how to determine the value of the cargo.  Do you place a value on the whole thing if its a construct or on the individual pieces that make it up.  Regular cargo should be easy enough to figure out.

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I wonder if there will be some sort of security deposit required, kinda like how EVE online does it.  Only issue with that is how to determine the value of the cargo.  Do you place a value on the whole thing if its a construct or on the individual pieces that make it up.  Regular cargo should be easy enough to figure out.

EVE has renewable resoruces. Du has no such thing. If I make a ship that has Rhenium plated armor plates, that means I use a very very very rare metal to make said armor plates (voxels). That puts both a rarity value and a time invetsment value on top of that. 


So, the market will adjust to that accordingly, and the prices will adjust to it. 


So, you can see, that you can put a price-tag on everything. There will be ships that are for the general public, and there will be good old Navy Issue ones, with Rhenium plates mixed with Iridium plates, for maximum defense capabilities against anything.


So, like in EVE, just wage the value of the cargo on the price of how much is the cargo worth, then multiply by x1.75 and put it as collateral for the peoplew ho take on the hauler contract. It's no different really. The only thing you need to worry is how RARE is the cargo you wanna sell, and how much people would be willing to pay in certain circles (big alliances and their navy issue ships depending on technetium and rhenium for defense and repairs).


All in all, the market will take care of prices.

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